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Everyone seems to forget that the "Obamacare" isn't what it was origionally planned to be.

Who's responsible for altering the origional plan to the cluster fuck we have today? Well, as I followed along this, it seemed to be the republicans behind it's terrible mutation into what we have now.

Shocking, I know, especially since it was somehow the democrat's fault for everything going bad between 2000-2008 when the republicans had control of our government with an iron fist.

It's kind of like saying the dark ages were the fault of science and not religion. confused.gif

1. Republicans did not write the healthcare bill.

2. Republicans were not allowed to make any changes to the healthcare bill.

3. Democrats have had control of both Houses since 2006.


Notice Federal Tax Revenues GOING UP after Bush's tax cuts. Economics 202.

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ugh. it's based after canada's health care, and talk to anyone in canada and they'll tell you they have been fucked hardcore.

But I can't afford to wait SIX FUCKING MONTHS to get a doctor's appointment on national healthcare, which is what Canadians are experiencing, due to EVERYONE opting in to the healthcare.

As a Canadian I can say that this is a load of crap that has been fed to your entire country. I can always get into my doctor's office the day that I call for an appointment and it doesn't cost me a dime.

Wait times for procedures are also minimal. I have a close friend that recently had a tumor removed from his spine and it only took 3 weeks from the initial phone call to his family doctor until his actual surgery. This included 2 MRI's and a visit with the surgeon. FYI, this is in a city with a so-called "shortage" of neurosurgeons. Three weeks is comparable to the time it took my American boyfriend to have his brain tumor removed in Michigan. The difference? My boyfriend had a $100,000 hospital bill and my friend payed for nothing thanks to our free health care. I will take our Canadian health care, thanks.

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just for the sake of argument (and because i really don't know), could someone please list for me the things a president can actually do *on his own*, without having to run it through other (branches?) of government?

i ask, because i'm really tired of reading about how "obama's fucking things up", when, as far as i know, obama can't do much of anything independently. i'd like to have a list of the things he is *actually* wholly responsible for, (that he can do without the consent/approval of the rest of the govt.) so that when i see people bitch about the things "he's doing", i can show them the list and say, "sorry, you're wrong".

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Three weeks is comparable to the time it took my American boyfriend to have his brain tumor removed in Michigan. The difference? My boyfriend had a $100,000 hospital bill and my friend payed for nothing thanks to our free health care.

I am that American boyfriend btw.

The American system destroyed the financial lives of relatives of mine, who were trying to help save my life. It cost savings and a second mortgage on a house. This wasn't in some far off state or land, this was in Metro Detroit. I was operated on at Oakwood Hospital. In the emergency room, they just made sure I wasn't going to die on their shift when I went in. No operation was provided until they had $20,000 paid to them first as a down payment. Why wasn't it done in the ER when I showed up? Because I wasn't dying *in that moment*. So until I was in the *moment* of dying, I was sent away from the ER untreated.

The giant scar on the side of my head that's been asked about when I'm seen @ City - that's it's origin.

The current greed based health care system can kiss my ass.

Edited by Raev
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I am that American boyfriend btw.

The American system destroyed the financial lives of relatives of mine, who were trying to help save my life. It cost savings and a second mortgage on a house. This wasn't in some far off state or land, this was in Metro Detroit. I was operated on at Oakwood Hospital. In the emergency room, they just made sure I wasn't going to die on their shift when I went in. No operation was provided until they had $20,000 paid to them first as a down payment. Why wasn't it done in the ER when I showed up? Because I wasn't dying *in that moment*. So until I was in the *moment* of dying, I was sent away from the ER untreated.

The giant scar on the side of my head that's been asked about when I'm seen @ City - that's it's origin.

The current greed based health care system can kiss my ass.


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just for the sake of argument (and because i really don't know), could someone please list for me the things a president can actually do *on his own*, without having to run it through other (branches?) of government?

i ask, because i'm really tired of reading about how "obama's fucking things up", when, as far as i know, obama can't do much of anything independently. i'd like to have a list of the things he is *actually* wholly responsible for, (that he can do without the consent/approval of the rest of the govt.) so that when i see people bitch about the things "he's doing", i can show them the list and say, "sorry, you're wrong".




Executive Orders (This is how he expaned on the powers of the Patriot Act and Wire tapping)

Appointments (This is how he got people in place at the Justice Department and FCC. The two that set the regualtions for most everythign you do)


Impoundment (He can circumvent what Congress wants by denial of funds)

Foreign Policy (You know, that thing he was sopposed to be good at that he is horribly failing at)

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I am that American boyfriend btw.

The American system destroyed the financial lives of relatives of mine, who were trying to help save my life. It cost savings and a second mortgage on a house. This wasn't in some far off state or land, this was in Metro Detroit. I was operated on at Oakwood Hospital. In the emergency room, they just made sure I wasn't going to die on their shift when I went in. No operation was provided until they had $20,000 paid to them first as a down payment. Why wasn't it done in the ER when I showed up? Because I wasn't dying *in that moment*. So until I was in the *moment* of dying, I was sent away from the ER untreated.

The giant scar on the side of my head that's been asked about when I'm seen @ City - that's it's origin.

The current greed based health care system can kiss my ass.

So, youw ere treated... and are in fact still alive...

My Canadian freind had a brain tumor. Thier ER sent her home with NO treatment. She waited for a year to get an appoint with a Neuro Surgeon. He sent her for tests... which she would have gotten.. had she not died on the 6 month waiting list for those tests. Fuck the Canadian health care system,

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So, youw ere treated... and are in fact still alive...

My Canadian freind had a brain tumor. Thier ER sent her home with NO treatment. She waited for a year to get an appoint with a Neuro Surgeon. He sent her for tests... which she would have gotten.. had she not died on the 6 month waiting list for those tests. Fuck the Canadian health care system,

It sounds like both systems are pretty messed up.

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That we can agree on. As long as Canadians and Brits still come the USA to get medical treatment.... I'm still going to say ours works better.

I am not sure... All of the Canadians here seem to like theirs.... in fact the only ones I have heard of that don't are second hand from Americans.... *headscratch*

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So, youw ere treated... and are in fact still alive...

Yes, I was treated *AFTER* a very large sum of money was paid. When I went to the ER, I wasn't treated.

Thank god my grandmother was willing to wipe out her savings to save my ass, while she was being bled dry herself for cancer treatments....or else I'd be dead.

Health care fail.

Edited by Raev
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I am not sure... All of the Canadians here seem to like theirs.... in fact the only ones I have heard of that don't are second hand from Americans.... *headscratch*

I'm in a house in Canada right now. Consensus in this household is "It is nothing like the Americans think it is".

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I am not sure... All of the Canadians here seem to like theirs.... in fact the only ones I have heard of that don't are second hand from Americans.... *headscratch*

Agreed they all tell me they get in right away and get perscriptions for like 5 dollars. Every Canadian I talk to laugfh at what Americans believe to be the truth and say from what they see f what shape we are in they arent moving out of Canada no time soon. For awhile the city of Warren was busing senior citizens to Canada to fill their meds. Its a third of the price their for the same drug. The U.S. government shut that down quick.

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I'm in a house in Canada right now. Consensus in this household is "It is nothing like the Americans think it is".

Agreed they all tell me they get in right away and get perscriptions for like 5 dollars. Every Canadian I talk to laugfh at what Americans believe to be the truth and say from what they see f what shape we are in they arent moving out of Canada no time soon. For awhile the city of Warren was busing senior citizens to Canada to fill their meds. Its a third of the price their for the same drug. The U.S. government shut that down quick.

It sounds kind of like (at least at the moment) The worst Canadian healthcare system is in America.

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I think we should have both a universal health care and if you have extra money or in a rare case that you have a job that offers insurance you can have both to pick where you want to go.

That sounds familiar.....

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Executive Orders (This is how he expaned on the powers of the Patriot Act and Wire tapping)

Appointments (This is how he got people in place at the Justice Department and FCC. The two that set the regualtions for most everythign you do)


Impoundment (He can circumvent what Congress wants by denial of funds)

Foreign Policy (You know, that thing he was sopposed to be good at that he is horribly failing at)

thanks gaf.

ok, now, people who are bitching about obama in this thread!? show me where on this list that it shows obama is responsible for "fucking up health care" in any way...

it's easy to blame a figurehead, but it doesn't make for an intelligent argument, and just makes you look ignorant of the facts. who do you think is responsible for what was actually passed? go look that up, and then return to this thread and please, blame the right people... :rolleyes:

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My Canadian freind had a brain tumor. Thier ER sent her home with NO treatment. She waited for a year to get an appoint with a Neuro Surgeon. He sent her for tests... which she would have gotten.. had she not died on the 6 month waiting list for those tests. Fuck the Canadian health care system,

I call bullshit and you clearly have no idea how our system works. Our system is priority based, so if you have anything serious you get treated first. Nobody with a brain tumor would ever wait a year to see a neurosurgeon. That person would be bumped ahead of everyone else. Your friend would have had an appointment for a consultation with a neurosurgeon before leaving the emergency room. Her surgery would have been bumped up as well, unless the tumor was inoperable.

Edited by *Siren*
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