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Because I'm tired of people acting like becoming a little bit country is the kiss of death. You guys forget, I live up here full time...it maybe boring but it's home. And believe me, living on the west side of the state will be a cake walk.

I lived in the Appalachian Mountains for a little bit. For me as a young man, it was a kiss of death. A 17 year old Raev didn't appreciate it at all and craved being back in the home sweet hell of SW Detroit. A 31 year old Raev misses what it had to offer me.

Point being - neither life is for everybody and what is preferred today may not be what is preferred tomorrow.

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Because I'm tired of people acting like becoming a little bit country is the kiss of death. You guys forget, I live up here full time...it maybe boring but it's home. And believe me, living on the west side of the state will be a cake walk.

It's home to you because you're used to it, but I'm from here. Here is home. I'd be homeless in Detroit before moving out to BFE, so for me, yeah it would be a kiss of death. I'm sure some other people might feel the same way, not all, but some.

It's home to you because you're used to it, but I'm from here. Here is home. I'd be homeless in Detroit before moving out to BFE, so for me, yeah it would be a kiss of death. I'm sure some other people might feel the same way, not all, but some.
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You could always just kill somebody, then us taxpayers will pay for your room and board. Downside is, depending on how sadistic you get, they may send you to Standish, then you're up north in podunk BFE just like you didn't want to go.

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You could always just kill somebody, then us taxpayers will pay for your room and board. Downside is, depending on how sadistic you get, they may send you to Standish, then you're up north in podunk BFE just like you didn't want to go.

Standish Max closed down last year...

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You might want to message Chernobyl if she is still looking for a room mate. They werent asking alot for rent and you would be by all the cool people like me.

Yeah, but I'd probably rape her in her sleep or something.

She may like it though... free rent ftw!

You could always just kill somebody, then us taxpayers will pay for your room and board. Downside is, depending on how sadistic you get, they may send you to Standish, then you're up north in podunk BFE just like you didn't want to go.

god dammit.

fucking circles how do they work.

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Wow, and I thought the rules I had were bad. I had a 2am curfew always (unless I cleared it, repeatedly, weeks ahead of time) and that included the internet. Granted, that was my stepdad being the hypocritical idiot that he was and he forcing my mom to go along with it.

I had to have a job (granted, I wanted one) and I had to stay in school.

As for when I moved out, I moved out at 22 and never looked back. After a few months, I COULDNT look back. But anyway, my stepdad just questioned me moving in with my boyfriend, saying we were "playing house". My mother supported me but didnt want to see me leave. I was her youngest. But she'd call me every night and ask how my day went and such, after I moved out. The only issue we had was when they came over to the apartment and gave it a look-over. My mother called it a "slum" because of the cracks in the plaster and the broken windows. Granted, the place could've been far worse but yeah, it could've been better.

And for the record, by law, they cant keep you in their house. If you've got a plan to move out, a job and means to get to where you're headed, they cant stop you legally. So there's no way they can take you with them when they move to Traverse City.

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@Eevee: Hahahaha, I am a super sneaky bastard and I 'sleep over' at a friend's house whenever I want to go out. Which I also have to clear in advance.

my teenage rebellion has always consisted of having really good friends to help me lie pahaha.

@FarrL:Eek, yeah that's pretty much how my sitch is. Ugh. Frustrating ass people. I'm getting a job at a club in my town for cover and coat check, and all of the money from that is now going towards saving up to move out pretty much :| I'd be all about moving if I didn't have a secure job that I JUST got a raise at and if I didn't have a life here >.>

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I read in another thread that you're on chemotherapy and have 4 autoimmune disorders. And you can't understand why your parents would want you to move with them? Maybe they just want as much time with you as they can get. Give them a break, you're their baby and they love you and you being sick probably scares the shit out of them.

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Then its settled, don't move. And quit complaining.

You seem pretty set on not moving, so there's your answer.

whoa yo! you seem to always be aggravated with people as of late do you need someone to talk to missy? sometimes people need to vent, she's sick and understands why her parents want her to move.... but sometimes when your young and have to undergo so much with things like chemo, and whatever else you get sick and tired of being sick and tired..... try to have a little compassion and if your tired of hearing about things no one asked you to click the thread.....

Miss VV..... 1st Kudos to you and your issues you have to be one hell of a strong person to undergo Chemo. and make it threw daily life. 2nd your parents are only looking out for your well being but you know this... maybe sit with them and say look im set up with school here, (have a place to move to preferred with a rommie) this is where im gonna stay, and have some people on stand by whom live close by incase you have an emergancy..... the more you have set up in place to easy there mind may help a bit and show them you are gonna be responcible .... and be done with it. Good luck miss!

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She has been venting and ranting, clearly.

I'm just being blunt. She said that she doesn't want to go with them, so doesn't that make her decision for her?

I'm just saying, that (with me, at least) when I set my mind to wanting to do something, I'm generally set on making it happen. That's why my mom has given up on trying to get me to not stay out late or not go to the club or not drive somewhere I haven't been to before to hang out with a group of silly gawfs.

I understand her needs and all that, but she seems pretty damn set on not going with them.

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Do you have a job? If so is it a job that will last? Hard to be sure of that in this day in age but you would know how things are going for you at work to at less give you an ideal how long your job will last. Okay so if you have a job do you have any money saved up? Is it enough for a deposit on an apartment and 2 months rent? If so then good. Take a look at how much money you make, how much you will need to pay your rent, buy food, heat ect ect and if you make enough to do all of that. If you don't make enough to do all of that then take a look at where you can make cuts. I lived on my own making only minim wedge for about 7 years. I shopped at thrift stores, ate a lot of mac and cheese and hamburgers. Mostly because I had not learn how to cook yet. I went without a lot of stuff I wanted but was able to have what it was that I really needed. Which was an apartment on my own. So my best advice is make sure you know how to live within your means and know how to budget.

And as for worrying about messing up your relationship with you parents by moving out, well growing up and moving on is what all kids do. You should not be made to feel guilty for growing up and becoming an adult.

Good Luck!

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She has been venting and ranting, clearly.

I'm just being blunt. She said that she doesn't want to go with them, so doesn't that make her decision for her?

I'm just saying, that (with me, at least) when I set my mind to wanting to do something, I'm generally set on making it happen. That's why my mom has given up on trying to get me to not stay out late or not go to the club or not drive somewhere I haven't been to before to hang out with a group of silly gawfs.

I understand her needs and all that, but she seems pretty damn set on not going with them.

Not all things are so cut and dry. I think she is also considering her parents feelings. I think we should all do more to consider others feelings.

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I read in another thread that you're on chemotherapy and have 4 autoimmune disorders.

Gee I didn't know that sorry. Please be sure that you are still able to pay for your medical treatment if you move out. Be sure you can get your own health insurance and pay that. You do not want to go without your treatments.

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  • 5 months later...

I didn't have any freedom from my parents until i moved out at 19(?) basicly ran away from home and moved out to ann arbor to go to school (they were against it). Even then, you'll be their little baby probably till your 50. Its frustrating i know, but its uber common. Usually friends come and go but the family are the ones (even very dysfunctional family) are the ones that, despite all the stress they can cause you, have your back in th end. Thats not always the case, but for the most part it seems to hold true in the 100X different situations I've seen. People that you think will be there for you "forever" aren't.

As for the other details, I'd be wary of taking any "advice" too seriously unless the person(s) your getting it from really know your whole situation. Everything is usually more complicated than a few a paragraph or two can really explain.

How about hugs? Hugs usually are good. I recommend them.

Whatever you decide, realize that only you know all the details, not even really close friends can know all the details of your specific situation and in the end only you (unfortunately) can really factor all the pros and cons in. Just be careful please. =) I wouldn't be in a huge rush.

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