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American Women are Terrible Flirters

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I've been to five very different countries and I must say, this is pretty much true. However, that said, there are two different ways of being terrible flirts. One would be that they are too scared to at all and another would be to say that they have the bravery, but no talent. After living in Korea for a year, I can safely say that Korean women are MUCH better than American women when it comes to the former, but much worse in the latter. Keep in mind though, I am very difficult to flirt with. Korean girls tend to use the "full on flattery" mode much like American guys do and I absolutely cannot stand flattery.

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I am guilty of being a terrible flirter. I'm so blunt that I generally state my mission with no build-up, so that doesn't qualify as flirting.

I am guilty of being a terrible flirter. I'm so blunt that I generally state my mission with no build-up, so that doesn't qualify as flirting.
Edited by Chernobyl
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I initially read the thread title as "American Woman Are Terrible Filters"

I have no mental filter at inappropriate times occasionally, so this may also be true.

I have no mental filter at inappropriate times occasionally, so this may also be true.
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Sure, when the guy uses a lame pickup line or is creepy in his attempts, I don't try to flirt.

But then again, unless I'm really interested in pursuing the person (which is rare), I am a "terrible" flirt because I don't wish to be offense but don't wish to get them anymore interested.

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Sure, when the guy uses a lame pickup line or is creepy in his attempts, I don't try to flirt.

But then again, unless I'm really interested in pursuing the person (which is rare), I am a "terrible" flirt because I don't wish to be offense but don't wish to get them anymore interested.

Remedy for bad pick-up lines: Just grab their junk, pull and twist, hard. I am a terrible flirt.

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I think the idea behind the cheesy pickup lines is the same rationale behind ironic facial hair. Take something that is unfashionable and make it even worse as a joke. Once it because a joke, you know this person is one that doesn't take themselves too seriously. If they don't take themselves too seriously, they are easily approachable. If they are easily approachable, they can buy you a drink.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Who cares about the flirt part anyways? I find that you either need to launch at each other blinded by animal instinct or you need to have nothing more that a nice conversation which could eventually lead to a relationship...ah hell who am I kidding you just become friends but you can still hope like a pathetic, horny, sweaty...oh shit now I am revealing too much...

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...I THINK 'GIRLS' SUCKS AT THE FLIRTING...I know plenty of LADYS that excel at it, & I know why too.....they watch OLD MOVIES, & read OLD BOOKS....there is no *chase* anymore...only the 'stalk', & the 'capture'...this be the fault of media, & movies...


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I flirt..... when I already know the guy. ;>>

Pick-up lines, most are rather lame. I did have one guy grab my hand at a bar and try to dance with me, then say that it was actually his friend that had an eye on me. I kindly declined.

I tend to shoot smiling glances at guys, occasionally approach them and strike up conversation but I dont go out of my way much to flirt. o_o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think a lot of you need to reread the study.

They're NOT saying that people flirt in completely shitty ways

They're saying American women are so cold?/aloof?/insecure? that they suck at even making the most feeble attempt at picking up a guy.

By those standards, Chernobyl is the best flirt ever.

When I was single I would've loved for a woman to come to me and say. "Let's fuck"

Glad I am not the only one that is terrible at it.

American Women Suck at Flirting

Now, you on the other hand, are a bad flirt. Of course on paper,

you are the most eligible bachelor on the planet.

Next time you think a woman's attractive, just look into a woman's eyes and hand her your resume.

And you win the prize! I do too If, as gawker says, being a bad flirt is not ever doing it, I used to be terrible.

Of course I used to be insanely insecure with low self-esteem.

So, I figured no one wanted to fuck me.

Which was actually true.

Women want to marry me (they must have $$, wait no, with my income,they must have pennies in their eyes) 71078_114377575266457_2798554_n.jpg

The first woman who literally just wanted to fuck me was bean.

And then I married her :X

Edited by the eternal
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When I was single I would've loved for a woman to come to me and say. "Let's fuck"

That is my problem (well not a really a problem at the moment as I am happily taken) with the whole flirting thing, i wont pick up on a thing unless someone tells me FLAT OUT what the deal is, but when someone comes up and simply says "Your hot, lets fuck" or "My friend really wants to make out with you". I just shake my head because i find that to be un-attractive.

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I love flirting, 99.9% of the time I don't really mean anything by it, I'm just a natural at it. Most times I know them, and that's why I'm a good flirt. I tease people, crack jokes, make for interesting conversations. Now, in bars, RARELY do I find that perfect kind of guy that I want to approach, but if I did, it would start off with eye contact.

Catch the guys eyes for five whole seconds. It's aggravating, because to be truthful, I used to be HORRIBLE at eye contact, but mentally count it down (I got over the whole eye contact thing while going to the mall and doing it to random strangers). I have very expressive eyes, so usually the guy can get the fact that yes, I'm interested in him. SMILE!! (if your eyes can't do it, make your face do it) <---probably the most important thing (practice in the mirror if you have to). You've got to look friendly and approachable. If the guy doesn't walk up to you then, he's probably married or whatever... move on, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you REALLY want this guy, (and Nocker's right, some guys need to be hit over the head with it). Go up to him, say hi (best pick up line) introduce yourself.. go with small talk (which I hate). If you're at the club..say wow, busy night.. how are you.. stuff like that. You don't have to go overboard like "You're the hottest guy in the place" (I have used this, oddly enough it worked..haha, but to my credit, I was really drunk, and he was really hot, but I don't recommend this method, because it's laying it on WAY too thick). BUT you can tell them that they seem like an interesting/friendly person. People like to hear that stuff, especially since they did catch your eye, and you did think that.

Make it fun.. practice always, you're not going to get good at something without doing it. Don't make it so "all or nothing", otherwise you're putting way too much into the first initial contact, and it becomes work. Leave that at the office.

There, some food for thought to the American women on this site. Don't just think.. do it!

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I think American women are, overall, bad at flirting because Americans, despite the hype, tend to be more prudish, especially in their assessments of the moral character of aggressive women.

It would help if we, as a whole, stopped identifying assertive behaviors in women as being a) emasculating of the male, b) dyke-like (as in an unequivocal display of lack of feminine characteristics in a biological female), c) slutty.

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