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Biased Media Strikes Again

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Yeah, well, one person's reasonable argument may be another person's unreasonable argument.

This whole topic is full of FAIL. First of all, I have a couple of ideas of what's going on here. As someone already mentioned, DADT is indeed pointless, anyways. The Uniform Code of Military Justice already covers a majority of this in the first place. As far as whoever said "dirt bags" using it to get out of the Military? Well, that's not so true, because, that card has been played for years, and hasn't really worked at all for a long time now. Your best bet to get out of the Military quickly (if that's your goal) these days, and most people take this door, is drug use. Much faster and it's an easier way believe it or not.

And I believe, at least in the Army, the overall thought on this subject is "Uhh, who gives a fuck?" .. Well, let's ask that. Who does give a fuck? Well, all the redneck enlistees are going to care, that's a given, you can't avoid that. But, those "rednecks" are, I have to say it, usually, very good soldiers. But other than that, the general opinion is, nobody cares. I personally believe the hype is just another sway move by the media and the government to turn OUR eyes from what's really going on in this country, and sit here, and argue about stupid shit that doesn't even fucking matter..

There, there's a reasonable argument from a real soldier.

Also, someone mentioned something about high horses and shit.. And backed it with saying something about paying tax dollars and how "my tax dollars pay your check" well, to that comment, I must say that is fucked up. Anyone here compares their fucking DOLLAR to my life or my wife's life or any life of one who wears a uniform and gets paid ***SHIT MONEY*** To sleep in a tin shack in Iraq and get bombarded by random sky turds from dickheads who can't aim mortars.. Well.. All I have to say is, any jagoff can get a job and pay taxes. How many of them are willing to DIE just because they believe in something, and want to provide their family and friends with a country worth living in? Please don't talk about high horses and then compare lives to money. That's just fucked up, I'm sorry.

Dude...they don't get it. Seriously, we live this crap every day and we HAVE to know it well so no shit we are going to understand it better as far as how it applies to us and affects us. Try to put a civilian through a briefing on this crap and see if they understand...if they manage to stay awake during the death by powerpoint.

This whole argument is people not understanding. No I am not going to call them ignorant...they just don't know because they are not part of the machine. If they knew all of the regulations, procedures, SOP's and all the other bullshit then I think they would. The military thinks differently...so its harder to understand.

Just give them a break...they probably think that our ACU's are quality uniforms too!

Edited because of a lack of sleep so I could work overtime for Uncle Sam which doesn't really count on my weak little paycheck at all. The lack of sleep is also because of the free dental work I had to get...and boy oh boy can you tell its free! THANK YOU TAXPAYERS! You really do pamper us way too much...

Edited by candyman
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Dude...they don't get it. Seriously, we live this crap every day and we HAVE to know it well so no shit we are going to understand it better as far as how it applies to us and affects us. Try to put a civilian through a briefing on this crap and see if they understand...if they manage to stay awake during the death by powerpoint.

This whole argument is people not understanding. No I am not going to call them ignorant...they just don't know because they are not part of the machine. If they knew all of the regulations, procedures, SOP's and all the other bullshit then I think they would. The military thinks differently...so its harder to understand.

Just give them a break...they probably think that our ACU's are quality uniforms too!

Edited because of a lack of sleep so I could work overtime for Uncle Sam which doesn't really count on my weak little paycheck at all. The lack of sleep is also because of the free dental work I had to get...and boy oh boy can you tell its free! THANK YOU TAXPAYERS! You really do pamper us way too much...

Yeah, you're right, I know that and I meant to say something about that, I forget sometimes.

Edit- Oh you mean, having to burn 300 tiny little threads with a bic lighter on every single ACU piece is NOT a sign of quality? Damn.. And I thought the "hook and pile" look was the new fashion, too.. Shit. :confused:

Edited by Soulrev
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Yeah, you're right, I know that and I meant to say something about that, I forget sometimes.

Edit- Oh you mean, having to burn 300 tiny little threads with a bic lighter on every single ACU piece is NOT a sign of quality? Damn.. And I thought the "hook and pile" look was the new fashion, too.. Shit. :confused:

I kinda meant the way that they don't blend in with crap and have other horrible design issues but yeah...when you get bored in formation you set yourself on fire just trying to "un-fuzzy" your whole damn uniform. I just wash it with all the patches on so that they don't come off without a fight...saves so time and effort...

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