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So, The state of New York wants to ban the use of food stamps for the purchase of pop. The reason being is that they are saying that doing so will basically help fight obesity. There is also talk that if this happens then junk food purchases would be banned as well, (according to a local radio station I was listening to a couple days ago) I found an article to this story here: http://clutchmagonline.com/newsgossipinfo/new-york-wants-to-ban-food-stamps-for-soda-fair-or-not/.

I am wondering what everyone's opinion on this subject is? Do you think the government should have control of what people purchase, with government funding? I mean if the government is providing the financial resources for ppl the government should be able to mandate what is allowed and what is not allowed to be purchased? Or are they?

Do you think the government, perhaps, has bigger fish to fry and need to worry about more important things, such as who's actually using the food stamps to purchase actual food for their own families versus selling them on the street?

I really want to hear your thoughts.

Edited by kat
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So, The state of New York wants to ban the use of food stamps for the purchase of pop. The reason being is that they are saying that doing so will basically help fight obesity. There is also talk that if this happens then junk food purchases would be banned as well, (according to a local radio station I was listening to a couple days ago) I found an article to this story here: http://clutchmagonline.com/newsgossipinfo/new-york-wants-to-ban-food-stamps-for-soda-fair-or-not/.

I am wondering what everyone's opinion on this subject is? Do you think the government should have control of what people purchase, with government funding? I mean if the government is providing the financial resources for ppl the government should be able to mandate what is allowed and what is not allowed to be purchased? Or are they?

Do you think the government, perhaps, has bigger fish to fry and need to worry about more important things, such as who's actually using the food stamps to purchase actual food for their own families versus selling them on the street?

I really want to hear your thoughts.

i think govt. should be allowed to determine what their money should be able to buy. i mean, they already do, don't they? i don't remember, but it seems to me that they already restrict some things, and honestly, if you're getting food stamps, be grateful you are getting money to eat. if you want pop, or other junk food (or smokes, which i'm certain a large percent of food-stamp recipients buy), go out & find a job, or rake leaves, or cut the neighbors grass, or any other cash job.

and don't bitch about a free hand-out...

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IMO this seems to be more of another government intrusion into tax payers lives. While I will agree that those receiving assistance should not spend it foolishly I also believe that government has not right telling private citizens how to spend money correctly when the government has proven time and time again that they have trouble budgeting our tax dollars.

If it is allowed for the state to regulate food stamp spending do we then have the right to show up on their door and tell them how to spend our money (which, when one thinks about it - they are always spending our money on things we would disagree with and then they turn around and raise our taxes to get what? More money to spend how they please).

Should it not be a two way street? I thought that conservatives wanted less government in our life? Am I wrong? Are we to allow politicians to have more say (i.e. control) over what we do in our daily lives?

Where does it end

In fact, I think it should go like this, when our government figures out how to properly regulate the monies they already get from us (the tax payers) and they demonstrate that they can be fiscally sound in their spending, then they can tell the common person how to better spend tax payers money (which is not theirs to begin with).

That is just how I see things.

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Boshy always said not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Am I mad that people are wasting my tax dollars adding it to their obese waistlines? You betcha.

Furthermore, pop on Bridge Cards is a VERY DEVASTATING thing in Michigan to alcoholics and drug addicts. I can't tell you how many people I know personally will take their card, buy nothing but cases of pop, drain all the pop out and then take back the cans to buy beer/drugs/liquor. I hope it passes here, honestly. Personally if I had my way I'd make it so Bridge Cards could only purchase healthy food and things that aren't prepared, because when you're stealing money from other people's pockets then you shouldn't be allowed to use it on bullshit with no nutritional value just so you can shove it in your mouth and burden us more with your medical bills from being fat. I'm sick of living in a country where it's okay to be obese and people are starting to use dangerous terms such as "BBW" or "extra curvy". Something that is as unhealthy as being obese/overweight should be FOUGHT, not CATERED to :no:.

I'm even for legalizing all drugs but if it were to happen I believe that you should have to sign a waiver with hard drugs decreasing your rights as a citizen. You should not be able to receive any form of government help if you choose to use (only because most hard drugs have extreme physical addition rates). I think the same thing should be with being fat. Or smoking cigarettes. Alcohol is different unless you're a straight up alcholic, using alcohol occasionally is not severely detrimental to your health (let's face it, almost EVERYTHING is bad for you if not used in MODERATION). But this last paragraph I suppose is another story altogether.

Any chronic abuser of dangerous substances (the only thing I could think of that would not fit the "dangerous" category is marijuana, but food, cigarettes, alcohol, hard drugs, etc) should not receive government help and our tax dollars. You make your bed and you lie in it.

Boshy always said not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Am I mad that people are wasting my tax dollars adding it to their obese waistlines? You betcha.

Furthermore, pop on Bridge Cards is a VERY DEVASTATING thing in Michigan to alcoholics and drug addicts. I can't tell you how many people I know personally will take their card, buy nothing but cases of pop, drain all the pop out and then take back the cans to buy beer/drugs/liquor. I hope it passes here, honestly. Personally if I had my way I'd make it so Bridge Cards could only purchase healthy food and things that aren't prepared, because when you're stealing money from other people's pockets then you shouldn't be allowed to use it on bullshit with no nutritional value just so you can shove it in your mouth and burden us more with your medical bills from being fat. I'm sick of living in a country where it's okay to be obese and people are starting to use dangerous terms such as "BBW" or "extra curvy". Something that is as unhealthy as being obese/overweight should be FOUGHT, not CATERED to :no:.

I'm even for legalizing all drugs but if it were to happen I believe that you should have to sign a waiver with hard drugs decreasing your rights as a citizen. You should not be able to receive any form of government help if you choose to use (only because most hard drugs have extreme physical addition rates). I think the same thing should be with being fat. Or smoking cigarettes. Alcohol is different unless you're a straight up alcholic, using alcohol occasionally is not severely detrimental to your health (let's face it, almost EVERYTHING is bad for you if not used in MODERATION). But this last paragraph I suppose is another story altogether.

Any chronic abuser of dangerous substances (the only thing I could think of that would not fit the "dangerous" category is marijuana, but food, cigarettes, alcohol, hard drugs, etc) should not receive government help and our tax dollars. You make your bed and you lie in it.

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Alcohol is different unless you're a straight up alcoholic, using alcohol occasionally is not severely detrimental to your health

I disagree.

I know someone that never drank alcohol and was killed by a drunk driver so, to say alcohol is pretty much harmless unless you're a hard core alcoholic is wrong.

It seems that those that are social/weekend drinkers say often how alcohol is safe. Why is that? Maybe how you drink (in moderation) is safe but you don't even have to take a drink to be affected by it.

So would you say that those types of people (that spend their food card money foolishly) should be under some sort of special laws/regulation?

And if that were allowed, then should we make more government regulations to save us from ourselves? Should the government regulate our private habits to make this country more safe?

Again, where does it end?

Just curious.

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I think I have to agree with this.

If you are on food stamps, then yes by all means the govt. should be able to decide what you buy.

The thing is, is that the Democrats in power now, Want us to be a nation of food stamps; and Not a nation of paychecks.

Nancy Pelosi herself, said she thinks the best way to stimulate the economy is to increase funding for food stamps.

The more people that go on food stamps = more people controlled by the govt.

This why we need to vote these bums out of office 2.5 weeks from now.

However, pop is Not the leading cause of obesity; if you do not lead an active lifestyle, and sit on the couch all day and stuff yourself with candy, chips, or even bread, you will get fat.

You will Not get fat, if you do Not drink a keg of pop a day, but rather maybe 1 can at the most.

Also, if you lead a physically active lifestyle, you will Not get fat from only drinking pop.

New York chose pop to be the scapegoat for their political purposes.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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I am split on this...

My family within the last few years has used bridge cards to stay afloat here and there, and they are very restrictive in what is and is not allowed. I think this is a good and reasonable thing, it also encourages people to not use them any more then they have to.


There is a certain degree of the government picking what you can and cannot have to eat that is invasive...

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I don't really think that the government is meddling in the lives of individuals by not buying them pop. They are buying you something, they are not saying what you are allowed to buy with your own money. I've felt for a long time that people shouldn't be able to buy pop or candy with their food stamps. I've used food stamps myself in the past and they don't give you enough to really feed your whole family for the month. Then if you're taking away some of that money to get something that has no nutritional value that just takes away from the amount of actual nutrition you get and you end up malnourished and obese. Kids don't have any control and if their parents give them pop instead of milk they're gonna drink it up and it will become a life long health problem. The government is not saying to these people that they cannot buy pop they are saying buy it with your own funds, we aren't buying it for you. They're not even saying they won't buy candy, ice cream, chips, cookies, all of which have no nutritional value just pop. The purpose of food stamps to make sure that less fortunate people or people down on their luck do not starve, it's not to help them get their sweeties. Heck, the only beverage anybody really needs is water but you can still buy juice, milk and even coffee.

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I am split on this...

My family within the last few years has used bridge cards to stay afloat here and there, and they are very restrictive in what is and is not allowed. I think this is a good and reasonable thing, it also encourages people to not use them any more then they have to.


There is a certain degree of the government picking what you can and cannot have to eat that is invasive...

It's been a few years since I've had to use a bridge card but I don't remember them being very restrictive at all. I only had food benefits but I could buy anything that was edible.

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I just thought of one more point of interest related to this topic. So for the third post in a row....

A few years ago I took my Girl Scout troop to Gleaners to help sort food for hungry people. The lady who was giving us a presentation said that they get a lot of donation from Kraft and Pepsi. She said you might think it's odd that Pepsi would donate since it isn't really nutritional but having a Pepsi sometimes might me that one thing that makes a poor kid feel like a normal kid.

That made a lot of sense to me. Maybe it's more of an emotional need but I still think that it should be limited especially if it will be using funds meant for nutritional foods.

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Furthermore, pop on Bridge Cards is a VERY DEVASTATING thing in Michigan to alcoholics and drug addicts. I can't tell you how many people I know personally will take their card, buy nothing but cases of pop, drain all the pop out and then take back the cans to buy beer/drugs/liquor.

I know people who have done the same thing. I am a firm believe you shouldn't be able to by soda with bridge card, or any junk food. I'm very careful on what I buy with my card, I feel bad even buying kool-aid with it. What also pisses me off is that apparently in Bay City, you can use your bridge card to buy fucking Slurpees at 7-11. http://www.mlive.com/news/bay-city/index.ssf/2010/08/not_all_bay_county_7-eleven_st.html

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I disagree.

I know someone that never drank alcohol and was killed by a drunk driver so, to say alcohol is pretty much harmless unless you're a hard core alcoholic is wrong.

It seems that those that are social/weekend drinkers say often how alcohol is safe. Why is that? Maybe how you drink (in moderation) is safe but you don't even have to take a drink to be affected by it.

So would you say that those types of people (that spend their food card money foolishly) should be under some sort of special laws/regulation?

And if that were allowed, then should we make more government regulations to save us from ourselves? Should the government regulate our private habits to make this country more safe?

Again, where does it end?

Just curious.

I was referring to the physical body of the person who consumes it. If I cross the road I may get hit by a car, by a sober person, so with your logic roads are harmful. A person who drinks and drives KNOWS BEFORE they get into their vehicle that what they are doing is highly dangerous to themselves and the general public. It is not the alcohol to blame, it is the solely the driver. A SUBSTANCE IS NEVER EVER EVER EVER AT FAULT...THE USER ALWAYS IS!! The second people own up to this and stop blaming inanimate objects for their own behavior, the second we can all start to move forward instead of back. Honestly, imo, the drunk-driver comparison was a stretch at best. Everything in this world can be indirectly harmful to you. You pick up a knife, you cut food with it...bam. Lop your finger off. There needs to be a line drawn somewhere, anyone can stretch anything in this world to fit the "dangerous" criteria, it's up to logic to know where to draw the line.

And under the laws/regulations sector...so if a homeless man comes up to me begging for money and I ask him if it is for food and he says "no I need some fucking heroin" I'm still supposed to give it to him? Does not compute, but by your logic it should be none of my business what he spends the money I so graciously donate to him on. If you are a succubus spanging off the government then yes, they should own you 100%. If you want to be 900 pounds I couldn't give two shits, just not on my dime. If you want to hurt your own life, that should be your right, but the second you start scraping my pockets for money I spent hard hours of my life earning that I will never be able to earn back is where it needs to end. Why should you be able to reach into MY pockets and STEAL my money for your own selfish greed? And if you condone this behavior, are you telling me that larceny, breaking and entering, petty theft, embezzlement and insurance fraud and all forms of stealing should be legal?

The government should use tax money for the betterment of the general population of the country, not the hinderance of the people. For instance, I don't have children myself and hopefully never will but I have no qualms about paying into the public school system. Why is this? Because America is a better place if people are educated, the economy thrives better, and it puts us above other countries in this respect. Stealing my money to give people their heroin, make people obese, enable people to be lazy and make excuses, or perpetuate the mindset of women who have children for the SOLE reason of getting money from the state should be banned and outlawed.

I was referring to the physical body of the person who consumes it. If I cross the road I may get hit by a car, by a sober person, so with your logic roads are harmful. A person who drinks and drives KNOWS BEFORE they get into their vehicle that what they are doing is highly dangerous to themselves and the general public. It is not the alcohol to blame, it is the solely the driver. A SUBSTANCE IS NEVER EVER EVER EVER AT FAULT...THE USER ALWAYS IS!! The second people own up to this and stop blaming inanimate objects for their own behavior, the second we can all start to move forward instead of back. Honestly, imo, the drunk-driver comparison was a stretch at best. Everything in this world can be indirectly harmful to you. You pick up a knife, you cut food with it...bam. Lop your finger off. There needs to be a line drawn somewhere, anyone can stretch anything in this world to fit the "dangerous" criteria, it's up to logic to know where to draw the line.

And under the laws/regulations sector...so if a homeless man comes up to me begging for money and I ask him if it is for food and he says "no I need some fucking heroin" I'm still supposed to give it to him? Does not compute, but by your logic it should be none of my business what he spends the money I so graciously donate to him on. If you are a succubus spanging off the government then yes, they should own you 100%. If you want to be 900 pounds I couldn't give two shits, just not on my dime. If you want to hurt your own life, that should be your right, but the second you start scraping my pockets for money I spent hard hours of my life earning that I will never be able to earn back is where it needs to end. Why should you be able to reach into MY pockets and STEAL my money for your own selfish greed? And if you condone this behavior, are you telling me that larceny, breaking and entering, petty theft, embezzlement and insurance fraud and all forms of stealing should be legal?

The government should use tax money for the betterment of the general population of the country, not the hinderance of the people. For instance, I don't have children myself and hopefully never will but I have no qualms about paying into the public school system. Why is this? Because America is a better place if people are educated, the economy thrives better, and it puts us above other countries in this respect. Stealing my money to give people their heroin, make people obese, enable people to be lazy and make excuses, or perpetuate the mindset of women who have children for the SOLE reason of getting money from the state should be banned and outlawed.

Edited by Chernobyl
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In this case, I understand the restriction, but what I don't like is that legislation like this tends to make government meddling more palatable to people in the future. So it starts with this, and that would be fine, but not if it leads to increases in taxation or outright bans on what the government decides is unhealthy food.

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Well, the gov should also add one more provision to welfare:

While receveing government assistance, females must be on some form of permanent birth control. Maybe an IUD...

If you can't/won't afford to take care of yourself or your family, you should not be allowed to breed and bring more tax burdens into the world that will only follow the same lifestyle.

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What kills me is you can't use food stamps to buy toilet paper,though it may not be a food product,though it is a necessity,unless you want to sacrifice a sock or worse yet a shirt to Mr Hankey,it does suck when you run out out of tp and have no money to buy any because your broke and can't use your bridge card to buy any(face palm)

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I work a regular job infact save lives for a living to a point.... but yet I dont make enough to feed myself and my son. So you mean to tell me if my kid has been being good and I want to reward him with a candy bar and pop I can't. No offence but kiss off.... I work and pay my taxes and I am responcible with what I buy. And yes I BUY HEALTHY FOODS to and YES I AM STILL A BBW... Just because you are fat dont mean you eat all garbage.

I agree with Scar My Machine untill the goverment can get there spening under controll they have no right to stick there nose in what I buy as long as im buying what im suposed to be. And im sorry but if "you know people" whom are doing things with there bridge card that arnt suposed to be used for i.e selling them, buying all soda and returning cans, ect. they YOU are just a guilty for not turning them in related to them or not. there is an 800 number you can call

infact here you go.... Public Form for Welfare Fraud

Be part of the solution..... REPORT THE FRAUD..... If you dont you are just as at fault for a failing system......

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Yeah, it is certainly a stereotype to assume that people that receive food stamps are all using the system and just lazy, fat asses, especially the way the economy is now. We have laid off auto workers that are now receiving food stamps and other forms of government assistance. I also know many college students that get food stamps, even while they are in grad school.

I personally think that what the government says they are trying to accomplish by doing this is not going to produce the end result that they expect. People are still going to drink pop, they are just gonna buy it with cash or they will find a corner store that will accept food stamps on the down low. I think the government has bigger problems and need to start weening out the people who are using the system. Maybe start random drug screenings for one. Drug abuse is a far greater problem than drinking pop. Nobody goes out after drinking too much caffeine and sugar, has their judgment impaired, has sex with a random person and then gets pregnant or get's someone pregnant (or god forbid sell's their ass for a pop fix) but, they will for some crack, hence, creating more babies for the government to support. Bottom line, to me is the government has their priorities all fucked up. (but we already knew that)

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I work a regular job infact save lives for a living to a point.... but yet I dont make enough to feed myself and my son. So you mean to tell me if my kid has been being good and I want to reward him with a candy bar and pop I can't. No offence but kiss off.... I work and pay my taxes and I am responcible with what I buy. And yes I BUY HEALTHY FOODS to and YES I AM STILL A BBW... Just because you are fat dont mean you eat all garbage.

I agree with Scar My Machine untill the goverment can get there spening under controll they have no right to stick there nose in what I buy as long as im buying what im suposed to be. And im sorry but if "you know people" whom are doing things with there bridge card that arnt suposed to be used for i.e selling them, buying all soda and returning cans, ect. they YOU are just a guilty for not turning them in related to them or not. there is an 800 number you can call

infact here you go.... Public Form for Welfare Fraud

Be part of the solution..... REPORT THE FRAUD..... If you dont you are just as at fault for a failing system......

Have reported it, been told that doesn't happen by DHS.

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Yeah, it is certainly a stereotype to assume that people that receive food stamps are all using the system and just lazy, fat asses, especially the way the economy is now. We have laid off auto workers that are now receiving food stamps and other forms of government assistance. I also know many college students that get food stamps, even while they are in grad school.

I personally think that what the government says they are trying to accomplish by doing this is not going to produce the end result that they expect. People are still going to drink pop, they are just gonna buy it with cash or they will find a corner store that will accept food stamps on the down low. I think the government has bigger problems and need to start weening out the people who are using the system. Maybe start random drug screenings for one. Drug abuse is a far greater problem than drinking pop. Nobody goes out after drinking too much caffeine and sugar, has their judgment impaired, has sex with a random person and then gets pregnant or get's someone pregnant (or god forbid sell's their ass for a pop fix) but, they will for some crack, hence, creating more babies for the government to support. Bottom line, to me is the government has their priorities all fucked up. (but we already knew that)

Imo it's not that the stuff is BAD for you that I have qualms about, it's people getting things that are not absolutely 100% necessary on other people's dollar without their permission. People have such a skewed view nowadays over what is actually a NEED and a WANT. Pop is always a want. If someone wants to spend their actual tangible cash on it that they made themselves, that's fine. But spending other people's cash is not, that's where I draw the line. My two cents. Like people that think they need to reward their kids with either food or toys, imo, just kind of sets them up to think that food (like treat food, not real food) and toys are a NEED and then their value system gets skewed. Kids should always be rewarded with honor, love, praise, and encouragement...not some toy.

But even if you do not agree with my philosophy on parenting (that is not set in stone, just my opinion) still..."wants" should not be expected to be supplied by taking money out of the wallets of strangers, only needs.

I find it ironic that so many people bitch about others buying cigarettes with welfare money and yet have no problem with people buying candy or pop with Bridge Card money. Is it only because maybe it caters to their cause? Some people are sometimes in the psychology (many times without even realizing they're doing it) that if it is not something that agrees with their value system, wants, or desires then it is unnecessary or worthless for other people to pursue. That is why dolphins...are so totally more advance than humans :rofl:. We have such ODD hangups in our psychology for a species that has come so far.

Imo it's not that the stuff is BAD for you that I have qualms about, it's people getting things that are not absolutely 100% necessary on other people's dollar without their permission. People have such a skewed view nowadays over what is actually a NEED and a WANT. Pop is always a want. If someone wants to spend their actual tangible cash on it that they made themselves, that's fine. But spending other people's cash is not, that's where I draw the line. My two cents. Like people that think they need to reward their kids with either food or toys, imo, just kind of sets them up to think that food (like treat food, not real food) and toys are a NEED and then their value system gets skewed. Kids should always be rewarded with honor, love, praise, and encouragement...not some toy.

But even if you do not agree with my philosophy on parenting (that is not set in stone, just my opinion) still..."wants" should not be expected to be supplied by taking money out of the wallets of strangers, only needs.

I find it ironic that so many people bitch about others buying cigarettes with welfare money and yet have no problem with people buying candy or pop with Bridge Card money. Is it only because maybe it caters to their cause? Some people are sometimes in the psychology (many times without even realizing they're doing it) that if it is not something that agrees with their value system, wants, or desires then it is unnecessary or worthless for other people to pursue. That is why dolphins...are so totally more advance than humans :rofl:. We have such ODD hangups in our psychology for a species that has come so far.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I work a regular job infact save lives for a living to a point.... but yet I dont make enough to feed myself and my son. So you mean to tell me if my kid has been being good and I want to reward him with a candy bar and pop I can't. No offence but kiss off.... I work and pay my taxes and I am responcible with what I buy. And yes I BUY HEALTHY FOODS to and YES I AM STILL A BBW... Just because you are fat dont mean you eat all garbage.

I agree with Scar My Machine untill the goverment can get there spening under controll they have no right to stick there nose in what I buy as long as im buying what im suposed to be. And im sorry but if "you know people" whom are doing things with there bridge card that arnt suposed to be used for i.e selling them, buying all soda and returning cans, ect. they YOU are just a guilty for not turning them in related to them or not. there is an 800 number you can call

infact here you go.... Public Form for Welfare Fraud

Be part of the solution..... REPORT THE FRAUD..... If you dont you are just as at fault for a failing system......

Didn't know anything like that existed, thanks for letting me know :thumbsup: . I don't know anyone doing it currently atm, but it's good to keep in mind for the future.

Didn't know anything like that existed, thanks for letting me know :thumbsup: . I don't know anyone doing it currently atm, but it's good to keep in mind for the future.
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What kills me is you can't use food stamps to buy toilet paper,though it may not be a food product,though it is a necessity,unless you want to sacrifice a sock or worse yet a shirt to Mr Hankey,it does suck when you run out out of tp and have no money to buy any because your broke and can't use your bridge card to buy any(face palm)

Or... you could do what Iraqi's do.. use your left hand....

So... who's got the "stink palm"!!

But on a serious note, I agree with this. They're giving you money to spend, they have every right to restrict what you can buy. It would be VERY cool if they allowed hygene products on the bridge card, but it's purpose is for food.

Yeah it was nice when i was on the bridge card to be able to use it to get a case of soda once in a blue moon, but i really used it for actual groceries, like fresh produce...

just to me the way I see it, if it's free money, might as well make the most of it because fresh food goes alot farther than junk food in quantity and quality. The only drawback is most the food I'd get was perishable (fruits, vegetables, meats, ect)

I'd still be cranky if i were still on the bridge card and had to give up soda's... But it really doesn't do anything for me other than taste good so it's not much of a loss and I wouldn't bitch, I'd just be happy I got good food I can live off of still.

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I agree with much of what Chernobyl is saying. People do not know what a true want and a true need is. I may want a new car but do I really need one when I have a car that runs perfectly fine and gets me from one place to another without stalling in the middle of I-75.

Yeah whatever happened to just getting praise and thanks for doing something good? Doesn't happen anymore. I don't know when it became acceptable to "reward" children with toys and food but really it has gotten out of hand. Kids are being more overweight/obese, developing diabetes, respiratory and heart issues and people wonder why? I'm sorry, I just find it disturbing that there are people who think its okay to reward kids with food. Secondly, kids nowadays are too fucking spoiled for their own good. They don't even have to ask for something anymore because their fucking parents are giving them whatever the fuck they want without having to earn it and without having any sort of consequences. Seriously, what kind of message are we sending to our kids?

So yes, I think the government should have a bit of control over how the money people receive through assistance is spent.

Edited by KatRN05
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