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Something you were bullied about as a kid

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i was bullied as kid because my family was poor and my sisters and i were the only white kids in our school. in middle school people made fun my sister because of how she looked, or they did till i started going there. i was the size of a linebacker people didn't want to mess with me.

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As far back as I can remember I was just bullied about the way I dressed (gothy and stuff) but it didn't really effect me because the people who would say something were people whose opinions I really could care less about lol. I was also teased in elementary school for being a mouth breather XD hahaha but the guy who did the teasing was a cry baby and I told that fucker off. I might have been teased about my weight but I really can't remember I learned very quickly to ignore people.

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I was bullied for my tongue. (I have a birth defect called Beckwith-Weidaman Syndrome which makes my tongue a larger size). I was teased for being tall. I've been teased for the way I dress and the music I like. I've been teased for my race (mostly blk

& white). I used to get it a LOT in elementary and middle school. Some kids are just cruel asshole kids.

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  • 10 years later...

I was probably bullied, but I also bullied other people, so Im not inherently innocent. 


I used to be picked on for

- physical appearance

- slut shaming. 

- How I walked.


Also, occasionally harassed wo it being bullying. 


I dont even remember what I bullied other people with. I bullied one person because I thought She liked me, and I didnt like her. 


Bullying is not cool in any shape or form. 

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I was bullied in school for having long hair in braids with the "Cindy Brady" short dresses every day (my mother's insistence for how I dressed/hair style).  This was in the early 70s when most little girls wore pants and had a short Dorothy Hamill-style haircut.  Then in high school I was bullied for being a nerd, getting good grades, having big boobs, and a myriad of other things.


I was later bullied for being a misfit.  I'm still a misfit and often vilified or ignored for it... and I'm 52 years old.  

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  • 2 years later...

I must have slept on this thread the first time around, I don't know how.

I've been bullied and still am in ways for my autism.  I view the world differently and as such don't really get social norms, nor do I really care.  Fitting in is nice I guess but it's not really necessary.  A lot of people tell me the way I dress is cool, which is appreciated.  At least I can be myself in that way without issues.

The real question is does my Autism make me an asshole, or do I just use it as an excuse to be one?  The unfortunate answer is yes.  I try to use tact when I can but my usual default mode is brutal honesty.  Which should let people know I care about them enough to tell them the truth about things.  Sometimes I just piss people off and push them away though.

So really back then it was just being different and either not understanding/conforming to the world, and it still is, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

The way you get back at all of them is loving yourself for being yourself (quirks and all) and finding friends who do actually see the value in you and your friendship (and also sometimes violence, but ideally you should avoid that one.)

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  • 1 month later...

For stuttering, not being able to form questions (how you shape your voice to round out a question, I would be flat), being skinny, redheaded, weird, for talking too much, for not being able to form words when I became angry. Mom would call be scabby gabby a lot when I would go into picking fits from being bullied at school or by my brothers.

Edited by Queen of Foxes
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Oh jeez... so much to choose from.


Hair,  shoes, walk, musical taste, movie taste etc... better to ask what I wasn't bullied about ...


When I got to high school I started acting like a disturbed psycho... they left me alone after I figured out about that... never quite got out of it

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58 minutes ago, Slogo said:

My last name

Really?  I never noticed or thought anything about it.  The only thing I could possibly think is "one/won less."


Can't be any worse than Richard Rintz (I can't remember the spelling.) I hope he's doing well, he was a nice kid IIRC.

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3 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Really?  I never noticed or thought anything about it.  The only thing I could possibly think is "one/won less."


Can't be any worse than Richard Rintz (I can't remember the spelling.) I hope he's doing well, he was a nice kid IIRC.

Put a "g" in between the n and l

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3 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Really?  I never noticed or thought anything about it.  The only thing I could possibly think is "one/won less."


Can't be any worse than Richard Rintz (I can't remember the spelling.) I hope he's doing well, he was a nice kid IIRC.

I do think it had mostly died down by the time we crossed paths

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24 minutes ago, Slogo said:

Put a "g" in between the n and l


Okay, so almost as bad as his (since his needed no real modification other than using the nickname for Richard.)


Kids are cruel and they can make a joke out of pretty much any name if they try.

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13 minutes ago, gwen said:

i got picked on for the speach thing

i have a horrible tbi from falling down the stairs on concrete age 4

so i had a stutter and lisp and everyone said

you talk like a baby

i was made to go to school asap at age 4 3/4. 

so i had speach class

its coming back now a bit with age

funny thing

if i memorize and practice a song


its like it fixes it, somehow

like that guy in chilli peppers

his speach impediment goes away on stage


That happens with a lot of people.  I think you're using a different part of your brain to do that is why.


I used to know Danny D back when he owned Whisky in the Jar in Hamtramck.  He had turrets syndrome but he was a great Rod Stewart impersonator doing songs on stage and whatnot.  Haven't seen him in years though, hope he's doing alright.

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My weight, being poor, having braces (brace face, metal mouth, etc.), my hair (curly hair I didn't know how to properly care for until high school, and bad hair cuts), being shy and socially awkward, my last name (long Italian name no one knew how to pronounce). In high school I sometimes got shit for being goth, but the insults were more like compliments to me: Morticia, witch. 

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5 hours ago, gwen said:

never for being a wimp thats for sure.

i just saw a 8 yr old being pushed in a baby stroller


here is your precious wonder brat in 10 yrs...


that hunger, is sure one helluva motivator...



Yes, now lets see the same site for women.


"Oh no, our men no longer want to go die in pointless wars or work until death what ever shall we do?"


Sexist organization is sexist.

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  • 1 month later...

It’s wild that I never commented in this thread. But really, what wasn’t I bullied for? I was poor, I was ugly, I was too skinny. The boys would tell everybody that I was a pirate’s dream because of my sunken chest. I had very few things of value. In the ninth grade, I was given a purse that my grandmother made for me. It was very popular style at the time, but none of us could afford to buy them from the store. 

they were girls in my classes. It would do horrible shit to my clothes into my hair. One girl tried to light my hair on fire in Spanish class. That was really scary. I don’t know why almost everything I’m saying happened in Spanish class, though.

The boys overheard me talking about how much I loved my purse with the only two friends I had in school. So during Spanish class one day, it disappeared. I got up to go to my next class, and it wasn’t there. I started to panic. There was nothing important in it, other than a lipgloss. But it was the purse. My grandmother made me, and it meant a lot. One of the boys said that he thought he saw my purse in the boys bathroom and he brought me in there, and there were all the other boys. Each one of them took a healthy shit in one toilet, and then they pushed the purse. My grandmother made me into it. I will never forget that as long as I live. 


my husband just asked me if any of these ass clowns were going to be at the 40 year reunion, next month. I honestly have no clue. I doubt it highly, since most of them I hadn’t seen since middle school. But their words did a lot of damage. I’m still working on undoing the damage.



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2 hours ago, Anna Phylaxis said:

It’s wild that I never commented in this thread. But really, what wasn’t I bullied for? I was poor, I was ugly, I was too skinny. The boys would tell everybody that I was a pirate’s dream because of my sunken chest. I had very few things of value. In the ninth grade, I was given a purse that my grandmother made for me. It was very popular style at the time, but none of us could afford to buy them from the store. 

they were girls in my classes. It would do horrible shit to my clothes into my hair. One girl tried to light my hair on fire in Spanish class. That was really scary. I don’t know why almost everything I’m saying happened in Spanish class, though.

The boys overheard me talking about how much I loved my purse with the only two friends I had in school. So during Spanish class one day, it disappeared. I got up to go to my next class, and it wasn’t there. I started to panic. There was nothing important in it, other than a lipgloss. But it was the purse. My grandmother made me, and it meant a lot. One of the boys said that he thought he saw my purse in the boys bathroom and he brought me in there, and there were all the other boys. Each one of them took a healthy shit in one toilet, and then they pushed the purse. My grandmother made me into it. I will never forget that as long as I live. 


my husband just asked me if any of these ass clowns were going to be at the 40 year reunion, next month. I honestly have no clue. I doubt it highly, since most of them I hadn’t seen since middle school. But their words did a lot of damage. I’m still working on undoing the damage.


That weight seems heavy, you should definitely stop carrying that around.


Also, just because someone's beauty isn't conventional doesn't mean they are ugly.  I mean yes, some people really do have unfortunate looks, but you're certainly not one of them.


All things being equal I'd rather be ugly on the outside with a beautiful spirit than ugly on the inside like those fucks anyway.


Anyway that story reminded me of the time the kids in my high school stole my briefcase and hid that.  Had my laptop in it so I tracked it down fairly quickly next to the sports store window.  Good thing they weren't too imaginative.

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I was bullied, for what others perceived as "gullibility" - when in actuality, I only expected others to be as decent and innocuous towards me, as I was, towards them. Apparently, namaste is NOT a thing, with primary school students, or teenagers. 😞


Kids would act like they were my best friends, for weeks, just to set me up for cruel stunts.


I still wish that I could see more than the "good prospects" in people, sometimes. I tend to see the good, before I even take the bad into consideration. I struggle with this, because I also know that some people just need ONE person to be kind to them, to change their entire lives for the better. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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I was bullied for developing breasts. I was in 6th or 7th grade. Some girls apparently were jealous and would try to push me down the stairs in between classes.


I was also bullied for losing weight. I don’t want to get into a debate about it.  I lost a bit of weight before my senior year and this girl in my class had it out for me. I’m fairly certain it was jealousy. I’ve been up and down in my weight and from this same situation later in life. It’s insane to me. 

Middle school and high school was loads of fun 🙄

Edited by KatRN05
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3 hours ago, KatRN05 said:

I was bullied for developing breasts. I was in 6th or 7th grade. Some girls apparently were jealous and would try to push me down the stairs in between classes.


I was also bullied for losing weight. I don’t want to get into a debate about it.  I lost a bit of weight before my senior year and this girl in my class had it out for me. I’m fairly certain it was jealousy. I’ve been up and down in my weight and from this same situation later in life. It’s insane to me. 

Middle school and high school was loads of fun 🙄



I know a girl who grew tits in 7th grade.  Everyone wanted to stare at them and she kept her arms crossed the whole class, and I thought she had something on her shirt like one of those funny ones.  So I bugged her to see the shirt and when she finally let me I was all disappointed because it was just plain and black.


Also happened with a redhead in 8th grade and by that time I was less interested in shirts (but still very interested in them, too.)

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6 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:



I know a girl who grew tits in 7th grade.  Everyone wanted to stare at them and she kept her arms crossed the whole class, and I thought she had something on her shirt like one of those funny ones.  So I bugged her to see the shirt and when she finally let me I was all disappointed because it was just plain and black.


Also happened with a redhead in 8th grade and by that time I was less interested in shirts (but still very interested in them, too.)

I realize it seems bizarre but it happened. 🤷‍♀️  

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