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DGN dream journal.


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Okay so I had a strange one last night.

I was an old man. That was joining a search party for a missing child, lost in some sort of city, I brought food for myself and some of the other members of the search party. The food was peanut butter covered batteries. Throughout the dream I ate several peanut butter covered batteries... this morning I actually woke up with heart-burn.

(What are some of your dreams?)

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Great idea, phee!

I always have really odd dreams. But of course I can't recall the details of my one from last night :laugh:

Till next time.


I remembered my friends and me were on a roadtrip and we stopped at a store where they sold pretty cheap clothes. I didn't have any shoes on, so I got a pair of black tights and black lolita-like shoes. And then I was debating on running out with them and stealing them?

I dunno.

Edited by Eevee
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I remember a few small details but not the whole of last night's. I know that I was at a friend's house and there was a huge party, however he wasn't at his place? We just kinda threw a party without him there. woops. I hope he was okay with it XD

I keep having strange ex boyfriend dreams, though

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I always have crazy dreams that 100% of the time involve at least two DGN people. They are almost always portrayed as something that they are not in real life, which makes it even more odd.

Dream I had for instance (obviously 100% fake and not based in reality or off my opinions what-so-ever, there's my disclaimer):

Pest and I were at Nightgaunt and Tszura's party. Someone there (cannot remember who, may have been someone my mind made up) brought up the idea of having someone run down to Detroit to grab cocaine of all things. Trying to impress I guess, I asked Pestilence if we could go. Not wanting to get involved he said "if you're going, you're on your own and you're drunk so you can't take the Cobalt..." I said it was no problem and that I would go on foot, it was four miles one way (from around 9 Mile and John R to...five or six mile I believe I was headed). Obviously he was not comfortable with the idea of me going alone on foot as it was a dangerous neighborhood. He asked where it was I was going and I told him that the person who was sending me was sending me down to Jynxxedangel and Pomba Gira's house because their roommate dealt, and he already called ahead. I was wearing a long black trenchcoat so he said "Well, if you're going it alone and unprotected, unlock the trunk of the car and take the Remington." I'm waddling down John R with a giant 12 gauge shotgun under my trench, and yet was able to keep it concealed enough so cops didn't stop me. I was sent with...I think $120?

When I arrived there seemed like there was a loud commotion in the street at the end of the block (cannot remember what street it was). I didn't think anything of it because, well, it is Detroit after all and that shit happens all the time. The person who answered the door (someone I did not recognize) told me to come and hurry so that nobody saw. They muttered something about Jynxxed's man being pissed for some reason and that he was an asshole, but once again, I was there on a mission and was not to be sidetracked by personal business. I went into what I assume was Pomba's room and both her and Jynxxxed were sitting on the bed. Jynxxxed looked upset and I asked why and she said that "he would come looking for her and her brother and when he got here it wasn't going to be pretty..." It occured to me that her brother was the guy that I was picking up from. She said that he would be in any minute with the shit. The commotion at the end of the block became louder and neared the house, and at that time I finally heard a pistol go off in front of the house. Jynxxxed started crying and I heard the front door being kicked down, I locked the bedroom door that the three of us were sitting in. I heard the angry man shooting all through the house and told them to get down under the bed. Pomba said, "We're all dead, you know." to which I replied: "You really think that Chernobyl doesn't have some tricks up her sleeve....or under her coat?" Shaking I took the shotgun shells out of my pocket and tried to load them in the pump-action shotty, trying to be discreet about it so the gunman wouldn't realize that I was also armed. This calmed the two of them down but I definately was NOT calm, I was shaking so hard I could barely aim. What was supposed to be a simple run was going to end up with me having to blow someone away. I heard a loud male voice from the other side of the flimsy wood door. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE AND YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" The door was kicked open so hard it almost flew off of the hinges and the second I saw the glint of his gun I aimed and blew the guy away.

I woke up after that. Trust me if it's crazy dreams you want, I got 'em and most of them involve ALL of you. I can hardly think of any dreams I've had since joining the board that do not involve at least 2-3 of the members here in CRAZY WAYS that would never occur in real life. Maybe I need a shrink? :rofl:

I always have crazy dreams that 100% of the time involve at least two DGN people. They are almost always portrayed as something that they are not in real life, which makes it even more odd.

Dream I had for instance (obviously 100% fake and not based in reality or off my opinions what-so-ever, there's my disclaimer):

Pest and I were at Nightgaunt and Tszura's party. Someone there (cannot remember who, may have been someone my mind made up) brought up the idea of having someone run down to Detroit to grab cocaine of all things. Trying to impress I guess, I asked Pestilence if we could go. Not wanting to get involved he said "if you're going, you're on your own and you're drunk so you can't take the Cobalt..." I said it was no problem and that I would go on foot, it was four miles one way (from around 9 Mile and John R to...five or six mile I believe I was headed). Obviously he was not comfortable with the idea of me going alone on foot as it was a dangerous neighborhood. He asked where it was I was going and I told him that the person who was sending me was sending me down to Jynxxedangel and Pomba Gira's house because their roommate dealt, and he already called ahead. I was wearing a long black trenchcoat so he said "Well, if you're going it alone and unprotected, unlock the trunk of the car and take the Remington." I'm waddling down John R with a giant 12 gauge shotgun under my trench, and yet was able to keep it concealed enough so cops didn't stop me. I was sent with...I think $120?

When I arrived there seemed like there was a loud commotion in the street at the end of the block (cannot remember what street it was). I didn't think anything of it because, well, it is Detroit after all and that shit happens all the time. The person who answered the door (someone I did not recognize) told me to come and hurry so that nobody saw. They muttered something about Jynxxed's man being pissed for some reason and that he was an asshole, but once again, I was there on a mission and was not to be sidetracked by personal business. I went into what I assume was Pomba's room and both her and Jynxxxed were sitting on the bed. Jynxxxed looked upset and I asked why and she said that "he would come looking for her and her brother and when he got here it wasn't going to be pretty..." It occured to me that her brother was the guy that I was picking up from. She said that he would be in any minute with the shit. The commotion at the end of the block became louder and neared the house, and at that time I finally heard a pistol go off in front of the house. Jynxxxed started crying and I heard the front door being kicked down, I locked the bedroom door that the three of us were sitting in. I heard the angry man shooting all through the house and told them to get down under the bed. Pomba said, "We're all dead, you know." to which I replied: "You really think that Chernobyl doesn't have some tricks up her sleeve....or under her coat?" Shaking I took the shotgun shells out of my pocket and tried to load them in the pump-action shotty, trying to be discreet about it so the gunman wouldn't realize that I was also armed. This calmed the two of them down but I definately was NOT calm, I was shaking so hard I could barely aim. What was supposed to be a simple run was going to end up with me having to blow someone away. I heard a loud male voice from the other side of the flimsy wood door. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE AND YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" The door was kicked open so hard it almost flew off of the hinges and the second I saw the glint of his gun I aimed and blew the guy away.

I woke up after that. Trust me if it's crazy dreams you want, I got 'em and most of them involve ALL of you. I can hardly think of any dreams I've had since joining the board that do not involve at least 2-3 of the members here in CRAZY WAYS that would never occur in real life. Maybe I need a shrink? :rofl:

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Remind me to never fuck with Cherny in dream world

Yes, Dream Cherny got effed with so much that she is fierce and packs heat. Cherny IRL...also got effed with a lot but does not have the cojones that Dream Cherny has. Someday...*sigh* :rofl:.

Yes, Dream Cherny got effed with so much that she is fierce and packs heat. Cherny IRL...also got effed with a lot but does not have the cojones that Dream Cherny has. Someday...*sigh* :rofl:.
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Okay so I had a strange one last night.

I was an old man. That was joining a search party for a missing child, lost in some sort of city, I brought food for myself and some of the other members of the search party. The food was peanut butter covered batteries. Throughout the dream I ate several peanut butter covered batteries... this morning I actually woke up with heart-burn.

(What are some of your dreams?)

LMFAO at peanut butter covered batteries, I take it they were not alkaline?

I once had this dream that all I seen was pure, pitch darkness and all I heard was a man's screams falling further, and further away from me until all I heard was a whisper of his scream.

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Part of the draining series of dreams I had last night probably cause the air was too cold..

I was in a mall with family but didn't recognize any of them. They waited outside while I went into a narrow, well-lit store acting like a pay-to-get-in haunted house. Metal beds like trays were full of people who looked like a cross between zombies and the people out of evil dead; but I didn't realize this until I was at the end of the room. I tried to be nonchalant as they started making facial gestures and moving their arms, but it was real enough where I stayed above their heads in the gap between the beds and the wall. Halfway I just started crawling under the beds while they wriggled around above me.


I've had some people from this forum in my dreams. Only four I can remember right now.

Edited by Coffeenated
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In the dream I was part of the audience of a live demonstration for a robotics competition. A large tarantula robot was released onto the audience. It apparently processed data so well that it could determine what to avoid and what it could step on without doing irreparable damage. So its legs would pound away between bystanders and not hurt any of them. It would walk on the hood of cars and yet balance its weight so well it wouldn't dent them. Then for some reason it started to come after me. It chased me around the city until I fled down the river in a boat and I thought it would fall in the water if it tried to chase me but it also found its own boat, more of a raft really, to chase after me. Then I woke up feeling silly.

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Had a badass dream about two nights ago involving Pestilence, Timata, Constantin, Raev, Prick, Beer, Guns and Zombies. It wasn't badass how it ended however. Will type it later because Pestilence is still sleeping and he becomes awoken by the furious speed at which I clickity click click on the keyboard.

Had a badass dream about two nights ago involving Pestilence, Timata, Constantin, Raev, Prick, Beer, Guns and Zombies. It wasn't badass how it ended however. Will type it later because Pestilence is still sleeping and he becomes awoken by the furious speed at which I clickity click click on the keyboard.
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I had one, several foxes (the animals not the term for hot chicks) were watching me from on top of cement wall. And there was something to do with a bridge being built with a crane that was unbelievably tall, like the size of a sky scraper.

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Had a dream I was heading to my hair appointment (which is today at noon) and my hair was much longer and was a deep red color. I had put it back into a ponytail because it was messy, but when I did, my hair hung in long, loose ringlets.


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I had a dream a few nights ago that I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I kept say "no" over and over again, hoping that it would change it to negative. The eternal busts into the bathroom and is angry that I didn't tell him I was taking the test. He sees that it's positive, grabs the test and storms out of the house. He's walking down the street, and I follow him. All of a sudden, he throws the test across the street. He then has a smile on his face and asks me if I'm happy that I'm pregnant. I tell him that I don't know. He asks if we are going to keep it. We discuss the different options while we are walking down the street. I tell him that I have to go to the bathroom, so we walk into a restaurant and all of my coworkers are there. Then I woke up.

I had a stomach ache when I went to bed, so I'm sure that is where that dream came from, lol.

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I have been having quite a few...

I had one where I was setting up catapults on what seemed to be a giant miniature golf course. Another where my wife hired me a prostitute (I know... strange)

Something about mountain climbing as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I always have crazy dreams that 100% of the time involve at least two DGN people. They are almost always portrayed as something that they are not in real life, which makes it even more odd.

Dream I had for instance (obviously 100% fake and not based in reality or off my opinions what-so-ever, there's my disclaimer):

Pest and I were at Nightgaunt and Tszura's party. Someone there (cannot remember who, may have been someone my mind made up) brought up the idea of having someone run down to Detroit to grab cocaine of all things. Trying to impress I guess, I asked Pestilence if we could go. Not wanting to get involved he said "if you're going, you're on your own and you're drunk so you can't take the Cobalt..." I said it was no problem and that I would go on foot, it was four miles one way (from around 9 Mile and John R to...five or six mile I believe I was headed). Obviously he was not comfortable with the idea of me going alone on foot as it was a dangerous neighborhood. He asked where it was I was going and I told him that the person who was sending me was sending me down to Jynxxedangel and Pomba Gira's house because their roommate dealt, and he already called ahead. I was wearing a long black trenchcoat so he said "Well, if you're going it alone and unprotected, unlock the trunk of the car and take the Remington." I'm waddling down John R with a giant 12 gauge shotgun under my trench, and yet was able to keep it concealed enough so cops didn't stop me. I was sent with...I think $120?

When I arrived there seemed like there was a loud commotion in the street at the end of the block (cannot remember what street it was). I didn't think anything of it because, well, it is Detroit after all and that shit happens all the time. The person who answered the door (someone I did not recognize) told me to come and hurry so that nobody saw. They muttered something about Jynxxed's man being pissed for some reason and that he was an asshole, but once again, I was there on a mission and was not to be sidetracked by personal business. I went into what I assume was Pomba's room and both her and Jynxxxed were sitting on the bed. Jynxxxed looked upset and I asked why and she said that "he would come looking for her and her brother and when he got here it wasn't going to be pretty..." It occured to me that her brother was the guy that I was picking up from. She said that he would be in any minute with the shit. The commotion at the end of the block became louder and neared the house, and at that time I finally heard a pistol go off in front of the house. Jynxxxed started crying and I heard the front door being kicked down, I locked the bedroom door that the three of us were sitting in. I heard the angry man shooting all through the house and told them to get down under the bed. Pomba said, "We're all dead, you know." to which I replied: "You really think that Chernobyl doesn't have some tricks up her sleeve....or under her coat?" Shaking I took the shotgun shells out of my pocket and tried to load them in the pump-action shotty, trying to be discreet about it so the gunman wouldn't realize that I was also armed. This calmed the two of them down but I definately was NOT calm, I was shaking so hard I could barely aim. What was supposed to be a simple run was going to end up with me having to blow someone away. I heard a loud male voice from the other side of the flimsy wood door. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE AND YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" The door was kicked open so hard it almost flew off of the hinges and the second I saw the glint of his gun I aimed and blew the guy away.

I woke up after that. Trust me if it's crazy dreams you want, I got 'em and most of them involve ALL of you. I can hardly think of any dreams I've had since joining the board that do not involve at least 2-3 of the members here in CRAZY WAYS that would never occur in real life. Maybe I need a shrink? :rofl:

Rest assured, that if anyone was really after me, I would be armed to the teeth, froggy & ready to jump, and not crying! LOL!

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  • 2 weeks later...

During the catnap last night, I had a semi-scary dream.

After planning to stake out at a store by sleeping in my car until they opened (yeah, I don't know either), I was suddenly back at my house, and getting ready to take a shower in the upstairs bathroom.

The toilet was running and about to overflow but I stopped it before it did.

Then I turned to the shower, which had a curtain pulled across it.

It was kind of bulged out, like someone didn't put the curtain all the way back in the tub. So I kicked it with my foot to push the curtain back behind the tub edge.

I then turned to the left to open the curtain and just in time to see something, it looked like someone's hand, pushing back through the cloth shower curtain. Like they were punching back.

In my dream it was a ghost, without a doubt.

So I screamed at the top of my lungs, then ran downstairs crying.

And yeah, rofl

In my dream, my mom was just like "Lawl, whatever...lets go check it out" but I woke myself up before we did.

I think its because we watched like 4 hours worth of Courage the Cowardly Dog before our catnap. :X

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  • 2 months later...

I dreamed this afternoon of a full lunar eclipse, but it was like the moon actually caught fire and was engulfed befored my eyes, and it took my breathe away.......it appeared things went back to normal, I remember going in the house after the awe wore off, but than I remember it being extreme darkness outside,(blackout) which was weird to everyone else (everyone was outside looking confused), I only knew that there was a blackout when the power was restored.

Edited by kat
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