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Congresswoman Shot.

Starting to look like the public is retaliating for how politicians have been not doing what's best for the tax payers.

I'm not condoning this action/behavior but I knew something like this would happen.

Maybe Washington should wake up and start serving the needs and best interest of the real public and not private industry.

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Yeah... Palin's use of cross hairs in her propaganda is a little questionable wouldn't a person say?

She can only aspire to become a dim wit. Wait, that's an insult to dim wits. I apologize. To dim wits everywhere.

That aside, while I may disagree with some politicians I do not agree with this man's actions. Killing is not the answer when you disagree with someone.

What a douche.

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Did anyone else catch this?

Fidel Castro also denounced the attack as atrocious. "Even those of us who don't share at all the politics and philosophies (of the Obama administration) sincerely desire that no children, judges, legislators or citizens of the United States die in such an absurd and unjustifiable way," Castro said in an opinion piece titled "An Atrocious Act," published in Cuban state-controlled media.

I've always thought that this man detested America and it's citizens so this statement (regardless of how heart felt it may or may not be) comes as a shock to me.

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Things just keep getting crazier in this country by the day it seems. :(

Here is the shooter's youtube pages btw:



Edited by Enishi
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I've read several articles about this, watched a few news stories and have not heard any new details as to why he did it.

After reading what he posted on youtube I noticed that, he has a big hang up about illiteracy and that he seemed to have trouble with sentences (IMO). Some just didn't make sense.

Very obsessive over currency as well.

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I went to the site, I did not see this there.

She had it removed after the shooting but from what I hear you can still find it up on her face book page.

Palin is just bad for America. She's a moron that has no business being involved in politics. She claimed that the "targets" were not intended to look like gun sights but wtf, anyone with a 7th grade education can tell that they are in fact, gun sights.

I mean really, she is obviously that stupid to think that all she has to do is deny what they are and the public will say, yea, ok Sarah.

She's such a douche.

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It's not there, I just looked. Found it on google though. Anyhow, I think it's rather irresponsible to post such an image on one's blog though I don't think the image was intended to be a hit list like some media outlets are suggesting or alluring to. The intent was focus attention the the elections in the "targeted" area. Anyhow, probably would have been more politically correct if she used moose instead of targets.

Edited by KatRN05
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Anyhow, probably would have been more politically correct if she used moose instead of targets.

PC aside she could have turned down the map and requested something with stars or plain dots to point out those areas.

IMO, she's a half witted American (sic) and obviously has poor judgement skills when ok-ing things of this nature.

Her political "career" is dead and gone. No one in their right mind will run on a presidency ticket with her ever again.

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I don't think these shootings had much to do with Palin....

I agree, but when you're dealing with the political arena, any bad news, is really bad news for one's career. It's obvious that those that work for her took the map down because they realized (too late) that it looked bad. It's bringing her negative publicity and even more so it's painting a bad image of her.

When you do something of that nature (putting up an image that is in questionable taste) and then you have an incident that is, to some degree, related (there is a connection here) people are going to tie the two together.

Look at how many musicians have been tied to kids killing themselves (or others) which politicians and prosecutes have said things such as, "these kids would be alive if they hadn't listened to so and so's music." And one band was tried for two teens suicides.

Right or wrong, it happens. Palin is not above that. She gave permission for that image to be used with her website. She should have given it more thought. It's a thing called foresight and that woman seems to be lacking it. I don't feel sorry for her name being dragged into this. She should've known better long before now.

If her people didn't think there is anything wrong with the image, it would still be posted.

Edited by Scar My Machine
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That was unfortunate of what happened yesterday,yeah there are some crazy radicals out there

Now if this idiot had done this at the federal reserve,what would the reaction be?especially if this happened to some CEOs of big oil and big Pharma,and the bankers on wallstreet?(hypothetical question)and before anyone pulls that assume bs,I don't condone violence,good thread Scar My Machine.

IMO most people suck now

Edited by Hellion
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I agree, but when you're dealing with the political arena, any bad news, is really bad news for one's career. It's obvious that those that work for her took the map down because they realized (too late) that it looked bad. It's bringing her negative publicity and even more so it's painting a bad image of her.

When you do something of that nature (putting up an image that is in questionable taste) and then you have an incident that is, to some degree, related (there is a connection here) people are going to tie the two together.

Look at how many musicians have been tied to kids killing themselves (or others) which politicians and prosecutes have said things such as, "these kids would be alive if they hadn't listened to so and so's music." And one band was tried for two teens suicides.

Right or wrong, it happens. Palin is not above that. She gave permission for that image to be used with her website. She should have given it more thought. It's a thing called foresight and that woman seems to be lacking it. I don't feel sorry for her name being dragged into this. She should've known better long before now.

If her people didn't think there is anything wrong with the image, it would still be posted.

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." Obama talking about the "Chicago way" of doing things. ARe you going to try to tie this to Obama and talk about how irrisponsable he is?

BTW... Look really close at those "cross hairs" and then go find a survay map or any map with points of interest.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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She claimed that the "targets" were not intended to look like gun sights but wtf, anyone with a 7th grade education can tell that they are in fact, gun sights.

BTW... Look really close at those "cross hairs" and then go find a survay map or any map with points of interest.

I went to Google Maps and put it in "Earth" mode. When you zoom in and out, a reticle appears in the center of the screen. Looks like a gun sight to me. I think Google wants us to destroy the whole Earth.

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