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Non Talented Overplayed bands that You Cannot Stand


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a certain local industrial band around these parts that are plain and boring, but I'm not going to burn any bridges by mentioning names :)

and I disagree with the gaga hatred- I don't like her necessarily, however I do respect that she writes all of her stuff, I wouldn't call her untalented. Yes, overplayed. But not untalented.

There is a local industrial band?

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....I disagree

chicago on the other hand...

Kinda sad, really. Some disbanded because of a prima donna attitude within the band, some disbanded due to members moving out of state, some just got tired of busting their asses for shows locally and having the same 5 people show up. Some just got tired of the game. However, there are quite a few projects left in Detroit that fall within the neighborhood of industrial....

Now... back to williing Ke$ha's head to explode.... (I'm sorry, but she's just terrible.)

Edited by pleasurekatzen
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You beat me to it. Like I said, usually, even if I don't like a band or artist's music, I try to be respectful to their talent, but Ke$ha is fucking annoying and needs to go away. She can't carry a tune, and she always sounds like a drunk rich white girl trying to sound like an inner city kid. Go back to school!

Kinda sad, really. Some disbanded because of a prima donna attitude within the band, some disbanded due to members moving out of state, some just got tired of busting their asses for shows locally and having the same 5 people show up. Some just got tired of the game. However, there are quite a few projects left in Detroit that fall within the neighborhood of industrial....

Now... back to williing Ke$ha's head to explode.... (I'm sorry, but she's just terrible.)


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I don't really like her music perse.

actually that was a total blatant lie to make me sound elite.

god i love her music.

and i don't care who knows it.

it's obnoxious.

and she writes her own stuff, so I can respect her.

I'd rather listen to her than like Ville Valo whine.

Fixed! :tongue: (Everyone has their own preferences. I like my share of obnoxious shit too, trust me.)

Fixed! :tongue: (Everyone has their own preferences. I like my share of obnoxious shit too, trust me.)
Edited by Chernobyl
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  • 1 month later...

While I'm not a fan of all her songs, I do appreciate Lady Gaga's theatricality, her talent as a performance artist, and her opinions on the world around us. She's an interesting lady. It just takes a bit of an open mind to actually, well, hear her out.

A few overhyped bands I see, and I'm going to be unpopular for this.

The Cure. While talented, it seems to me that once you hear one song, you've heard them all. I have Pictures of You on my mp3 player, and if you put it on repeat, you have their entire, overtly sappy discography.

I am grateful Katy Perry was mentioned. I can't say there's enough negativity within me to say that I hate her, but I do loathe the way she uses gay rights to market her music, as a fashionable fad to sell CD's and concert tickets. Her music itself is tacky, contrived, and more than a little silly, "Boom boom boom, brighter than the moon, moon, moon," or how about this one? "I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock." I think if we locked her in a room with a slab of rotten meat for forty-eight hours and whispered to her all the terrible things supposedly happening to her family, her next album might be more interesting.

Nine Inch Nails. The Downward Spiral and Pretty Hate Machine were decent albums. They were...not bad. They weren't good enough for the hero-worship that many fans bestow upon their god, Trent Reznor. In fact, he's kind of a dick. While I respect the work he's done with Peter Murphy, I loathe his public behavior, his self-righteous ego, and his incessant whining. I also cringe every time I hear some white, suburban basement-dweller calling him the father of "industrial music." He's not. There were bands who did it before him, and they did it better than him.

And any symphonic metal band parading as "gothic," most notably Nightwish and Within Temptation. Overhyped, overrated, bland, uninspired music. I don't think Nightwish has done anything remotely interesting since their incredibly cheesy cover of Phantom of the Opera.

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why I can't stand most juggalos.

Taken from a FB post

im sik of being labeled a gang member. where i liv "monroe kounty pennsylvania" were a straight up gang. therez more of uz then blood or crypz. kopz got me on tha top of tha lizt and shit, and talk madd shit. sayin im on tha top of ther...re shit lizt. i mean if i wuznt known az a juggalo id juzt be a regular kriminal. but bekuz i got a hachet man tatted on me and tha klothez i wear and wut im affiliated wit, "ima gang leader" my whole krew moved kuz shit wuz so hot. we kuldnt do nothin without gettin pulled over erry five minutez. but they totally ignore tha fakt i did shit i uzta aktually do shit wit real gangz.See More

.....anyone catch that....?

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why I can't stand most juggalos.

Taken from a FB post

im sik of being labeled a gang member. where i liv "monroe kounty pennsylvania" were a straight up gang. therez more of uz then blood or crypz. kopz got me on tha top of tha lizt and shit, and talk madd shit. sayin im on tha top of ther...re shit lizt. i mean if i wuznt known az a juggalo id juzt be a regular kriminal. but bekuz i got a hachet man tatted on me and tha klothez i wear and wut im affiliated wit, "ima gang leader" my whole krew moved kuz shit wuz so hot. we kuldnt do nothin without gettin pulled over erry five minutez. but they totally ignore tha fakt i did shit i uzta aktually do shit wit real gangz.See More

.....anyone catch that....?

I stopped reading right after the second sentence. Maybe it's me but I find it annoying to read. There are so many errors.

Edited by KatRN05
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ICP I definitely hate with a passion. Each "song" of theirs is nothing more then crap mostly consisting of sex with (insert white trailer trash female name here), chopping up/slicing/stabbing/generally violent acts that run to ridiculously graphic and cartoonish detail, or badly done parodies. I hate ICP with a passion, and I hate dealing with their fans - they all seem to have no intelligence at all, or if they do, it's limited to about how "hard" it is being a juggalo, and tons of them have the most atrocious spelling I've ever seen.

Next: The Beatles. Oh my god am I sick of them. If it's not them I'm subjected to at work all day, then it's the same 10 deafness/violent convulsion inducing crappy soft rock songs for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

"Adult soft rock" in general. I cannot stand any more of it. I do not want to hear some sappy, depressed older man or woman screech on about how they love the rich girl down the street, when a man is supposed to love a woman, or anything related.

The Offspring, Green Day, Insert Any Pop Punk Rock Band Name Here: I am through with hearing The Offspring, Green Day, or unknown bands that sound like any of the above two bands every day on radio. And this normally is what I'm subjected to when driving around. This leads me onto my next targets.

Disturbed, Staind, Nickelback, Skillet (who the hell names their band Skillet?!), Sponge, Foo Fighters, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence, Slipknot, Any Other Band Considered Hard by Hot Topic shoppers: I really wish some supernatural entity would spare us further music from all of the above named bands, including Zombie. Zombie meant something when he was with White Zombie. And no, I'm not referring to Supercharger Heaven, Thunderkiss 65, Dragula, Superbeast, Living Dead Girl, Dragula, or even More Human Then Human (all of those songs are BEYOND old and need to be retired). I think Staind is rather justified, considering they truly are "stains", at least in music. I fail to see how anyone in the Detroit area could actually LIKE Sponge. I hear them and I want to just poke out my own eardrums with a rusty screwdriver. And I am also sick and tired of hearing the same 50 Disturbed and Nickelback tracks over and over again. I wish Nickelback and Disturbed would either:

A. Be dropped off at the South Pole with as little on as possible and left to try and walk back


B. Locked in a cage and forced to fight to the death with swords, all the while being encircled by 10 starved lions. Broadcast it on national television to prove a point.

I am really sick of hearing The Birthday Massacre, Katy Perry, Lady gag worthy Gaga, Combichrist, and that annoying cow Kei$ha, or whatever the hell she calls herself. Oh, and pretty much every "hip hop" song/CD released in the last 15 years. And finally?

Whitesnake. Why the hell must we be tortured with this awful band to this day? Much less untalented, giant, poodle hair-like bands from the 80s who haven't been heard from or seen from for 20 years? The people demand answers!

Also, going back to Slipknot: honestly, I don't see what's so great about them. Truthfully, they're another bunch of "nu-metal" jackasses from yet another backwoods town that gets their "message" out to angry pre-teen Hot Topic customers who really have no realistic grievances other then the fact that Mom and Dad found their porn mag and threw it away, or were grounded for doing something highly irrational and/or stupid. Yup, nothing like the image of 10,000 fat 12 year olds stomping around their rooms to the irritating sounds of Slipknot.

And finally, the Beastie Boys. I cannot reiterate it enough: fuck them, fuck them, fuck them! They are the hell spawn responsible for that stroke inducing crap known as "rap metal". It seems that every time I ride around with a rather clueless idiot (who makes an ass of himself by playing air guitar or maybe saying only one lyric), or I hear the idiots in the auto shop turn on that god awful thing humans call a radio, the Beastie Boys MUST be the first thing I hear! Nothing original, nothing truly ground breaking...it's always the BEASTIE BOYS! And that stupid song of theirs where they screech about fighting for a 12 year old's right to party? Somebody give me a fucking shotgun loaded with bricks so I can enjoy some good old fashioned Beastie Hunting. The other atrocious song of theirs I constantly hear? "Intergalactic". I do not care about the attack of the 50 foot she-bitch robot who happens to be "intergalactic". Much less any other song where they screech and try to be "cool". So, fuck the Beastie Boys, and fuck anybody who actually is convinced they are relevant.


And next time, on Law & Order...

Edited by darknight1
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Disturbed, Staind, Nickelback, Skillet (who the hell names their band Skillet?!), Sponge, Foo Fighters, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence, Slipknot, Any Other Band Considered Hard by Hot Topic shoppers

Hot Topic shoppers actually know who Sponge is? :stuart: Since when?

Edited by pleasurekatzen
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why I can't stand most juggalos.

Taken from a FB post

im sik of being labeled a gang member. where i liv "monroe kounty pennsylvania" were a straight up gang. therez more of uz then blood or crypz. kopz got me on tha top of tha lizt and shit, and talk madd shit. sayin im on tha top of ther...re shit lizt. i mean if i wuznt known az a juggalo id juzt be a regular kriminal. but bekuz i got a hachet man tatted on me and tha klothez i wear and wut im affiliated wit, "ima gang leader" my whole krew moved kuz shit wuz so hot. we kuldnt do nothin without gettin pulled over erry five minutez. but they totally ignore tha fakt i did shit i uzta aktually do shit wit real gangz.See More

.....anyone catch that....?

Oh god I got to the the 4th sentence and stopped trying to read I felt like my brain cells were dying. I wish it was legal to spay/neuter people that wrote like that. I honestly want to know what goes on inside these peoples heads where they choose to well write like this. I'm a terrible speller but seriously how much of a fuck up do you have to be add z's and k's where they don't belong and leave off vowels. Will someone be my alibi if I shoot these people in the genitals?

also I'm really getting sick of hearing rob zombie and MSI being played at city and necto. as if they weren't overplayed enough on the radio (well rob zombie at least)!

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  • 2 months later...

ICP I definitely hate with a passion. Each "song" of theirs is nothing more then crap mostly consisting of sex with (insert white trailer trash female name here), chopping up/slicing/stabbing/generally violent acts that run to ridiculously graphic and cartoonish detail, or badly done parodies. I hate ICP with a passion, and I hate dealing with their fans - they all seem to have no intelligence at all, or if they do, it's limited to about how "hard" it is being a juggalo, and tons of them have the most atrocious spelling I've ever seen.

Next: The Beatles. Oh my god am I sick of them. If it's not them I'm subjected to at work all day, then it's the same 10 deafness/violent convulsion inducing crappy soft rock songs for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

"Adult soft rock" in general. I cannot stand any more of it. I do not want to hear some sappy, depressed older man or woman screech on about how they love the rich girl down the street, when a man is supposed to love a woman, or anything related.

The Offspring, Green Day, Insert Any Pop Punk Rock Band Name Here: I am through with hearing The Offspring, Green Day, or unknown bands that sound like any of the above two bands every day on radio. And this normally is what I'm subjected to when driving around. This leads me onto my next targets.

Disturbed, Staind, Nickelback, Skillet (who the hell names their band Skillet?!), Sponge, Foo Fighters, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence, Slipknot, Any Other Band Considered Hard by Hot Topic shoppers: I really wish some supernatural entity would spare us further music from all of the above named bands, including Zombie. Zombie meant something when he was with White Zombie. And no, I'm not referring to Supercharger Heaven, Thunderkiss 65, Dragula, Superbeast, Living Dead Girl, Dragula, or even More Human Then Human (all of those songs are BEYOND old and need to be retired). I think Staind is rather justified, considering they truly are "stains", at least in music. I fail to see how anyone in the Detroit area could actually LIKE Sponge. I hear them and I want to just poke out my own eardrums with a rusty screwdriver. And I am also sick and tired of hearing the same 50 Disturbed and Nickelback tracks over and over again. I wish Nickelback and Disturbed would either:

A. Be dropped off at the South Pole with as little on as possible and left to try and walk back


B. Locked in a cage and forced to fight to the death with swords, all the while being encircled by 10 starved lions. Broadcast it on national television to prove a point.

I am really sick of hearing The Birthday Massacre, Katy Perry, Lady gag worthy Gaga, Combichrist, and that annoying cow Kei$ha, or whatever the hell she calls herself. Oh, and pretty much every "hip hop" song/CD released in the last 15 years. And finally?

Whitesnake. Why the hell must we be tortured with this awful band to this day? Much less untalented, giant, poodle hair-like bands from the 80s who haven't been heard from or seen from for 20 years? The people demand answers!

Also, going back to Slipknot: honestly, I don't see what's so great about them. Truthfully, they're another bunch of "nu-metal" jackasses from yet another backwoods town that gets their "message" out to angry pre-teen Hot Topic customers who really have no realistic grievances other then the fact that Mom and Dad found their porn mag and threw it away, or were grounded for doing something highly irrational and/or stupid. Yup, nothing like the image of 10,000 fat 12 year olds stomping around their rooms to the irritating sounds of Slipknot.

And finally, the Beastie Boys. I cannot reiterate it enough: fuck them, fuck them, fuck them! They are the hell spawn responsible for that stroke inducing crap known as "rap metal". It seems that every time I ride around with a rather clueless idiot (who makes an ass of himself by playing air guitar or maybe saying only one lyric), or I hear the idiots in the auto shop turn on that god awful thing humans call a radio, the Beastie Boys MUST be the first thing I hear! Nothing original, nothing truly ground breaking...it's always the BEASTIE BOYS! And that stupid song of theirs where they screech about fighting for a 12 year old's right to party? Somebody give me a fucking shotgun loaded with bricks so I can enjoy some good old fashioned Beastie Hunting. The other atrocious song of theirs I constantly hear? "Intergalactic". I do not care about the attack of the 50 foot she-bitch robot who happens to be "intergalactic". Much less any other song where they screech and try to be "cool". So, fuck the Beastie Boys, and fuck anybody who actually is convinced they are relevant.


And next time, on Law & Order...

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