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DGN dream journal.


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Had an odd one last night, guest starring two other DGNers. It took place in my house, in my living room to be specific. Myself, Pest, Raev and Nocker were sitting at the table and for those of you who have been over before, there is a huge picture window in that room facing the high school across the street. I'm not even a hundred percent why we were there, I think we were all just talking about whatever but I can't remember what exactly. Out of nowhere the back part of a NASA-style spaceship comes careening from the sky with no warning, I thought it was going to crash right into the house. It missed narrowly, landing in my next door neighbor's front yard. I didn't even say anything, just jumped out of my chair immediately and ran outside. It was almost bigger than the house it landed in front of, had an American flag on it and said "USA" in blue. At this point, even though I already had figured out I was dreaming, panic set in. I knew it wasn't real but I was still scared as all fuck, which is odd for me, I almost always figure pretty quick that I'm dreaming and so it doesn't really effect me that bad. When I thought the ordeal was over, another loud roar came from the sky, but this time it was a jumbo jet with what I'm assuming was passengers on board, spiraling down at a steep angle and missing a wing. It shocked me even more to see something that massive crashing out of thin air, and it exploded upon impact someplace a few blocks North of 9 Mile. As silly as it seems, as I already mentioned earlier that by this time I realized I was actually still sleeping, I was also frightened for the people on board as if it were actually happening. Another loud buzzing screech came from above, I looked up and it was a helicopter spinning out of control like the jet, but already on fire. Before it had a chance to descend and cause any destruction, I woke up.

WEIRDEST shit in awhile, I swear, and I have some pretty nutty dreams sometimes. What I think is weird is how everyone in every dream I have has been someone I know or have met before, pretty much like 98% of the time. But what I'm trying to figure out is what the hell all of it could have meant, like all the shit falling out of sky like that. It fucked with me a bit, definitely one of those dreams that sticks with you all day :laugh:.

Had an odd one last night, guest starring two other DGNers. It took place in my house, in my living room to be specific. Myself, Pest, Raev and Nocker were sitting at the table and for those of you who have been over before, there is a huge picture window in that room facing the high school across the street. I'm not even a hundred percent why we were there, I think we were all just talking about whatever but I can't remember what exactly. Out of nowhere the back part of a NASA-style spaceship comes careening from the sky with no warning, I thought it was going to crash right into the house. It missed narrowly, landing in my next door neighbor's front yard. I didn't even say anything, just jumped out of my chair immediately and ran outside. It was almost bigger than the house it landed in front of, had an American flag on it and said "USA" in blue. At this point, even though I already had figured out I was dreaming, panic set in. I knew it wasn't real but I was still scared as all fuck, which is odd for me, I almost always figure pretty quick that I'm dreaming and so it doesn't really effect me that bad. When I thought the ordeal was over, another loud roar came from the sky, but this time it was a jumbo jet with what I'm assuming was passengers on board, spiraling down at a steep angle and missing a wing. It shocked me even more to see something that massive crashing out of thin air, and it exploded upon impact someplace a few blocks North of 9 Mile. As silly as it seems, as I already mentioned earlier that by this time I realized I was actually still sleeping, I was also frightened for the people on board as if it were actually happening. Another loud buzzing screech came from above, I looked up and it was a helicopter spinning out of control like the jet, but already on fire. Before it had a chance to descend and cause any destruction, I woke up.

WEIRDEST shit in awhile, I swear, and I have some pretty nutty dreams sometimes. What I think is weird is how everyone in every dream I have has been someone I know or have met before, pretty much like 98% of the time. But what I'm trying to figure out is what the hell all of it could have meant, like all the shit falling out of sky like that. It fucked with me a bit, definitely one of those dreams that sticks with you all day :laugh:.

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  • 8 months later...
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I never remember my dreams, so when I do it's odd.

Somehow I ended up with my Dad's truck (a large extended cab Chevy Silverado 4x4). Somehow I drove it into school and into a classroom. So I went to get it from the classroom and the instructor said I couldn't get it until her class was over in an hour. So I left and came back. When I got back, the truck was gone. The instructor had moved the truck. Which I had the key ...

Anyway, I went searching all over for this truck and thought I found it once but it was blue (dads is black). I was about to check the vin number to see if the instructor painted it when she hid it and an air raid siren woke me up (my daughters ringer on my phone).

It was funny, I walked in my parents house today, parked behind my dads truck and said to him: "I see you found your truck." then had to explain to him my dream while he was laughing through the whole thing. Lol.

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  • 7 months later...

I dreamed that I survived both a helicopter and car crash this week. The pilot of the helicopter started saying some crazy talk about not being afraid of heights and parachuted out but with some alien thing other than a parachute. I somehow knew how to fly it but don't remember if I jumped out or not.

I cursed sporadically in the second dream because my sibling wrecked my car.

While normal people have nightmares about their teeth falling out, I have nightmares about my dentures being flattened; a distinct monetary loss, which is what happened after the helicopter crash.

Edited by Coffeenated
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  • 3 months later...

I've been having weird, vivid dreams lately. Last night probably from watching Daybreakers and too much Supernatural, I dreamed that I was with a group of vampire hunters, and if you wore a piece of a dead vampire you could have more power when fighting anyone in their "clan" to the point where you could be as strong as them. So I used some shoestring and scotch-tape to make a necklace with a piece of black vampire flesh. Then something happened even more messed up than that between two other people, before the dream ended.

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  • 7 months later...

My dream state has gotten whackier over the past few years. I actually have to go through a couple of nightly rituals to insure I can make it through the night, especially when I must be up early the next day. Next time I pass out before setting up my sleep area, I will have a superbly whack-up dream at which time I will most definitely share... :happy:

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I was contemplating the next section of one of my story lines when I fell asleep at some point. I dreamed I was kneeling in the back seat of a vehicle trying to secure a giant-sized pack of papertowels on the seat. I managed to find the bottom seatbelt, which was weird because it was similar to the kind in a racecar except the bottom belts were mounted under the seat. When I finally pulled them up, I leaned over the pack to fasten the seatbelt. The tip of my finger accidentally got caught in the clip when it closed. The pain woke me up. My fingertip was still hurting.

I hate dreams like those. I don't know if I actually body swapped again or if it was an actual dream. :question:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another end of dream segment. I dreamed Ciel Phantomhive had someone melted into a huge chocolate chunk and told Sebastian to serve it to them. I can't recall the beginning of the dream or who the unfortunate soul turned to food was. Man, that sucks. :dry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, the last two nights I have dreamed of uninvited guests. The first dream, there was someone ringing the doorbell as I was trying to get off the phone (an actual land line which I do not own) to make sure the door was locked. In the second dream, I remembered thinking I had better check to see if the door was locked just as a guy came in stating that we should lock our doors around here. They claimed they were my brother, but I was too nervous to look at them for fear of what I might see.

I am happy these dreams ended without any harm coming to anyone, but I always lock my door even if I can't remember it while in dreamland...

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Well, at least I figured it out...I had two uninvited guest jump my fence while I was out working in the back yard. One was the son of my neighbor who moved out and now the son has the house. The other was a guy he hired to do work on the house who surprisingly enough resembled my brother...got to love this kind of stuff... :hrhr:

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Due to a worm virus downloading onto my computer last night, I ended up running an antivirus check that lasted 2 hours and 50 minutes so I ended up falling to sleep without sound...

I had a dream about an orphanage for mid-lifers in crisis who were trying to put together a Christmas morning surprise for Christian Slater - the head of the orphanage. Then I got quoted in the New York Gazette about dumb reporters missing Babe Ruth's final home run ball that was sitting right next to their camera bag. Finally, I ended up fending off these beautiful armor plated vultures with a broom handle while trying to get to my mother's house. Once inside, I see her sitting on the landing as usual. She lifts her head and says, "I see they went for you too. Trick is never turn your back towards them."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream early last night. At some point, I must've fallen asleep on time for once. I found myself in a dark kitchen. I've never been there before nor seen any place like it. Anyway, across the room directly in front of me was a stove. It appeared to have a pot on a lit eye. What drew me to the thing was the flame. It looked like wax paper shaped like fire filled with orange, yellow, and blue lights. As I walked closer, I found I couldn't control my body. It just kept moving forward. The stove was to my right as I approached. The pot lifted off, vanishing in the darkness, I guess because I couldn't turn my head and my eyes were fixed on the weird fire. A strange steel metal plate lifted off the burner. The flames around it were real but that strange florescent orange leading to sun yellow then to dark blue. The metal plate was completely flat and as it turned towards me, I could see it had words burned into it. Something kept urging me to read the words, but I felt like I really shouldn't. I mean REALLY shouldn't. The thing kept demanding I read it but I fought to keep my distance. It couldn't leave the stove, but I was being held in place so I couldn't run. I could see the writing but I refused to read it. Suddenly I felt myself breaking away from whatever was holding me. I was able to move backwards, but not through the kitchen. I was shifting back into the bedroom I'm sleeping in. The thing tried to follow me, demanding I read it. I woke up completely and turned on the light. That stupid thing was still in my eyesight. I had to fight to make it leave by forcing other images to bury it. :shock:

I don't know if anyone else has had a dream like that which followed you into the waking world, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

Now I know I have something major to deal with. I did a meditation dream dive last night and came face to face with a gray matter lurker. Of all the ones I encountered, it was the largest, most determined, and the only one I could not either cast out or coexist with.

It never attacked, but it did stalk me until I confronted it...that's about the time the phone rang at 7am this morning...

...oh pooh maybe next time

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  • 1 month later...

Had a running dream...everyone tried to catch me, but couldn't while at the same time I was trying to deliver an important message. Never got caught, but never made the delivery either...woke up feeling numb in the brain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamed about a big freak'n roller coaster at Cedar Point. I was a beta tester for a new 200 person-seater, steel coaster that clung to the tracks by magnets. It was crazy. Most of the time in the dream, all I saw was blue sky and white scattered clouds. My sister's husband was waiting for me on the disembarking platform while the brother of a friend I met at a graduation party was watching my niece and nephew. Although I had a blast, no one seemed to care or wanted to hear about it. And once the rest of the family all met up to move through the park, it was back to business as usual. :confused:

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  • 2 months later...

I just woke up out of the blue, lit a smoke up and my bf wakes up and goes I just had the weirdest dream and I don't even want to tell you. Naturally, I am like, ought oh, what? He was like he was dreaming he was driving down the road and President Obama was driving a Dodge Aries K Car Convertible shooting at him with a six shot revolver...my bf said he though he lost him cause Obama got stuck at the train but he looked back and Obama was still behind him... he said while he was dreaming this his thoughts were "this muthafucker ain't giving up, he aint giving up", he fucked shit up enough he ain't gotta shot me"...than he woke up....I can't stop laughing over here.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Had a project construction dream where I actually got most every project I have in queue completed. I was project planning with my cousin, aunt, immediate family and had enough funds in that dream to meet all the needs of those I worked for...It was such a wonderful dream I almost couldn't wake up...

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Sort of off topic, but I haven't had a good dream in years. It seems when I do dream they are only nightmares, even dreams that start out good end up very bad. So much so it torments me. I've been diagnosed with PTSD.. I'm sure that's a big part of it, but I refuse to be put on a battery of drugs "they" say will make me better. I self medicate with marijuana. Say what you want about weed, but it's the only thing that helps me sleep when I have high anxiety almost all the time, and it suppresses my nightmares. Not sure if it actually makes me stop dreaming, but I never remember any dreams when I smoke.

To me it's either a choice of being miserable and doing nothing, going to the doctor and getting an Rx for xanax or some other psychotropic drug, or to use an herb, I've made my choice. It works out.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic :D

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