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Potential Creepy Stalker

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So a few weeks ago, maybe a month at this point, Pestilence received a call from a man asking for me. It was clearly not a bill collector and Pest says the number started with (586) 443 something. I thought it was unusual because I didn't know anyone with a number like that and any male friends of mine would either call MY phone, be his friend also, or contact me on FB. I thought maybe it was a DGNer who didn't have my new cell #? Shrugging it off I didn't think anything of it. Pestilence even asked the guy how he got the number, thinking it was odd he was asking for me and knew my first name, and said that he must've got it on accident and was deleting it. ODD...right?

I didn't think anything of it. Today the man called back. Pestilence listened closely and thought that he had an urban accent, like he was possibly black. When questioned further the man told him that he got the number when "I (Chernobyl) was out with girlfriends and accidentally dialed him because I was trying to call my boyfriend for a ride." He also said that he would delete my number again because he "accidentally must've had it in his phone twice."

So...I'm wondering if I have a stalker? I do know ONE girl who would be spiteful and pass Pest's cell number around, maybe in the old bathroom-style wall-scribble "For a good time call ________" type gag.

Odd things about the call:

~ He knew my real name, did not ask for Chernobyl. He didn't know my last name when asked.

~ Said that when I accidentally called him (how he got Pest's number supposedly) I claimed to be out with my girlfriends drinking at the bar. The last time I went out with a single group of women was over five years ago. I don't have female friends now except Eevee. Wtf...

~ Said that I said I misdialed his number when I was trying to call my boyfriend for a ride. If this is the case...why would I call my boyfriend from my boyfriend's phone?

~ I haven't misdialed anyone when drinking and if I did I didn't have a convo like this. I'm sure Pest would have noticed if I did.

~ The fact that he called back and said that he deleted my number the first time, but the second time had to delete it again because he had it saved in his phone twice? If someone misdialed you from a bar and you had no further contact with them...why would you save their number...TWICE?

I dunno what to think of this. I don't feel in danger, but the whole thing is QUITE odd. Any suggestions? I'm personally going to call this guy back and be like "WTF" (from Pest's phone of course, not mine). Should I report this to anyone? I've always been the stalker, not the stalkee, so help me out here.

So a few weeks ago, maybe a month at this point, Pestilence received a call from a man asking for me. It was clearly not a bill collector and Pest says the number started with (586) 443 something. I thought it was unusual because I didn't know anyone with a number like that and any male friends of mine would either call MY phone, be his friend also, or contact me on FB. I thought maybe it was a DGNer who didn't have my new cell #? Shrugging it off I didn't think anything of it. Pestilence even asked the guy how he got the number, thinking it was odd he was asking for me and knew my first name, and said that he must've got it on accident and was deleting it. ODD...right?

I didn't think anything of it. Today the man called back. Pestilence listened closely and thought that he had an urban accent, like he was possibly black. When questioned further the man told him that he got the number when "I (Chernobyl) was out with girlfriends and accidentally dialed him because I was trying to call my boyfriend for a ride." He also said that he would delete my number again because he "accidentally must've had it in his phone twice."

So...I'm wondering if I have a stalker? I do know ONE girl who would be spiteful and pass Pest's cell number around, maybe in the old bathroom-style wall-scribble "For a good time call ________" type gag.

Odd things about the call:

~ He knew my real name, did not ask for Chernobyl. He didn't know my last name when asked.

~ Said that when I accidentally called him (how he got Pest's number supposedly) I claimed to be out with my girlfriends drinking at the bar. The last time I went out with a single group of women was over five years ago. I don't have female friends now except Eevee. Wtf...

~ Said that I said I misdialed his number when I was trying to call my boyfriend for a ride. If this is the case...why would I call my boyfriend from my boyfriend's phone?

~ I haven't misdialed anyone when drinking and if I did I didn't have a convo like this. I'm sure Pest would have noticed if I did.

~ The fact that he called back and said that he deleted my number the first time, but the second time had to delete it again because he had it saved in his phone twice? If someone misdialed you from a bar and you had no further contact with them...why would you save their number...TWICE?

I dunno what to think of this. I don't feel in danger, but the whole thing is QUITE odd. Any suggestions? I'm personally going to call this guy back and be like "WTF" (from Pest's phone of course, not mine). Should I report this to anyone? I've always been the stalker, not the stalkee, so help me out here.

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If he calls back, speak as an upper class southern woman and tell him that the number he dialed gets transferred to one of those rehab places where they try to make gay people straight and keep pushing him like he needs help.

Or you could just fart into the phone

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The whole thing of this particular girl being spiteful and passing around my number like "(Chernobyl's real name) works for crack, call for a good time" is actually not very likely either. Only reason I say that is because...wouldn't MORE people have called by now instead of just this one guy?

It seems super stalkerish. Just because when I used to stalk in high school as a hobby, I used similar tactics as this dude (but was definitely more smoooooth about it).

The whole thing of this particular girl being spiteful and passing around my number like "(Chernobyl's real name) works for crack, call for a good time" is actually not very likely either. Only reason I say that is because...wouldn't MORE people have called by now instead of just this one guy?

It seems super stalkerish. Just because when I used to stalk in high school as a hobby, I used similar tactics as this dude (but was definitely more smoooooth about it).

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If he calls back, speak as an upper class southern woman and tell him that the number he dialed gets transferred to one of those rehab places where they try to make gay people straight and keep pushing him like he needs help.

Or you could just fart into the phone

See I COULD do this kind of stuff...but the fact that he knows my first name when many of you don't even know my first name and also has Pest's number is a little unsettling. Makes me wonder what else this guy has, who he is, what his motives are, etc. Granted if he were targeting me, it wouldn't be wise either. Stalkers usually pick lone females who are weak. I travel in a pack of frightening men, am highly aggressive, and usually armed to the teeth. I know all my neighbors and they know me, so anyone strange going on my property would get back to me. If this guy IS a stalker, he fucked with the WRONG creeper, that's for sure.

See I COULD do this kind of stuff...but the fact that he knows my first name when many of you don't even know my first name and also has Pest's number is a little unsettling. Makes me wonder what else this guy has, who he is, what his motives are, etc. Granted if he were targeting me, it wouldn't be wise either. Stalkers usually pick lone females who are weak. I travel in a pack of frightening men, am highly aggressive, and usually armed to the teeth. I know all my neighbors and they know me, so anyone strange going on my property would get back to me. If this guy IS a stalker, he fucked with the WRONG creeper, that's for sure.
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Could it be someone from school?

Not that I can think of. I don't know anyone who would know his number and my name and would call like that. The whole thing is kind of weird. Or maybe it is pure coincidence because there's a lot of females with my first name? But even if that were so, why would they have had my boyfriend's number saying that someone with my name mis-dialed it before if he's had the same number for over a decade?

Not that I can think of. I don't know anyone who would know his number and my name and would call like that. The whole thing is kind of weird. Or maybe it is pure coincidence because there's a lot of females with my first name? But even if that were so, why would they have had my boyfriend's number saying that someone with my name mis-dialed it before if he's had the same number for over a decade?
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Guest Megalicious

Call the number back and see what the hell he wants.

Like you said, if he has decided to stalk you, he REALLY picked the wrong woman to mess with- no fear, no problem :thumbup:

Ask him what the fuck is wrong with him, to stop being a douchebag and to never call again. If he doesn't, get the number changed- problem solved. :biggrin:

Fuck it, give me the number and I'll call him. I am a HIGHLY confrontational person and have NO problems with making people step out side of their comfort zone to get some answers.

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Call the number back and see what the hell he wants.

Like you said, if he has decided to stalk you, he REALLY picked the wrong woman to mess with- no fear, no problem :thumbup:

Ask him what the fuck is wrong with him, to stop being a douchebag and to never call again. If he doesn't, get the number changed- problem solved. :biggrin:

Fuck it, give me the number and I'll call him. I am a HIGHLY confrontational person and have NO problems with making people step out side of their comfort zone to get some answers.

Hell yeah, I would do it, Cher. Trip him out and do that whole Jesus camp thing you mentioned earlier or be like "hey baby, I been waiting for you to call, why did it take so long."

Or, just start stalking back for the hell of it, he'll leave you alone.

It's like when I was 15 I went to a haunted house and a Michael Myer's dude tried to come up behind me and scare me, so I started chasing him. LOL, he ran away and never came back:)

Edited by kat
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I agree with Meg, just call him and ask him what he wants, and tell him that you expect that your number will be deleted, and that you won't receive any more calls from him. Unless you left some stuff out, it doesn't sound like he's said anything particularly threatening or creepy. If it's only been 2 calls, and he isn't calling really late at night or really early in the morning, I don't know think you'd have much to report to anyone as far as harassment goes, but if you tell him to stop and he keeps calling, that's different.

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I would also trace the number online. It still should be showing in the received calls on the phone.


It could be unlisted, but it should at least give you the area where he is and that might give another clue as to who this is calling you.

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