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I'm watching all the way through anyway. So he's a douche bag and uses liberals as a scapegoat..

Ok typical douche move, lets flip the scales

Lets say it was souly republican led mayors.. oh gee.. detroit would still be just as fucked up and you'd have some douche bag liberal blaming the conservatives.

End result, GM fucked Detroit. It has nothing to do with politics. It's all the corporations packing up and bouncing out like a douche bag breaking up with his girl when she told him she's pregnant (gee i could have swore i had this rant on some other post a while ago)

too long didn't read..

obvious troll is obvious - do not feed

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I'm watching all the way through anyway. So he's a douche bag and uses liberals as a scapegoat..

Ok typical douche move, lets flip the scales

Lets say it was souly republican led mayors.. oh gee.. detroit would still be just as fucked up and you'd have some douche bag liberal blaming the conservatives.

End result, GM fucked Detroit. It has nothing to do with politics. It's all the corporations packing up and bouncing out like a douche bag breaking up with his girl when she told him she's pregnant (gee i could have swore i had this rant on some other post a while ago)

too long didn't read..

obvious troll is obvious - do not feed

well said, sir.

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answer to his question "why is detroit this way"

Because the people of Detroit simply don't give a shit. And they don't take pride in taking care of there city. Granted a few do and there are movements to try to clean up the city but over all...have you ever seen all the trash...well thats because the people don't care. It has nothing to do with politics what so ever.

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While I agree with Fidget with why it looks like it does I have to say I have seen a lot of good things here as far as people goes. I've seen some real resourcefulness, some great gardens and a cool network of urban farmers, thanx to Perma Detroit (see Facebook)and I also see opportunity.I bought a nice house for $2000. I moved here because I see a chance to build community in a good way. That's what you can do when government bails on you. The trick is holding on to it after you build it. I like it here but then again I vacation in warzones cuz I like the freedom.


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Gotta admit that things are dismal and statistically, Detroit does suck. But I do see that they at least have a more serious working mayor in office that seems to be doing a lot of cleaning up and making the decisions that no one else wanted to make. I still love going to Detroit for its historical value and landmarks. Its the outer bands of the city that are destroying the name for the city. If the people of Detroit would not expect to be bailed out, they might be better off getting together and becoming a community instead of watching everything go to ruin. There are just far too few people that are willing to do a small part in the effort to bring Detroit out of the slump.

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  • 2 weeks later...

answer to his question "why is detroit this way"

Because the people of Detroit simply don't give a shit. And they don't take pride in taking care of there city. Granted a few do and there are movements to try to clean up the city but over all...have you ever seen all the trash...well thats because the people don't care. It has nothing to do with politics what so ever.

Spoken like a true outsider.

Speaking as someone born and raised in Detroit, someone who was there from 1979-2001 and still spends a couple weekends each month inside the neighborhoods - the people care more than you think. If you ever want a natives take on things, drop me a PM and I'll tell ya how it really is inside the neighborhoods.

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  • 1 year later...

Spoken like a true outsider.

Speaking as someone born and raised in Detroit, someone who was there from 1979-2001 and still spends a couple weekends each month inside the neighborhoods - the people care more than you think. If you ever want a natives take on things, drop me a PM and I'll tell ya how it really is inside the neighborhoods.

that is freaking awsome

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nobody ever shows the Awesome parts of Detroit. I would bet that every big city has some crappy ruined parts too. Detroit may have more but I think it's getting better.

I moved from Baltimore, MD, 5 years ago. Baltimore does have its ruined parts. Shitty, unattractive hellholes. I spent the first 41 years of my life there.

Detroit's ruins are by far way cooler. So much incredible, haunting beauty. My Husband just shot pics at the Packard Plant on Satuday (while I was working...grrrr!), and saw amazing things. I want to see these things, too.

It's sad that Detroit (at last report) over 60% abandoned. Seeing pics of what Detroit once was is genuinely breathtaking. You can drive through a ghetto...a burned-out, lonely ghetto, yet still find beauty. I love this place. And I love it more than I could possibly have loved my hometown.

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I absolutely agree about finding beauty in the ruins of Detroit. The ballroom inside City Club for example, with it's cracking and peeling walls is absolutely breathtaking! FYI, Preservation Wayne has walking tours of the city every Tuesday and Saturday starting in May and running until September. In August they have a special theater tour and cemetaries in October. A friend of mine went on some of the tours and got some amazing photos of places you wouldn't normally get to go. I highly suggest them and I plan on going as often as possible this summer.

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I don't know. I got about 2 minutes in and the second he said "Detroit sucks because of Lefties" I just had to stop...


The most basic trick the false L/R paradigm has to offer and you both fell for it.


He insulted the group I'm programmed to identify with.


He's from a group I'm programed to hate.


So I'm not going to listen to any pertinent information he may have.



Detroit is the way it is because of

  1. Thieving government
  2. Thieving Banks
  3. Corporations
  4. Unions
  5. Corrupt PD
  6. To many civilian entitlements
  7. Corporate entitlements
  8. And a dominant portion of the population simply not giving a shit.

As for #8, don't hand me the line of bull "I can show you people who care."

Fist there is a difference between saying you care and actually doing so.

Second, just because you do care doesn't mean you're in a majority.

I can take you to an area of Detroit where the city used eminent domain to kick me out of the house my Grate Grandfather built. Then proceeded to tear down all the homes on tax payer dollars and sell the land to a developer who built all of these small ugly boxes to replace the homes. Nobody previously living there could afford any of the new homes, yet some how the neighborhood is worse 20 years after that then it ever was before.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Those of you who are in the city fairly often, help me out: when did the city/county/whoever start painting bike-only lanes?! I was in Corktown yesterday, and those bike lanes definitely weren't there a year ago! :D

It's a great idea; I remember reading about 3 years back that it was being considered, but I had no idea they'd gone ahead with it. Alright, Detroit!


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