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make-up with age


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I noticed the older I get the less time I spend doing my make-up esp. for everyday things. Clubbing I used to spend hours.. now it's more like 30-40 min. I can do my day face in probably 5 min. lol! I don't even wear make-up around the house or to the store etc. I actually kind of miss the vanity.

How long do you spend and or do you go bare too?


Edited by nvayne
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I wear makeup every day unless I have the flu or something.

I confess I used to spend over an hour on makeup and hair when I was a teen/young woman. Now I can go from bathtub/nomakeup/wet hair to out the door in less than 20 minutes. If my hair is already done it takes me about 5 minutes.

I think there are several reasons

~ I've gotten more skilled and therefore faster at applying makeup.

~ I've learned what sort of makeup I like on me and what is overkill (for instance I skip mascara now and do only eyeliner).

~ I feel more secure about my appearance now. I'm more comfortable in my own skin than when I was younger.

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I can do my dry hair and makeup in 20-30 minutes. When going out to a club I will do a good job of setting a base for my make up int he morning, the touch up and add the extras to go out. Depending on if I'm fooling around with new hair styles or make up it still only takes a few to get ready.

I wear make up almost everyday. If I'm feeling really shitty I wont.

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Being a makeup artist, I can do mine in 10 minutes or less. Since my hair is short right now, it taks me 2 minutes to do. I don't go without makeup unless I'm sick, just like Onyx and GM. I don't care if I'm hiking in the woods. If a bear or a rabbit were going to attack me, I want to look good when I'm found. :grin:

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I want to look good when I'm found.  :grin:


I have actually had that thought at times - "If I die today I want to die with my makeup on"

Now that's vanity.

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when i was younger i never wore make up. i only wore some when i went to city club or something like that. that was usually only lipstick and sometimes eyeshadow. and i never did my hair. ever.

now that i am 30 and looking like it ;) i try to wear more make up cuz i don't want to scare people. :blink:

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This is a subject that has actually been on my mind recently. Kinda bothering me, actually.

When I worked out of the house, I had make-up on EVERY day. I worked typical corporate jobs for 13 years. Every morning was hair, make-up, pressed clothes usually consisting of suits, nylons, pumps. My morning routine took 1/2 hour - so though I did full hair & make-up, my "corporate" look was complete, but easy. A quick blowdry of permed, 1-length hair with hairspray and that was done. For make-up, I did a wet washcloth (I've never used soap on my face), moisturizer, concealer, foundation, powder, contour powder, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick & eyeshadow in 10 minutes or less. And I wouldn't even go to the grocery store without makeup. I got ragged on by family often about that.

Now that I work in the house, I look like hell. I don't do my hair - wake up, throw in an elastic headband and go. No make-up. Part of me likes that I don't "have" to fuss anymore, and that I save tons of $$ on make-up yearly now.

But, just like Nvayne, I also miss the vanity sometimes. I feel sometimes like I'm such a mess, having a job outside of the house would give me a reason to HAVE to clean-up daily.

This actually started when I had to do some nasty plastics factory day-labor in Florida after getting together with my husband 6 years ago. I started the job dressed nice, with full make-up and hair. I quickly learned that I'd just sweat it all off, so ended up just putting my hair in a ponytail with as many clips as I needed to keep it out of my sweaty face, no make-up and the same worn stretch shorts & "around the house" t-shirts every other day.

I do sometimes feel horrible that I don't fix up every day. I avoid looking in the mirror a lot, and cringe at the thought of turning on my webcam in chats. I've sometimes considered "making up" anyway, but never actually made moves to do it.

I clean up well. How long a "dress-up and go out" make-up job takes depends on where I'm going. If it's out to the bookstore in jeans & a sweater, I take about 15-20 minutes to wash hair, dry it, and put on simple but full make-up. If we're going out in the evening and I'm being "myself" - meaning punk/goth, I take maybe 10 minutes longer. This includes a "basic" make-up job, with added time & effort for more elaborate eyeliner, the careful application of super-dark lipstick, and utmost care in hair styling.

I don't know. Age isn't a huge factor where my appearance is concerned, as I haven't changed much facially since I was a teenager, so I feel blessed. I have a decent complexion, so most of what I do is to balance some redness & highlight decent features. But I definitely don't like myself without make-up when going out. I have some esteem problems due to being overweight, and a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR problem that I have to wear glasses now. I despise them, and have even more problems feeling happy with my "unmadeup" self due to them. Add to all that a husband, 10 years my junior, who can throw on jeans & a t-shirt and look gorgeous and I get even more self-conscious. The only time the "age difference factor" presents is when he looks good just being "normal" and I just plain don't.

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I've never been much into the whole makeup/hair thing. The only time I do anything with my hair is for clubbing or a mega event. Makeup only for dates, interviews, and the club. My skin has held up well and I think I look ok besides my dark undereye circles. (Hereditary and caused by allergies... damn them!) My skin is very fragile though. If I wear makeup much more than 1-2 times a week I break out and get all zitty.

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If dark circles REALLY bug you, use a yellow-based concealer for your skin tone. Yellow cancels out blue, and is just plain awesome. If nothing else, it makes you look more awake. I have the same problem you do, and for that same reasons. This really works for me.


Oh I know! It helps alot, but just dosn't quite cut it. I've been using the MAC version. Is there something that covers even more without being cakey? I like the MAC because it looks good and it's pretty waterproof so it won't sweat off..

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i use the physicians formula one too and it is cakey! i have been wanting to try something else too but am too afraid to just waste money on expensive make up that won't work. the other problem i have is that i have creases under my eyes now. not quite wrinkles, but just one crease under each eye and it gets in there and shows that crease even more.

the problem too with my dark circles is that they are veins. i have them in my eyelids too- so my eyelids look light brown (which i USED to like it cuz it always looked like i had pretty eyeshadow on-now i just look tired) and the ones under my eyes are black. the dr said all i could do about that was to get surgery- which of course would not be covered cuz it is "cosmetic". but as i get older, the darker they get. and eveyone always says i look tired, i need more sleep, i look sick, etc. and it is not even that! i can't even help it at all. and the make up i put on it sometimes makes it worse. some days it does look lighter but i can't ever make it look like they are gone. they are just that dark.

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Considering I work for M.A.C., I love theirs. The Select cover in Yellow is what I use

It's a thin product with just enough coverage. Your veins are blue, and yellow will combat that. It's not thick enough to be cakey (God, how I loathe cakey!) and can be applied in layers if need be. I have the same problem under my eyes, with the circles. I was told by 2 different docs that I have herniated fat pockets (REAL sexy term), and that surgery will not only get rid of said pockets, but the dark circles and creases as well. I'm doing this sometime next year, so we'll see what happens.

Edited by BrendaStarrr69
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I think I've become much faster at make up because I've been doing it for 15+ years.

I have my work makeup application, my "going out" make up, my "hanging out in the apartment and I may have to run to the store" makeup. I'm rarely without something. Even camping I have a tinted moisturizer and tinted lip balm. I do like it to look natural. Although there is rarely a time you will see me without my red "Dietrich" lipstick.

As for the undereye situation, I am in love with Benefits "Eye Con" it's a cream for under your eyes that you put on in the morning and at night. It really does a lovely job at getting rid of the dark circles and depuffing. I also like the "Boi ing", which is the conceler for under the eyes, not cakey at all. :smiling:

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I have the same problem under my eyes, with the circles. I was told by 2 different docs that I have herniated fat pockets (REAL sexy term), and that surgery will not only get rid of said pockets, but the dark circles and creases as well. I'm doing this sometime next year, so we'll see what happens.


i wonder if that is what i have in my eye lids?? my eye lids over time have gotten to have "extra" skin or something. they don't bulge but there is extra skin there for sure. i guess that must be something else though.

and with mine the veins underneath are blue but the ones on my lids are red- which i guess is why the tops look brownish and the under eye looks black. i was thinking of having surgery for it too but i was going to wait til i got older and uglier to have it done. :laughing:

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I wear much less makeup now that I am approaching 30. I feel more comfortable with my appearance - and many colors look harsh/silly now that I am older. I prefer a polished retro look: simple eye, strong brow, slight blush, defined lip.

I have dark *thanks genetics!* undereye circles - no crows feet/wrinkles as of yet, but the skin over my eyelid is getting a little droopy *yeah, I'm waiting till it is really flappy to get it fixed as well *sigh*

I use laura Mercier oil-free foundation in Warm Ivory and secet-coverup in SC3. The concealer is very thick - almost like clay. You have to mix a tiny amount with eyecream to get it to spread smoothly. This is the best concealer ever. It comes in a two shade palette to exactly match the tones of your skin. It is expensive, but you get tons of product and one palette should last a year or more.

For everyday it takes me about 5-10 minutes to do my makeup:

- moisturizer, light foundation where I am reddish and under my eyes or moisturizer and concealer where needed.

- lip gloss

- few swipes of mascara

- touch of chanel powder bronzer on cheeks and over eyes.

For clubbing/dinner out etc. is takes me 10-15 minutes as I never do elaborate eye makeup because I always end up looking tired as it fades during the night.

I style my hair 1/2 the time...the other half it is ponytail, pigtails or just a mess :o)

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I can't help but notice how many people mention how much their makeup fades or just plain doesn't last very long after an initial application.

I've never tried any of the expensive, department-store brands many of you seem to prefer. Budget-wise, I just can't even consider it. And frankly, the amount of scent used in many of those products would drive me insane - even Mary Kay is uber-guilty of that.

After trying about every drugstore brand out there, I've happily settled on the Revlon Colorstay line. I started using it when it first came out, sometime in the mid-90's. The main reason I tried it was the "fades by the end of the workday" problem.

Honest to Gods, you can't budge this stuff. I'd put it on before work, and by the time I got home, I looked THE SAME. The only thing I'd need to touch-up during the day would be a light application of pressed powder on the t-zone. Otherwise, no smearing, fading, etc.

The only different product I use now is Maybelline waterproof mascara - the uber-popular pink tube. I've tried the Colorstay mascara, and the stuff is TOO resilient. It's advertised as wearable for several days - and that's the truth. But I just don't like having a cosmetic stay on me that long.

Also, I've found I much prefer the Cover Girl Outlast all-day lipsticks. The Colorstays are too dry for me, and I don't like the color selection.

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  • 7 years later...

I noticed the older I get the less time I spend doing my make-up esp. for everyday things. Clubbing I used to spend hours.. now it's more like 30-40 min. I can do my day face in probably 5 min. lol! I don't even wear make-up around the house or to the store etc. I actually kind of miss the vanity.

How long do you spend and or do you go bare too?


Wow, I'm such a newbie to make-up. I've always gone bare. I didn't start wearing lipstick until 2010. About 2011 I added eyeliner and fingernail polish. Since my hair is braided, I only use a flat iron if I have the frizzies. So in all I probably spend 2 minutes on make-up and 5 minutes on hair for a regular outing. If I were getting dressed up I would have to add 20 minutes for fingernails and 10 minutes to curl my hair. Eyeliner and lipstick still about 2 minutes.

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