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Im getting Piranhas!

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...thought id share.

and please dont riddle me with the :its not like in the movies: stuff, I already know.

I just like pets that are exotic and have potential to be mean and/or dangerous, and SCREW doing salt water...god what an expensive pain in the ass...

im planning on getting 3 red bellies, after I shock my tank. I MIIIIGHT get a pleco, as I want one to help the tank, I know that its all dependent on the fish as to weather or not that will stick, but the piranha are babies and im planning on buying a fairly big pleco so they wont mess with it.

will report how the first days go, ill probably set up the tank tonight, and wait a few days before I buy the fish to put em in. gotta let the PH and stuff settle.

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I can't agree more with you about salt water being an expensive pain in the ass.

Yea...beautiful fish, but so much cash and time...

I cleaned the tank out last night, gonna wash the gravel off tonight and fill the tank, start the filters ect.

With any luck I will have my piranha by Saturday. They are little babies right now, only like an inch in size

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Well I have had some comet goldfish in the tank for a little over a week, to do the whole "cycling" thing for my tank. I might be getting the piranha tomorrow, depending on how my water tests go. They are only babies right now, so they will look like this...


But in about 5 months, they will look like THIS


It will be neat :)

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3 red bellied prianha and a pleco...as well as the comets but they will get eaten one day (lol)

Piranhas names are

Albert Fish

Ed Gein

and Chomp Chomp

...Havent though of a name for my pleco yet, I will today, MIGHT take pics once I get my aquarium 100% finished with its decor.

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they're adorable! and vicious! rawr! want!

Looks like my goldfish wont last as long as I though, they are all already missing most of there tail fins, lol.

bet by the end of the month all that will be left is the pleco...and the piranha of course.

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3 red bellied prianha and a pleco...as well as the comets but they will get eaten one day (lol)

Piranhas names are

Albert Fish

Ed Gein

and Chomp Chomp

...Havent though of a name for my pleco yet, I will today, MIGHT take pics once I get my aquarium 100% finished with its decor.

Sooo...Albert Fish eats your baby goldfish and sends piranha mail to their parents telling them how awesome it was and how delicious their children were?

Sooo...Albert Fish eats your baby goldfish and sends piranha mail to their parents telling them how awesome it was and how delicious their children were?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Piranha update!

well, I went out to visit my girlfriend for a day and I come back to fine my piranha had eaten 9 of my goldfish! i thought it would be a slow process but nope! only 2 goldfish left, along with my pleco (which seems to not be bothered by the piranha at all) and of course, my piranha.

I can tell they are growing, and Albert is the smallest, but he rules the rock in my tank, lol.

I decided since so many fish were missing, my piranha would be full and i could clean the tank, SUCCESS!


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Piranha update!

well, I went out to visit my girlfriend for a day and I come back to fine my piranha had eaten 9 of my goldfish! i thought it would be a slow process but nope! only 2 goldfish left, along with my pleco (which seems to not be bothered by the piranha at all) and of course, my piranha.

I can tell they are growing, and Albert is the smallest, but he rules the rock in my tank, lol.

I decided since so many fish were missing, my piranha would be full and i could clean the tank, SUCCESS!


You left piranha to babysit goldfish and are surprised there's only two left? I'm sure if I left my pitbull to babysit my four cats over the weekend, only Gitzie would be left when I got home (she's the tough bitch :tongue:). Need pics, btw.

You left piranha to babysit goldfish and are surprised there's only two left? I'm sure if I left my pitbull to babysit my four cats over the weekend, only Gitzie would be left when I got home (she's the tough bitch :tongue:). Need pics, btw.
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You left piranha to babysit goldfish and are surprised there's only two left? I'm sure if I left my pitbull to babysit my four cats over the weekend, only Gitzie would be left when I got home (she's the tough bitch :tongue:). Need pics, btw.

Well duh, I knew they were going to be food, I just didnt expect them to all go so fast and in one sitting. They are not big yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love Piranhas. I had 5 when I was a kid. Started out with 6 and 1 disappeared. Thought the rest got hungry but I ended up finding him under my dresser all dried out like a year later. It was kinda sweet :). I'm curious how long that pleco is gonna last. I put a crayfish in with mine figuring it would be safe because of its exoskeleton and would keep the bottom of the tank clean. Poor thing was MIA within a week. Think they were a few months old at that point though.

Edit: Piranha is supposed to be delicious, and as an added bonus if you save their jaws you can use them as scissors.

Edited by Shaun
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Love Piranhas. I had 5 when I was a kid. Started out with 6 and 1 disappeared. Thought the rest got hungry but I ended up finding him under my dresser all dried out like a year later. It was kinda sweet :). I'm curious how long that pleco is gonna last. I put a crayfish in with mine figuring it would be safe because of its exoskeleton and would keep the bottom of the tank clean. Poor thing was MIA within a week. Think they were a few months old at that point though.

Edit: Piranha is supposed to be delicious, and as an added bonus if you save their jaws you can use them as scissors.

The Pleco is still doing surprisingly well...not even a piece of fin missing, he kinda rules the part of the tank where the heater is (lol). As for the crayfish you had, they should be fine so long as you give them enough places to hide, they need a cave that they can call there own. Although it depends on each tank. Size of the tank, the amount of hiding places, as well as the piranhas personalities will determine if anything else will live. I also keep my piranha VERY well fed..I put 36 comets in there Friday night, Saturday morning there were only 7 left! I got my Piranha when they were babies and have had them for probably 3 months now. My pet store is ordering a fresh water lobster for me (not a crayfish, there is a slight difference). It should be here on Wednesday. I have to make a hiding spot for it tomorrow, Ill let you know if it lives. TBH im worried that the Lobster is going to try and take a pinch out of my Piranhas, lol.

@ Vengeance-

Ill try to get some pics :dry: But when I tried last time, they kept swimming away, its kind of difficult to take pics of fish without an underwater cam...

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I had paranhas back in the day. They won;t eat the pleco probably. Plecos eat poo... and dead fish scraps... and whatever else they can find. They can also get like 18" long. I guess they taste bad, and they are an armored fish. I have Cichlids now... a community tank with an oscar, 2 blue dempseys, a parrotfist, 3 angels, a pleco and a random gourami. It's funny too because the angels are my meanest fish.

I gave up on the paranhas because they are too aggressive. They would eat eachother, and when I would open the tank to feed them they would jump right out! (Not to mention danger when tank cleaning. Rubber gloves...

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