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Chix who lie about there age

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Each year this world has been becoming more and more scarier lately, and im getting sick n tired of all these stoopid young gurls im'ing me lying about there age, heres a example of whut happened earlier.

whitroseofharmonicbeauty (1:59:32 PM): well i just.....i realy like older guys cuz guyz my age are complet ass hols and so i lie about my age so to get the older guys but if it gets to far i tell them the truth

I swear, these gurls are like evil beast trying ta get males locked up, this is one of the reasons why soceity has become a very terrible realm ta live in. Of course dont me wrong I wasnt fallin for her trap er anything, I knew somethin was up and got her to confess, shit like she has any room to talk, shes not any better than those assholes she speaks of, gawd why oh why am I cursed of dealing with such bitch's like these? Alot of good men got fucked over for this reason, and chix always wonder why there aint no good men no more, its because bitch's like them keeps shedding us out, but as for me, I'll check ID's no matter who it is just ta be on the safe side. This shit really scares me.

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Yes I agree it is dangerous and it is scary, but I completely disagree with what you think about *why* they do it..

Honestly, they don't like guys their age.. They want a more mature guy who will do romantic bullshit for them. Only problem is they only think about themselves. They don't care that YOU could possibly get thrown in jail for 10-20 years. Or they just don't think anything could happen to you.. Like "Well, I can have sex with him.. If my parents find out I'll swear I agreed." only problem is, that doesn't work.

That's how I feel about that situation.. They're not out to get guys put in the slam.. They're just out for a good time, whatever it takes to do so.


PS that was in reference with SOME of the young women.. I know damn well not all women are like that. Just the ones who are selfish..

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Yes I agree it is dangerous and it is scary, but I completely disagree with what you think about *why* they do it..

Honestly, they don't like guys their age.. They want a more mature guy who will do romantic bullshit for them. Only problem is they only think about themselves. They don't care that YOU could possibly get thrown in jail for 10-20 years. Or they just don't think anything could happen to you.. Like "Well, I can have sex with him.. If my parents find out I'll swear I agreed." only problem is, that doesn't work.

That's how I feel about that situation.. They're not out to get guys put in the slam.. They're just out for a good time, whatever it takes to do so.


PS that was in reference with SOME of the young women.. I know damn well not all women are like that. Just the ones who are selfish..


Well, I didnt meant that ALL were like that, basicaly some, but yeah you are right though, I shoulda add that part in but I was being too lazy at the moment lol, either way its no diffrent though, dishonesty is not kewl and I despise it. I even fear like whut happens if they use fake ID's, but of course I have a back up plan for that........BLACK LIGHTS!! If theres glowing state symbols on them then its real if not, then its fake.

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Guys lie these days too. The young one's want an experience with an older woman and will stretch the truth by a yr or two. I honestly cannot tell the difference at my age they all look young lol. It is scary. But the older guys have gotten more vain. Allot of them lie to look younger so they can get the younger girls. I am 40 but who cares so f*** it. Just don't want to end up a Mary Kay Letournou or whatever her name was.

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I lie about my age like on yahoo intentionally.  As far as humping women goes I feel that anything is fair game in order to get em in the sack.  Even if it means bullshitting about my age.  I use any tactic needed.


Aw, and they say chivalry is dead.

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When I was a teenager I lied about my age, but I also looked older, so I got away with it. The reason I lied was to get laid, and it worked. *shrugs* At the time I never thought about what kind of trouble the guys would get into.

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I never had to lie about my age either. By the time I was 12 I looked 18, fully developed and all. Its funny cuz now that I'm 28 people tell me how young I look for my age.. I instantly tell them how much I love them when I hear that :cheerful

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I never had to lie about my age either. By the time I was 12 I looked 18, fully developed and all. Its funny cuz now that I'm 28 people tell me how young I look for my age.. I instantly tell them how much I love them when I hear that  :cheerful


You're 28?!? I would've never guessed that high.

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when i was younger i used to look pretty young. people didn't always believe i was my age because i looked so young. i looked 15 i think for a long time. once i gained some weight i started to look older, and then eventually more my age. i think i pretty much look my age now. but i have never wanted to be younger or older than i am so i would never even think to lie about my age.

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