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My bestest friend in the world has FINALLY joined DGN! Wish her welcome and make her feel at home - she's pretty awesome and you're all pretty awesome and you should know each other!

You've probably met her or seen her at City; she's been a regular on and off for years and years and years, and of late is there almost every Friday and Saturday with me, so say hi, both here and at City, and probably at the Thanksgiving Part Deux on Thursday night!!


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I was going to introduce myself, but it seems that Helena has already beat me to it! (Thank you, by the way!)

I suppose it's just as well, I never know what to write on these things. So hello to all of you, I greatly look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you! Or, if I already know you, to being able to inflict my presence upon you in a digital format now, as well. :welcome:

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You look really familiar, did you used hang out in Royal Oak on the corner or with anyone affiliated with RO scene? I just feel like we've met in one of my past "lives". You almost look like this girl that hung out down there named Jesse (or maybe it was Jamie? It was a name starting with a J, that's for sure).

If I have you confused for someone else, my bad. Either way welcome to the board.

You look really familiar, did you used hang out in Royal Oak on the corner or with anyone affiliated with RO scene? I just feel like we've met in one of my past "lives". You almost look like this girl that hung out down there named Jesse (or maybe it was Jamie? It was a name starting with a J, that's for sure).

If I have you confused for someone else, my bad. Either way welcome to the board.

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You look really familiar, did you used hang out in Royal Oak on the corner or with anyone affiliated with RO scene? I just feel like we've met in one of my past "lives". You almost look like this girl that hung out down there named Jesse (or maybe it was Jamie? It was a name starting with a J, that's for sure).

If I have you confused for someone else, my bad. Either way welcome to the board.

Nope, that was indeed me! And yes, my name is Jessy. You have an awesome memory! That must've been what, 8 years ago, now? Yes, lots of time spent in Royal Oak back then, with my friend Nikki (who also attended CC very regularly until she moved to California with Chad) and a ton of others... Lurch, O'Malley, Spag, Mike and Jamie, Stacey and Jon, so so many people. That's also where I know Miss XillaToxic from, originally. :)

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::sigh:: :rolleyes:

*drum roll*

The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ ©

Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b

Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. :laugh:

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Where from?








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And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over!

If you have a website / personal journal link to us! :wink

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Current location?

Where from?








How Did You Find DGN?

Other Stuff?

Current location? Clinton Township, near Lakeside Mall and Macomb Community College Center Campus.

Where from? Roseville, originally. Then I lived in Dallas for about a year and Chicago for 8 months or so.

Gender? Female. :)

Work? Not at the moment, see below. As far as previous career path goes, though, I've done mostly technical support.

School? Indeed, full time. Thus the not working. Going to MCC for Veterinary Technology.

Kids? None of my own unless you count my cats and rats, but I have two godchildren and lots of little ones that call me "Auntie Jessy" :biggrin:

Married? Nope.

Single? Yes, and enjoying it.

Hobbies? Writing, mostly. Gaming of ALL sorts. Doing statistics for the Detroit Derby Girls until school became too hectic. Crocheting tiny stuffed animals, recently.

How Did You Find DGN? Helena, of course. :heart:

Other Stuff? Lots of other stuff, but nothing I can think of immediately. I'm a very open person, though, and I don't hide much.

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Nope, that was indeed me! And yes, my name is Jessy. You have an awesome memory! That must've been what, 8 years ago, now? Yes, lots of time spent in Royal Oak back then, with my friend Nikki (who also attended CC very regularly until she moved to California with Chad) and a ton of others... Lurch, O'Malley, Spag, Mike and Jamie, Stacey and Jon, so so many people. That's also where I know Miss XillaToxic from, originally. :)

WOW...you took me back!

Mike isn't with Jamie anymore, he's (ironically as this is a small world) with a girl who I went to Fraser with who he met in Lansing of all places.

Spag lives in Detroit. It took me FOREVER to figure out that I knew him from Royal Oak (he goes by the name Crazy Davey now, that's why), I think it was, you know, the FULL-side face-tattoo. He is with a really cool chick named Purple Haze and they live in a super post-apocalyptic neighborhood around John R and 7 Mile. I was there not even four days ago hanging out.

Stacey moved out of state. Stacey is the entire reason I even discovered the Corner Kid family, her and I were the original ambassadors from Fraser. We kind of had the same attitude about Fraser that the early vikings had about Scandinavia: WE NEED TO GTFO! The preppy-population was out of control. Her and Jon are married and live out of state. I keep in contact with her occasionally, I feel bad because the last time she was in MI I missed her.

Katie O'Malley, as you might know, is preggers with a boy and is a member of DGN (although I haven't seen her in a second *shakes angry fist*)

Lurch...? Well Lurch is a mystery. We are not sure, and I'm not trying to be morbid, if he is alive or deceased. The Former Corner Kids received word that he passed away but since he moved to Arizona we were unable to confirm this. They said he had an asthma attack on his birthday but we were unable to find any obituary, any funeral information, and his Myspace is still regularly logged into. Some Corner Kids believe he may have faked his death because Lurch WOULD do something like that, clever bastard. Others have accepted the fact that he is deceased, and think that even if he is NOT, he clearly doesn't want his past into his current life and therefore is "dead" anyway.

Eric on Wheels is doing fine and still with Kim. They are living at mom's house in Ferndale at the moment still.

Justin Reid (Jailbait, Triple Threat, etc) is doing fine. He finally found a girl that ISN'T nuts and moved down to North Carolina. He owns a house, is employed and stays out of trouble. We were thinking about driving down there over break and visiting him.

Ducklips Mike is alive and well. Haven't seen him in a minute, but we ran into him in RO last summer and says he's doing just fine. Was definitely excited to see us.

Harvey is actually doing QUITE well. He does odd jobs, stays out of trouble, and most importantly is no longer homeless. He's one of the only "regulars" that you will still see down there.

Another regular, Goth Ron, is doing AMAZING. He has won his issues with addiction and is very productive, has held a steady job for the past four-five years, lives in the Madrid by himself and is incredibly devoted to his studies being the intellecual he is. We still hang out with him probably once a week and he is still creepy as shit.

Grimmy is also doing well, I believe he works in Birmingham at a restaurant and to this day is clearly Samuel L. Jackson. I run into him every-so-often at CC.

And Raven, who most people know as the fucked up vagrant crashing his bike into structure and babbling about nonsence, is my boyfriend :wub:. On here people know him as Pestilence. He is truely a rags-to-riches story if there ever was one. He got so slighted in life opportunities that everyone figured he wouldn't be able to pull himself out, but he's proved everyone wrong by dating me, going to college (we're almost done at MCC), is employed, and co-owns a home with me.

Have you figured out who I am/was yet? I look SO different than I used to.

WOW...you took me back!

Mike isn't with Jamie anymore, he's (ironically as this is a small world) with a girl who I went to Fraser with who he met in Lansing of all places.

Spag lives in Detroit. It took me FOREVER to figure out that I knew him from Royal Oak (he goes by the name Crazy Davey now, that's why), I think it was, you know, the FULL-side face-tattoo. He is with a really cool chick named Purple Haze and they live in a super post-apocalyptic neighborhood around John R and 7 Mile. I was there not even four days ago hanging out.

Stacey moved out of state. Stacey is the entire reason I even discovered the Corner Kid family, her and I were the original ambassadors from Fraser. We kind of had the same attitude about Fraser that the early vikings had about Scandinavia: WE NEED TO GTFO! The preppy-population was out of control. Her and Jon are married and live out of state. I keep in contact with her occasionally, I feel bad because the last time she was in MI I missed her.

Katie O'Malley, as you might know, is preggers with a boy and is a member of DGN (although I haven't seen her in a second *shakes angry fist*)

Lurch...? Well Lurch is a mystery. We are not sure, and I'm not trying to be morbid, if he is alive or deceased. The Former Corner Kids received word that he passed away but since he moved to Arizona we were unable to confirm this. They said he had an asthma attack on his birthday but we were unable to find any obituary, any funeral information, and his Myspace is still regularly logged into. Some Corner Kids believe he may have faked his death because Lurch WOULD do something like that, clever bastard. Others have accepted the fact that he is deceased, and think that even if he is NOT, he clearly doesn't want his past into his current life and therefore is "dead" anyway.

Eric on Wheels is doing fine and still with Kim. They are living at mom's house in Ferndale at the moment still.

Justin Reid (Jailbait, Triple Threat, etc) is doing fine. He finally found a girl that ISN'T nuts and moved down to North Carolina. He owns a house, is employed and stays out of trouble. We were thinking about driving down there over break and visiting him.

Ducklips Mike is alive and well. Haven't seen him in a minute, but we ran into him in RO last summer and says he's doing just fine. Was definitely excited to see us.

Harvey is actually doing QUITE well. He does odd jobs, stays out of trouble, and most importantly is no longer homeless. He's one of the only "regulars" that you will still see down there.

Another regular, Goth Ron, is doing AMAZING. He has won his issues with addiction and is very productive, has held a steady job for the past four-five years, lives in the Madrid by himself and is incredibly devoted to his studies being the intellecual he is. We still hang out with him probably once a week and he is still creepy as shit.

Grimmy is also doing well, I believe he works in Birmingham at a restaurant and to this day is clearly Samuel L. Jackson. I run into him every-so-often at CC.

And Raven, who most people know as the fucked up vagrant crashing his bike into structure and babbling about nonsence, is my boyfriend :wub:. On here people know him as Pestilence. He is truely a rags-to-riches story if there ever was one. He got so slighted in life opportunities that everyone figured he wouldn't be able to pull himself out, but he's proved everyone wrong by dating me, going to college (we're almost done at MCC), is employed, and co-owns a home with me.

Have you figured out who I am/was yet? I look SO different than I used to.

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WOW...you took me back!

Mike isn't with Jamie anymore, he's (ironically as this is a small world) with a girl who I went to Fraser with who he met in Lansing of all places.

I knew they weren't together any longer and I've been in touch with Jamie fairly regularly (Facebook has been rather helpful with keeping me up-to-date with Corner Kid information) but I haven't heard from/about Mike in a very long time, so it's good to know that he's doing good, as well!

Spag lives in Detroit. It took me FOREVER to figure out that I knew him from Royal Oak (he goes by the name Crazy Davey now, that's why), I think it was, you know, the FULL-side face-tattoo. He is with a really cool chick named Purple Haze and they live in a super post-apocalyptic neighborhood around John R and 7 Mile. I was there not even four days ago hanging out.

I haven't seen Spag in SO LONG. I think the last time was actually up at CC several years ago, before I moved to Texas. Last I'd heard, he was with another girl that I knew from the corner but whose name escapes me completely. It might be the same girl, actually.

Stacey moved out of state. Stacey is the entire reason I even discovered the Corner Kid family, her and I were the original ambassadors from Fraser. We kind of had the same attitude about Fraser that the early vikings had about Scandinavia: WE NEED TO GTFO! The preppy-population was out of control. Her and Jon are married and live out of state. I keep in contact with her occasionally, I feel bad because the last time she was in MI I missed her.

Stacey is another one that I have friended on FB, but somehow I didn't know that her and Jon were actually married! I also have not seen her in forever, but we chat occasionally.

Katie O'Malley, as you might know, is preggers with a boy and is a member of DGN (although I haven't seen her in a second *shakes angry fist*)

Oh, O'Malley... she's probably the one that I keep in touch with the most, though it's been a few months since I've seen her, I know we haven't gotten the chance to hang out since she's been pregnant. I really should remedy that. I didn't know she was on DGN, I'll have to poke her and get her to add me!

Lurch...? Well Lurch is a mystery. We are not sure, and I'm not trying to be morbid, if he is alive or deceased. The Former Corner Kids received word that he passed away but since he moved to Arizona we were unable to confirm this. They said he had an asthma attack on his birthday but we were unable to find any obituary, any funeral information, and his Myspace is still regularly logged into. Some Corner Kids believe he may have faked his death because Lurch WOULD do something like that, clever bastard. Others have accepted the fact that he is deceased, and think that even if he is NOT, he clearly doesn't want his past into his current life and therefore is "dead" anyway.

Meh, Lurch isn't dead to my knowledge, I've spoken with people that've been in touch with him since his rather ill-executed faked death episode. It upset me a bit that he'd do that (not that we were particularly close, but we did hang out on a VERY regular basis back then and this wasn't too long after our friend Joe committed suicide so it was in poor taste if nothing else) but eh, whatever. I personally haven't spoken to him in quite a long time.

Grimmy is also doing well, I believe he works in Birmingham at a restaurant and to this day is clearly Samuel L. Jackson. I run into him every-so-often at CC.

Yay Grimmy! I miss his nicknames for everyone. I'll always know if someone knows me from the corner because they're the only ones that call me Rory! :) Good to know that he's been doing well for himself.

And Raven, who most people know as the fucked up vagrant crashing his bike into structure and babbling about nonsence, is my boyfriend :wub:. On here people know him as Pestilence. He is truely a rags-to-riches story if there ever was one. He got so slighted in life opportunities that everyone figured he wouldn't be able to pull himself out, but he's proved everyone wrong by dating me, going to college (we're almost done at MCC), is employed, and co-owns a home with me.

Have you figured out who I am/was yet? I look SO different than I used to.

I hope you aren't offended at all if I say that I haven't, but I'm absolutely terrible with names and if you look much different than you did back then, that's probably why. Regardless, I'm sure you're awesome and I'm glad I know you now! And much thanks for the Corner Kid update, it's been forever since I've seen most of them and I miss that group quite a lot. :biggrin:

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I hope you aren't offended at all if I say that I haven't, but I'm absolutely terrible with names and if you look much different than you did back then, that's probably why. Regardless, I'm sure you're awesome and I'm glad I know you now! And much thanks for the Corner Kid update, it's been forever since I've seen most of them and I miss that group quite a lot. :biggrin:

Since I hated how I used to look back in the day due to what I considered being too fat, I ALWAYS wore my trenchcoat, even in 80 degree heat, garnering me the name Trenchcoat Jess. I was more of a watcher and had a select group, hence why I know ALL of the Corner Kids but not all of them remember me; I was a professional Lurker and Beer-Bonger (I still hold the Royal Oak record, three 40 oz Steel Reserve in like 3-5 minutes I think?).

Since I hated how I used to look back in the day due to what I considered being too fat, I ALWAYS wore my trenchcoat, even in 80 degree heat, garnering me the name Trenchcoat Jess. I was more of a watcher and had a select group, hence why I know ALL of the Corner Kids but not all of them remember me; I was a professional Lurker and Beer-Bonger (I still hold the Royal Oak record, three 40 oz Steel Reserve in like 3-5 minutes I think?).

Older picture of me in like 11th grade when I first became delinquent and started frequenting seedy places like The Corner, I'm on the left:


(Everyone else can have a good laugh. WTF, HOLY FUCKING EYEBROWS, BATMAN, RIGHT?!?!)

Had my hair dark in the picture, but I'm naturally blonde and had both blonde/black hair in the course of hanging out downtown. People even called me Neopolitan Jess sometimes because of the occasional SUPER-botched hair dye jobs I used to walk around with :rofl:.

I also keep in contact with the Corner Fam regularly, so if there is anyone else you were wondering about, I'd be glad to let you know how they're doing if I still keep in contact with them.

Edited by Chernobyl
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