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The Republicans took the house.

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Just my thoughts and wishes.

I very much hope that this is a positive change, and I very much hope that both sides are willing to work together for the best interests of the country. I do also hope that the Democrats do a much better job of actually governing than the Republicans did while they were in the Minority.

The Democrats have a wonderful opportunity here to show that they are willing to work with the other side of the aisle, and not simply be a "No" party that we have had in the Republican side for the last couple of years. I think that when there is a good mix of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, is a good time for change to occur and for things to be positive. I actually am going to write my senators and other Democratic Representatives, and urge them "Don't be like Republicans, please try to do them the service they rarely gave you, and try to work with them for the countries greater good."

I hope that I can gain some much needed faith in the political system. I hope that the Republicans can show that they can move forward while being fiscally conservative but socially progressive. (In other words, I hope that the economic policies work well; without the necessity for bigotry and intolerance that the tea party and other extremists have shown.) ---

IN OTHER OTHER WORDS: CONSERVATIVES, PLEASE BE MORE LIKE DGN'S CHERNOBYL (you can be a fiscal conservative, without being a homophobic, racist, bible-thumping douche.)

Thanks... carry on

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Just my thoughts and wishes.

I very much hope that this is a positive change, and I very much hope that both sides are willing to work together for the best interests of the country. I do also hope that the Democrats do a much better job of actually governing than the Republicans did while they were in the Minority.

The Democrats have a wonderful opportunity here to show that they are willing to work with the other side of the aisle, and not simply be a "No" party that we have had in the Republican side for the last couple of years. I think that when there is a good mix of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, is a good time for change to occur and for things to be positive. I actually am going to write my senators and other Democratic Representatives, and urge them "Don't be like Republicans, please try to do them the service they rarely gave you, and try to work with them for the countries greater good."

I hope that I can gain some much needed faith in the political system. I hope that the Republicans can show that they can move forward while being fiscally conservative but socially progressive. (In other words, I hope that the economic policies work well; without the necessity for bigotry and intolerance that the tea party and other extremists have shown.) ---

IN OTHER OTHER WORDS: CONSERVATIVES, PLEASE BE MORE LIKE DGN'S CHERNOBYL (you can be a fiscal conservative, without being a homophobic, racist, bible-thumping douche.)

Thanks... carry on

How could the Democrats do a better job governing in the Minority ?

They dropped the ball big time while in the Majority, and the voters told them so last night.

You want the Democrats to work with the Republicans ?

I do too.

However Phee, I find your comment on that to be a little bit Hypocritical;

As we all saw, when the Democrats were in the house Majority, the Democrats ruled with an iron fist under Reid and Pelosi. <--This is not them working together

Republicans got shut out of meetings.

Republicans had ideas on a lot of issues, but the Democrats refused to even Hear those ideas. <--this is them not working together

"Republicans can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in Back", said Barack Obama.

Now the Democrats can't be big arrogant bullies.

This election is a referendum on Obama's & the Democrats' agenda.

However, this is not total faith in Republicans, as Marco Rubio said.

This is a move to stop the agenda of the Democrats.

I severely disagree with your stance, about bigotry and intolerance in the Tea Party.

Where is the bigotry and intolerance ? Are you saying that because the Tea Party is opposed to the Democrats' agenda and views, that makes them bigoted and intolerant ?

Carl Paladino is not a Tea Party member, I don't think.

I saw footage of Jon Stewart's rally; I saw more then one sign in the crowd, with a picture of prominent Republicans depicted with Hitler's mustache on them; how is that Not bigoted and intolerant ???

Tell me truthfully and with a straight face, that Alan Greyson is Not bigoted and intolerant.

Fiscal Conservatism is not extreme; our current national debt Is extreme.

You can be a Fiscal Conservative and not be a homophobic, racist, bible thumping douche ?

That was a rather pejorative thing to say.

Some conservatives are against gay marriage.

Conservatives disagree with Liberals' views, but that does Not make them racist.

Democrats used racism to divide the country, and to distract voters away from what the Democrats were trying to do. (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain).

There was a black Republican elected to congress from South Florida last night.

I agree though with the no bible thumper part, church and state Should be separate.

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Was referring to the fringes... that person that got their head stomped at a Rep rally for example, the stuff about Obama being a secret muslim is racist and bigoted is another example.

The rally to restore sanity:


The tea party having issues with bigotry.... what was I thinking?


And the example I was giving was that you can be a conservative without the bad stuff being associated with the conservatives right now... you take issue with me standing up for conservatives? Really???

Oh and can you tell me where I said the Dems did a good job as the Majority? I must have missed that.

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The Democrats have to have been dropping the ball to have to lose that many seats in the House. As far as obstruction, the Democrats have as much fault in that as the Republicans. These politicians are HIRED BY US, they need to LISTEN to us. And I really feel that many Democrats were not listening.

Edited by KatRN05
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Again... did I say that Liberals DID NOT do the same thing? And where did I say Dems did a GOOD JOB as the majority? So far there has been two disagreements about things I have not stated.

(Here I am trying to say... lets work together, and not all conservatives are necessarily bigots and such... and here is the reaction.... this is very VERY interesting.)

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Why do you love that sign ?

Do you wish death upon Republicans,Conservatives, and Right wing people?

Phee, that death to right wing extremists but in a nice way sign, is just Real as the "real" signs.

Recognize the irony.

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Why do you love that sign ?

Do you wish death upon Republicans,Conservatives, and Right wing people?

Phee, that death to right wing extremists but in a nice way sign, is just Real as the "real" signs.

Are you fucking serious? I voted Republican in this fucking election, for fuckssakes. The sign is funny.You take things way too literally.

Edited by KatRN05
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(In other words, I hope that the economic policies work well; without the necessity for bigotry and intolerance that the tea party and other extremists have shown.)

Your words. Maybe I was mistaken when I read this statement. Perhaps you were not calling me and every other member of the Tea Party an intolerant bigot with extreme views...

Love how you are making excuses for the hard left that was at the comedian's rally and in the same breath trying to petition for understanding and cooperation...

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Your words. Maybe I was mistaken when I read this statement. Perhaps you were not calling me and every other member of the Tea Party an intolerant bigot with extreme views...

Love how you are making excuses for the hard left that was at the comedian's rally and in the same breath trying to petition for understanding and cooperation...

Again... see irony.... not approval.... where did I "excuse" something?

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Again... see irony.... not approval.... where did I "excuse" something?

by labeling it irony and giving it a pass rather than call it out for the hate speach that it is.

I have watched videos from that rally... I have listened to the speeches... It was a hard left political rally if ever theere was one.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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How can a conservative get upset over a sign when there are right to life conservatives that will kill a doctor for performing abortions?

I could never be a member of any party that accepts murder as a solution to something they disagree with.

My apologies to those conservatives here that are so pro right side but, when you have people that share your political label and they are killing other adults how can you not feel shame for your party?

I would distance myself from that group in a heart beat.

Edited by Scar My Machine
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and it starts... cant derail me phee... you started this thread with hate and bigotry... just own up to it and we can move on.

Own up to what exactly? I own up for trying to start a thread that would encourage sides to work together...

I started this thread by asking Democrats to try and get along with Republicans, even if the reverse never happened. And I also said that being conservative does not mean being a bigot... and then it turned into me somehow... derailing and attacking people? (I think I am not the one who derailed it sir... respectfully)

Okay, I guess I was mistaken, if this is the attitude that I am getting from trying to be positive and encourage cooperation... but then I got attacked... Well the message still stands, even if the conservatives are attacking you for trying to get along with them...*sigh* At least try to work with them, even if they are mad at you for it.

And Cher if you read this... just know I think you are a good example of what I was talking about... You are a conservative, but very far from being a bigot IMO... I hope others can see what I was saying.

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How can a conservative get upset over a sign when there are right to life conservatives that will kill a doctor for performing abortions?

I could never be a member of any party that accepts murder as a solution to something they disagree with.

My apologies to those conservatives here that are so pro right side but, when you have people that share your political label and they are killing other adults how can you not feel shame for your party?

I would distance myself from that group in a heart beat.

Thats exactly why I stopped being a Democrat so many years ago. Che Guevara being a hero of the left was the last straw for me.

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And I also want to add, these election results happen all the time, the Dems take control after so many years, the Reps take control. Last nights results aren't a sign that somehow the republicans are better than the Dems. It simply means that American voters have done what they have always done......flip flopped on who they want in office.

Now when the republicans lost control, would a conservative admit that the republicans dropped the ball? Course not, but the truth would be that Americans got sick of them having control.

Bottom line, if politicians don't get over their bickering and just learn to work together we are all fucked (including them) so, what's it gonna be?

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How can a conservative get upset over a sign when there are right to life conservatives that will kill a doctor for performing abortions?

I could never be a member of any party that accepts murder as a solution to something they disagree with.

My apologies to those conservatives here that are so pro right side but, when you have people that share your political label and they are killing other adults how can you not feel shame for your party?

I would distance myself from that group in a heart beat.

For the Right to Lifers who believe that killing an abortion doctor is okay, in their books, and label themselves "conservative". I wouldn't even label them "conservative", nor should they label themselves "conservative". Personally, I label them "Fucked up in the head".

Personally, I don't label myself conservative nor do I label myself liberal. I prefer independent and/or middle of the road.

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