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edit- and if you read on in these articles, it goes on, and on.. There's been like dozens of incidents all over the world in just a few days.

Gave my eyebrow a rise.

Edited by Soulrev
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That is strange. One incident was eye catching but several? Within a week no less. I highly doubt this is connected to anything biblical - I think it could be more along the lines of some weapon being tested (IMO). Sound frequencies have been proven to kill and you can produce sounds that human ears can not detect.

Developing a weapon that can use a frequency to kill is highly dangerous (obviously) and I wouldn't put it past our (or any) military to develop such a thing.

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That is strange. One incident was eye catching but several? Within a week no less. I highly doubt this is connected to anything biblical - I think it could be more along the lines of some weapon being tested (IMO). Sound frequencies have been proven to kill and you can produce sounds that human ears can not detect.

Developing a weapon that can use a frequency to kill is highly dangerous (obviously) and I wouldn't put it past our (or any) military to develop such a thing.

Actually, they were already developing low frequency non-lethal weapons in the 80's. They put them to use in the first Gulf war. They looked like rocket launchers but instead of shooting rockets, they shot a direct beam of ultra-low sound waves that made people feel disoriented/instant headache, nausea, etc.

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Hovering space craft.

Reminds me of the scene from 'Signs' when there is a news report about a bird dropping mid-air after it appears to 'collide' with something that is not seen.

That doesn't explain the tons of dead fish washing up.

All together so far that I know of, Dead Birds - KY, AR, LA, and in Sweden. Dead Fish - FL, MD, Brazil, and dead crabs washed up in the UK (bottom feeders). All that, within like 4 days.

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That doesn't explain the tons of dead fish washing up.

All together so far that I know of, Dead Birds - KY, AR, LA, and in Sweden. Dead Fish - FL, MD, Brazil, and dead crabs washed up in the UK (bottom feeders). All that, within like 4 days.

Space craft hiding under water before going airborne... there is a famous UFO sighting in the UK where MANY witnesses saw an object leave the water, hover, and then dart out of sight.

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Magnetic poles shifted... covered on a few news sites, but I link to everyone's favorite.


Makes sense that this is the cause of all the animals getting fucked up.

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Magnetic poles shifted... covered on a few news sites, but I link to everyone's favorite.


Makes sense that this is the cause of all the animals getting fucked up.

I heard about that, report said that the magnetic poles have shifted 40 degrees towards Russia. One airport was closed because of it.

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You're getting warmer..

Kind of sounds like HAARP.

Secret HAARP/scalar weapon testing also came to mind, although something more conventional like sound-based weapons could be the culprit as well. When the first story appeared in the news I also wondered if the oil spill in the gulf might be spreading toxins into the atmosphere.

The really weird thing about this (to me) is how many areas it's happening in. O.O

Edited by Enishi
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Someone posted this in a comment on the fox news article:

Okay guys, I'm a professional pilot, and have been flying since 1987. This is NO BIG DEAL and is a constant thing in aviation and navigation in general since time began. Fox, as all media outlets, is blowing it out of proportion. So lets start:

The earth's magnetic north pole isn't in the same place as true north. True north is where santa lives, magnetic is in northern Canada and depending on where you are on earth the angular difference between those points can be small or great but it's written on every chart as isogonic lines which gives you a magnetic variation value. As the magnetic north pole moves around, SLOWLY, over time that angular value changes.

Now, above 72 degrees north, or other charted places (for example, 30 miles away from Yellowknife, Canada) aviators change their reference from magnetic north to true north because eventually if you didn't your magnetic compass would point to north when it was actually either east or west (or even south) of your position. Navaids, runways, and procedures not in the default nav value of magnetic are marked with a T indicating they are referenced to true north, so when you fly an ILS approach into Thule Greenland, for example, they refer to is as runway whatever it is (I haven't been there in a while, let's call it 9) 9 TRUE.

Okay, I guess I need to tell you how runways are numbered. As the article states, they are the magnetic (or true) heading rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees and with the last digit dropped, so if your runway points to 224 degrees magnetic it will be runway 22 (224 rounded off to 220 and drop the zero). On an instrument approach plate airfield diagram there will be a note saying runway 22 is actually 224 degrees. Over time that will shift, but instrument approaches reviewed periodically and the publications are republished every 28 days, so it's never a surprise to the pilots. When it starts to get to 226 degrees or so, they'll republish the procedures and renumber the runway as 23. It happens ALL THE TIME, and is usually done when you have to do some type of periodic runway maintenance like repaint the lines or remove the rubber from the tires that builds up. It isn't a surprise to close the runway, the runway was closed for periodic maintenance anyway.

Now, how much of a problem is this for safety? Zero. First of all, hard-lined approach aids like ILS/LOC are a straight beam that can be aligned with anything and no matter what your heading is in a plane, or even if all your heading systems have failed, it takes you to the same place on the runway. ILS is used by airline traffic 95% of the time. What about GPS/RNAV/FMS or INS then? Well, ALL of those systems see the world in TRUE anyway, based on lat/long coordinated and geo-ref grids, then they superimpose mag variation on top to make the compass appear in magnetic, but in reality it's all tracking in true, which again is unrelated to magnetic north, so other than the cosmetic look of your compass not lining up exactly with the course inbound it's really no big deal.

The article refers to runway alignment being critical, but it's not. Only the minority of the civil general aviation fleet aligns what's called a directional gyro (circa 1920s technology) to the runway heading, and that's close enough considering small planes like J-3 cubs aren't really using precision instruments to get anywhere... their system of IFR stands for "I follow Roads" not Instrument Flight Rules.

So, aviation is VERY safe, we aren't surprised by much anymore. No news here... try again Fox.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/01/06/magnetic-north-pole-shifts-forces-closure-florida-airport/#ixzz1AZ8pO2JS

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Did you know the magnetic north pole is shifting more towards Russia now and at a rate of up to 40km per year as opposed to it's previous 10km per year? They are already taking procedures to renumber runways and quite possibly, your compass won't work right anymore..

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