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What do you look for?

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Guest MsMaldoror

Good for you, Nienna. Good luck. :happy:

I've found someone who pretty much has everything I'm looking for.... I wonder if I have what he's looking for??? Hmmmmm....

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:devil Well lets see;












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Someone who is laid back

Has a good sense of humor

Accepts me for who I am and doesn't try and change me into something I'm not

Respects my friends and family

Likes most of the same music I do

Likes the same things sexually as I do

Knows how to have a good time

Doesn't get mad if I go out

Tattoos/piercings a bonus

Good kisser a big bonus

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As long as shes got a pulse, bottle of Jack, and some taco bell...i'm good to go!!

....everything else is just trivial anyway.... :laughing


*arms herself with a chalupa and some Jack, figuring that if nothing else, she can club Daevion over the head and drag him home as a last resort. (Nothin' like a guy who can't fight back)*

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What do you look for in a potential significant other?

What are the key personality qualities you want?

And the bonus question for people that care to share:

Are you single/married/taken/looking/other ?


What do I look for? Hmm....

Physical Traits: Dark hair, dark eyes, tall, lean (( or fit )). Tattoo and piercings give extra points.

Personality traits: They need to be fun to be around, I like having fun with my man. If he's devoted, compassionate, caring, bent on ensuring the well-being of those close to him, things like that, those are very good qualities. Being a family man gives extra points too.

As for my status, I am happily taken to a man who's been patient with me for the past 3 months now. Most attempts to see each other have fallen through and we've had our setbacks but we're still going. I love being near him, being able to hold him. He's tall, so I have to look up at him, but it's all good. He's a social one, like me, only he's a bit more reserved with his energy. Where I jump around and give people hugs, he sits down and waits to chat with them. He's a social drinker, I'm not. He smokes, I dont. Opposites are fun though. =D We're both Irish, so that definitely scores him extra points too. ^^

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i look for someone who can carry one a serious conversation once in a while, whose compasionate, opened minded, someone who would tell me i'm beautifull no matter what i look like, and someone who likes me for me no what i look like and/or to just get laid

i wish i could say i was looking but i gave up looking a long time ago i dont talk to alot of ppl because of past experience i'm afraid of meeting new ppl because i'm afraid they arent goin to like me at all because i am over weight. but hopeing i can find someone to prove me wrong i really do but hasnt happen yet

What do you look for in a potential significant other?

What are the key personality qualities you want?

And the bonus question for people that care to share:

Are you single/married/taken/looking/other ?

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What do you look for in a potential significant other?

A sixth toe and a dorsal fin.

What are the key personality qualities you want?

audience to the Broadway musical of my life.

And the bonus question for people that care to share:

Are you single/married/taken/looking/other ?


other. definately other.

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What do you look for in a potential significant other?


First and foremost, emotional support. I'm looking for (and found :wink) a guy who will "be there" for me through ups, downs, etc. And I'm looking for the guy who'll let me be the same to him. "Looking for" = found. I've got that in Jon.

A certain appearance doesn't hurt, but was never #1 for me. I lucked out that Jon came with what I once thought was most attractive - long hair, skinny (double standard, I know - I'm not perfect), some feminine attributes without being effeminate, if that makes any sense. Some of this has changed recently (major haircut, etc), but I still find him very attractive.

What are the key personality qualities you want?


Patience. Common sense. Sense of humor. Love and empathy for animals. Love of nature. "Realness" as in not a poseur, not trying to be what he isn't. Self confidence.

Jon doesn't meet everything I'd like. But I'm not perfect, either, so we work with each other. For instance, I'm horribly anal & perfectionist. Jon is sloppy & careless. I've learned to "settle" for "good enough" and Jon has learned to take pride in a job well done. Jon started out with NO patience, and has made great strides in calming himself down over "little things". I could be "too tidy" and afraid to "let my hair down". Jon has shown me how to relax, get a little dirty and simplify.

Are you single/married/taken/looking/other ?


Married. It'll be 7 years this October.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A sixth toe and a dorsal fin.

audience to the Broadway musical of my life.

other.  definately other.


OK, here's my real answer:

Somebody who eats their vegetables and would rather walk five blocks in nice weather than drive it. This is mostly because when I'm around somebody who DOESN'T their bad habits often wear off on me rather than my good ones wearing off on them. If left to my own devices, I'll usually only eat red meat once a month (yes, during THAT TIME, cos I'm just that anemic) and have a lot of fish and veggies the rest of the time. Additionally, "healthy" and "thin" are not concepts that always go hand-in-hand -- anorexics are often thin, but never healthy and plus-sized models are often healthy, but rarely are they what could be considered "thin". Furthermore, just because somebody's fat doesn't mean they don't eat well or exercise.

Someone with similar tastes in music, but not the same. If they were the same, that would be boring, but if things got too different, we'd drive each other absolutely crazy.

Somebody who will be an audience to the Broadway musical of my life. OK, I was seerious on that one. In more ways than one. I'm a classically trained (albeit out-of-practise) singer and I've been known to burst into rooms singing "Jacky" or "Ruby Red" or pieces from the score to Tommy or Quadrophenia. In public, even -- not just at home. Even if you're just going "smile and nod to humour the crazy person", that's great. Keep in mind, acceptance of this behaviour is a must. Not amount of your influence can stop it. Many have tried and failed; some have even joined me.

Somebody who can be a catty bitch when appropriate, but not "just because." Oh, dear gawd, I'm starting to realise that my perfect man is "Jack" from Will & Grace.

Somebody mature enough to pass himself off as a "responsible adult" to the parental units, but can still enjoy "acting twelve" when appropriate. That's pretty self-explainitory.

Somebody who wants things to stay kind of mysterious and exciting like how it is toward the begining not someone who makes things disgusting and monotonous. OK, I just outright swiped that one from "PaperHearts" with no editing, but I had to, it fits.

Somebody who won't start crying like a menstruating woman over my wandering eyes. An ex of mine did that to me. Needless to say, it didn't last very long after that. I'm of the belief that EVERYBODY looks at people they find attractive, whether you're in a relationship already or not, you WILL look at other people. It's not a bad thing, it's just a natural thing.

A person who likes to do cultural things but isn't sort of stuck up, knows how to have fun, too. OK, I stole that one without editing, too. It was perfect. I LOVE classical music, foreign films with subtitles (NEVER dubbed -- not even my anime is allowed to be dubbed) and, yes, even opera. I grew up around this cos my mother used to sing with the Toledo Metropolitan Opera (and, as noted above, I'm classically trained -- since I was three, I shit you not) -- but, at the same time, she also raised me on Frank Zappa and Alice Cooper.

Someone with a great curiousity for the world and a wanderlust. I go on so many magical adventures, it bugs me when somebody I'm with doesn't want to come along. Yes, sometimes I have to do some soul-searching on my own, but if I offer you to come with me to, say, Louisiana in the middle of summer (I told you -- I'm NUTS), I don't want to hear "oh, sweety, the bugs are TERRIBLE this time of year. Anyway, we were in Lansing last week."

Somebody who can live with a Socialist. No, not Green Party -- Socialist.

Somebody who is open and who likes to talk.



Somebody who won't badger me to "get a real job" just because. Last I checked, I HAVE a "real job" -- I do something, I get paid for doing it. There you go: real job. If I wanted to be a wage-slave, I'd be doing that. If I feel the need to slum around with wage-slavery for a time, I'll do it -- but don't be surprised if I quite before my benefits kick in. Impractical, yes, but I'm not happy when I work for other people -- especially if it's a giant company rather than a small locally-owned business. Facism was defined by Mussolini as a government run by corporations (like, hrmm, THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION), and I'd rather not give large corporations incentive by willingly giving myself to them as man-power in exchange for a paycheque that they'd wipe their arse with.

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What do you look for in a potential significant other?

What are the key personality qualities you want?

Already mentioned it in this thread


Though I will change no drinking to no heavy drinking.

And the bonus question for people that care to share:

Are you single/married/taken/looking/other ?


single/looking but not very hard

Edited by Scary Guy
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