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Now my health care is more expensive, stupid democrat.

*sigh* I almost used to place bets on how soon it would be until he fucks everyone over next, but it got too depressing and so I stopped.

*sigh* I almost used to place bets on how soon it would be until he fucks everyone over next, but it got too depressing and so I stopped.
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Typical attack on "Obamacare", a term mainly employed by those who believe in the vile that Fox News spewed forth. Technically, you can opt out of this new health care program his legislation created if you make a certain amount of money each year. For the ultra rich, it's mandatory. I see it as a step towards universal health care, which this country needs. What we don't need is private corporations determining who gets to live or die.

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*sigh* I almost used to place bets on how soon it would be until he fucks everyone over next, but it got too depressing and so I stopped.

Unless you make over $2000,000 a year which I doubt you do as you always complain that everything is either to far away or to expensive Obama has doing nothing but benefit you're life. Those of us who follow politics are more annoyed with the Republican Just say no approach to everything. Sadly Obama has not gone far enough to the left to truly make the changes we need. If you honestly think McCain would have been a better leader to transition us into the future I have a bridge I would LOVE to sell you.

Edited by Jinx
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Our health should NEVER be a for profit industry. Every Industrialized nation has national health-care but us. Anyone who has traveled abroad knows how far behind we are. The majority of people who have never left North America are the ones who try and argue differently.

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The reaction of the healthcare companies is proof that they are afraid "Obamacare" might actually work...

You just Don't get it.

If Obamacare gets implemented, that will most likely put a lot of insurance companies OUT of business.

Which means Hundreds of Thousands of more JOBS LOST.

Which means our Economy will fall even Further into the CRAPPER !

That's okay, after that happens, I'll post a thread titled: "We told you so !"

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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You just Don't get it.

If Obamacare gets implemented, that will most likely put a lot of insurance companies OUT of business.

Which means Hundreds of Thousands of more JOBS LOST.

Which means our Economy will fall even Further into the CRAPPER !

That's okay, after that happens, I'll post a thread titled: "We told you so !"

That would be your right.... goodness knows the left leaning people got to do a whole hell of a lot of "I told you so's" during the Bush years.

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That would be your right.... goodness knows the left leaning people got to do a whole hell of a lot of "I told you so's" during the Bush years.

On what?

Not the national debt, "your" Left leaning people Quadrupled that(in less then 2 years even).

Not the national Unemployment rate, "your" Left leaning people Doubled that(in less then 2 years even)

Not our gigantic debt to China, "your" Left leaning people dreamed up that bright idea.

If Obamacare goes through, the most expensive "We told you so" our nation will Ever see, will happen.

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Pointless War

The Economy

The Lack of Scientific Research


Foreign Policy

The list goes on and on about the I told you soness of that one....

But I know you don't like to talk about the past and focus on the here and now.... so yes, if you are right.... by all means do an I told you so.

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Unless you make over $2000,000 a year which I doubt you do as you always complain that everything is either to far away or to expensive Obama has doing nothing but benefit you're life. Those of us who follow politics are more annoyed with the Republican Just say no approach to everything. Sadly Obama has not gone far enough to the left to truly make the changes we need. If you honestly think McCain would have been a better leader to transition us into the future I have a bridge I would LOVE to sell you.

How narrow does one's vision have to be to assume that fucking over the rich DOESN'T fuck over the poor? I'm sure they've been eyeballing foreign real estate for awhile. You start unfairly (yes unfairly) targeting rich people, the rich people fuck over poor people by moving and taking the companies that employ us with them. So fucking over people with a $200,000 salary DOES fuck me over...do you understand it better now? It's logic, not sure how much simpler than that I can break it down. If nobody is here to write out paychecks, little man gets fucked. You give rich people tax cuts yet regulate their businesses with legislation (not heavy taxation) then rich people can run their shit and the little guy cannot get fucked over due to legislation. We already have some of this in place: OSHA, Minimum Wage, Child Protection Laws, etc. Let's continue down the path of making sure business can proper and the working-class is happy. Why all this "LET'S STEAL FROM ONE GROUP AND GIVE IT TO ANOTHER! BWAHAH!" rhetoric that we've, wait sorry most dems I've met, have had for awhile?

How narrow does one's vision have to be to assume that fucking over the rich DOESN'T fuck over the poor? I'm sure they've been eyeballing foreign real estate for awhile. You start unfairly (yes unfairly) targeting rich people, the rich people fuck over poor people by moving and taking the companies that employ us with them. So fucking over people with a $200,000 salary DOES fuck me over...do you understand it better now? It's logic, not sure how much simpler than that I can break it down. If nobody is here to write out paychecks, little man gets fucked. You give rich people tax cuts yet regulate their businesses with legislation (not heavy taxation) then rich people can run their shit and the little guy cannot get fucked over due to legislation. We already have some of this in place: OSHA, Minimum Wage, Child Protection Laws, etc. Let's continue down the path of making sure business can proper and the working-class is happy? Why all this "LET'S STEAL FROM ONE GROUP AND GIVE IT TO ANOTHER! BWAHAH!" rhetoric that we've, wait sorry most dems I've met (yeah...would love to claim this isn't true, but everyone one of them I've met almost), have had for awhile?

Edited by Chernobyl
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The reaction of the healthcare companies is proof that they are afraid "Obamacare" might actually work...

Or, you know, fuck everyone over. If nationalized health care has barely worked in other countries that have taken more than five minutes to plan out their newfound policy, which it seems America didn't even bother to do that how big a mess this is, what makes you think America is going to do any better?

I don't have healthcare and I probably get better healthcare than what socialized healthcare can provide me :laugh:. That's the sad truth. I've looked into the systems of other countries, say Britain, and was glad to be an un-insured American knowing I'd be better taken care of here and that it was more affordable. That's pretty sad, no?

Or, you know, fuck everyone over. If nationalized health care has barely worked in other countries that have taken more than five minutes to plan out their newfound policy, which it seems America didn't even bother to do that how big a mess this is, what makes you think America is going to do any better?

I don't have healthcare and I probably get better healthcare than what socialized healthcare can provide me :laugh:. That's the sad truth. I've looked into the systems of other countries, say Britain, and was glad to be an un-insured American knowing I'd be better taken care of here and that it was more affordable. That's pretty sad, no?

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Or, you know, fuck everyone over. If nationalized health care has barely worked in other countries that have taken more than five minutes to plan out their newfound policy, which it seems America didn't even bother to do that how big a mess this is, what makes you think America is going to do any better?

I don't have healthcare and I probably get better healthcare than what socialized healthcare can provide me :laugh:. That's the sad truth. I've looked into the systems of other countries, say Britain, and was glad to be an un-insured American knowing I'd be better taken care of here and that it was more affordable. That's pretty sad, no?

That Is pretty sad.

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Typical attack on "Obamacare", a term mainly employed by those who believe in the vile that Fox News spewed forth. Technically, you can opt out of this new health care program his legislation created if you make a certain amount of money each year. For the ultra rich, it's mandatory. I see it as a step towards universal health care, which this country needs. What we don't need is private corporations determining who gets to live or die.

I am FAR from ultra rich for one

2, I dont have a choice.

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Or, you know, fuck everyone over. If nationalized health care has barely worked in other countries that have taken more than five minutes to plan out their newfound policy, which it seems America didn't even bother to do that how big a mess this is, what makes you think America is going to do any better?

ROFL ROFL ROFL! Agian let me go back to a simple question. Have you ever been outside North America? It's always the ones with zero global perspectives that seem to think Nationalized health care does not work. Take a few minutes and look up where we rank in world in Healthcare. Had you spent in real time outside our borders you may have a more balanced perspective. I also would like to point out that raising taxes on the richest 1% will not cause anyone to lose their jobs. Facts are more important than conjecture and the fact is the disparity between the top tier earners and the lower has never been greater. This is a NOT tax increases but just letting the hugely irresponsible tax rates put in by Bush to expire. The main reason it should be let go is it's UNFUNDED which means it's making us hemorrhage money every year. You can't give a tax break without paying for it. Again if you think returning them to the proper tax rate will cause us to lose jobs you really need to come look at this bridge I have for sale it's perfect for you./

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And the tax rate would only be going back to Clinton level eras. And we all remember how horrible a time that was for the economy (sarcasm implied). But if you look at the countries where income disparity is the smallest (Sweden, Denmark, Norway) you see the highest levels of happiness, GDP, education, etc...

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ROFL ROFL ROFL! Agian let me go back to a simple question. Have you ever been outside North America? It's always the ones with zero global perspectives that seem to think Nationalized health care does not work. Take a few minutes and look up where we rank in world in Healthcare. Had you spent in real time outside our borders you may have a more balanced perspective. I also would like to point out that raising taxes on the richest 1% will not cause anyone to lose their jobs. Facts are more important than conjecture and the fact is the disparity between the top tier earners and the lower has never been greater. This is a NOT tax increases but just letting the hugely irresponsible tax rates put in by Bush to expire. The main reason it should be let go is it's UNFUNDED which means it's making us hemorrhage money every year. You can't give a tax break without paying for it. Again if you think returning them to the proper tax rate will cause us to lose jobs you really need to come look at this bridge I have for sale it's perfect for you./

I will buy your bridge then. (It's more solid than your argument :rofl:).

I will buy your bridge then. (It's more solid than your argument :rofl:).
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And the tax rate would only be going back to Clinton level eras. And we all remember how horrible a time that was for the economy (sarcasm implied). But if you look at the countries where income disparity is the smallest (Sweden, Denmark, Norway) you see the highest levels of happiness, GDP, education, etc...

I have been to Sweden....

But I was only there for a few weeks, not long enough to establish their socio-economic health... lol... but from what I can tell you are correct.


It is important to note that the U.S. is a very different country geographically speaking, and we have a much higher population. So some of the standards there might not apply here.

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I will buy your bridge then. (It's more solid than your argument :rofl:).

I feel I am on more than solid ground with my argument. I also have pesky little things like actual facts that can be measured to show where we rate in the world on healthcare and quality of life that are hard to ignore. You should take a check out some hard data you might surprise yourself. Now you know and Knowing is half the battle. The other half is turning off Fox News :thumbsup:

Edited by Jinx
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1. There is no opting out of Obamacare. You are either in it or paying fines... possibly doing time in prison.

2. If Obamacare is so perfect... Why is it bad to call it Obamacare?

3. Again, if it's so perfect, why has Obama given out 111 waivers... Most of which went to the Unions and Companys that backed this bill in the first place.

4. The Bush tax cuts, like the tax cuts before it, raised revenue. Get over Economics 101 and Kensington economics. Economics 201 has started... it's where you learn what works and what does not.

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It is important to note that the U.S. is a very different country geographically speaking, and we have a much higher population. So some of the standards there might not apply here.

Why do you want to bring logic into this. :p Absolutly right in you're point. The one thing nobody has brought up is how the lack National Healthcare has hurt our businesses in this Country. Legacy healhcare costs of current and retired workers at the Big 3 alone ate into a huge amounts of their respective resources. While countries with National Healthcare the businesses are not straddled with those costs. Thinks of the 100's of millions that could have been put into development or not closing down a plant to cut costs.

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I feel I am on more than solid ground with my argument. I also have pesky little things like actual facts that can be measured to show where we rate in the world on healthcare and quality of life that are hard to ignore. You should take a check out some hard data you might surprise yourself. Now you know and Knowing is half the battle. The other half is turning off Fox News :thumbsup:

A) You have a pesky little way of not presenting any facts except sources you didn't bother to cite and the rhetoric of not being able to know unless you've spent time in other countries. So NOBODY in America can know about anything because we haven't gone over to another country to catch a tourist-style glimpse of what a small amount of that country's citizens (the people you come into contact with) think about a particular issue. REAL solid argument there, can't refute that logic :rolleyes:. (Like I said, I hope your bridge is constructed a little more soundly)

B) I have checked out hard data. That's why I made a judgment, based on what citizens from many other countries with national healthcare, read extensive data on Britain's national healthcare and some on Canada's. That's the reason I used Britain in specific because I read about it in the past, from both an American perspective and British. There are some countries where it works somewhat, I will admit to that, but just because it works in some places in the world through cooperation of singular cultures (America is a huge melting pot of cultural notions, most other places are not) does not mean that it will work here or that our government officials have thought through it and planned as well as in those nations.

C) If knowing is half the battle, then I win twice.

D) I don't get my information from televised American news sources, I'm not that r-tarded. I haven't even had cable in five years. Feels wonderful to not be fed a bunch of shit by people who only want to shock you into buying Chevys, as my terrorism professor says.

So that bridge, how much we talkin' here?

A) You have a pesky little way of not presenting any facts except sources you didn't bother to cite and the rhetoric of not being able to know unless you've spent time in other countries. So NOBODY in America can know about anything because we haven't gone over to another country to catch a tourist-style glimpse of what a small amount of that country's citizens (the people you come into contact with) think about a particular issue. REAL solid argument there, can't refute that logic :rolleyes:. (Like I said, I hope your bridge is constructed a little more soundly)

B) I have checked out hard data. That's why I made a judgment, based on what citizens from many other countries with national healthcare, read extensive data on Britain's national healthcare and some on Canada's. That's the reason I used Britain in specific because I read about it in the past, from both an American perspective and British. There are some countries where it works somewhat, I will admit to that, but just because it works in some places in the world through cooperation of singular cultures (America is a huge melting pot of cultural notions, most other places are not) does not mean that it will work here or that our government officials have thought through it and planned as well as in those nations.

C) If knowing is half the battle, then I win twice.

D) I don't get my information from televised American news sources, I'm not that r-tarded. I haven't even had cable in five years. Feels wonderful to not be fed a bunch of shit by people who only want to shock you into buying Chevys, as my terrorism professor says.

So that bridge, how much we talkin' here?

Edited by Chernobyl
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1. There is no opting out of Obamacare. You are either in it or paying fines... possibly doing time in prison.

2. If Obamacare is so perfect... Why is it bad to call it Obamacare?

3. Again, if it's so perfect, why has Obama given out 111 waivers... Most of which went to the Unions and Companys that backed this bill in the first place.

4. The Bush tax cuts, like the tax cuts before it, raised revenue. Get over Economics 101 and Kensington economics. Economics 201 has started... it's where you learn what works and what does not.

FTW, especially notation number four.

FTW, especially notation number four.
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After watching employee's from "health care providers" testify to congress that they received bonuses for denying health care in order to save their bosses money - and thus getting bonuses themselves - which led to people dying (in the name of corporate profits) is sickening in the least. I'm sure this is where some conservative supporter will laugh and claim propaganda (or some other such absurd thing) to deflect the truth.

Health insurance is a business, out for profit. They deny coverage, ect. to benefit their company. IT IS A FACT, they are not interested in losing money when a customer needs treatment. I have heard the words come out of the mouths of resigned employees testifying to this.

So you anti national health care people explain how a life is worth less than a monetary bonus?

Our country is so far behind in providing health care it's not even funny anymore.

THE BIGGEST CANCER THIS COUNTRY HAS IS INSURANCE COMPANIES. The sooner we do away with corporate (for profit only)insurance the better off this nation will be.

There are alternatives.

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