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Its a reward so you saying we shouldn't reward our kids at all.... Its a simple cheap reward did NOT say he get this stuff everyday.. its a treat having a treat once in awhile does not give him diabetes... its also something cheap and easy to give him when there is nothing else I can afford.... people on here obviously haven't been shit dirt poor and what these little things can mean to a child or someone. If you want to talk about spoiled rotten kids whom get what ever they want talk to the parents with money... I'm not one of them. BTW I also use coupons and budget my spending. And on that note if your gonna ban pop might as well ban koolaid, and any kind of sweets period. cause if your someone like me I can make things similar to Reese peanut butter cups and mounds bars... how about home made cookies... better ban them chocolate chips I can buy ect....


I dunno, assuming that nobody else is poor or in the situation is kinda blanketing imo. My mother received no child support at all (because she refused it) and raised me on less than $10,000 a year. Poor is all in money management, not in the actual amount you make. I had a SNES (super high technology :laugh:), went up north in the summer, went to Cedar Point every year. I knew I was poor, all the other kids knew I was technically poor, but it didn't necessarily feel like it because my Boshy was super awesome with finances and going without.

Personally I think rewarding kids with anything tangible (toys and food) regularly is harmful to them. There's Christmas and birthdays for that stuff! If parents aren't too bent on the idea of just rewarding your child with praise, why not reward them with a fun day somewhere? This becomes a bonding experience between parent and child, gives the child an opportunity to either bring a friend or play with other kids there (such as Major Magic's...but I think I just dated myself), it also teaches them to cherish good times instead of something like junk food. I've seen it so many times, erm lemme rephrase that...I've never not seen it (double negative, but whatev) where a child is rewarded with either mostly toys, food, or a combo of both where the child grows up to be not-spoiled or without weight problems. I'm sure it does happen maybe, but out of the hundreds of children I've been exposed to in my lifetime, it's never happened.

I dunno, assuming that nobody else is poor or in the situation is kinda blanketing imo. My mother received no child support at all (because she refused it) and raised me on less than $10,000 a year. Poor is all in money management, not in the actual amount you make. I had a SNES (super high technology :laugh:), went up north in the summer, went to Cedar Point every year. I knew I was poor, all the other kids knew I was technically poor, but it didn't necessarily feel like it because my Boshy was super awesome with finances and going without.

Personally I think rewarding kids with anything tangible (toys and food) regularly is harmful to them. There's Christmas and birthdays for that stuff! If parents aren't too bent on the idea of just rewarding your child with praise, why not reward them with a fun day somewhere? This becomes a bonding experience between parent and child, gives the child an opportunity to either bring a friend or play with other kids there (such as Major Magic's...but I think I just dated myself), it also teaches them to cherish good times instead of something like junk food. I've seen it so many times, erm lemme rephrase that...I've never not seen it (double negative, but whatev) where a child is rewarded with either mostly toys, food, or a combo of both where the child grows up to be not-spoiled or without weight problems. I'm sure it does happen maybe, but out of the hundreds of children I've been exposed to in my lifetime, it's never happened.

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Thats ok Ill just go out and apply for cash assistance then by a pop that way. cause im sure thats how everyone else will do it... or this is just gonna have more people find way to cheat the system. And when the govenment starts to ban things you can buy weather or not your on assistance im just gonna sit back and laugh becuse this is where it all starts.... and while they are blinding you all with this stupid simple stuff, while they keep passing there trillion dollar tax paying ideas on there useless things like building that next statue or naming a building.... o'well right cause that stuff is just so unimportant..... whats important is if I spend a dollar of foodstamps on a pop or not....

There should be no such thing as cash assistance. Sounds harsh, but that's how it should be imo. The only one that I can see being an exception to the rule is Social Security (and don't even get me started on the fact that almost everyone I know who had filed for disability or tried were perfectly capable of holding down a job, but that's another thread entirely). If you can't afford rent/utilities then the government should pay that directly to the landlord or companies, not to put cash in people's hands :no:.

Like I said, anyone on assistance shouldn't complain about regulation...it's free money that you're taking from others. Just earlier where I stated the bit about the homeless person, I believe I should know whether they're sincere or going to spend it on booze/drugs, so if they indicate that they are going to spend my generous donation on booze/drugs, I'm not handing it to them. Since you cannot track cash assistance once it has left the treasury and is in the person's hand, there's no telling what they will spend it on, so they shouldn't be handed it. Their bills should directly be paid. But people WOULD bitch because now-a-days people have this nuts notion that they either deserve shit or need things they don't. If you're able to live, breath, etc, and remain healthy, that is a need. Anything after that is just gravy. It's nice that the government helps people, and I think people should help other people, but the attitudes of the people who are being helped are often times disgusting. Government also helps in harmful ways sometimes, such as letting people buy junk food, giving them money so they can turn around and blow it on stupid shit. I believe in helping through education, maybe funding direct rent/bills, government buying people bus passes to get to and from work, a work-clothes program, etc.

We have such crazy entitlement issues in this society, it's messed up... :no:.

There should be no such thing as cash assistance. Sounds harsh, but that's how it should be imo. The only one that I can see being an exception to the rule is Social Security (and don't even get me started on the fact that almost everyone I know who had filed for disability or tried were perfectly capable of holding down a job, but that's another thread entirely). If you can't afford rent/utilities then the government should pay that directly to the landlord or companies, not to put cash in people's hands :no:.

Like I said, anyone on assistance shouldn't complain about regulation...it's free money that you're taking from others. Just earlier where I stated the bit about the homeless person, I believe I should know whether they're sincere or going to spend it on booze/drugs, so if they indicate that they are going to spend my generous donation on booze/drugs, I'm not handing it to them. Since you cannot track cash assistance once it has left the treasury and is in the person's hand, there's no telling what they will spend it on, so they shouldn't be handed it. Their bills should directly be paid. But people WOULD bitch because now-a-days people have this nuts notion that they either deserve shit or need things they don't. If you're able to live, breath, etc, and remain healthy, that is a need. Anything after that is just gravy. It's nice that the government helps people, and I think people should help other people, but the attitudes of the people who are being helped are often times disgusting. Government also helps in harmful ways sometimes, such as letting people buy junk food, giving them money so they can turn around and blow it on stupid shit. I believe in helping through education, maybe funding direct rent/bills, government buying people bus passes to get to and from work, a work-clothes program, etc.

We have such crazy entitlement issues in this society, it's messed up... :no:

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I think people are making too big of a deal about them banning soda in new york.

Yeah get koolaid instead, you gotta make it but it's sooo much cheaper than soda for one, and for two, it's not got nearly as much crap in it as soda. Just a cup of sugar with a little bit of flavoring.

If you can't deal without the instant gratification of processed candy in life, then you have no business telling the government what you should be able to buy with THEIR money that THEY'RE giving YOU because you don't want to spend YOUR OWN money on this sorta stuff, then you don't need their money.

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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There should be no such thing as cash assistance. Sounds harsh, but that's how it should be imo.

In a world where simply work = $ that would make sense... but of course, companies go belly up with no fault at all to the employee... and puts families in a situation where it is needed.

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Im fighting this because everyone is grouping all people on foodstamps to be all the same. when infact we are NOT all the same... And dont forget people its my tax dollars too as I DO WORK! I spend mine wisely! Probley more wisely then most people spend there own reg. money. Peoples lives change and not always for the better. Hell this time last year I was making $2400 est. a month now im lucky if im making $1000. And for the record I DONT DRINK POP on a regular basis, I prefer gateraide G2, water, or unsweetened iced tea. But every blue moon I would like to have a pop. Again I WORK, and sometimes you feel a need to reward yourself. Yes I know what your gonna say then buy a shirt or buy blah blah blah.... well I dont have moey for blah blah blah and a pop is a dollar. And dont tell me to save for that blah blah blah thing either cause when your living paycheck to paycheck it just dont happen that way very often.

If you want to stop the abuse of spending OUR TAX dollars(NOT GOVERNMENT MONEY that not what it is) on bullcrap then turn in thoes whom are abuseing it. The store who lets people use foodstamps to buy cigs with the rest of there order, the people who sell there cards to others, the people who are grossley misusing there card to buy shopping carts full of pop to turn in for the deposit...ect. I POSTED THE LINK ON THE FIRST PAGE. and yes I have turned people in.... matter of fact I had a girl I used to work with tell me she had someone forge her paycheck stubbs to make it look like she made way less then she did. Yes I turned her in.

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What is so wrong with intensely regulating the lives of the people on assistance? I am all for less government obviously, but if someone needs the help of the government, what is wrong with Uncle Sam being 'all up in yo business' ?

Mandatory birth control while on gov assistance would be an excelent start. Cost? What cost? The cost of a pill/IUD vs. a LIFETIME of assistance (since many -NOT ALL-)on assistance have NO motivation to get off it anyway? Light a fire under the ass and I am sure things might turn around just a bit.

If someone won't help themselves, why are they entitled to help?

Those that don't abuse the system would not have a problem with the mandatory birth control, seeing as if they are on the system for honest reasons, they MUST be making an effort to get OFF the system.... right?

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This word/definition describes a lot of of people in this country the same people I despise as well.PS its no one I know in person.


. Behaving any way in which one chooses with total disregard for public decorum. 2. (Less commonly) the belief by some members of society that they have an unqualified right to be supported by the public purse.

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All Hail Obama Care!


:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow

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What is so wrong with intensely regulating the lives of the people on assistance? I am all for less government obviously, but if someone needs the help of the government, what is wrong with Uncle Sam being 'all up in yo business' ?

Mandatory birth control while on gov assistance would be an excelent start. Cost? What cost? The cost of a pill/IUD vs. a LIFETIME of assistance (since many -NOT ALL-)on assistance have NO motivation to get off it anyway? Light a fire under the ass and I am sure things might turn around just a bit.

If someone won't help themselves, why are they entitled to help?

Those that don't abuse the system would not have a problem with the mandatory birth control, seeing as if they are on the system for honest reasons, they MUST be making an effort to get OFF the system.... right?

I can not take birth controll as I have issues with blood clots for one, for 2 I knew nothing about an IUD after my first kid because apparently my OBGYN didnt agree with them. Not everyone can do everything.. but on that note lke I said before in a different topic I believe. If they go to the welfare office and sign up that they have 3 kids at that time, then through out there time on assistance weather they pop out more kids or not... they should only get assistance for 3 kids. Limit it, drug test, classes on money management, how to get the best discounts, where to go for different things.

FYI= For thoes who didnt know I do believe they still give people bus passes, and I know of a few other programs.

I also know that the Michigan works help thoes on assistance as well as thoes who arnt. Michigan works gives people upto 1500$ to buy a car, my friend got new glasses, FIA gives upto 1200$ to either buy a car or help fix the one you have. But you have to be working to get it.

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f they go to the welfare office and sign up that they have 3 kids at that time, then through out there time on assistance weather they pop out more kids or not...

I like the idea, but that does not prevent these people from breeding and continuing the same lifestyle of dependence on others that actually work for a living. Birth control would limit these people from reproduction and eventually stop the cycle of dependence on the system.

We have wasted millions/billions on education reform for a society that largely does not even bother opening a book and bettering them self because we have had a system that will take care of people that refuse to contribute. This community was only emboldened by the idea of 'redib-of-wealth'. Why work when you can just get free money from the people that DO work for a living?

Imagine it like this. You go to school for 8 years. You work hard and get your degree. But, under the new system, you now need to give up 4 years and give them to someone else that would not go to school and achieve anything on their own. Sounds fair me me.

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I like the idea, but that does not prevent these people from breeding and continuing the same lifestyle of dependence on others that actually work for a living. Birth control would limit these people from reproduction and eventually stop the cycle of dependence on the system.

Really hows it working out so far? cause people are on birth control and the system gives out free condoms via your medicade card...(atleast they used to) even still you can get them free at the health clinics... So hows it working so far? cause people are still poping out kids... maybe if they see that there not gonna get anymore then what they signed up for they will do either one of three things...

1. Get a job to help support the amount of people they have

2. Not have anymore to begin with

3. Sell drugs and ect like they do now or find an under the table job to do whatever.

And the education thing is a whole differnt topic...

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Really hows it working out so far? cause people are on birth control and the system gives out free condoms via your medicade card...(atleast they used to) even still you can get them free at the health clinics... So hows it working so far? cause people are still poping out kids... maybe if they see that there not gonna get anymore then what they signed up for they will do either one of three things...

1. Get a job to help support the amount of people they have

2. Not have anymore to begin with

3. Sell drugs and ect like they do now or find an under the table job to do whatever.

And the education thing is a whole differnt topic...

I was saying making BIRTH CONTROL MANDATORY FOR GOV ASSISTANCE. I don't think it is currently MANDATORY. And while we are at it, drug testing. Illegal drugs would get your benefits cut, no warnings either. One infraction, you are off.


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I was saying making BIRTH CONTROL MANDATORY FOR GOV ASSISTANCE. I don't think it is currently MANDATORY. And while we are at it, drug testing. Illegal drugs would get your benefits cut, no warnings either. One infraction, you are off.


once again you cant force someone to take something that could possibly KILL them.... I am one of them. I have issues with blood clots = can NOT take birth controll. and 2 you can still end up pregnant on birth controll.

I think this will end up being just another ignored law. Giving Blow Jobs is illegal in michigan to.... what are you gonna do have a cop in the room to be sure you obey the law?

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I must say this, AGAIN, the stereotypes and stigma's we have regarding people, not only one's receiving government assistance but all types of stigma's, such as with those with mental health conditions or people that are heavy or too thin, drive me crazy.

We assume all people on government assistance are lazy who don't want to get out of the system, who just want a hand out, when, that is not the case, yes there are people who think that they are going to get a free ride forever, (If you want to call living in poverty a free ride, not to mention we are talking about the children here that did not ask for any of this) However, welfare assistance is there for anyone who needs it and who qualifies for the assistance.

It is a requirement, since the 1996 Welfare reform law's were created a time limit was placed on how long a person can receive cash assistance, the cap is, from what I understand 5 years, (I believe Michigan may not currently have a cap) but don't quote me as all states operate differently- also a policy created by the 1996 passing of Welfare Reform laws. There are people who are exempt from this but that's a whole other issue. So, what welfare reform attempted to do was send people to workfirst to assist with job search and issues related to that, like child care, transportation, and other barriers one may have to finding employment. It's rather unfortunate, as a person who in my past was involved with the Workfirst program, but the worker's are rather accommodating,tough yes, but not unreasonable yet all I remember from the people I have attended Workfirst programs with in the past, well all the people did was bitch and complain about, "oh the clothing closet didn't have good clothes, and the transportation services were not close enough or that they came to early. Not to mention that, the woman and men I attended with, well the majority had been cycled in and out of the work first program, because many of them didn't like what a employer said to them so they were let go. That issue alone should tell these workers, maybe some people are not prepared for work when they lack lifeskills and social skills to function in a work environment. Maybe before we start trying to make birth control decisions for someone we teach them what they were never taught, lifeskills, social skills, parenting skills, etc....

My problem is this, if you are sitting outside the parking lot at the welfare office smoking a joint and popping xanies, but than going inside bitching about "workfirst being unfair and bullshit" than that is a problem, clearly, IMO, you probably are a person who fit's the stigma, but if you are someone, who works and needs to supplement your income and you understand the purpose of TANF or welfare assistance than you should not even worry about the stigma's and ignorance of people who pre-judge based on the majority rule. You work, you pay taxes too, and therefore you are contributing to the "welfare pot", so as a person who get's assistance but is trying to work toward self-sufficiency, when you see how hard you have to work for your money and all the stuff you go through just to get a little bit of help, well than, IMO those people who are working but on assistance should also be upset and be able to see that. The problem in this thread is that nobody is being attacked, the problem is that, welfare/foodstamps is not free money, someone is paying for it. And from what I see if you need temporary assistance in order to achieve a state of self-sufficiency and that is your ultimate goal and what your focus is on, then one should not worry, I would be more angry at the fact that there are woman and men out there who don't do shit, don't want to be shit, misuses the system, don't do nothing they are suppose to do and still get the same, if not more help from the government than you do, yet live rent free, dress like they got somewhere important to be, and have their "boyfriends" or whatever hooking them up with nice cars and bling. While you bust your ass for shit. That is what would make me mad if I were in this situation again, which who knows, I could be, after all, this is Michigan.

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I agree that people should have a good frame of reference to base opinion on, however, to briefly summarize, I am someone who has been in the system, numerous systems, numerous times, beat, no stomped the shit out of the odd's and stigma's of, oh since I mentioned frame's of reference, than let's say, beating the stigma of getting told I had bipolar disorder when I was a teenager and that I would never he able to function without taking some hard core shit like lithium, or um, growing up in a single parent household, as I said before, I was raised on foodstamps, focus hope, and faygo, and that's real. And, um, the stigma of, um, having a kid at 17 whose father died 2 month's after her birth, beating the stigma of a high school drop out that grew up in Southwest Detroit without a father because he was in prison my whole life, yet I went on to get a Bachelor's degree and my brother is a former military turned cop turned United States Marshall (all of us came from a welfare mother). My mother raised us on welfare. Prior to getting on welfare she had three kids already and a husband who worked for the big 3, a house in the burbs, and no money worries at all, however, my dad had other plans for our future and my mother's life was turned upside down, overnight. She cried the first time she sat foot in a welfare office. I saw what she went through and the fact that she had no other resources, I watched her cry, sometimes our only meal was school lunch. Lacking a support system is another reason people have trouble attaining self sufficiency. I may end up on welfare tomorrow, literally. I speak from experience, I have been there, so I do know what it feels like to have to live on welfare, and to have stigma's and stereotypes attached to you. I saw all the challenges in my life I was given, and due to being a young woman whose mother threw her out on the street and sent her to a shelter at age 17 with a infant child, I became eligible for free rent in my first place all by myself. I took it, for awhile, but I knew the system wanted to keep me as their bitch and regulate my life and I knew, I wanted better for myself and my daughter, so I walked away, at like 20 years old, from section 8 housing, and struggled on my own and found my own way, because I gave a fuck about my life.

A person has to learn coping skills, be resilient,and remember that if you don't like your situation do what you can to try and change it. That is the difference here, wanting to change/attempting to change versus just not giving a fuck.

And, there are other people that have posted in this thread that have been on food stamps or are on food stamps yet still feel the same way about the issue at hand.

In summary, this thread was about attempting to stop obesity by banning the purchase of soda with food stamps, opinions are strong, but IMO, the government will not achieve the desired outcomes.

Hell, forgot about them being in the business of being in people's business of those they provide financial assistance for, I can't even take my money that I worked for and pay for a damn dollar scratch off ticket if I want to pay on my debit card.

Whether or not the government is doing this to try and be in people's business (which they are), but the bottom line is, like it or not, when we get any form of government assistance, we become the government's bitch.

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Has anyone really seen some of the shit that is WIC-approved? I went to Kroger the other day and was walking down the cereal aisle and the WIC-approved cereal was the sugary, unhealthy crap. At the end of the day, banning pop from being bought is not the only solution to the problem if the government wants to fight obesity.

There is a lot of stigma surrounding getting assistance. I'm not against people getting assistance for a certain amount of time. I'm against the people who abuse the system which there is a lot of.

Edited by KatRN05
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Has anyone really seen some of the shit that is WIC-approved? I went to Kroger the other day and was walking down the cereal aisle and the WIC-approved cereal was the sugary, unhealthy crap. At the end of the day, banning pop from being bought is not the only solution to the problem if the government wants to fight obesity.

There is a lot of stigma surrounding getting assistance. I'm not against people getting assistance for a certain amount of time. I'm against the people who abuse the system which there is a lot of.

Weird.. When I had WIC the cereals were all of the healthy ones... There were no options for surgery stuff.

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Maybe they still do this but I heard that years ago that people on welfare were put to work building and cleaning roads and other community improvement projects. I don't know my history very well but I think this was what a person had to do when the ideal of welfare first came about. Welfare was never suppose to be a way of life. But a helping hand to get a person back into the working world. I am sure there are all kinds of community projects that people on welfare could do. One ideal might be our schools that are falling apart. In need of painting and repairs that they say they have no money for. The schools could save money if welfare people were sent to do some of the repairs. This would give them job experience and some pride in knowing that they are doing something to give back to the community. Instead of just laying around feeding off the community. Yeah I think that would be an idea to think about.

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