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Biased Media Strikes Again

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GOP blocks don't ask don' tell.

And what ABC leaves out of the title is that it took DEMOCRATS to block, as the Dems hold a majority. Even Lady Gaga and her "MEGA STAR POWER" could not change any votes. Shocking. Didn't see that happening. /sarcasm.

With 2 wars going on, why are we doing this bullshit now. Why disrupt a military that already has its plate full. Act in the military's best interest and leave it alone. Let us fight, get the job done and over, and then play these political correctness games.

Allowing people to serve openly will not allow someone to walk around and display these feelings anyway. According to the UCMJ, any display of affection while in uniform is not allowed, so if this is what people are going for, they will be sadly disappointed.

HOWEVER, it's remarkable that this is even getting as much media attention as it is. The overwhelming majority of the military rank-n-file DO NOT want DADT repealed, yet the celebs and political-correct police, people that would never even consider serving their country in such a capacity are the main advocates of the repeal... why is that?

Lady Gaga trying to influence the public's/senator's opinion is like Bruce Willis campaigning for tax reform. Like oil-and-water, celebs need to stay away from politics. It is absolutely retarded.

WHY do people that that are not in the service think their opinion even matters on the issues that directly effect the service.

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HAHA yeah we were just talking about this at chow today after a briefing...another damn briefing...about how stupid the change in the law would be. Even straight people can only go so far with their love lives and such before UCMJ steps in to inform you that the Army does not give a damn and nobody wants to hear it.

It is the Army people. No wait lets just say it is the military in general. You give up ALOT of shit when you come in here so just suck it up and take the hits like the rest of us. I gave up alot of my lifestyle choices and stuff so how about everyone gets on the same playing field ok?

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The only thing that removing the DADT policy is dirt bags can't "act gay" to get out.

This is probably one of the few posts I'll agree with machine on actually.

The UCMJ doesn't let you show shit anyway so the DADT is just beating a dead horse. Besides, it also works. Because it keeps people shut up. Personally, I couldn't give a fuck less what someone does on their personal time, straight or gay cool, just don't bring that shit to work because it causes drama. So the gays are after another cookie... that's fine.. I'm straight.. so when the fuck do I get my cookie?

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i don't think it's so much a political correctness issue, as a human rights issue.


and in regard to 'biased media'....that term is only ever used when the media says something bad about the republican party. when fox news spits biased and purposely deceitful information, it is never called 'biased media', it is 'fair and balanced', or the even more insane, 'voice of reason'.

i think all journalism at this point is cowardly and ineffective. the problem is not with bias, the problem is that the advertisers control the media, giant corporations control the media, not the liberal left, or commies, or whatever you might think. the bottom line is the dollar. if a newspaper (do they still exist?) or a news-o-tainment program were to air something negative about one of their financial supporters, they would lose revenue. we can't have that. so many important stories are squashed by financial worries, that you can't even rely on 'teh media' to give you straight information anymore.

bottom line, don't believe ANYTHING that you see or read from our media, right OR left. they are coerced by the government and by corporate sponsers. they are told how to slant articles and with what angle to approach a story. it is no longer journalism, it's entertainment.

but really, that's what the american people want anyways, they don't want to be INFORMED....they want to be ENTERTAINED.

[/end rant]

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GOP blocks don't ask don' tell.

And what ABC leaves out of the title is that it took DEMOCRATS to block, as the Dems hold a majority. Even Lady Gaga and her "MEGA STAR POWER" could not change any votes. Shocking. Didn't see that happening. /sarcasm.

umm, no it didn't. under current Senate rules, you need 60 votes to break a filibuster. the Democrats hold 57 seats (there are 2 independent Senators who usually vote with the Dems), so if the Republicans can hold a united 41-man front, they can block anything from coming to a full Senate vote.

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umm, no it didn't. under current Senate rules, you need 60 votes to break a filibuster. the Democrats hold 57 seats (there are 2 independent Senators who usually vote with the Dems), so if the Republicans can hold a united 41-man front, they can block anything from coming to a full Senate vote.

But still, 3 Democrats voted no. though Reid voted no as a procedural move.

Perhaps the vote would have gone differently if Reid had not tacked the repeal of DADT onto a Defense spending Bill and did not allow a debate on it.

Perhaps the vote would have gone differently if Reid had not tacked "The Dream Act" (The dream act is an amnesty bill for illegal aliens) onto that same said defense spending bill without allowing debate on that either.

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But still, 3 Democrats voted no. though Reid voted no as a procedural move.

Perhaps the vote would have gone differently if Reid had not tacked the repeal of DADT onto a Defense spending Bill and did not allow a debate on it.

Perhaps the vote would have gone differently if Reid had not tacked "The Dream Act" (The dream act is an amnesty bill for illegal aliens) onto that same said defense spending bill without allowing debate on that either.

Yep I heard the dream act is what killed it as well.

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Non-military people deciding what policies to enact in military organizations...fail.

How is that so hard to understand? If you are not a part of the organization then you REALLY don't understand however I am not going to be a dick and call you ignorant because you aren't. You just don't know any better so keep your noses out.

Human rights? Really? HAHA! Yeah sure when it come to sexual harassment and racial problems the Army is pretty strict in that sense...but when it comes to anything that is personal to you do you know what the Army says? FUCK YOU! If you are gonna start holding up a human rights flag for people in the military you have issues. We all know what we signed up for and you should try doing the shit that I am doing right now. I am riding on 4 hours of sleep for 3 damn days and you can bet your ass that I have been hauling a fair amount of gear around for the majority of the time. I sleep in a sandy hole, shit in a sandy hole, and post guard in a sandy hole. My human right argument in my head says I want to do something else...but the contract I signed AND UNDERSTOOD says no...NO NO NO! And I have it pretty good compared to alot of other soldiers...

End rant with first hand experience behind it

Edited by candyman
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Yep I heard the dream act is what killed it as well.

Yes, had Reid not pushed the fucking Dream Act, the DADT policy would have been repealed. That is why the GOP blocked it. As far as I'm concerned, Reid fucked up. I blame him for DADT not being repealed. The Dream Act had nothing to do with DADT to begin with. It's a whole different issue. As for the media, I'm done watching Fox, I'm done watching CNN. They are all biased.

Edited by KatRN05
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Non-military people deciding what policies to enact in military organizations...fail.

How is that so hard to understand? If you are not a part of the organization then you REALLY don't understand however I am not going to be a dick and call you ignorant because you aren't. You just don't know any better so keep your noses out.

kind of like non-muslim people deciding what policies to enact in a muslim nation?

i think you need to come down off that high horse, candyman.

don't forget sir, WE pay your salary. The people pay you. we DO have a say in what OUR military does in OUR name, with OUR money.

and if you want a 'professional soldiers' opinion look no further than Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen :

"Speaking for myself and myself only, it is my personal belief that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do. No matter how I look at this issue I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens

For me personally it comes down to integrity, theirs as individuals and ours as an institution. I also believe that the great young men and women accomodate such a change. I never underestimate their ability to adapt.”

Candyman... you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution when you joined the Army. Perhaps you should read it.

Gaf, for once i completely agree with you. well said, sir.

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Yeah I did read it you have to read everything here otherwise they will pull a fast one on you.

Yeah you pay us and yes we do work for you. However, for those of us that actually roll around in the mud YOU are voting on the wrong things. We have uniforms that need to be updated. We have equipment that needs to be improved, vastly improved I might add. We have so many other problems that deal with combat readiness and our ability to do our jobs but no...when it comes to voting and what is brought before the boards its always policies that have an impact in a completely different area.

So yes the people should have a say in what we do because we do work for you and you do pay us. However, we are being handed old equipment for our combat readiness and are being told that there is a new policy to follow that ends up not affecting us at all on the positive side.

Like I said before you give up alot of join and UCMJ hold you to that. With this new bill they are really doing nothing but wasting time. We have to "lie" every day about what we really think just to avoid trouble. It is not really a "lie" it is just not talking about it. It doesn't matter who you are...join and do your shit and everything will be fine. While the people that join to do that the people that aren't serving can work on policies and bills that get us the things we need or the regulations that help us with our jobs.

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Funny thing about Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell is that the Army (and pretty much all AF branches for that matter) is probably the GAYEST organization I've ever been a part of! Never before had I witnessed so much man-on-man ass-slappin', flirty-jokin', genital exposin', homoerotic gesturin', peeing-on-dudes in the shower then during an annual training or my two deployments. I mean I could dip my balls into a dude's mouth while he was sleeping, take pictures, and instantly become the hit of the platoon; but if I dare admit that I liked The Smiths...well, that might arouse suspicion.

- Josh

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Look all I'm saying here..

LoTek.. stay in your lane and butt the hell out of our house until you put on the uniform yourself. Get the gaga out of your head for a second, she's a total toolbag. DADT doesn't mean we're defending everyone in America except gays.. it just means if someone's in the service and gay, to just shut the fuck up about it. And for the non gays, butt the fuck out of someone's personal business. Oh and epic trolling coming from an anarchist trying to put us in our place by waving a tax dollar paycheck over our head. It really did come off as very hypocritical of you to me to even have the gall to say this after your anarchist threads.

Gaf - It's our right in the 1st amendment of the constitution we swore to defend to tell people that are ignorant* of the army to butt the hell out. Freedom of speech right?

Now for my personal opinion on this..

Like it or not, the DADT policy is the least of the military's worries. Candyman said it best with a few examples of greater NEEDS for our health and safety than what these thin skinned civilians are crying about. Also, the DADT serves a GOOD purpose.

Do you people ever stop to think that not everyone has the same "liberal", or "progressive" mindset as you? That some might actually be CLOSED MINDED, and really, even if DADT was removed, wouldn't give 2 fucks if someone's allowed to be gay in the military or not and still "go a lynchin" on poor private Newbie that is openly gay. Do you really know how uncomfortable that would make most people in an environment such as ours where really... there is little to no privacy in our life at times? Like it or not, but the rest of the world doesn't think like you. Removing DADT will only make more problems, not fix any.

But ya know, tax payers.. bosses I guess I should call you, thanks for showing your everlasting love and support for us troops by crying over a stupid DADT policy instead of getting us some quality armor that actually fucking works so there's not as many mother's crying over their sons dying in vein on a bullshit war to begin with that ya'll sent us to.

*EDIT* to fix a grammer error that came out different than what I meant.

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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I do agree that policy does not dictate reality... what needs to happen is that people need to become more open minded, before policy is going to matter.

Look at California... there is still a lot of ground to cover before we hit military policy.

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I do agree that policy does not dictate reality... what needs to happen is that people need to become more open minded, before policy is going to matter.

Look at California... there is still a lot of ground to cover before we hit military policy.

Well said... but sadly, I have no faith in man kind to ever improve.

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Well said... but sadly, I have no faith in man kind to ever improve.

It has... it just happens VERY VERY slowly.

I mean look... the country did elect an African American President... Thats a big improvement from the 50's and 60's....

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Well yeah, but that's only because we're too preoccupied with hating the Muslims to worry about blacks at the moment....

Indeed... but never fear.... they are still trying to accuse our black president of being a secret Muslim, so the hate i recombining itself.

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Yeah I did read it you have to read everything here otherwise they will pull a fast one on you.

Yeah you pay us and yes we do work for you. However, for those of us that actually roll around in the mud YOU are voting on the wrong things. We have uniforms that need to be updated. We have equipment that needs to be improved, vastly improved I might add. We have so many other problems that deal with combat readiness and our ability to do our jobs but no...when it comes to voting and what is brought before the boards its always policies that have an impact in a completely different area.

i completely agree with you needing better armor. that is unacceptable. there is no excuse for you not having proper protection. i've lost friends in this bullshit war, and maybe they would be around if they had the proper protection, so i'm with you on that.

Look all I'm saying here..

LoTek.. stay in your lane and butt the hell out of our house until you put on the uniform yourself. Get the gaga out of your head for a second, she's a total toolbag. DADT doesn't mean we're defending everyone in America except gays.. it just means if someone's in the service and gay, to just shut the fuck up about it. And for the non gays, butt the fuck out of someone's personal business.

Gaf - It's our right in the 1st amendment of the constitution we swore to defend to tell people that are ignorant* of the army to butt the hell out. Freedom of speech right?

whoa, ease up there fella. i think your blood pressure is getting a little high over this discussion. for the record, gaga is an idiot. a creepy idiot.

why are you so afraid of knowing if the woman fighting next to you is gay? are you afraid a gay man might look at your ass? look, i've seen hot ass women in combat gear and they look like teletubbies, so don't flatter yourself.

i have yet to hear ONE.....ONE good reason from a soldier why they need DADT. not one. every conversation i have with a 'soldier' is countered by SHUT THE FUCK UP. never by a *reasonable* argument. So it'll cause more problems because the army is full of rednecks? well that seems like a problem with recruitment, not gays.

lets break it down. you're saying that we shouldn't allow openly gay people into the military because bigoted assholes will want to beat on them? are you the same guy that says a woman who dresses provocatively 'deserves it'? so we are supposed to suppress the sexual preference of our gay heroes, because you and your friends might not be able to handle that? you're telling me that combat veterans, that are trained to make life and death situations, that are responsible for upholding our freedom and the freedom of the entire world, soldiers that are given access to millions of dollars of equipment and are trained with millions of tax payers dollars, soldiers that are entrusted with the very essence of American Freedom, can't handle that the woman next to them might be attracted to other women?

really, that's just sad.

i'm not liberal and i'm not a progressive....i didn't send you to this war, sir. it was the fucking politicians, religious leaders and right wing talk show hosts that you are parroting, that sent you to this war. your friends aren't dying for me. they aren't even dying for america. they are dying for GREED. pure and simple.

but hey, keep spreading that hillbilly american dream abroad by showing the world how ignorant and intolerant we really are.

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i completely agree with you needing better armor. that is unacceptable. there is no excuse for you not having proper protection. i've lost friends in this bullshit war, and maybe they would be around if they had the proper protection, so i'm with you on that.

whoa, ease up there fella. i think your blood pressure is getting a little high over this discussion. for the record, gaga is an idiot. a creepy idiot.

Well then you have somewhat of an understanding of where I'm coming from with this. But still missing the point about why I'm annoyed with all this. I'm not getting my blood worked up over the DADT by it's self. I could care less, what I am upset about is people making this small retarded policy a big deal compared to serious issues like our gear.

why are you so afraid of knowing if the woman fighting next to you is gay? are you afraid a gay man might look at your ass? look, i've seen hot ass women in combat gear and they look like teletubbies, so don't flatter yourself.

2 Things here, 1. I'm not afraid or flattering myself, personally I couldn't give 2 shits about what someone does on their personal time. I was mentioning the people who WOULD have a problem knowing if someone is gay or not...

Also, again, stay in your lane. You're not in our house, so you really don't know that looks have nothing to do with who's gonna fuck who. If you know what "Desert Beauty" means in our house, then you can also understand why anything you said is invalid.

i have yet to hear ONE.....ONE good reason from a soldier why they need DADT. not one. every conversation i have with a 'soldier' is countered by SHUT THE FUCK UP. never by a *reasonable* argument. So it'll cause more problems because the army is full of rednecks? well that seems like a problem with recruitment, not gays.

We recruit gays too obviously. And obviously since mankind is full of fail, not everyone's gonna get along. and yeah.. the "SHUT THE FUCK UP" is a blunt answer but I'll spell it out for you.. it literally means shut the fuck up. It means to not put your personal business out there. It's actually a smart thing to do in a work environment, keep all personal, political, and religeous opinions to yourself. And on the flip side, if there's a straight soldier, he needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Get out of the other man's personal business. It aint my place to snoop for gays in the army. It's invading someone's personal life wether they're gay or not. So gay or straight, it applies to both.. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Just let it be, mind your own business, don't put your business out there to the masses, and don't poke in other people's business.

That clear things up? In a way, the DADT is actually a mature choice that is being enforced, so it's not really a choice.

lets break it down. you're saying that we shouldn't allow openly gay people into the military because bigoted assholes will want to beat on them?

Well now if you wanna open the hearth to some children that doesn't know fire burns.. then continue this cause from your armchair mr general.

are you the same guy that says a woman who dresses provocatively 'deserves it'?

No, rape is never ok, but knowing that the world is a dangerous place and there's creeps out there that don't give a fuck doesn't make it ok.. but at the same time the girls a fucking retard if she expects to play with fire and not get burned one day. It's just common sense, I don't go down 6 mile screaming nigger because I have the right to freely do so according to the first amendment. That would be stupid.. would i deserve to get shot or beat up? Well going along your principal then no i don't.. i was only doing what I had the "right" to do. But would I still get shot? Yep... fairly good chance of that. So why don't I do this? Because I'm not stupid. Why does a girl dress like a hooker and wonder why she just got raped? Because she's stupid. Neither murder nor rape are good, however these are obvious things one can do to prevent such negative attention on ones self.

Your point sir, invalid.

so we are supposed to suppress the sexual preference of our gay heroes, because you and your friends might not be able to handle that?

Why not? I don't put my personal life out there for my platoon to hear about. They don't need to know who I'm fuckin, it's none of their fuckin business.

you're telling me that combat veterans, that are trained to make life and death situations, that are responsible for upholding our freedom and the freedom of the entire world, soldiers that are given access to millions of dollars of equipment and are trained with millions of tax payers dollars, soldiers that are entrusted with the very essence of American Freedom, can't handle that the woman next to them might be attracted to other women?

women aren't allowed in the infantry anyway, so right there your point is invalid. There are non combat MOS's even though yes, "every soldier is a rifleman" cuz out there, yeah you gotta accept the possibility you might have to kill someone even if you have a non combat mos. But even to just debunk your point further.. yes.. that's exactly what I'm telling you. There ARE combat veterans out there that can't get past dumb issues like who's gay or not. People have proven time and time again that no matter WHAT experiences they have in whatever job, are fucking stupid. You, myself, and everyone else is no exception. Also, you're point is invalid to the third power since still... you never put on a uniform or gone on a deployment to see first hand, that soldiers, like anyone else, are fucking retarded humans no better or worse than the rest of us, and like the rest of us, can forfeit all our greatness, wisdom, experience, intelligence, and maturity, over something fucking retarded... like having an issue with who's gay or not.

really, that's just sad.

welcome to the reality of man kind dude!

i'm not liberal and i'm not a progressive....i didn't send you to this war, sir. it was the fucking politicians, religious leaders and right wing talk show hosts that you are parroting, that sent you to this war. your friends aren't dying for me. they aren't even dying for america. they are dying for GREED. pure and simple.

Then please don't EVER bring up the notion since that you're paying me with your tax dollars, gives you the right to try to boss us around and tell us how we should run our house. And I'm not parroting any stupid faggot that doesn't deserve the power they got. It's YOUR vote that put them in office to decide how your tax dollars are spent. (well not yours personally but you seem smart enough to understand what i'm getting at) So yes, we are dying for YOU. YOU are the ones that give these idiots the power to send us there. Now you can see why i'm just slightly cyinical of your typical american citizen. We are not dying for GREED, we are dying for APATHY. Apathy allowed this greed to happen.

but hey, keep spreading that hillbilly american dream abroad by showing the world how ignorant and intolerant we really are.

That's not a hillbilly american dream.. it's a sad reality, I'm merely telling you how it really is and why we can't have nice things.

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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