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To The DJ's

DJ Nocker

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*sigh* and this is what I mean by my idea also helping with spreading knowledge of the music of the scene...because (NO OFFENCE, I MEAN IT) what you just said shows me that you dont know what your talking about. TBH, you here barely ANY goth in the bars anymore (especially new stuff). And you hear ZERO deathrock (although that doesnt bother me as I dont like deathrock to much...) Nor do you hear any psycho-billy or horror punk or coldwave, all sub genres that "sound the same". I could go on...

What you mostly here is a lot of synthpop and harder EBM (which is what industrial has pretty much evolved into). And trust me. even with that stuff, there is a huge difference between VnV Nation and Terrorfakt. They dont sound the same...

Don't insult me, I was actually giving you a benefit of the doubt by not spoon feeding you bands. I didn't want to insult your knowledge of music as a DJ. But this.. I don't know what I'm talking about... yeahhh...

If you're really this lame of a DJ where I have to spoon feed you specific songs of different bands for you to get an idea of what I'm talking about, it just leaves me to the conclusion that no wonder why you all are failing hard lately.

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Don't insult me, I was actually giving you a benefit of the doubt by not spoon feeding you bands. I didn't want to insult your knowledge of music as a DJ. But this.. I don't know what I'm talking about... yeahhh...

If you're really this lame of a DJ where I have to spoon feed you specific songs of different bands for you to get an idea of what I'm talking about, it just leaves me to the conclusion that no wonder why you all are failing hard lately.

LoL, notice how I said no offence? apparently not.

Obviously my taking the time to make a post about different musics shows that I dont know what im talking about. Feel free to spoon feed me bands because obviously I have no clue, enlighten me?

Clearly, friend, you dont know what you are talking about. Saying all those sub genres sounds the same is one of the silliest things you could have said. And my correcting you clearly was an insult. Have a nice day. Mods, feel free to delete another stupid argument that results to personal flames.


No prob phee...

Edited by DJ Nocker
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LOL, didn't mean to throw this off topic, due to the first post saying MUSICAL DIVERSITY/INDIVIDUALITY, I was trying to say there's other stuff out there besides the strict sound alike goth/industrial "sub genres". I mean, if they can play lady gaga, why not some more rock/metal sounding stuff that still has a good dance beat to it?

Because there are some people like myself who doesn't listen to other "dark" genres very heavily such as metal or horrorcore. Throwing those in would further aid in confusion, imo. Going to a night with all of them blended in? Bad idea. I can see little off shoots here and there, an odd song that doesn't fit any subgenres of goth/industrial, but an even mix of everything would be disastrous. Case in point, let's say you really love EBM...but hate metal. You go to a night to just flood yourself in EBM, but 50% of what they play ends up being metal. Or you could divide it down further if you blend in even more stuff, such as loving EBM and hating metal, horrorcore, and deathrock (hypothetically speaking). You wanted to go hear EBM because that is what you love to hear, and end up listening to about 25% EBM blended with 25% metal, 25% horrorcore, and 25% deathrock, causing you to leave the place one pissed off clubber. The more genres and broad categories blended into the mix means in all probability you will hear what you're there to hear even less.

I think it's ingenious to set up in clubs so that one room specializes in one or two types of closely related subgenres, and another room plays mainly another two groups. That makes it so that if you dislike a song or genre outright, you can get up and dance your drunk ass over to the other room where, perhaps, they may be playing what you love to hear. Hence why RIP and the late Deadline (*sad face* :crybaby:) were superb in layout. Deadline DID have a pool table though, which definitely enhanced the experience...and really good chicken tenders........I miss Deadline *sob*.

Because there are some people like myself who doesn't listen to other "dark" genres very heavily such as metal or horrorcore. Throwing those in would further aid in confusion, imo. Going to a night with all of them blended in? Bad idea. I can see little off shoots here and there, an odd song that doesn't fit any subgenres of goth/industrial, but an even mix of everything would be disastrous. Case in point, let's say you really love EBM...but hate metal. You go to a night to just flood yourself in EBM, but 50% of what they play ends up being metal. Or you could divide it down further if you blend in even more stuff, such as loving EBM and hating metal, horrorcore, and deathrock (hypothetically speaking). You wanted to go hear EBM because that is what you love to hear, and end up listening to about 25% EBM blended with 25% metal, 25% horrorcore, and 25% deathrock, causing you to leave the place one pissed off clubber. The more genres and broad categories blended into the mix means in all probability you will hear what you're there to hear even less.

I think it's ingenious to set up in clubs so that one room specializes in one or two types of closely related subgenres, and another room plays mainly another two groups. That makes it so that if you dislike a song or genre outright, you can get up and dance your drunk ass over to the other room where, perhaps, they may be playing what you love to hear. Hence why RIP and the late Deadline (*sad face* :crybaby:) were superb in layout. Deadline DID have a pool table though, which definitely enhanced the experience...and really good chicken tenders........I miss Deadline *sob*.

Edited by Chernobyl
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ok first up, that's the first time I heard it was supposed to be meant as a joke. And I know what I mentioned isn't part of the sub genre. And I'm not talking about disturbed or korn. That's obviously not good dance music.

I was saying broaden your horizons than just goth industrial. That's why I don't even go out clubbing when I'm in michigan anymore. goth industrial is fine but that's ALL that's been played. I'm bored with hearing the same sound over and over the past few years where even the sub genres all sound the same to me now.

Then don't go to gothic/industrial clubs...? :tongue:

Just tryin' to help here...

There are clubs for nearly every genre in Detroit, or bars even, pick one! If hearing gothic/industrial types of music is old to you, don't go to CC.

Then don't go to gothic/industrial clubs...? :tongue:

Just tryin' to help here...

There are clubs for nearly every genre in Detroit, or bars even, pick one! If hearing gothic/industrial types of music is old to you, don't go to CC.

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Lady Gaga is a joke??? Oh noes panic.....

Some may consider pissing in my corn flakes a joke but I don't find it funny and it's unappreciated.

A solution to that is kind of what Nocker is saying though... If you have two DJ's in one night... one is DJ LeatherPuppy242Assembly the "old skool industrial"DJ... and the other is DJ OontzEuroVNVCombiwolfshiem... the "EBM synthpop" DJ then the people who love DJ FearKornClutchMarilynPig will know to stay home. Or vice versa.

I want to go to that club. I love DJ OontzEuroVNVCombiWolfshiem and I like DJ LeatherPuppy242Assembly, but I can't stand DJ FearKornClutchMarilynPig, so that sounds like the perfect night.

That's kind of what Mephistos used to be like. They'd have a DJ on the main floor doing one style of music, and another upstairs doing another. They'd rotate several DJs from weekend to weekend and you got used to who played what. I'd always go on nights that Pulse State and Crash Site played because I loved their styles. On those nights I knew I'd do a lot of dancing and less socializing. Jinx and Scary Guy played good music too, but their styles weren't quite my thing. I'd still go on their nights but I knew I'd do less dancing and more socializing on those nights. The other DJs were good too, but I didn't know their styles as well. About the only nights I really didn't want to go to Mephistos and would rather stay home where when they had live bands.

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I don't go to City Club anymore, as well as many other people I used to go with, don't go anymore. That whole music mixing thing works wonders in europe. But for a significantly large event, i'd rather have one butthurt EBM enthuziest storm out than several potential people never set foot there again because they think that's all the club ever plays. The theme nights are a good spin, but it's still too limited to just one main genre.

I said all this as just food for thought, because you can't really play one specific sub genre all night before you gotta start repeating songs or start playing the less popular songs in that specific sub genre.

Shit, since friday's are usually a dive anyway, you can have the "freestyle" nights there then as an idea, where you mix in several main genres. What's the worst that can happen on fridays? People might actually start showing up? (maybe things changed since i last frequented city reguarly, but back then fridays were always just as dead as Gilbert Godfrey's sex life)

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I like how most of the posts in this thread are by people who rarely attend -_-.


Hey man, I soooo srsly attended last Saturday. So I am in the "Persons who have attended 1-5 times within the past year" category :animier:.

Hey man, I soooo srsly attended last Saturday. So I am in the "Persons who have attended 1-5 times within the past year" category :animier:.
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Hey man, I soooo srsly attended last Saturday. So I am in the "Persons who have attended 1-5 times within the past year" category :animier:.

eh, don't think he was speaking to you specifically as you get the point, logic and reasoning in what Nocker was proposing in the the thread from the beginning.

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eh, don't think he was speaking to you specifically as you get the point, logic and reasoning in what Nocker was proposing in the the thread from the beginning.

I was just giving him a hard time :tongue:. Also vaguely hinting that I do need to get out to the club more...

I was just giving him a hard time :tongue:. Also vaguely hinting that I do need to get out to the club more...
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perhaps before anyone else post in this thread they need to go back and READ FULLY from the beginning what was proposed as a great idea.

Simply skimming a few words here and there and you miss the points trying to be made thus making may of your responses look entirely foolish.

I'd really love to address some individual points made by a few here, but eh some people got their blinders on, their minds closed, general apathy and reluctance to new things... I digress.

And, if you want to hear the Chicken Dance it's played every weekend... just find yourself a wedding reception!

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earlier in this thread you said "Makes tonz of sense......" so you're off the hook ;)

You can tell when i am trying to lighten up the mood of this thread....

So as i was saying....

They put in the STRIPPER POLES NEXT week 2 on the STAGE and 1 by the coat check in...


P.S - What do you think of the SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA - aren't they tearing it up...!


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Its to late, the thread has already turned into a "what we want to hear thread" as apposed to a "DJ thread" oh well, I tried being positive for once.


On that note.....




Nice STOMPIE / GERMAN / HARSH ELECTRO / - (((EBM sound)) like XRX / Phosogore / CombiChrist - something that would get the club kedz moving....



P.S - i work with Mayhem Adco-popup.jpg on every other weekend...!

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Its to late, the thread has already turned into a "what we want to hear thread" as apposed to a "DJ thread" oh well, I tried being positive for once.

Not a bad idea. Great to bring it up.

That being said, it is good to focus on a certain facet of the genre as a DJ. However, there needs to be some diversification with each individual DJ to allow a nice transition from one DJ to another during change over. DJ Old School should have some stuff that allows him to hand off to DJ EBM using stuff that is close or precedes EBM, for example. Who knows? One might keep a couple of the Rabid Old School (ROS) fans on the floor through at least a few songs of EBM set, exposing ROS fans to *GASP* new material that they actually don't mind. This is of course dependent on what is requested.

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Ooh, or you could just play music in chronological order. That way us old people can hear what we like and still get home at a reasonable time for bed, and the youngins can party late into the night listening to their crap.

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Ooh, or you could just play music in chronological order. That way us old people can hear what we like and still get home at a reasonable time for bed, and the youngins can party late into the night listening to their crap.

Interesting idea.... honestly.

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the whole initial point of this thread has been lost. The point trying to be made was recognizing DJ's for their specific musical specialties (goth, noise, psychobilly). Once again it's turned into another thread for what would you like to hear the DJ's spin. There's already a thread for that.

It's not just about the music being played but rather distinguishing which DJ's are playing which styles and granting them more leeway in exploring that style while providing you the club goers a LOT more in that preferred genre - which is often times more expansive than you would think rather than limited. It's about taking your request for goth stuff to the goth DJ's so it will be heard more often rather than ignored by a noise DJ who probably doesn't have it in his/her collection or more likely simply hates that shit. Likewise it's about recognizing that noise DJ is trying to introduce you all to something different than that expected industrial top 40 of the usual tunes.

Seems like a no brainer win-win situation for the customers and the DJ's...

Spook you're idea is kinda cool - we could start at 4pm so Phee could be home by 7pm, just in time for his Matlock stories!!! (you know I like to kid)

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the whole initial point of this thread has been lost. The point trying to be made was recognizing DJ's for their specific musical specialties (goth, noise, psychobilly). Once again it's turned into another thread for what would you like to hear the DJ's spin. There's already a thread for that.

It's not just about the music being played but rather distinguishing which DJ's are playing which styles and granting them more leeway in exploring that style while providing you the club goers a LOT more in that preferred genre - which is often times more expansive than you would think rather than limited. It's about taking your request for goth stuff to the goth DJ's so it will be heard more often rather than ignored by a noise DJ who probably doesn't have it in his/her collection or more likely simply hates that shit. Likewise it's about recognizing that noise DJ is trying to introduce you all to something different than that expected industrial top 40 of the usual tunes.

Seems like a no brainer win-win situation for the customers and the DJ's...

Spook you're idea is kinda cool - we could start at 4pm so Phee could be home by 7pm, just in time for his Matlock stories!!! (you know I like to kid)

I think they serve dinner in my 'home' at 4pm just before Bingo.

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