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Question for the civilians...

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To start with I am NOT accusing anyone of thinking this way at all...I am just looking for opinions or answers.

Why is there so much indiscriminate hatred towards military members? I know that is a broad topic but I will try to expand.

People call vets crazy bums when some of them are hard working and others, while technically crazy, have been through things that people should never have to go through.

We are all called "baby killers" by those that seek to hate...even when the cast majority of us are not even in combat related positions and some have not even been in a real combat zone.

Alot of my friends are having major trouble landing jobs in the outside because once the interview gets to military service the person asks if they have deployed and they say that the interviewers tone completely changes...and they don't get called back even when they are qualified.

There is alot of talk of us being stupid hicks...when in reality the number of soldiers with college degrees is growing and many of the jobs require someone with smarts and skills. We only have ONE person in our company without a college degree...and he is a few months away from earning it.

I am not really wallowing in self-pity and again I am NOT accusing anyone of saying or thinking this way but we were talking about it today after an incident off post when we were loading our equipment for the upcoming mission. A fairly large group of people were watching and people were yelling some very obscene shit. One lady asked us how many innocent people we were off to kill...when out mission is to the Dominican Republic to provide network communications and telephone services until a permanent system is set up...and I am going to provide generator power to the construction crews.

It just makes me sad when I am on my way to help and am completely blasted by that...any input? Are we really that bad or is assumption a good defense against soldiers? We don't choose what we do...we are told and we get it done just like everyone else...kinda...

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I don't see that. Maybe since i'm not in the military I don't. But with the recent spade of controversial wars I think that the american public has for the most part been supportive of the military.

Sure, there have been isolated incidents in the past ten years but I believe a vast majority of americans have been able to seperate the few who have committed dishonorable acts from the many who served honorably and heroically.

Just a heads up though. Not trying to be a douche but you're angry that people call you a baby killer yet your signature said "napalm sticks to kids". That would be like me complaining that people always think us liberals burn the american flag if my signature said "the american flag burns quite well".

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I have friends who are in the U.S. Army and did several tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have a friend who is in training to become a Navy Seal. I have family who are veterans of the Navy, Army and U.S. Marines. My uncle was awarded the Navy Cross for saving his comrade during Vietnam, took shrapnel to his face and body. I love and respect our nation's military. They are doing a job that I know I couldn't do.

Edited by KatRN05
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There have been more than a few articles about servicemen getting out of the service only to be shown nothing but the streets from civilian employees. While the VA is moving faster for them, the response can take months, where there is no income available. Even back when I got out, I was couch surfing for months before something came through employment/education wise.

I wish this was history and from the Vietnam era, but it is still prevalent. The reason I believe Candyman sees it it because he is around more people getting out of the service.

Links below:

Christian Science Monitor article

CNN Article

NY Times Article

SF Gate article

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My brother just got out of the Marines, he did two tours in Iraq. So I am very supportive of our armed services. When I was in college I was active in the student government and we did a support the troops drive and sent over 100 care packages overseas to local guys and gals that are serving.

Yes, there are people out there that hate the military. They are highly misinformed on just what the military does. They are either aging 60s radicals the spit on Vietnam Vet's when they came home from the war, or were raised by those aging 60s radicals. They don't understand that they can say those things because of men and women who serve and sometimes die so they can have those freedoms.

Keep your head up, and don't listen to the bullshit people spew at you. You know you're doing a good thing, and you know there are people who care about you back home.

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A few rotten apples in the Vietnam War doing wrong things unfortunately made the good honest soldier look bad.

I have several friends and a few relatives in the military that I have great respect for,they are very good people

who are doing the best they can.

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Veterans are always honored at powwows and on my reservation we have the Ogitchidaw Warriors Society. Its a bunch of veterans that get together every wednesday night they play cards and do other stuff. They always do color guard at powwows or meetings and such. On the rez its a very bad thing to disrespect someone that has served in the military. Most American Indians I know actually frown on it very harshly. But I have noticed that since I moved up near Big Rapids that there is more hate towards members of the military. Ever so often I see a small group of people protesting across the street from the family video. I never really seen that when I lived downstate. Anyway I have and always will have a great respect for all members of the military. I have more than a few members of my family that serve.

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Just a heads up though. Not trying to be a douche but you're angry that people call you a baby killer yet your signature said "napalm sticks to kids". That would be like me complaining that people always think us liberals burn the american flag if my signature said "the american flag burns quite well".

Yeah.....he HAS a very valid point.....that IS, a bit hypocritical, you must agree.....

.....that said, some peoples are just down...they hate themselves, & must lash-out, in order to feel better about themselves...they often take some moral high-ground, before they start passing out their judgments.....generally, basing them on some altruistic bullcraps, they could NEVER cross (ie. anti-war=coward)....just truy to ignore them...or, learn VooDoo....

...for instance, at Lodge, I never-ever-ever hear such things uttered...as many Brothers are vets, & many more are related to vets, or have children in service currently (one, is about to see his two sons deploy)....I never ever hear any of them vets say shit like 'napalm sticks to kids:", either ;) so you know....

...be well.

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I don't see that. Maybe since i'm not in the military I don't. But with the recent spade of controversial wars I think that the american public has for the most part been supportive of the military.

Sure, there have been isolated incidents in the past ten years but I believe a vast majority of americans have been able to seperate the few who have committed dishonorable acts from the many who served honorably and heroically.

Just a heads up though. Not trying to be a douche but you're angry that people call you a baby killer yet your signature said "napalm sticks to kids". That would be like me complaining that people always think us liberals burn the american flag if my signature said "the american flag burns quite well".

Yeah.....he HAS a very valid point.....that IS, a bit hypocritical, you must agree.....


So...I'm the only one here that interpreted the sentence "Napalm sticks to kids" as an anti-violence protest? Maybe I just listen to industrial and all, but that's how I took it.

So because Ogre steps up on stage talking about murder and covered with blood he's a serial killer and none of us should support him. (Correct answer: He SHOCKS as a PROTEST against such things, to open our eyes. Some people cannot fathom violence unless they experience an aspect, or a shocking idea regarding it, first hand.) I personally always thought his signature was a pretty intriguing way of bringing it to attention.

Or maybe I'm a nut job and candyman wants to run around the streets killing babies and dropping napalm on elementary schools... :no:rolleyes: Clearly certain people have difficulties picking up on nuances, subtleties, and metaphorical statements...etc. Nothing is in black and white except black and white themselves (or REALLY old TVs...even then, there's some gray in there :tongue:).


So...I'm the only one here that interpreted the sentence "Napalm sticks to kids" as an anti-violence protest? Maybe I just listen to industrial and all, but that's how I took it.

So because Ogre steps up on stage talking about murder and covered with blood he's a serial killer and none of us should support him. (Correct answer: He SHOCKS as a PROTEST against such things, to open our eyes. Some people cannot fathom violence unless they experience an aspect, or a shocking idea regarding it, first hand.) I personally always thought his signature was a pretty intriguing way of bringing it to attention.

Or maybe I'm a nut job and candyman wants to run around the streets killing babies and dropping napalm on elementary schools... :no:rolleyes: Clearly certain people have difficulties picking up on nuances, subtleties, and metaphorical statements...etc. Nothing is in black and white except black and white themselves (or REALLY old TVs...even then, there's some gray in there :tongue:).

Edited by Chernobyl
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We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,

We do our best to maim,

Because the kills all count the same,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Chorus: Napalm sticks to kids,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Flying low across the trees,

Pilots doing what they please,

Dropping frags on refugees,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Goods in the open, making hay,

But I can hear the gunships say,

"There'll be no Chieu Hoi today,"

Napalm sticks to kids.

See those farmers over there,

Watch me get them with a pair,

Blood and guts just everywhere,

Napalm sticks to kids.

I've only seen it happen twice,

But both times it was mighty nice,

Shooting peasants planting rice,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Napalm, son, is lots of fun,

Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,

It gets the gooks when on the run,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Drop some napalm on a farm,

It won't do them any harm,

Just burn off their legs and arms,

Napalm sticks to kids.

CIA with guns for hire,

Montagnards around a fire,

Napalm makes the fire go higher,

Napalm sticks to kids.

I've been told it's not so neat,

To catch gooks burning in the street,

But burning flesh, it smells to sweet,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Children sucking on a mother's tit,

Wounded gooks down in a pit,

Dow Chemical doesn't give a shit,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Bombadiers don't care a bit,

Just as long as the pieces fit,

When you stuff the bodies in a pit,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Eighteen kids in a No Fire Zone,

Rooks under arms and going home,

Last in line goes home alone,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Chuck in a sampan, sitting in the stern,

They don't think their boats will burn,

Those damn gooks will never learn,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Cobras flying in the sun,

Killing gooks is lots of fun,

Get one pregnant and it's two for one,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Shoot civilians where they sit,

Take some pictures as you split,

All your life you'll remember it,

Napalm sticks to kids.

NVA are all hard core,

Flechettes never are a bore,

Throw those PSYOPS out the door,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Gather kids as you fly over town,

By throwing candy on the ground,

Then grease 'em when they gather 'round,

Napalm sticks to kids.

If you take that seriously you have problems...during Vietnam they knew they couldn't change opinions so...why not have a little fun and let the haters fume a little more? Not saying it was a good idea but still...Cher has a point...

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Warrior to warrior - Don't let it get to you. In your heart you know what you are doing is right, and as long as that is so, nobody can tell you any different. You have what they don't. Love for your country, love for freedom, and the backbone to do what has to be done to protect it. I signed up after the Iraq war started. During a time of war. Not many people can say that. Civilians will never understand us, no matter how much they think they know, until one of those assholes spewing garbage about us puts the uniform on themselves, then they don't matter anyway. Who cares what everybody else thinks. That's why the military is a family. All branches, not just each individual branch, are one. We've all stepped up when nobody else would, put our asses on the line because we love our Nation and want to do the best we can to protect it. We stick together, we die together. We watch each others' back, and we complete the mission. Do not let media or ignorant people stop you, because you are better, and you know it, so hold on and stay modest.


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A Soldiers Poem

The soldier stood and faced God,

Which must always come to pass,

He hoped his shoes were shining,

Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, you soldier,

How shall I deal with you?

Have you always turned the other cheek?

To My Church have you been true?"

The soldier squared his shoulders and

said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't,

Because those of us who carry guns,

Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,

And at times my talk was tough,

And sometimes I've been violent,

Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny

That wasn't mine to keep...

Though I worked a lot of overtime

And I never passed a cry for help,

Though at times I shook with fear,

And sometimes, God forgive me,

I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place

Among the people here,

They never wanted me around,

Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,

It needn't be so grand,

I never expected or had too much,

But if you don't, I'll understand."

There was a silence all around the throne,

Where the saints had often trod,

As the soldier waited quietly,

For the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, you soldier,

You've borne your burdens well,

Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,

You've done your time in Hell

-Author Unknown

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We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,

We do our best to maim,

Because the kills all count the same,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Chorus: Napalm sticks to kids,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Flying low across the trees,

Pilots doing what they please,

Dropping frags on refugees,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Goods in the open, making hay,

But I can hear the gunships say,

"There'll be no Chieu Hoi today,"

Napalm sticks to kids.

See those farmers over there,

Watch me get them with a pair,

Blood and guts just everywhere,

Napalm sticks to kids.

I've only seen it happen twice,

But both times it was mighty nice,

Shooting peasants planting rice,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Napalm, son, is lots of fun,

Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,

It gets the gooks when on the run,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Drop some napalm on a farm,

It won't do them any harm,

Just burn off their legs and arms,

Napalm sticks to kids.

CIA with guns for hire,

Montagnards around a fire,

Napalm makes the fire go higher,

Napalm sticks to kids.

I've been told it's not so neat,

To catch gooks burning in the street,

But burning flesh, it smells to sweet,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Children sucking on a mother's tit,

Wounded gooks down in a pit,

Dow Chemical doesn't give a shit,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Bombadiers don't care a bit,

Just as long as the pieces fit,

When you stuff the bodies in a pit,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Eighteen kids in a No Fire Zone,

Rooks under arms and going home,

Last in line goes home alone,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Chuck in a sampan, sitting in the stern,

They don't think their boats will burn,

Those damn gooks will never learn,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Cobras flying in the sun,

Killing gooks is lots of fun,

Get one pregnant and it's two for one,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Shoot civilians where they sit,

Take some pictures as you split,

All your life you'll remember it,

Napalm sticks to kids.

NVA are all hard core,

Flechettes never are a bore,

Throw those PSYOPS out the door,

Napalm sticks to kids.

Gather kids as you fly over town,

By throwing candy on the ground,

Then grease 'em when they gather 'round,

Napalm sticks to kids.

If you take that seriously you have problems...during Vietnam they knew they couldn't change opinions so...why not have a little fun and let the haters fume a little more? Not saying it was a good idea but still...Cher has a point...

I'nna' just ignore the rude sentiment Cherny just spit at I... :thanks:

...I never ever heard of such a verse...nice point it carries...thanx for a civil answer.

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I'nna' just ignore the rude sentiment Cherny just spit at I... :thanks:

...I never ever heard of such a verse...nice point it carries...thanx for a civil answer.

Yeah its an odd cadence but then again most of the ones we can no longer use are. I feel they are a part of the military and its very colored history and should be remembered...even if they are a little crude sometimes...we all have our dirty spots don't we?

I have wanted some of them to come back however if the Commander or CSM heard then we would be pushing for a few weeks...I guess Jody wont get a verbal warning then...thats cool...

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Yeah its an odd cadence but then again most of the ones we can no longer use are. I feel they are a part of the military and its very colored history and should be remembered...even if they are a little crude sometimes...we all have our dirty spots don't we?

I have wanted some of them to come back however if the Commander or CSM heard then we would be pushing for a few weeks...I guess Jody wont get a verbal warning then...thats cool...

I can hear that. Just depends on your unit I've been with units that are like "OH NO YOU CAN'T sing THAT cadence anymore!"

So to spite them, we made a cadence out of "The Wheels on the Bus" and sang it every time we marched past HQ :D

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I can hear that. Just depends on your unit I've been with units that are like "OH NO YOU CAN'T sing THAT cadence anymore!"

So to spite them, we made a cadence out of "The Wheels on the Bus" and sang it every time we marched past HQ :D

Yeah...whenever they shoot us down we do the Sponge Bob cadence or the Chuck Norris...for running we do Alcoholic Ranger...

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