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UNofficial DGN Thanksgiving 2010

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So, bean and I were planning in sitting at home with a $.48 Banquet Turkey Pot Pie on Thanksgiving, and then I thought---


We could do a potluck, where each person brings something.

Or if you can't bring something, yourself.

Or if you can't bring yourself, have someone else do it.


Anyone else alone on Thanksgiving?

Want to get together?

Maybe find a Thanksgiving horror movie or some other flick to watch?

We'll get a turkey--you'd get the rest.


It was fucking epic!

WE were completely jammed, and it was delicious, so we're doing it again!


Thursday November 25th 5P

Kids welcome.

If we run out of food we can throw one of them on the grill!)

(Just remember, I like the dark meat)MENU

Turkey ---the eternal

Cranberry jello ---the eternal

Water ---Mother Nature

Mashed Potatoes ---bean

French Silk Pie ---Taysteewonderbunny & Spook

Corn Pudding ---Taysteewonderbunny & Spook

Gr Bean Casserole--Prick

Deviled Eggs ---Prick

Pumpkin Pie ---Prick

Pumpkin Cheesecake-Tyger

Meat Loaf ---Stormknight

Ribs ---Stormknight

Crescent Rolls ---Stormknight

Crack Cookies ---Stormknight

Grill ---Mstrbeau

7-layer tortilla---Tszura & Nightgaunt

pie spanish rice---Tszura & Nightgaunt

Amazing??? meat ---Pestilence

Turkey Gravy ---CatsEye

Soda ---The Gimp

and of course

Schwetty Balls ---Jesika Fkin Rocks



Stuffing (bread/cornbread stuffing---maybe with onions & celery)

Big tossed salad--preferably on the table not in my butt


DINNER GUEST CHOICE (if you think you can make something better than what's above)

PLUS I NEED THESE to make a return appearance

---return food accounted for :thumbsup:

And whatever the hell anyone else brought last year, even that was just your own bad selves.



That disgustingly sweet concoction made with mashed sweet potatoes, pineapple and melted crusty marshmallows on the top.


Sweet potatoes---Leave em at home. My house I say YES to deviled eggs and NO to sweet potatoes or yams

I put out the call and like Gothic Warriors, you heeded it

Now it's time again


Edited by the eternal
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AFTER your shitty, restrained, forced family gathering starts to wind down.

AND your racist uncle finishes talking about sending Obama back to Kenya

AND your mom's done asking why can't you be normal


And come here!!!!!!!!!!!


(and pick up some booze!!)


As for the ones that came for Thanksiving, I'll send em packing

at 9-ish if they hadn't already left, by putting on C-SPAN


I feel that it is the parent's responsibility to corrupt their children on their own time.

This will be a drama-free zone ALL NIGHT!

That's the whole point.

There's the family you're stuck with and the family you choose.

As we had last year, there will be two levels of action!

Downstairs will be for the movie nerds.

Upstairs will be for bad background movies, fattening desserts and a bit o partying.

Warriors have guts

Santa Killers have all week to wait for...

Tommy Wiseau has the Room


And of course Wolfman's got nards!

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, there will be a triumphant return of the ONLY known anti-drug, Christian, Thanksgiving exploitation film ever made. If you have to see one movie with a turkey-headed man that goes Gobble Gobble before it kills you...see Blood Freak


Don't feel afraid if you're new or don't yet know how amazing beanternal is.

Or you do KNOW and our sexiness intimidates you



When you come here, you're family. And everyone will say Hi.

ESPECIALLY if you bring food.

Edited by the eternal
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Yesh. I am bringing the French Silk Pie again. [No, not the same (token) pie. The same (type) pie. If you are still puzzled, imagine it this way: last year, FSP felt highly intimidated by the laudable competition, so THIS year, she's sending her identical cousin, also FSP, in her stead.] And spook (but only select individuals are allowed to partake of him). Instead of cornbread, may I bring corn pudding?

Edited by taysteewonderbunny
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I just edited the first two posts, and will continue to do so as necessary esp the list of food items needed until we have everything.

As newly stated in the first couple posts, kids are welcome to Thanksgiving dinner, but Fangsgiving will feature drinking, inappropriate language, and R/-unrated movies BAD BAD R/-unrated movies so they should go.

As far as teenage kids, I'll leave that up to parents' discretion.

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The plan is yes.

Right now, it will depend on when the new job starts paying before I can lay in supplies for the meatloaf (supplies are available from only one place near where I live,) the cookies (a few grocery stores,) the ribs with dry rub, and the rolls.

Eternal, I can also help with the turkey as well. I can put in a call for a few supplies from some connections.

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The Tortilla Pie will be accompanied by Nightgaunt, Tszura, and Lil' Nighgaunt, lol. We will be attending both parts after a brief intermission to take the man cub back to his birth vessel for the evening. We look forward to spending time with our DGN family, and watching The Room :thumbsup: You really should have put "Spoiler Alert" on that clip, though! :D


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