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DGN dream journal.


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  • 2 months later...
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Had a dream... can't remember how it started but me and several family members were sort of in it. It was dark even though it wasn't night time. Everything had a gray hue over it. I was trailing a man wearing layers of dark clothes and a trench coat with a dark gray muffler wrapped around his face under a dark gray fishing hat. He had on dress shoes. Expensive ones. I could see the moonlight shining off of them as he walked. In fact, moonlight was shimmering off all the water and wet surfaces in the alley we were traveling through even though there was no moon. I could hear his footsteps clacking on the cobble stone. For some reason, I didn't make a sound. The man had a shopping cart with two huge fully packed garbage bags in it while carrying one on his back. Somehow he shoved all of the bags into two small briefcases. The shopping cart disappeared. I followed him out of the alley. He never once looked back. My family was tracking us from the fire escapes on the buildings. I saw a sign off to my right that was bright white despite it being pitch dark. Everyone else continued following him but I stopped and began reading the sign. It had several coordinates on it plus temperature references for each one. The last line said, "be watchful he coming" and my alarm went off waking me up before I could finish the rest. I realized this wasn't exactly a dream because you cannot read in a dream. I know I can't. That's how I know the difference. Now I wish I had been able to finish that sentence. :sad:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

A bit long winded but here it goes

We're pretty sure that the house behind us is a crack house (in real life).

In my dream it was behind someone else's house (someone I know, but can't remember, maybe Dustin) who thought their spray painted garage could use a fresh paint job. Instead of getting angry, the drug dealers/users came out and helped and thanked him. This gave me the courage to walk over and say hi. They were all very friendly, handshakes and hugs all around. Eventually I started hanging out with a few of them. The problem with this is that as many of you know, I used to have a problem with heroin. Upside was that I didn't relapse at any point (yea me). The downside was that I had to experience a lot of things I'd of rather not had to again. At one point Cherie (Elektra on DGN) showed up and we talked for a little while (possibly the most fucked up part of the dream). There was also a lot of swimming involved. It seemed like occasionally everyone would go for a swim (which is always fun in my eyes). Eventually everyone made their way to a mall, but not one I had ever seen before with a lot of really cool stuff (like whole sections devoted to Legos and shit). I met TitsMcGee there and we hung out with everyone a bit. At one point I turned to a girl who I know that said she really wanted to do my fiancee. When I turned around, I found that my fiancee was making out with another female DGNer. Eventually we left. I made it a point to say goodbye to all of our new friends even though they were on the other side of said mall. We shook hands, hugged and said goodbye. When we got home, we realized that my phone and wallet were missing, as well as our pants (nothing sexual. We took them off before swimming). I called my phone from Marie's and one of the new friends answered and confirmed they had the missing items. He said we could come get them at anytime. So we made our way to somewhere, but we ended up meeting someone that we hadn't met before. He had our stuff, but threatened Marie in the process of giving them to us. After we had made it clear that we were going to beat a bitch ass if he followed through on that threat, he gave us our stuff and left. On the way home the Sun looked big and white (which is the color that the Sun would appear as in space). Not dangerously "the Sun is expanding" big, but "sometimes the Sun looks a little bigger" big.

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Just recently woke up from a dream in which I woke up watching TV and saw my sister come down the stairs. Before I could say anything to her, she smacked me on the shoulder with the flat of her foot saying she was trying to catch my attention. At that point, I suddenly sat straight up and cursed her out yelling what the f*** did she do that for?!? And I couldn't let it go there. I laid back down and just started degrading her and being as judgmental as possible with every word that came out of my mouth. She tried to ask me what was the matter, but I just kept talking over her and telling her how I even hated the sound of her voice. I then got up and said, "You know what, maybe I should go and let Ma know how I feel about all this!"

In the dream, I was literally stomping towards the door in my night gown when I heard someone screaming at my neighbor's house. Somehow, I could see through the wall and saw this girl being thrown down the staircase from the upstairs of the two family flat. Suddenly I found myself sitting up yelling "Hey!! Are you OK over there?!" Then I heard the booming sound of the train cars linking in the Chrysler shipping yard. All of a sudden, all of the sounds around me started hitting me all at once...the girl screaming, the train cars booming, the TV program, the sounds of my voice - one voice yelling at my sister, the other voice yelling at the guy who was watching the girl fall down the stairs. I saw myself sitting in my blankets with my hands over my ears trying to block out all the noise.

Suddenly, my eyes popped open and I woke up to see Kali snoozing in her bolder bed near my head. I whispered to her, "Am I awake?"

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I dreamt a guy broke in my house and was going kill me..but he didn't so I went and found him and asked him why he didn't kill me..I told him it must mean there is a conscious good person deep inside you.. And then he turned into a good productive citizen.

Edited by kat
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I had a dream that I was delirious and too tired to do anything but lay down and watch TV for hours...literally stuck in front of the TV, unable to move or do anything but watch whatever was on the television...

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I had a dream that I was delirious and too tired to do anything but lay down and watch TV for hours...literally stuck in front of the TV, unable to move or do anything but watch whatever was on the television...

so you dreamt you were me...that's all I did the past few days..lol
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Lmao, just woke up from a dream that I was labeling envelopes for mailing out flyer's to inform everyone that they would now be eligible for free dentures, my bf was helping in the dream well for some reason I was cracking up and I must have been loling because he woke me up asking me "what was wrong".. He must of heard me cracking up!

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  • 4 months later...

I was installing new telephone and data ports at the house. I didn't recognize the place. It was very large and had many rooms. My brother had given me a specialized request to complete when I went to a room to check on our mother. Suddenly I was dressed in a sort, white flowing dress and was the same size I was back in high school. Our mother was lying on a strange clear pad on a wooden floor. The wood was just like our floors at the home house but slightly newer. She had on a dark blue turban, was wearing her burgundy pullover sweater, navy blue sweatpants, and her favorite black flats. I started dancing and picked up a small dark blue cookie cutter in the shape of wings. I thought to myself, "these aren't large enough". Suddenly they were full-size and I was able to mount them on my back. I danced and danced. The entire time, a voice kept telling me to call our baby sister. Finally, I knelt down to call her. She suddenly brushed my shoulders saying she was already here.  Our mother opened her eyes and began talking to me. I called everyone into the room. We sat our mom up and hugged her, laughing and smiling. Suddenly she was in her hospital gown, her turban was gone, she was sickly yellowish and thin. Her head dropped onto my shoulder. The others pulled away and we began screaming and crying. I held her away from me. She had died.

She placed her right hand on my left shoulder... but she was still gone.

I woke up and nearly vomited.

Edited by Trene4000
(Had to add the last thing she did in the dream.)
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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw a huge Keeler Oak tree with bright green leaves standing in a field of yellowish- green grass framed by a light morning mist. Suddenly a huge branch, the only one on the right side of the tree, broke off from the trunk of the tree leaving behind a huge gaping section of splintered wood. The huge branch fell silently to the ground. I was jerked wide awake feeling alarmed and confused. There was no apparent reason for the branch to fall. Even awake, I can still see the beautiful oak standing lop-sided within the now golden field. It's leaves are now a Fall orange as it stands unmoving, undisturbed by the loss of such a huge member.


What does this mean? I hesitate to contemplate the myriad of possibilities.



Edited by Trene4000
Keeler oak not Keller
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  • 1 month later...

Around 8 pm, I woke up from the first dream that I have had where I was aware that our mother had passed. I was handling a large blue latex balloon that we had all decorated in memory of her. It had been floating in the dining room for some period of time in this dream. One evening I came through cleaning and rearranging some furniture when the balloon suddenly came loose from some invisible thing it was tied to and floated up and hit the ceiling at which point it began to slowly deflate and descended into my hands. I began screaming and crying uncontrollably which alerted others in the house. My niece and nephew rushed to where I was standing under there archway asking what was wrong. All I could do was hold the now deflated balloon crying about how I was trying to preserve this last memory of her and now there was nothing left.

The phone rang and the dream ended in a blink.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The doctor I am seeing for PTSD treatment gave me a blood pressure drug called Minipress. It's not a beta blocker but it blocks adrenaline or something like that which is why it is different from other hypertension meds and has shown success with Combat vets who have been suffering from PTSD. So anyhow, I was prescribed 5 mg last week and the one night I took it shit got weird. I went to sleep listening to Kitaro on Pandora and it was right after watching "What would you do", which is a great show that does social experiments with people relating to cultural issues. Anyway, I went to lay down, put on the music and felt like I was half asleep or hallucinating a little but I dreamt in color all night, the dreams were so weird but chill, like ambiance was great. The first dream was these two girls from my old neighborhood that were like former gang members and the girls painted the most beautiful mural of people from different cultures and the painting had angelic being's in it. I remember that the mural was a work in progress that intended to have people add to it over time and I painted this female character, which stood out like an eyesore from the rest of the mural because it was cartoonish with white clothing and a huge head of yellow hair and the color of the mural was yellow in most spots, like a beautiful blend of happiness. I remember that I was thinking how terrible my addition to the painting was but I was the only one who thought that, everyone else thought it was beautiful and belonged as part of the painting. I had dreams like that for hours, all peaceful though. Hmmm

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  • 1 month later...

I just had a very interesting dream about my grandmother. She looked 40 years younger, her hair was dark and she looked the way she did when I was 6 years old. In the dream, it was early Summer, she had driven herself up north, from Alabama, to visit our mother's in-home memorial. While she was here, she stayed in her daughter's room and we helped her collect photos to take back home with her. She stayed about a week. I remember looking out of an upstairs window watching her packing her car for a return roadtrip down south while I was holding a quilt we were all working on and  thinking how her parking in the middle of the street wasn't too much of a problem since the build truck was parked in the same manner and passing cars had to go around the parked vehicles using the sidewalk across the street. For some reason that all seemed perfectly normal. At one point I looked down as I heard my brother coming in the front door and realized grandma had left all the pictures she had taken so long to choose. I grabbed the photos, running down the stairs, yelling like a madman telling my brother to stop her before she left. I break into the back yard where she was packing a large, wooden, pine colored crate. I laid the photos on the box and told her she almost forgot and left these memories. She looked right passed me like I didn't exist and continued working with the crate. I nodded my head and began to back away. At that point, without breaking from her work and still staring off in the distance, she said very clearly, "Thank you baby", with a smile in her voice, that same way she has said it to me my entire life. Then, the dream faded as if it were the end of a play.

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  • 11 months later...

I know I tell everyone that I am painfully shy and that speaking loudly is one of my coping mechanisms, but for some reason, my anxieties kicked into overdrive right before The Gathering 38.  I have been replaying every conversation for the past 5 days, over and over again in my head. I've been feeling awkward and embarrassed with each and every interaction which finally came to a head at my nephew's doctor appointment yesterday afternoon.  However, last night, I practically passed out after I finally got a chance to eat and I felt my mother's energy while I slept.  I could tell I was about to have a very interesting dream.

We talked about her passing while we sat in the old kitchen, before the first remodeling project I did.  As she was showing me how she made her chicken broth, she reminded me about the dreams I had talked about with her when I was little.  Then we built a 3 foot tall wire frame Eiffel Tower on the old kitchen table while she told me about how she used to watch me and my little sister play as babies.  I began remembering all sorts of things I had forgotten.  Then she told me in a soft voice, "You are about to wake up.  Don't forget your training and remember your studies.  I know there are a lot of things I didn't get the chance to teach you while I was alive, but you will be back to see me."  She remained at the table, smiling and adding little figures to the Eiffel Tower as I felt myself floating backwards into a fadeout.  Just before it went completely dark, only moving her hand, she pointed to the lower left area of the tunnel I was being drawn into.  Looking down, I saw the "Learn Sign Language" book and my Kanji reader flash for just an instant.  Then I woke up on my face, smiling. :happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Around 5pm, I dreamed about my sister's kittens. I was laying on the sofa. Slinky walked past me but he was fuzzy looking. I couldn't see him clearly. He was a big cat. Suddenly two grown cats, walked side by side along the coffee table. One was a beautiful sleek gray. The other, a fuzzy muted tortoise shell with Tabby stripes. They were crystal clear as they walked next to me. Then I woke up.

Edited by Trene4000
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  • 2 weeks later...

On Friday night/Saturday morning, I dreamed I was sitting on my mother's bedroom floor. That old pressed down, green carpet was still on the floor. The old six drawer dresser with its mirror were against the wall. The balcony door was open. A faceless girl with her hair in two braided loops on top of her head. She was wearing a sweater with thick pastel blue, yellow, and pink horizontal stripes. She had on forest green corderoy pants as she sat on her knees in front of the dresser looking out the balcony door. She was eating orange jello. She lifted the spoon and suddenly stopped with it almost to her mouth. Her hand dropped and her entire body drooped. Somehow I knew she had died. Whoever I was jumped up screaming my sister was dead and I had no idea how I was going to make it without her. A tall woman in black kept trying to comfort me but I was crying hysterically. I woke up extremely disturbed and confused.

Edited by Trene4000
Tell actual dream.
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Sunday night, I dreamed I was at church but everyone was duplicated. I tried to speak to a person who looked like Reverend Price but he kept switching with his double. I was very upset and trying to explain what was troubling me but what the double kept saying made no sense. I suddenly realized something. He wasn't real. None of them were truthful. I made him stop talking then turned and found myself waking up. I felt free.

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Saturday night I had a sweet dream but all I can remember of it is beautiful royal purple orbs with a soft pink undertone clustered into a group of three. White antlers. Snow. I can't remember anything else. I feel calm every time I think about the dream even though I can't remember it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed the squirrels and mice merged into rats. The kind in semi serious cartoons. I was in the living room. They started coming down through a hole. I caught the first one, twisted his head around, snapping his neck, then threw him out the front door. I caught the second one. She was white with clear blue eyes. I did the same to her. As I looked at her, I wished I hadn't and that I had simply thrown her out the front door. Another came in search of her. I grabbed him in my left hand since she was still in my right. As I walked towards the front door, he saw her and became angry, struggling to bite me. I tried telling him I was sorry and that I wasn't going to do the same to him, but he wouldn't listen. He was too furious. I opened the door and threw him out. I apologized to her before carefully tossing her out. I went back to the living room wall and snatched the last one out of the new hole they had created before I caught the first one. He was screeching and baring his teeth at me as he struggled. I could tell he was elderly. His little burgundy vest slipped open when one of his buttons popped out. I didn't try to reason with him and pitched him out the front door. I woke up afterwards.

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