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DGN dream journal.


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Shaken up by a waking dream. In it, a girl's body was found in the vacant house next to us. I didn't see her but I knew what she looked like before she died even though I had never seen her before. She's not very tall, is a teenager and high school student. Her skin is a creamy, dark, peanut butter brown. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black. She has thick, curled eyelashes. She still has some baby fat giving her round, pinchable cheeks. Her permed hair is styled in Mickey Mouse ears, except the puffs are twisted to resemble small versions of Princess Leia's cinnamon buns. She's wearing a white collarless shirt and a dark, plump jacket. She has the prettiest little cute smile. Then I saw her smile. I was shaken awake. That house needs to come down.


I really hate dreams like that.

Edited by Trene4000
Corrected how I woke up.
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  • 4 weeks later...
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I wish I could remember this entire dream. It was some type of action adventure movie that I literally watched from beginning to end with people I've never seen before. 

The main character was a family man. He somehow got mixed up in this situation where a friend of a family member (uncle, cousin, or someone like that) was transporting this thing that looked like a cross between a post-it and a Listerine Pocket Pack breath strip. The man was visiting his cousin when the friend came into the house and ended up grabbing the man and hauling him out the house. When the man's cousin finally came downstairs talking, there was nobody there. He looked around confused. 

The man and the friend were arguing. The man kept trying to break free of the friend's pinching grip in his bicep. At least he did until guys in expensive suits started chasing them up the alley and the friend shouted "run". The man glanced back, saw the guys and nearly outran the friend. When they reached the street, the friend, while getting into a tannish-yellow 1970 Torino, yelled at the man who doubled back and jumped in. They were chased through the city movie style, you know, where there's no such thing as traffic jams and only a few vehicles actually on the road.

At some point, they got out of the car and were running hiding in this busy warehouse, which was the only reason why they didn't get caught immediately, the friend slipped the chip, that's what the yellow breath strip, post-it thing was, into the man's shirt pocket. The friend nods at owner of the warehouse, who in turn, nods back. The friend hauls the man through the warehouse stating how it's all clear.  They duck behind a large stack of something. The friend pats the man on his back and tells him to count to ten then run in the other direction back to the car and to drive off.

The friend ran through the warehouse making sure the guys caught a glimpse of him and followed. The man ran out the warehouse, exactly as he was instructed, and jumped in the car now parked on a side street before the warehouse's street. The man only slightly hesitated because they had parked elsewhere. He started driving home but something happened.

I remember some type of explosion but now someone else was in the car with him and it looked like they were driving down the tarmac at an abandoned airport/storage facility. Some time later they car is half sunk in water someplace. The front windshield is busted. The other man who was in the car looked like a junky. His hair was nappy, his clothes were messy, his teeth were long and brownish in between, his eyes were completely blood-shot. He somehow had the chip in his hand. The head honcho of the guys in suits, a stereotypical heavy set Texan in that stereotypical light colored cowboy suit and hat, was leaning forward on the hood and said, "Come on now, Jerome. Be a good boy an hand me the chip".  Jerome was trembling but he stretched out his hand slightly towards the Texan. The head honcho shot him in his shoulder. Jerome jerked slightly. The man jerked. He was scared but starting to become upset. This scenario played out two more times. The head honcho taunting Jerome. Jerome holding out the chip only to be shot. The man was furious by the third time. The head honcho glanced over at the man and finally took the chip from Jerome saying, "Now that's a good boy". He stood up and walked away. The guys followed him with only the last guy glancing back to make sure they didn't move.

The last thing I remember is the man walking in the front of his home as the sun went down. He looked shaken and drained. His dress shirt was gone, his t-shirt wasn't tucked in, his slacks were bedraggled, and his gold Timex watch was missing. He shut the door and dragged himself upstairs. He took a long, hot bath. He went into the bedroom and saw a note on the bed. "Gone to Mama's for the weekend. Kids with me. Enjoy! :)"  He smiled at the normality of it all.

Then I woke up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the strangest dream. There was a fire in the forest behind the home house. We were outside watching the flames roaring towards us. When it was apparent it wouldn't stop, we began throwing buckets of water on the actual flames, but the flames wouldn't be extinguished. However, the branches of the trees were not burning. There were no leaves on the trees to be burned. Just flames. We ran around to the front yard and watched the flames approach. Fire leapt onto the roof of the house and began burning. Ma said, "Let's go get the cats", and began walking towards the house. I had a brief flash of a white cat with several others. I couldn't see any of them clearly. I jerked awake. The fire scared me. After a while, I calmed down and thought about what l heard and saw. The fire landed on the area over where the squirrels enter the house. Ma and KitKat were clear but the others next to Ma were blurry. I don't know who they were that were with her. All I know is there is about to be a drastic change but not a bad one. Although it might appear that way at first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was forced awake by the strangest dream in a way I never want to experience again. 

I and my sister were driving down the road and we saw two black cats lying down in the street. We pulled over and tried to chase the cats out of the street. The cats would jump up and run to another spot and lay down. Each time, a car would drive over them, the drivers never seeing them. I cringed each time. The cats were still alive. I ran over to them trying to catch them. The cats still avoided us. One of the cats finally ran away out of the street, disappearing. The other cat stubbornly remained. Three more times we chased the cat. Three more times a car drove over it. Suddenly, a car stopped and a woman with brownish red hair in a long pageboy, wearing a dark green button sweater shouted, "stop chasing that cat, you'll get it killed!" She drove away. I had no control over myself. I could not stop. We went back to trying to rescue the cat. The cat began lying down in muddier, grassy dirt road areas. Now the cars were actually hitting the cat. Yet, it still ran when we tried to catch it. After three more tries, the cat laid down on the other side of the crest of a large hill. A car driving too fast bounced up and dropped down on the cat and it screeched. We screamed and ran over to it. My sister picked up the cat, cradling it in her arms. It wasn't damaged. It tried to get look over to where it wanted to go. I touched it and it felt like something jumped in me. That jerked me awake and it was still there. I called Jesus and the thing went away. 

I never want to experience that again. Whenever I am in a dream where I have no control over my actions, it isn't really me. I am actually looking through someone else's eyes.

It seems that a person is chasing someone who really doesn't want help but the person is determined to force them to get help but their pursuit is causing that one to seek even more dangerous situations to get in trying to escape. Stop chasing. Let them go. Now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just spent the last few hours in multiple dreams of beating up bad guys while coordinating a concert for Janet Jackson...:blink:


I had one recurring dream of a peeping Tom who kept looking through the window in the kitty nursery wearing a paper mask painted like a skeleton.  It was just before dawn and the sky was two toned from where heavy cloud cover had just finished a downpour, but the dawn was cresting over the horizon.  After spending all night looking out the windows for this idiot, I finally got tired of him and his friend and bum rushed them by jumping out my backdoor.  The bigger guy of the two had a long stick with about 20 nails in it and thought that would scare me away.  I grabbed hold of it and shoved both him and the stick to the ground.  Needless to say they then ran away.  Two dream scenarios later, the skinny guy came back holding the paper mask in front of his face, saw me through the nursery window and beat a hasty retreat.


I had another dream where I was riding shotgun with a law enforcement deputy on a brightly lit highway that seemed to be made entirely of bridge.  It was so high up that only hazy sky could be seen on either side of this 8 laned endless overpass.  At one point, we came across an abandoned vehicle facing the opposite direction at the median.  The deputy pulled into a bypass area and we switched into the (originally black, but now) red 2-door.  He immediately knew where to find the keys in the center console and we drove to the next exit which just happened to be a car rental lot where a family with 2 huge Marmadukes were renting a minivan.  We pulled in and the deputy said, "I can't pop the trunk yet, there's a kitten in there."  I thought that was strange since we had just happened upon this abandoned vehicle and yet he knew an awful lot about it.  The ladies assisting the family saw him and knew exactly who he was, told him he could go ahead and check the vehicle in.  He then popped the trunk and pulled out the kitten saying how he didn't want the dogs to eat it so he was keeping it with him.  As the deputy approached the door of the building, the kitten struggled free and ran to the two dogs.  The family's mother then said, "Well, I guess we've got ourselves a kitty cat."  They all piled into the minivan and drove away.  At that point I was alone outside with one of the ladies.  As I was looking up at the overhead freeway she asked me if I wanted to come in.  I told her, "That's ok, I'll wait for the next ride."


I blinked and suddenly I was sitting in a little kiddie chair in a dimly lit hallway outside of a doctor's office staring at an advertisement for a Mexican restaurant.  The doctor and his assistants were hanging out the door looking at the sign saying if they had a cat on the premises they would name it Jalapeño...at least that is what they were trying to say, reading the word off the advertisement.  I finally corrected them with the proper pronunciation at which point they all seemed to suddenly notice me sitting there.  Not sure exactly what I must have looked like, but they started treating me like a little child and asking if I were lost or had an appointment and if I were looking for my mommy and daddy.  I remember stating very clearly, "No. I'm just waiting for the ride to pick me up."  The doctor said, "Oh, I see you have everything handled little miss."  Then we all started talking about what to order from the Mexican restaurant if they happened to deliver in that area. 


Next thing I knew I was walking through a stadium coordinating the lighting effects for Janet Jackson's "Night Light Concert Tour".  In a flash, the stadium was full and fans were everywhere.  Everything was in shades of dusty black and silver with a lot of flashing lights.  As Janet was singing on stage I remember thinking, "Ok, my job here is done."  as I walked straight towards a door with a giant "EXIT" sign while taking off my headset and handing it to an assistant on my way out.


At this point, I had just had the last dream in the sequence with the peeping Tom and now I was standing in the front area of a superstore just past the cash registers, wearing a white polo shirt and khakis covered by a white apron trimmed in blue, breaking up a fight between a customer and an employee.  The customer was wearing a green military style jacket with short wavy brassy blond hair.  Her eyes were wide open, blue and bloodshot as she pulled out a knife and threatened to rob the place.  Apparently, even in my dream I knew I had just had an exhausting night of dreams and I told her, "Look, I have been having a very hard time waking up, but if you want to do this, I'll just have to stop you."  At that moment, she lunged at me, I said, "Let's go!" and the fight was on.  As I was taking this girl down, I noticed the extreme amount of apathy going on around us.  Clerks were nonchalantly checking out customers who were standing in line waiting to pay.  I had the girl down on the floor as she was yelling up how she was going to "cut" me.  I asked her to hold on a minute.  I looked over at a co-worker sitting at the window and asked if anyone had or was going to called the police.  She looked at me and said, "Have you tried asking any of the customers."  So I drug the would be thief over to checkout counter 1, excused myself and asked if anyone would call the police since this girl I was dragging around was dead set on robbing the place.  Out of a full line of people, a couple of guys looked at me and one said, "I would do something, but I'm trying to save my phone battery."  The checkout girl asked, "Why don't you just throw her a** outside there?"  To which I replied, "So she can just get back in acting like this and coming after people. NO WAY!"  I then looked down at the girl and smarted off, "Just great! Now I have to drag your crazy butt to the supervisor's office so I can call the police!"  The dream ended with me, in a store apron, bent over, dragging this struggling girl across a freshly polished floor towards the back of the store.


Needless to say, I was very happy when I was finally able to wake up around 3:30am.  I have no idea what that was all about, but I hope it resolves itself....and quick.

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  • 2 months later...

I dreamed I won the Lincoln Mkz from Publishers Clearing House and gave it to Ma to replace her old vehicle. She was so excited and we went for a drive. It was early evening so the sun was just beginning to set, glowing a dazzling gold and red as it sparkled on the blue river flowing alongside the road. As we drove down the highway, the wind was blowing through our hair.  Ma was smiling so brightly as we talked then suddenly I realized I would never be able to do that. Everything froze and faded to black. I woke up.

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4 hours ago, Trene4000 said:

I dreamed I won the Lincoln Mkz from Publishers Clearing House and gave it to Ma to replace her old vehicle. She was so excited and we went for a drive. It was early evening so the sun was just beginning to set, glowing a dazzling gold and red as it sparkled on the blue river flowing alongside the road. As we drove down the highway, the wind was blowing through our hair.  Ma was smiling so brightly as we talked then suddenly I realized I would never be able to do that. Everything froze and faded to black. I woke up.


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I sometimes have dreams like that.  I'm often comforted by the fact that my loved ones still live on, as they have become a part of me.  Kinda makes us inseparable.  Yes, it is a bit jarring when the left-brain intrudes and restores our sense of logic ('how can this be?').  That's just our mammalian wiring at work.  It doesn't make that dream any less sweet.  It's something to savor.

Just my two pennies...

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  • 1 year later...

I had a dream in which I was sent to talk to someone. The man didn't want to hear what I had to say but I refused to back down.  He raised his silver revolver and aimed at my face. I still refused to leave. I stood and waited for him to finish whatever he was running through his head.  He tried to stare me down while holding the weapon still aimed at my face. I simply waited. He pulled the trigger. Twice. The bullets stopped in the air as if they slammed into a solid invisible wall.  He briefly looked surprised, the people behind him in the area with the giant, satin floor pillows and curtains we're confused and shocked. I reached up and brushed the bullets down out of the air. The man regained his bravado and walked over to the largest pillow in the center of the group which was actually a low seated wooden chair with a gigantic golden, satin seat cushion and sat down.  He nods and I walked over and began teaching him the Good News.

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This was back when I was still delivering pizzas back in 2014. I was trying to deliver an order in bad traffic, think borderline NYC traffic, and kept getting lost up on the 96 service drive around Levan road. Somehow I ended up in a taxi in the same area. Not sure when traffic stopped when the fireworks started up. One of the few I can remember.

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I had a dream the night before that my sister was marrying a dude we knew since we were young and I was so sad and cried through the dream not about her being married but because everyone was being mean to me and my son told me that I told him I loved him too often. It was so weird. I woke up crying like the kind of crying that makes you feel pain in your heart. I was extremely broken hearted. I could not quit crying for like 15 minutes after I woke up.  

(My brother is the one getting married this year, though)

Edited by kat
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just woke up from a dream around 7:20pm, this evening.  Apparently, I just had my grieving dream about my Aunt Doris who just passed February 22nd of last month.


I was leaving some location, that was a brick building, around midday with the sun beating down on me.  All I was wearing was a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a baseball cap with sneakers and rolled down socks.  I was riding a bike towards the Lodge freeway entry ramp from around the I-375 area.  I was trying to peddle my way to Aunt Doris' house as fast as I could because I knew it would take a while and I was trying to beat sundown.  As I reached the entry to the freeway, I was behind a group of people on mopeds who had just entered the freeway, followed by a rather thin, elderly, caucasian woman trying to keep up with them on a very old 10-Speed.  She kept falling off and the others left her behind, but one of them would pause every now and then to check to see if she was still behind them before riding off again.  I caught up to her and helped her get back on her bike.  I rode behind her, trying to keep her motivated, as we all (the moped riders, the lady and myself) biked North on the freeway.


After a while she began to hold her own and the moped riders were suddenly on dirt bikes, 3-Speeds and 10-Speeds as we all came off the freeway around route 18 (our old paper route).  By this time, I could see the sun was getting ready to go down and it started getting chilly.  I ran into the house, grabbed a jacket and told everyone that I was headed over to Aunt Doris' house on my bike.  As I started riding again, I ran into the same group from the Lodge, heading to I-94.  As I hit Warren Ave, I noticed that the sun was getting ready to go down, as it was a bright gold through the partial clouds, and that it would start to get dark soon.  I kept trying to ride towards the freeway and thought of how dangerous it would be for me to be on my bike after dark trying to get over to the Westside on the freeway.  The last thing I remember was saying, "Sorry, Aunt Doris, I won't be able to make it." as I turned the corner behind the bus depot still trying to get to the freeway.


I immediately woke up knowing that it was dream, but I thought of all the times I had driven passed the freeway exit to her house and never went because socializing is so difficult for me when I don't really feel I have a reason to be somewhere.  I do remember discussing that with her back in 2010, but she said a person shouldn't feel that way about visiting family.


I am just happy that I did visit her as much as I did and that Trene made sure we all made it to the hospital to see her before she passed the following morning.  The last thing I said to her, as I waved goodbye while walking out of her hospital room, was, "I'm leaving now.  Have a goodnight." ❤️

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I had a strange dream this morning.  In it I was walking with a group of friends through an area that appear to be like the grounds of a country club.  It became a little chilly but the sun was still out. We felt that it was about to start raining and decided to continue on up the path heading back to a wood and glass  building. Then I began slowing down and leaned against a tree. Suddenly, it was like lightning struck the tree and everything turned white. I couldn't see anything but white and there was pain everywhere. All I could feel was pain throughout my entire body. As the white begin to clear away, I found myself lying on my right side, partially on the smooth, gray pathway, the rest of me rested on the bottom of the tree where my right hand was still clinging to it. I looked down at my left leg.  I was wearing a pair of those running shorts that have the little 2-inch slits on each side on the hips that allows the legs to move easily. What I saw was a black burn that resemble a streak of lightning running from that point on my hip all the way down to my ankle. ( I was a little bit confused because the body that I was looking at was not mine but belongs to someone with light skin and was athletic and much thinner than I am. I didn't know if I was dreaming or if I had body hopped again.) Anyway, I looked up and saw my friends were still walking away from where I was laying and tried to call out to them to get help, but it was as if they couldn't hear me. I struggle to get to my feet, but my body was both numb and in pain. I limped after them trying to catch up and call them through the foggy haze. It was if they were ignoring me. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get anyone to pay me any attention. I thought I was probably dead but several people who were much further away saw me. They look right at me so I wasn't dead and I wasn't a ghost. For some reason my so-called friends we're deliberately ignoring me. After I finally reached the building, I went inside and I kept trying to get my friends to acknowledge me. But they were too busy enjoying each other's company. Surprisingly, a woman off to my right saw me as I fell onto the floor. She called out in shock then other people started coming to my aide, but only one of my friends, this girl wearing a pink T-shirt or white t-shirt, I couldn't tell, my color sight was ruined by now, noticed what was going on and began heading my way. The others still didn't acknowledge me. And they only looked at her in confusion but then I woke up before I found out if they even looked my way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream I started a clothing line marketing towards the elderly, first I was working at a grocery store bagging an elderly man's groceries and than I was worried in the dream about the person having appropriate fit and comfortable clothes. What does that mean? Maybe I should work with elderly people.

Edited by kat
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  • 4 years later...

Does anybody else have a recurring space in a dream? I keep going into various houses that have a second floor that has appeared in three separate dreams. Two of the houses I've lived in (including this one) and one I've never seen before.

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On 11/30/2023 at 4:54 PM, Slogo said:

Does anybody else have a recurring space in a dream? I keep going into various houses that have a second floor that has appeared in three separate dreams. Two of the houses I've lived in (including this one) and one I've never seen before.

i have dreams of dozens of recurring places that, as far as i know, don't exist. not sure how common it is? i've got malls, museums, amusement parks, rivers, lakes, public parks, ocean waterways, dunes, construction sites, homes, several different neighborhoods (both residential and industrial), and i know them well enough to recall them clearly while awake as well... if i were an artist, i'd attempt to draw them. (hrm, maybe i will one day?)

Edited by torn asunder
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  • 4 months later...
On 2/25/2011 at 4:21 PM, kat said:

I dreamed this afternoon of a full lunar eclipse, but it was like the moon actually caught fire and was engulfed befored my eyes, and it took my breathe away.......it appeared things went back to normal, I remember going in the house after the awe wore off, but than I remember it being extreme darkness outside,(blackout) which was weird to everyone else (everyone was outside looking confused), I only knew that there was a blackout when the power was restored.

How weird the day I wake up to look for this thread this post stands out to me..

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  • 1 month later...

I had two dreams last night.

The first was about a man in a director
-level importance coming and going from his office. He had trouble with his feet, and it was painful for him to walk. He wore large, warm boots similar to mukluks but comically large. He shuffled while wearing them. When it came time for an important meeting, he switched to a different, more normal boots and walked normally despite being in pain. Then he returned to the large boots. I was watching him from a mall bench outside his office the entire time.

The second was about me and my coworker sitting in a room similar to a large
, tiered lecture hall. Our boss would bring us comically tall stacks of paper and told us to sort it. The papers were large packets of information on various things, and most of it was basically meaningless. We pointed this out, and my boss shrugged and said "I know" and gave a sympathetic half-smile. There was no way to sort it in a way that mattered.

Eating strong cheese before bed is a fun experience. I highly recommend experiencing cheese dreams at least once in your life.

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