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RIP Playlist

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via Scary Guy's site

Playlist for RIP (Retro In Peace) in the Grand Ballrom at Leland City Club for Devil's Night, Saturday, October 30th, 2010 C.E.

DJs Joey Deadcat, Justin Carver, Nocker, and Scary Guy

Live band - The Gothscicles

! = Request

(V) = Music Video

22:10 - DJ Nocker


The Dresden DOlls - Dear Jenny

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

The Glove - Punish Me With Kisses

Smashing Pumkins - Perfect

Xiu Xiu - Gray Death

Screaming Banshee Aircrew - Fishnet Messiah

Phantom Vision - From A Stranger

Chants of Maldoror - We Stand Alone

22:40 - Justin Carver


Snowy Red - Euroshima/Wardance

Fad Gadget - Coitus Interruptus

Ceramic Hello - Climatic Nouveaux

Glass Candy - Digital Versicolor

Det Gylne Triangel - Maskindans

Grauzone - Film 2

1000 Ohm - Berlin 33

Crash Courses in Science - Flying Turns

Throbbing Gristle - Hot on the Heels of Love

23:10 - Scary Guy


Das Ich - Destillat (V)

Front 242 - Headhunter (V)

KMFDM - Megalomaniac (V)

Laibach - Tanz mit Laibach (V)

Ministry - Over the Shoulder (V)

Fear Factory with Gary Numan - Cars (V)

Pop Will Eat Itself - Ich Bin Ein Auslander (V)

Zeromancer - Clone your Lover (V)

23:40 - Joey Deadcat


gargoyle sox - evil exhibition

andi sex gang & marc almond - the hungry years

Danielle Dax - dead man's chill

blank dogs - leaving the light on

o children - dead disco dancer (really, i meant to - Joey)

00:00 - Bellydancing by Aviva

00:10 - DJ Nocker


The Shallow Graves - In The House of Tomorrow

Joy Disaster - Incest

Murder At The Registry - Cupido

Pins And Needles - Specimen

Subshine Blind - Regoddles

Rosetta Stone - Leave Me For Dead

Xmal Deuthland - I'll Be Near You

12:30 - The Gothcicles

01:12 - Scary GUy


Ghosts n' Goblins - Chris Abbot '97 Mix

Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl (V)

My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult - Sex on Wheelz (V)

Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug (V)

Project Pitchfork - Steelrose (V)

Orgy - Blue Monday (V)

Front Line Assembly - Plasticity (V)

Costume contest - :wumpscut: - Thorns (original)

!APB - Kathy's Song

!Michael Jackson - Thriller (V)

Justin Carver


Television Set - Sometimes

Bal Pare - Heart Aus Stein

Human Puppets - Faces

Led Er Est - Laredo

Suicide - Ghost Rider

Medio Mutante - Frozen Cities

02:19 - Scary Guy


Rocky Horror - The Time Warp (V)

The Casket Bastards - The Zombie Twist (V)

The Squirrel Nut Zippers - The Ghost of Stephen Foster (V)

Alice Cooper - He's Back (The Man Behind the Mask) (V)

02:31 - Joey Deadcat


theatre of hate - the hop

cinema strange - lindsay's trachea

dave vanian's phantom chords - this house is haunted

the revillos - she's fallen in love with the monster man

the meteors - the room

Joey Gaynor - The Adams Family

xmal deautschland - begrad mein herz

curtains! - death by dogs

love is colder than death - very ill

03:00 - DJ Battle!


Pixies- Gauge Away :N

Sisters of Mercy- Lucretia :N

big electric cat - christabel :JD

strange boutique - we treat the blindness :JD

!The Smiths- How Soon Is Now

Sleepmask - VOudou :N

!Siouxsie - Happy House

mephisto walz - t-200 (kokoro) :JD

03:40 - Scary GUy


Alien Sex Fiend - Dead and Buried

Bauhaus - Third Uncle

!Ministry - Work for Love

Rick Astley - Together Forever (V)

Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come on Eileen (V)

The Jam - A Town Called Malice (V)

!The Thompson Twins - In the Name of Love

Men without Hats - The Safety Dance (V)

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Oh man I totally dug justin carvers 1st set (about the time i figured out where the second ball room was)I didn't really get to hear anyone elses cause I was hoping the other room would play my request (also left pretty early). I wish I did though great stuff

Thank you! :)

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Oh man I totally dug justin carvers 1st set (about the time i figured out where the second ball room was)I didn't really get to hear anyone elses cause I was hoping the other room would play my request (also left pretty early). I wish I did though great stuff

*gasp* someone who likes minimal synth and italo disco...CHECK OUT SOMETHING COLD!

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Snowy Red is old - track was released in 1982 and the Crash Course in Science is from 81!!! :geek:

3/4 of this playlist is AWESOME music that is not commonly played yet stuff that should be heard more often at RIP events (ie: The Glove)

Nice job guys!

Thanks Saint, everyone did fantastic! Definitely a great night in a great place.

Good thing about minimal-synth is analog synths sound timeless, regardless of recording date. Huzzah. My sets were about 50/50 old-new.

Saw people dancing to Glass Candy, as they should be!

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We worked rather well together. Hope we three can do it again soon. :)

And yes, we did throw on some newer and current goth/deathrock/cold tunes as well as the older stuff. I mean, c'mon, where else are you gonna it? ;)

And it was cool seeing Saint and Meta again - still needs to be a Deadliners get-together sometime!

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