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I've searched the forums and only found a particularly old thread about dreadies. very few of the posters seem to be active anymore so i thought i would start a new thread.

i started dreadlocks in May, completely natural (NO WAX!), started with a touch of backcombing and then just let them do their thing. i'm at the point now where it's getting to be time to start maintenance, and while i've read a metric shit-ton on the subject, i'm definately more of a visual, hands-on kind of person.

so, to get to the point: are there any experienced dreadies around, or can anyone point me in the direction of a natural loctician in the area? i've done some research on locticians in the area and all i have found are scamming hair dressers that want to put nasty wax in my hair, or people that are inexperienced with caucasion hair.

i'm looking for someone with some kind of experience that will help me with the back and sides (that which i cannot see), in exchange for monies, undying love, or possibly tattoo work.

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REV here...been growin' me 'locks for a decade...my Wife Oh_My_Goth wears them as well...even our Junior sports the niceness.

...now, why, would you exclude bee's-wax from 'locks?...to keep them 'naturals'?..you crossed that line, with the back comb (which we also employ, after the naps begin)..this, is semi-naturals...

..wax keeps them together so well, & seals the core (somewhat) against water...get wax ;)

What was your primary questions??

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well, from what i've read i stayed away from wax for a number of reasons; the way i understand it, and i could be wrong here, is that natural locks form by friction between the hairs, which cause the hairs to knot up and dread. the wax, as my understanding goes, prohibits friction. also, i've read that wax repells water, forcing it into the core of the dread and can cause wicked molding. i've also been told that the wax can collect foreign matter like a magnet, be it cat hair or dog hair or even just lint.

it was explained to me by someone who had beautiful locks, and whom i trusted, that wax was there to make your hair look like dreads, and was used for more of a short-term 'dreadlook' kind of thing, whereas 'natural' was a more permanent solution.

now there are many MANY different camps on this subject, so it's hard to distill it down into what works for you. mostly im just looking to be more educated on the subject, so i can make an informed decision as to where to go from here. im tired of looking like a crazy homeless man, and while they are starting to form nicely, they really are only dreaded at the roots. i can be a patient person, but my job entails me working with the general public, and i am judged harshly on my cleanliness and apparent sanitation. while i actually wash my hair MORE now that i am dreading, i still deal with the negative stereotypes associated with dreads.

this is a learning process with me, i've learned to let go about what others may think, to embrace the craziness of half dreaded head....but it's getting old. really, to get down to it, i just need someone that is willing to walk me through the final steps, help me with ripping (it terrifies me), and a nice pat on the head. or at least to point me in the right direction.

thanks for your time!

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distill it down into what works for you


i just need someone that is willing to walk me through the final steps, help me with ripping

AH...the 'separations'...


This weekend, is ruinously busy...but, next week, we should have some time like Wed/Thurs...if you want to hook up in person, & see our fam's heads, PM me your phone #, & I will get ahold of you Tuesday afternoon, I believe we are free Wed-, & Thurs- nights.

We'll get ya' 'locks finished off, in accordance to your will.


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well thank you sir, that is very kind of you. i'm not sure what our schedule is next week, i think we may start working at our new jobs tuesday or wednesday, either way we got off at 8:00pm....so i'm sure we can still work something out, if that is not too late. i feel i must forewarn you, it's a hot mess up there, so be prepared for total coiffure chaos, endless stray hairs and complete weirdness. i will you PM you my information as soon as i get a chance. Again, i can't thank you enough, and look forward to meeting you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

also, i'm having a hell of a time finding a dread tam. any ideas? i've checked all the hippy stores i could find around, and just got blank, stoned stares.

and to add, i'm really looking for a black one, i'm not a hippy in the least so rastafarian colors and at tan ones are out.

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  • 6 months later...

I know this thread is dead but I too have wax free lovelies of over 2 1/2 years. Was hoping you were still posting here and if you've found any cool places to shop for accessories. Got any hair pix? I can't get enough dread pix. Also check out this awesome anti wax site called dreadlocktruth.com, it's a great support system.

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