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Any hunters here?


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Theres a crisp coolness in the air and thats a sighn that hunting season is here. Is there any DGNers who hunt and what for? Any interested in getting started? Any out there who would like to get several of us together for a rabbit or pheasant hunt?

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Yeah that is right hunting season starts soon! Hooah!

I would love to test out my new shotgun on some birds however, the Army has decided that the 60Kw generators that they never use need to be in top shape for the general coming through soon so I can't be there...damn!

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Prick, as much as I love the majority of the people on this board I really don't see many of them being pro hunting...or knowing how to use a gun. With that said pheasant is really gamey unless you know how to cook it right.

Actually I am inclined to think that there would be quite a few people...or at least more than would be expected. Some may just stick to certain forms of hunting.

And stir-fry is the best...a very redneck stir-fry but I think it counts...

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I have been interested in hunting with a bow for a long time now. I own 2 bows, one was passed down from my uncles that they used when they were little. And the other was my grandfathers. I would love to honor my grandfather in one of hie favorite past times.

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Pestilence and I <3 guns! He is new to hunting and has both a shotty and compound bow. You should call us, we would srsly love to go. If it's a place with a lake nearby I can also get out my fishing addiction, this summer has sucked for going places and I've fished all of like...five times? :rant:

If you don't still have our number, PM.

Pestilence and I <3 guns! He is new to hunting and has both a shotty and compound bow. You should call us, we would srsly love to go. If it's a place with a lake nearby I can also get out my fishing addiction, this summer has sucked for going places and I've fished all of like...five times? :rant:

If you don't still have our number, PM.

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I used to hunt...in a different way.

As for knowing how to use a gun....I did competition shooting for a few years ;)

Prick, as much as I love the majority of the people on this board I really don't see many of them being pro hunting...or knowing how to use a gun. With that said pheasant is really gamey unless you know how to cook it right.

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Yeah that is right hunting season starts soon! Hooah!

I would love to test out my new shotgun on some birds however, the Army has decided that the 60Kw generators that they never use need to be in top shape for the general coming through soon so I can't be there...damn!

Dont forget there is a second pheasant season later in the year which I actually prefer.

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Prick, as much as I love the majority of the people on this board I really don't see many of them being pro hunting...or knowing how to use a gun. With that said pheasant is really gamey unless you know how to cook it right.

Everything is about knowing how to cook it right and I think anything from the field or water tastes better then store bought.

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Pestilence and I <3 guns! He is new to hunting and has both a shotty and compound bow. You should call us, we would srsly love to go. If it's a place with a lake nearby I can also get out my fishing addiction, this summer has sucked for going places and I've fished all of like...five times? :rant:

If you don't still have our number, PM.

We should go do some skeet shooting for some practice and then hit the field. The place I go is 2 and a half to 3 hours away for hunting but worth it. Im willing to drive several peeps. I do have guns to lend as well.

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I've never been hunting (unless ghost hunting counts) but it's something I've been wanting to try. Calix is gun shy but she wants to learn how to dress. So, I figure if we can get someone to teach us we'll make the perfect combination. I'll hunt, she'll dress.

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I've never been hunting (unless ghost hunting counts) but it's something I've been wanting to try. Calix is gun shy but she wants to learn how to dress. So, I figure if we can get someone to teach us we'll make the perfect combination. I'll hunt, she'll dress.

It would be a pleasure to teach you both.

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I don't mean to be a female dog. Everyone has their own cup of tea of what they like. When I saw this topic, this was the first thing I thought of:

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about Poor Bambi crybaby.gif ?


I do have my issues. Again, I don't know mean to be rude.

Anyway, I hope life has been going well for you Prick.

Take Care. smile.gif



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We should go do some skeet shooting for some practice and then hit the field. The place I go is 2 and a half to 3 hours away for hunting but worth it. Im willing to drive several peeps. I do have guns to lend as well.

Skeet shooting is fun/about all I have time for.

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