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The worst ideas in the history of bad ideas.

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Cap guns... bad idea


wrapping a pre-live bare wire around your penis outside in a thunderstorm with lots of lightning while marching up and down the street wrapped in aluminum foil and holding a 20 ft. steel rod straight up in the air. ~ Bad idea

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wrapping a pre-live bare wire around your penis outside in a thunderstorm with lots of lightning while marching up and down the street wrapped in aluminum foil and holding a 20 ft. steel rod straight up in the air. ~ Bad idea

It depends.. Is the wire around your penis connected to the steel rod? :evil:

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I liked that game :fear:

Cap guns... bad idea

Spam .... BAD IDEA

millie vanillie ... Bad Idea

It was the worst selling game of all time, so bad that Atari was forced to bury 5 million unsold copies of it in the New Mexico desert because they didn't know what else to do :laugh:.

It was the worst selling game of all time, so bad that Atari was forced to bury 5 million unsold copies of it in the New Mexico desert because they didn't know what else to do :laugh:.
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I think it depends on how they look too on someone, this girl at my doctor's office has her's way to big and it makes her look out of proportion. Some people get carried away with it, like all cosmetic surgery. (lol, I'm hating on fake one's because I can't afford them:)

Yes, you should always get something in proportion with your body. DDs on a size 2 just looks cartoonish. When I get mine I'm not going any bigger than a C cup. Anything larger on my frame would make people wonder how I am able to stand upright.

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Parachute pants

Backstreet boys

Those rubber shoes some people are wearing (what the fuck are they thinking?)

Making old t.v. shows into movies (they all end up sucking)

Turning cartoon characters in cgi's for movies (they never look good)

Antique road show

Reality shows

Buying too much imports from China

Ozzy Osbourne's reality show (it was bad - really, it was)

New Coke

Shirts with flames on the sleeves, hats with flame designs, shoes with flame designs (is that the new middle age trend that won't go away?)

Star Trek conventions (or fan conventions in general)

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Ditto on the cancellation of "Firefly"

The author for the Sword of Truth series inserting his objectivist views more and more as the series went on. Incredibly annoying.

Same goes for Orson Scott Card as well with his own novels.

Edited by Enishi
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Yes, you should always get something in proportion with your body. DDs on a size 2 just looks cartoonish. When I get mine I'm not going any bigger than a C cup. Anything larger on my frame would make people wonder how I am able to stand upright.

I'm sorry, but I do believe I saw you naked (or nearly) at Manfast and I can tell you clearly and unequivocally that messing with perfection is a bad idea.

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I'm sorry, but I do believe I saw you naked (or nearly) at Manfast and I can tell you clearly and unequivocally that messing with perfection is a bad idea.

You can say that all you want but I can tell you right now when I have enough money saved up, I will be making an appointment at a plastic surgeon's office for a consultation for a tummy tuck/thigh lift. I cannot tell you how disgusting having 20 lbs of excess skin on my abdomen and thighs makes me feel.

Edited by KatRN05
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Gold teeth and "grillz"

the phrase "drop it like it's hot"

the snuggie thing

online dating sites

CIGARETTES (#1 in my book)

silicone tit's

oh, those ass enhancing pad things that go in your jeans to make you look like you got "back"

oh, and chaps

with the exception of collar's any article of clothing made for your pet

I'm sorry, but leashes made for humans

oh and my favorite: ah, nevermind this is not bad porn inventions.

I agree about the breast implants only because the media hypes it up like all women should have them and that all men want them when NO men want them. I've had male friends turn down women because they had implants. These are also the same guys who refuse to use cheat codes or glitches in video games because even if you win, you didn't win fairly. Same view on tits :laugh:. That logic works for me imo.

I agree about the breast implants only because the media hypes it up like all women should have them and that all men want them when NO men want them. I've had male friends turn down women because they had implants. These are also the same guys who refuse to use cheat codes or glitches in video games because even if you win, you didn't win fairly. Same view on tits :laugh:. That logic works for me imo.
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I agree about the breast implants only because the media hypes it up like all women should have them and that all men want them when NO men want them. I've had male friends turn down women because they had implants. These are also the same guys who refuse to use cheat codes or glitches in video games because even if you win, you didn't win fairly. Same view on tits :laugh:. That logic works for me imo.

I believe in implants for reconstruction only (i.e. after cancer surgery,) as for many, it *is* psychologically devastating and part of their being. But that is just me.

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