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From Obama, the Tax Cut Nobody Heard Of

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I hate not having money. I have enough to take care of my responsibilities, but little more. Since I (and most of my team) didn't hit my work goals, I'll be out over a thousand dollars, which is devastating.

I'm glad that many of you are comfortable, and that minor tax cuts don't effect you.

But $400 is a big deal to me.

Even if it is in 52 $7.67 increments.

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It's so annoying that if the guy isn't on your side, somehow even a positive thing is bad.

You know I hated Bush. But if he did something good, I'd give him credit.

I was upset about the Bush tax cuts because it wasnt designed for me. It was designed for the rich, but included tax cuts for me, because there would have been class warfare otherwise.

Now we have a guy who ran on lowering taxes for people making under $250k/yr, which I'm postiive all of you do, who actually lowered taxes literally to benefit all of us, as well as Wall Street reform so we don't go into the same hole again, and you can't just appreciate it,

because doing that would actually acknowledge something good he did.

The election's going to be great. We have a nation of disillusioned people, because they thought Obama was going to wave a magic wand and fix the economy, as well as bring harmony and bipartisonship, which most people want.

Since he didn't, they are going to vote in a bunch of people who ALSO won't fix the economy and will bring about a bullheadedness and partisonship and gridlock, the likes of which we've never seen before.

And then when they overturn Wall Street reform, which I'm saying not to be cunical, but because they opposed it in the first place, our corporations will do all the things that fucked us up allover again.

And then we'll be looking for a liberal.

(edited to add--)

Who won't be able to wave a magic wand to fix the economy or make D.C. bi-partison.

And the cycle continues.

Edited by the eternal
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It's so annoying that if the guy isn't on your side, somehow even a positive thing is bad.

You know I hated Bush. But if he did something good, I'd give him credit.

I was upset about the Bush tax cuts because it wasnt designed for me. It was designed for the rich, but included tax cuts for me, because there would have been class warfare otherwise.

Now we have a guy who ran on lowering taxes for people making under $250k/yr, which I'm postiive all of you do, who actually lowered taxes literally to benefit all of us, as well as Wall Street reform so we don't go into the same hole again, and you can't just appreciate it,

because doing that would actually acknowledge something good he did.

The election's going to be great. We have a nation of disillusioned people, because they thought Obama was going to wave a magic wand and fix the economy, as well as bring harmony and bipartisonship, which most people want.

Since he didn't, they are going to vote in a bunch of people who ALSO won't fix the economy and will bring about a bullheadedness and partisonship and gridlock, the likes of which we've never seen before.

And then when they overturn Wall Street reform, which I'm saying not to be cunical, but because they opposed it in the first place, our corporations will do all the things that fucked us up allover again.

And then we'll be looking for a liberal.

(edited to add--)

Who won't be able to wave a magic wand to fix the economy or make D.C. bi-partison.

And the cycle continues.

Um, first of all I would like to point out, that the Congress,

has been in the control of the Democrats,

since 2007.

Bullheadedness and Partisanship have been how the Democrats have governed Congress ever since they took control.

The Democrat controlled Congress, voted to take their ball, and go home early, and Not vote on extending the Bush tax cuts.

So, in January, taxes will skyrocket for Everyone. Then more companies will layoff people.

More people will be broke; Thank You Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

If a vote isn't taken before January 1st 2011, Eternal, you think your wallet is taking an asswhoopin now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Eternal, I believe it is you sir, who is the disillusioned one.

We didn't think Obama was going wave a magic wand and fix the economy; although that Is more or less, one of the things he campaigned on and said he would do.

The Democrats tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend;

making our wallets lighter and lighter and emptier and emptier...

and still you support them.

Unemployment was approx 5.8% under Bush, and it is now 10% under Obama.

The national debt was about 4.5 trillion dollars(not an exact figure)under Bush,

and now, under Obama, it is 13 trillion dollars.

So, unemployment has doubled since Obama has come in, and the debt has tripled.

Yet, somehow we are better off now, with Obama ?

I know that Bush had plenty of faults(who doesn't ? ) , but How in the Bloody Hell could he be worse by comparison ??

$7.67/week is a cruel joke and a slap in our faces Eternal, and you and I both know that.

It's just enough for Obama to be able to say " Hey Look I cut your taxes! (nod nod wink wink)"

If Obama would do something like the Fair Tax, which would eliminate the federal income tax, then when we look at our pay stubs, the gross pay and net pay would be the Same amount!

That would something worthy of praise.

As far as Wall Street reform goes, I don't know what's going to happen with that.

I Do know that, Bush tried in 2003, to sound the alarm about Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.

I Do know that Barney Frank, & Chris Dodd shot that down.

Resulting in the housing meltdown.

Resulting in our economy taking a dump.

The Republicans have a lot to prove though.

Their past track record is just as crappy as the Democrat's is now; which was why they got voted out in 2006.

It will be interesting indeed to see what happens in the elections.

Still though, that "tax cut" was a pathetic, condescending slap in our faces, and nothing more then that.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I haven't been beating the drum of "but Bush started it" but we did inherit his economic free fall after prosperity under Clinton, and to use the talking points of the Fannie/Freddie is to completely ignore the corporations run amok scenario when we have deregulation.

AND if you do want to regulate the mortgage lenders why not the corporations. The problem I have with the GOP in general, is they hate hate hate regulation.

The invisible hand of the marketplace does NOT know how to regulate itself because its too damn tempting to be corrupt. If theres a police force on the street, there should be one for our boardrooms.

And I agree it would be revolutionary to have a Fair Tax, but I don't support it. Even with the prebate, it would be regressive (IE making everyone pay 23% sales tax is unfair to the middle class when rich people can much more easily afford it. Not to mention that with no income tax on the rich, that's a lot of money we're losing out on. Rich people don't spend all the money. They shelter and move it around. And every dime of some billionaire should be taxed, because they can afford it MUCH better than my poor ass paying 23% tax on a candy bar) but I'm happy with even a small tax cut.

And let's make something really clear, Obama WANTED to extend the Bush tax cuts on non-rich people, but the GOP said NO. Because they LOVE rich people and need to protect them at every turn. If trickle down actually worked, and cutting taxes actually created tons of jobs, I'd be behind it. But it hasn't. Rich people love their money and if they can make one guy work twice as hard they'll never hire a second one.

I couldn't give a g-ddamn about cutting taxes for a millionaire when I have arrearages and collection agencies on my ass. Make them eat fucking ramen for a change.

Oh right. That will never happen.

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Um, first of all I would like to point out, that the Congress,

has been in the control of the Democrats,

since 2007.

Bullheadedness and Partisanship have been how the Democrats have governed Congress ever since they took control.

The Democrat controlled Congress, voted to take their ball, and go home early, and Not vote on extending the Bush tax cuts.

So, in January, taxes will skyrocket for Everyone. Then more companies will layoff people.

More people will be broke; Thank You Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

If a vote isn't taken before January 1st 2011, Eternal, you think your wallet is taking an asswhoopin now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Eternal, I believe it is you sir, who is the disillusioned one.

We didn't think Obama was going wave a magic wand and fix the economy; although that Is more or less, one of the things he campaigned on and said he would do.

The Democrats tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend,

and tax and spend;

making our wallets lighter and lighter and emptier and emptier...

and still you support them.

Unemployment was approx 5.8% under Bush, and it is now 10% under Obama.

The national debt was about 4.5 trillion dollars(not an exact figure)under Bush,

and now, under Obama, it is 13 trillion dollars.

So, unemployment has doubled since Obama has come in, and the debt has tripled.

Yet, somehow we are better off now, with Obama ?

I know that Bush had plenty of faults(who doesn't ? ) , but How in the Bloody Hell could he be worse by comparison ??

$7.67/week is a cruel joke and a slap in our faces Eternal, and you and I both know that.

It's just enough for Obama to be able to say " Hey Look I cut your taxes! (nod nod wink wink)"

If Obama would do something like the Fair Tax, which would eliminate the federal income tax, then when we look at our pay stubs, the gross pay and net pay would be the Same amount!

That would something worthy of praise.

As far as Wall Street reform goes, I don't know what's going to happen with that.

I Do know that, Bush tried in 2003, to sound the alarm about Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.

I Do know that Barney Frank, & Chris Dodd shot that down.

Resulting in the housing meltdown.

Resulting in our economy taking a dump.

The Republicans have a lot to prove though.

Their past track record is just as crappy as the Democrat's is now; which was why they got voted out in 2006.

It will be interesting indeed to see what happens in the elections.

Still though, that "tax cut" was a pathetic, condescending slap in our faces, and nothing more then that.

Fair tax not so fair:




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We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I haven't been beating the drum of "but Bush started it" but we did inherit his economic free fall after prosperity under Clinton, and to use the talking points of the Fannie/Freddie is to completely ignore the corporations run amok scenario when we have deregulation.

AND if you do want to regulate the mortgage lenders why not the corporations. The problem I have with the GOP in general, is they hate hate hate regulation.

The invisible hand of the marketplace does NOT know how to regulate itself because its too damn tempting to be corrupt. If theres a police force on the street, there should be one for our boardrooms.

And I agree it would be revolutionary to have a Fair Tax, but I don't support it. Even with the prebate, it would be regressive (IE making everyone pay 23% sales tax is unfair to the middle class when rich people can much more easily afford it. Not to mention that with no income tax on the rich, that's a lot of money we're losing out on. Rich people don't spend all the money. They shelter and move it around. And every dime of some billionaire should be taxed, because they can afford it MUCH better than my poor ass paying 23% tax on a candy bar) but I'm happy with even a small tax cut.

And let's make something really clear, Obama WANTED to extend the Bush tax cuts on non-rich people, but the GOP said NO. Because they LOVE rich people and need to protect them at every turn. If trickle down actually worked, and cutting taxes actually created tons of jobs, I'd be behind it. But it hasn't. Rich people love their money and if they can make one guy work twice as hard they'll never hire a second one.

I couldn't give a g-ddamn about cutting taxes for a millionaire when I have arrearages and collection agencies on my ass. Make them eat fucking ramen for a change.

Oh right. That will never happen.

The problem that I have with Democrats is: they think Government is the solution to everything.

Government is Not the solution; Government is the Problem.

Democrats want corporations to keep jobs in America, but Democrats continue to TAX the ever-loving HELL out of them, making it too expensive to keep jobs here.

That is why they take the jobs overseas, so they can save money on labor, because the rest of their money is going to TAXES.

The tax rate for businesses overseas is significantly Less then it is here.

If corporations are pissing all their money out in taxes, they won't have any money left for PAYROLL ! Get it ?? Payroll=paycheck=job(s)= roof over Eternal's head.

Why is that concept so difficult for Democrats to grasp ???

You are Incorrect sir.

Obama does Not want to extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone.

The Only reason why he says he does is because this is an Election year; and he is just kissing our ass in hopes that it will equal votes for Democrats.

Another thing:

Democrat politicians Love rich people too, especially when the rich people are stuffing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Democrats' pockets, in exchange for political favors.

Over here, Richard Bleumenthal says he is for cutting taxes for the middle class, yet he wrote a letter to the US Senate, lobbying for Cap & Trade.

Can you afford gas for your car if the price goes up 68 cents/gallon ?

Can you afford to pay an additional $925/year for your electricity ?

If Cap and Trade passes, that's what's going to happen to ALL of us.

You say you don't care about cutting taxes for millionaires when you are in the dire straits that you're in ?

What if that millionaire happens to own the company that You work for ?

What if that millionaire decides that his/her taxes are too high, and they need to cut jobs in order to keep the company open ?

I bet you'd care then.

We are going to continue to agree to disagree, you are right about that.

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~From Creature~

$7.67/week is a cruel joke and a slap in our faces Eternal, and you and I both know that.

It's just enough for Obama to be able to say " Hey Look I cut your taxes! (nod nod wink wink)"

So then I guess you are saying that the $5.75 a week Americans got from Bush was like a handshake/warm greeting because it came from a republican? And when a democrat gives back more (even if it's only a little - but still let's admit, it's more money) you tell people it's a complete insult?

Is that what you mean? Or have I misread your comment?

I also noticed that you did not address the fact that Bush's tax rebate amounted to way way less than Obama's. I'd like to hear your thoughts about the difference since what Obama did (according to you) is a cruel joke and a slap in the face.

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~From Creature~

So then I guess you are saying that the $5.75 a week Americans got from Bush was like a handshake/warm greeting because it came from a republican? And when a democrat gives back more (even if it's only a little - but still let's admit, it's more money) you tell people it's a complete insult?

Is that what you mean? Or have I misread your comment?

I also noticed that you did not address the fact that Bush's tax rebate amounted to way way less than Obama's. I'd like to hear your thoughts about the difference since what Obama did (according to you) is a cruel joke and a slap in the face.

No, I'm not saying the $250 that we got from Bush was like a warm handshake; that was your comment.

What's the difference between the two ? nothing. Neither one helped at all. I didn't even notice the extra 7.67 in my paycheck, and neither did a lot of other people.

I thought the check for $250 from Bush was great, until I found out that the Democrats were going to take it back in taxes the following year.

So, yeah in a sense, Both were a cruel joke.

The last 20 months have been a cruel joke.

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No, I'm not saying the $250 that we got from Bush was like a warm handshake; that was your comment.

What's the difference between the two ? nothing. Neither one helped at all. I didn't even notice the extra 7.67 in my paycheck, and neither did a lot of other people.

I thought the check for $250 from Bush was great, until I found out that the Democrats were going to take it back in taxes the following year.

So, yeah in a sense, Both were a cruel joke.

The last 20 months have been a cruel joke.

I would say the last 10 years....

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I'm sorry, thats not a tax cut. Thats a cut to withholding... no change was made to the tax rate you pay at the end of the year... So at best, you could call this a Tax deferment.

Also, Bush's rebate checks were non-taxable income. So, ya, they wre better even though less actual money was involved.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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That link is complete BS. Nobody noticed because, out here in the REAL world, the tax cut was an earthshattering 7 Dollars and 67 cents a week!

The NY Times is about as credible as a fart in the wind.

What can you buy for $7.67 ? Ooo 3 gallons of gas.

Come on now...

That's 3 gallons of milk..allot for peoples that can cook...I can get a FULL dinner's worth of food for all 3 of us on that..UNFORTUNATELY...the cost of food just went up AGAIN...THIS MAY NOT BE A DEPRESSION..BUT IT sure is DEPRESSIN'..

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The Dem vs. Reps battles at this point appear to be deteriorating into a "who was worse" spectacle as opposed to a battle over how to actually improve things.

Speaking of food and living cheaply, I spent roughly $13 on a 25 lb bag of brown rice at costco last year. I still have yet to run out of it.

Edited by Enishi
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The Dem vs. Reps battles at this point appear to be deteriorating into a "who was worse" spectacle as opposed to a battle over how to actually improve things.

Speaking of food and living cheaply, I spent roughly $13 on a 25 lb bag of brown rice at costco last year. I still have yet to run out of it.

Damn...you sure know how to shop 'Nishi....

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nevermind, misread the post.

I really don't have a proper comment...

why don't we have delete buttons?

Make a small to donation to DGN and you will (hopefully) save it from crashing at the end of every month AND get a delete button. I think that's how I got mine. Either that or the mods know how easy it is to put my foot in my mouth (and it's not a small foot either).

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