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[06/18, Sat] DGN Aftermath

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I saw Troy just briefly (hi Troy!) and danced a bit and ended up leaving shortly after that. Spent most of the weekend having a relationship crisis and was an emotional wreck, so I wasn't up to being as social as I'd like to have been.

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well CirceDragonus was nice enough to give me a ride....

i saw:

CirceDragonus (nice as ever)

TearSandrille (awsome chick an new friend)

Dollar Dave (was very drunk an told me to register a name on DGN about 13 times)

kitchijoten (seemed very nice)

and many more who's names i cant rember. seems very few (2) people rembered me.

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We ended up getting there really late dew ta harley fest and trying ta find daves place. We also came along with just dave and saga, and dammit, looks like I missed brookie! Ya really need ta stay t'ill closing like us :grin . But other than that had a blast like usual glad that I caught up with most of ya guys throughout the rest of the night. Gawd I got so fuckin crunk and after the club closed we went ta headlessgoth's after party in dearborn *where I use ta hang out alot back then* plus others with 3 vehicles followed us to the party and I was the driver, lol so here I am drunk off my ass leading everyone and trying not ta lose anyone either. Once after we got there I ended up getting 10 times more smashed lol. Drank alot of beer and a yager bomb along with other random mixed drinks, smoked like almost 5 joints and headlessgoth slipped me a vicodin. It was me crank, Saga, just dave, LadyWindstone, headlessgoth, Morbid Suicide, sglgothmom, beanwater and some other friends we knew. I was defintely a bad boy aright, neck bruised from bites and surprisingly theres even a bite mark on my shoulder. DollarDave its kewl man, I know y'all have a step-daughter ta take care of anyways, but y'all missed all the fun though, same for you troy hehe. Aight back on topic, this is who I saw.......






Just Dave




Troy Spiral


dark juggalette




This is who I can remember at the moment but I did know I met a new dgn'er I cant spell her name but it starts with a K lol.

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LOL @ was very drunk.  People kept buying me whole fuckin pitchers I blacked out after a while.  Are u a guy or a girl dont remember who you were.


guy, tall, anime cat ears, cat tail, maids skirt, thigh highs, you could see my gariter, i was uber shy.

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Troy - I don't care what anybody says/thinks...you're the man...don't forget it

Thanks sir. =)

Troy - Thanx for hug.  And quit over doing it at the club.    :doh

Was nice to see you. =)

and so at around 2:40am "Kathy's Song" by Apoptygma Bezerk came on and I was dancing with Tracy and I realized right there that this was one of thebest moments of my entire life.  I'm not joking.

Awesome ted. =)

Troy...  was Troy... in all his drunken glory.  ;-)


i lied (yea, im terrible). i ended up going, but i didnt get there til late, like about 3.

i saw troy dancing. i saw crunchy pickle. both looked rather drunk.

i think i may have noticed a few DGNers about (hey, im getting better at this!) but, of course, they didnt recognize me.  i must look nothing like my avy.

of course, im so :fear that yer not even reading this anyway, so...

Get there earlier sir!!

I saw Troy just briefly (hi Troy!) and danced a bit and ended up leaving shortly after that.  Spent most of the weekend having a relationship crisis and was an emotional wreck, so I wasn't up to being as social as I'd like to have been.

Hi Onyx. hope your doing ok. Was nice to see you.


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Guest MsMaldoror

I'm not even going to attempt to name everyone I saw on Saturday night because I know I'd end up missing some people. It was a good night overall. My favorite part was dancing with BS9 though. :happy:

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Let me see.. got drunk, went to city, got even more drunk, went to the after party, got drunker still, somehow managed to drive home sometime Sunday morning/afternoon, fell asleep at home. I have a big bite mark on my neck and I can't remember who it's from. Also, I met a ton of people, but I'm really bad at remembering names, so I'm not even going to attempt listing the ones I do remember just so the ones I don't aren't left out, but I did have a good time at the party :nut

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I saw

~ Troy ~ sloshed, but lovely as always :grin

~ CirceDragonus ~ Yay! My fellow Greek witch. I love Circe :swoon

~ Kitten ~ Aww, you are always so cute!

~ DollarDave ~ Nice wife, once she opened up a lil' bit. She seemed quiet at first

~ MsterBeau ~ Lovely man gave me a ride, and was nice enough not to pitch a bitch about my forgetting my ID. :blink I'm so sorry Marc!

~ Gothmom ~ You have the cutest hair ever

~ Headlessgoth ~ Beautiful as always in the dark cape. Sorry I missed out on the afterparty

~ Crank ~ Happy early birthday!

~ Ladywindstone ~ rocking the post-fetish show afterglow

~ DarkChylde ~ Always a pleasure

~ Tear ~ Nice meeting you

~ Goth Brooks ~ Great name, and like I said, it gets better.

~ Game of Chance ~ I TOLD you you were a nice guy

~ BS9 ~ A Polish Pleasure :wink

~ MsMaldoror ~ You looked lover-ly

It seems I missed some of the late arrivals, but Marc and I were both slightly pooped at the end of the night. It was a slightly emotional day for me.

The only really disappointing thing was the lack of Dragoth. :tear And here I had got my hopes up. And then none of my other crushes were there either! What am I supposed to without people to shamelessly flirt with? Oh wait... I still shamelessly flirted...

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:devil We finally got to CC after Harley Fest at about 1:30 AM. I was getting really drunk; but I was still able to get a few drinks. I was pretty much pre celebrating my birthday; even though Its this coming Friday but it was fun! Then I went dancing like hell on the floor having an awsome time!! After the club we went to an after CC party; and the fun continued on!! I don't even know what time I finally crashed out! But I want to thank each and every one for for the kickass time; and helping me celebrate the night!! At least everything went as planned and thankyou!!!

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I'm sorry this took so long but looking back at the night it was definately one not to forget. Much love and thanks to Jason (Headlessgoth) and his roomate throwing that after-hour party. :devil Everything went as planned and apart from sglgothmom not feeling up to par due to drinking to fast..SLOW down you lush! :cheerful I had a kick ass time..

Heres the handful of DGNers I saw/met..

Troy - Let the good times roll, only saw you briefly

Dollardave - Same as above, next time we'll talk more I was attending to my better half. Your wife was kind.

TearSandrille - Pleasure to meet you. =)

CirceDragonus - Loved the dance and hug. :wink

sglgothmom- Thank you for the ride and coming with me. :happy:

DarkChylde- My brother I always have fun talking to you.

Crank- Same with you peasonov.

Headlessgoth - Thanks again brother for the wicked party.

kichijoten - Good to meet ya glad to see you were there.

Kiss The Midget- I saw you roaming you around.

Msterbeau - If I had a head like yours I would be turtling waxing that head until the cows came home!

krazykitty - Tis is the reason why I need more hands. :laughing

LadyWinstone - Well apparently the virgin cannot be stopped.

dark juggalette - I saw you at the door and throughout the night.

MsMaldoror- Nice to have run into you and met your b/f.

justdave - You are a poster boy for sexy..no I do mean that the ladies flock to ya man.

If I left anyone out I apologize my brain was running on empty.

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