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What is the last book(s) you read? (or are reading)

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Finally finished A Peoples History of the United States by Howard Zinn. Started reading the Bible just because its something I've always wanted to do, but I got bored so I took a break and read the communist manifesto :). Now I'm gonna read Gulliver's Travels. I still wanna read the bible though but I think I'm just going to have to do it a bit at a time. I want to eventually read the Qur'an as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Megalicious

Groundwork of the Metaphysical Morals by Kant.

I just wanted to go more in depth to Kant ethics then my current class allows. I find his absolutist ways of thinking ... scary. Furthermore, the idea that autonomy, non maleficence and veracity will never come in conflict is nothing short of absurd.

I do hate the "murderer comes to your door" example that anti Kant theorist use though. I mean seriously? That is taking it to an extreme. If you want to debate about how you feel he is wrong in his moral framework, that is NOT the way to do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok finished faith of the fallen

Nice! That's one of my favorite book series' ever. Awesome ending in store for you in like 4 or 5 books. Can't remember the numbers. Also He started a new series with Richard and Kahlan. Not sure of the series' title, but the first book is called "The Omen Machine". Was pretty good. lots of potential.

Finished reading A song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin up to where it's currently at. Awesome story, very mature. Game of Thrones is the name of the tv adaptation on HBO and follows the books almost to the letter. Fucking awesome. Can't wait for season 2. Season 1 covered the entirety of the first book.

Also read The book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi for like the 6th time. Whenever I go back to it I always feel like I understand just a little more every time.

Also finished a little diddy called "zen in the martial arts" by Joe Hyams.

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Finished reading A song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin up to where it's currently at. Awesome story, very mature. Game of Thrones is the name of the tv adaptation on HBO and follows the books almost to the letter. Fucking awesome. Can't wait for season 2. Season 1 covered the entirety of the first book.

Cool, I actually just added Game of Thrones to my kindle wish list, maybe I'll read it next. Its either that or A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess... decisions, decisions. Also I apparently accidentally bought Shadowrun by Nigel Findley when I was browsing books last time so I'll be reading that soon. Anyway I finished Flag in Exile and subsequently read neuromancer by William Gibson.

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I hear anything by William Gibson is cool, and I never read a Shadowrun novel, but always wished there was a good video game (since the snes and genesis games, those were both awesome thoughg I never beat either one) or movie or series or something.

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(since the snes and genesis games, those were both awesome thoughg I never beat either one)

I beat them both several times. The snes one was actually my first exposure to cyberpunk. Good times :). Theres actually two mmo projects going on atm so lets hope one of them comes through.

http://awakenedmmo.org/ and http://www.shadowrunonlinepbp.com/

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The second from last: The Iliad by Homer, Translated by Samuel Butler and I have to say that Fagles just felt better but Butler stomps the translation by Fitzgerald.

The last: The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin.

Current: RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN THE SUPREME COURT The Cases That Define the Debate over Church and State, edited by Terry Eastland.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Read the first book of shadowrun (its a 4 in 1 thing) and then read game of thrones by George R.R. Martin, good story, but it jumped around a little bit to much for my taste. Seemed like every 10 pages it moved to a different character.

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  • 3 months later...

Just Finished a few...

+John Dies in the End - David Wong.

+The Skull - Philip K. Dick

+What's My Zipcode? - David Stringer (This a book my father wrote about my uncle/his younger brother who was schizophrenic and addicted to drugs. My uncle was murdered a few years ago and this book kind of talks about his life and what caused him to go down the path that he did that eventually lead to the circumstances of his untimely death.)

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STILL reading A Game of Thrones, takes me forever lately its hard to concentrate. (Plus I read a lot of periodicals (time, discover , others randomly) which slows things down too.)

I read The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris awhile ago, the whole thing is interesting and I learned a lot but I don't buy his underlyling premise, (I wish it was true just not buying it) which shocks me since hes a super smart guy and I usually agree with most of his points.

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Hey all. The last book I read was " The Son of Neptune" by Rick Riordan It is part of the "Percy Jackons "The Lighten Thief" collection. Yes I know it is a young adult book But I like it since it is about mythology which I have always loved. That and the main character has dyslexia and ADHD, which is something I can relate too. The next book on my list to read is " On A Pale Horse" by Piers Anthony .About a man who kills "Death" and then has to take has to take the place of "Death" by doing the job that death dose.

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Hey all. The last book I read was " The Son of Neptune" by Rick Riordan It is part of the "Percy Jackons "The Lighten Thief" collection. Yes I know it is a young adult book But I like it since it is about mythology which I have always loved. That and the main character has dyslexia and ADHD, which is something I can relate too. The next book on my list to read is " On A Pale Horse" by Piers Anthony .About a man who kills "Death" and then has to take has to take the place of "Death" by doing the job that death dose.

That whole series is pretty popular I know several people that read it and enjoy it similar to harry potter in the sense that these are all adults , I dont actually know any children that read... sad commentary. (not that I know all that many children so my data sample size is pretty small)

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Just finished "A Princess Of Mars" By Edger Rice Burrows... Reading "Gods of Mars" right now by the same author. (movie coming out soon)

Very old school soft sci-fi in the tradition of old pulp magazines from back in the teens and twenties. Along the lines of Tarzan (also by Burrows) Conan, etc....

A lot of swordfights and damsels in distress, rescues, airships, martian warriors, etc...

Oh and gotta love the pinup artwork of the time:


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Memoirs of a Geisha. This is a phenomenal book. I haven't put it down since I started reading it. Ive seen the movie before, and got the book for Christmas a couple years back (signed by the author). But I haven't picked it up till now. I wish I read this a long time ago. :thumbsup:

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