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can cats be gay?

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my sister has these two boy cats. Heckle and Jekyl. the problem is the for the last two months jekyl has been mounting heckle. my sister's 6 year old has started asking questions but jen just tells her they are playing. insight is appreciated.

It could be a dominating thing and not a sex thing. I have seen this in many animals and my friend had a two dogs one male and on female who were both "fixed" and the female would sometimes try to mount the male. I think in the animal world it is away to show who is dominate in the pack.

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Cats and dogs are nuts...that is just how they are. Even if you remove a cat's balls he will still maintain some sort of dominance...like how my cat owns the shit out of my room and all of the comfortable furniture.

On my friends farm we have seen the cows mount each other all of the time...there are no males its just dairy. There is one condition that may be considered homosexual though...when 2 female cows come from the same mother, twins, one will come out normal but there seems to be a lack of hormones for the other because the other almost always comes out with a thick "bull" neck and an extremely messed up udder that is non-functioning. Basically when you get twin females one is normal and the other is extremely butch to the point that is is built almost exactly like a bull minus a large white and black penis...yeah I had to put that part.

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Yes even females will hump to show they are dominant. However I have a female cat and a male rabbit that seem to truly have a crush on one onather. I have two other female cats and they have no interest in him or him they.

Indeed. And if one of your cats is humping your other cat excessively to display their dominance, it's your job to dry-hump them and let that cat know who's the boss.

Indeed. And if one of your cats is humping your other cat excessively to display their dominance, it's your job to dry-hump them and let that cat know who's the boss.
Edited by Chernobyl
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I agree that what you described is almost certainly about dominance, especially if they are both fixed.

Cats aren't like humans in that they don't mate for pleasure, they mate because of instinct to breed, so in that sense, I don't really think cats can be gay. However, I think that sometimes two cats can form a strong bond with each other(you know how sometimes two cats will curl up in a chair or bed together and wash each other with their tongues) and in some cases two males or two females will bond (or as mentioned, sometimes a cat and another animal like a dog or a rabbit) and I suppose that you could consider that equivalent to a non-sexual human partnership, so in that way they could, sort of, be gay.

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biiiird bird bird, bird is the word.

Chernobyl ftw, as usual.

they should probably call you chernopedia :D

They do, you can look up this term in the Chernionary.

They do, you can look up this term in the Chernionary.
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  • 2 weeks later...

We have two male daschunds that are brothers and they are all about licking each others nether regions, and doing the nasty to each others head, and so forth. Male dominance or not, every time I see it I feel like I just watched Two Girls and Cup, lol. We do plan on getting them snipped soon, so we'll see if that changes :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm certain after many years with my Duncan that he is gay. Though I don't blame him since his female owners took him to get snipped by a female doctor, and all the other cretures in the house are female except the snake (who he loves, they sleep next to eachother all the time). He's ignors everyone until a man comes over then he can't get enough attention. He loves to sleep in and on man shoes. He has a foot fetish that really makes me giggle. Not to mention he grooms all the men that sleep over (at least until he's kick off the bed/couch) Nothing like that sand paper tongue at 4 in the morning.

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There IS a difference between gay behavior and the behavior of a snipped male cat. My cat is snipped too and he HATES any guys that come into the house besides me and my dad...however he will "protect" and females that come into the house and, well, cats tend to like feet as far as I know

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Agreed. Regardless if my cat has always preferred male to females of any species, there is a huge different between gay behavior and the behavior of a snipped male cat. For starters gay behavior in its intricacies is a mainly human attribute and well, he's a cat. The thing is as a pet owner many start to attach very human personality traits to their animals. Treat them like children or part of the family. The behaviors that people attribute to their animals can be very eccentric, however most of these behaviors are natural adaptations to wild animals being domesticated.

As far as the HUMPING thing goes as the wise and all knowing chernopedia stated "It completely has to do with dominance, not legit homosexuality."

Regarding the 6 year old seeing this behavior and asking questions. If she asking be honest. I was her age when I first saw my dog humping the neighbors dog and well once I was told that how puppies were made, I regularly took him to the neighbors house when the adults weren't watching cause dang it I wanted a puppy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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