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Mine was taken from a early 80's Brittish show called The Young Ones. One of the charactersn named Rik was teased that he spelled his name with a silent P. I used to introduce myself to people as Rick but I spell it with a silent P. If they understood it was a joke I would continue the conversation. If they did not and was puzzled I would walk away. Soon everyone called me Rick with a silent P and then shortened it to Prick to save time. I liked it and kept it. Now tell your story even if it isnt as complex as mine.

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hahahaha tits ftw!

Victoria is my alias.

Victoria Vengeance is my internet alias.

I use Victoria Vengeance to hide behind my computer and not get stalkeddd at City.

Some people just should not be able to find my personal facebook XD, I'm working on making a VV fb.

plus. it reminds me of VNV.



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Slogo: (photoshops head into random pictures)

Lord of Sins:you should put stickers of your head all over the place

Slogo: That's be sweet, my face would be everywhere

Lord of Sins: Yeah it' almost like it's a slog-o (meaning to say slogan then mid pronunciation switching to logo)

Thus Slogo was born

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Slogo: (photoshops head into random pictures)

Lord of Sins:you should put stickers of your head all over the place

Slogo: That's be sweet, my face would be everywhere

Lord of Sins: Yeah it' almost like it's a slog-o (meaning to say slogan then mid pronunciation switching to logo)

Thus Slogo was born

I often wondered about that.

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Out of a fear and awe of the possible effects of human error. Oh and I have a blight fetish, WTF right? Nuclear physics is also pretty sexy. It's the trifecta for me I guess.

I also used it originally as a measure of how educated someone was. I feel as our citizens are failing in their motivation to attain knowledge any further than what's on Family Guy this Sunday, so if I say "Chernobyl" and you say something like "Oh, that's a pretty name, sounds foreign" or "wow, are you from someplace like Russia or Poland?" I subconsciously write you off in my head as a moron.

Out of a fear and awe of the possible effects of human error. Oh and I have a blight fetish, WTF right? Nuclear physics is also pretty sexy. It's the trifecta for me I guess.

I also used it originally as a measure of how educated someone was. I feel as our citizens are failing in their motivation to attain knowledge any further than what's on Family Guy this Sunday, so if I say "Chernobyl" and you say something like "Oh, that's a pretty name, sounds foreign" or "wow, are you from someplace like Russia or Poland?" I subconsciously write you off in my head as a moron.

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FarrIL is my alias when I dont want other people knowing my name just yet. But I came up with it after reading through male Irish names and came across Farrell which is the surname of a king of Ireland (and hey, with my real name being Tara, which is a place in Ireland where kings were crowned... yeah). Also, the word 'Feral', meaning 'Wild'.

Yeah, I was 18 years old and FarrIL came to be. =)

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Glory is the name of one of my favorite "bad guys" from my favorite show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". She was an Evil Hell Goddess and she was INSANE. She also lived inside a really nice guy as his other personality but he had no idea she existed inside him. This is fitting for me because I have a hellacious temper that is just barely under my control when I lose it. My ex-husband used to refer to it as my "evil sister". Glory is the name I gave to my evil sister and she is very insane and I fear what would happen if I ever lost control. She wants to kill people and eat them, especially babies. Fortunately as time goes on and I age I find that I have more control and she escapes from within a lot less often. I on the other hand am very nice, a Girl Scout at heart and all I want to do is help make the world a better place.

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Way back in 1997 I worked at a movie theater and one of the managers gave nicknames to all the employees. I walk quietly and am fairly unobtrusive so I would often seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear just as mysteriously. I never did it on purpose, it just happened that way. Anyway, one day I went to tell the manager something and scared the crap out of him when I appeared out of nowhere. I delivered my message and left. He turned to tell me something but I was already gone. That's when he said, "Where the hell did that spook go?" Ever since that day, he called me Spook and the name kinda stuck.

I find it fitting because I also love ghost lore.

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Well lets see

When I first found DGN years ago, I wanted to use my Gamer handle "Iris" but figured everyone would assume that I am just a huge fan of the bad synthpop band of the same name (LoL). So instead I used "Sluagh686" because I used to resemble Sluagh very very much. Over the years, my views and personality changed, as well as my ability to strangely get stuff to work, and me starting to DJ. I picked up DJ Nocker.

If you dont know what a Sluagh or a Nocker are, then you are already to far out of the loop, lol.

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Got my name from my favorite roleplaying game (i.e. one with books and dice,) when I was in college, Torg. It had a series of novels that set up the world that I enjoyed as well.

Wikipedia entry on Torg

I know people that worked at West End Games, and their humor and twists run rampant in all their games (they did write the game Paranoia, after all.) And yes, the way the game was named per the wiki entry is totally accurate.

The definitive online fan site for the game.

Needless to say, I am dying to run this again. (I have everything except the map WEG used to track of the war's progress during the Infiniverse campaign.)

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Some years ago I was really into Demonology. In the Lesser Key of Solomon it gives reference to the Prince of Prophecy, Vassago. I have always thought myself to have a good sense of intuition and wanted to relate myself to his namesake and created the variation Vassagon. Since then it's been my primary alter ego.

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Way back in 1997 I worked at a movie theater and one of the managers gave nicknames to all the employees. I walk quietly and am fairly unobtrusive so I would often seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear just as mysteriously. I never did it on purpose, it just happened that way. Anyway, one day I went to tell the manager something and scared the crap out of him when I appeared out of nowhere. I delivered my message and left. He turned to tell me something but I was already gone. That's when he said, "Where the hell did that spook go?" Ever since that day, he called me Spook and the name kinda stuck.

I find it fitting because I also love ghost lore.

Spook is a cool name and that's a cool backstory to go with it.

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