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On the other hand, said women don't seem to mind if the persons checking them out and hitting on them were female.

I do, but I know what you mean. Call me dirty I guess, but I'd MUCH rather be hit on by guys. Like, I'm never ever rude to dudes who gawk or anything like that if I'm wearing something saucy, but I suppose I'm just a little off like that :laugh:. Only time I'm rude to people hitting on me is the actual grabbers, SUPER persistent assholes, or people who try to sway me into cheating after I already tell them I'm reserved.

MAYBE the reason I'm so bothered when women hit on me is because they tend to be the grabbers, SUPER persistent assholes, and people who try to sway me into cheating after I already tell them I'm reserved. True statement :laugh:. I think that phenomenon has to do with the notion many girls have that other girls don't count, or "all guys think it's hot so her boyfriend won't mind", or maybe they think they CAN'T be a "creeper" because they're female, I dunno.

I do, but I know what you mean. Call me dirty I guess, but I'd MUCH rather be hit on by guys. Like, I'm never ever rude to dudes who gawk or anything like that if I'm wearing something saucy, but I suppose I'm just a little off like that :laugh:. Only time I'm rude to people hitting on me is the actual grabbers, SUPER persistent assholes, or people who try to sway me into cheating after I already tell them I'm reserved.

MAYBE the reason I'm so bothered when women hit on me is because they tend to be the grabbers, SUPER persistent assholes, and people who try to sway me into cheating after I already tell them I'm reserved. True statement :laugh:. I think that phenomenon has to do with the notion many girls have that other girls don't count, or "all guys think it's hot so her boyfriend won't mind", or maybe they think they CAN'T be a "creeper" because they're female, I dunno.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I dress more like a punk/metalhead, especially decked out, and rarely listen to those genres of music. Just recently I’ve decided to start dressing to the nines again for the seldom events I can make; I can deal with being insulted, just not on a daily basis.

I don’t think the dress code is a good idea since its divisive, even though a new-looking baseball cap at an Alt club is usually a red flag.

IMHO, the main problem inside Alt clubs musically and aesthetically, seems to be undereducated college students.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Now that I think about it not every club had/has this problem. The Lab rarely had this problem, many of the punk hangouts rarely have, never heard of Something Cold having this problem. Past goth nights. And these places also have an assortment of "colorful" folks.

Reckon this is more to do with the venues that play music that is accessible for the douchebag-type crowds.

Edited by Joey Deadcat
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Now that I think about it not every club had/has this problem. The Lab rarely had this problem, many of the punk hangouts rarely have, never heard of Something Cold having this problem. Past goth nights. And these places also have an assortment of "colorful" folks.

Reckon this is more to do with the venues that play music that is accessible for the douchebag-type crowds.

I think it has more to do with the longevity of the venue/night. Sooner or later word gets out to the "regular folk" and they start coming for a little "adventure." The Lab was around for a while but it was even more underground than City so maybe word never got out about it. Something Cold was too new and never really caught on with it's intended crowd so no surprise that others didn't show either.

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Im sure the fact that its in London has nothing to do with it... :p

Generally, Goth/Industrial is still alive in Europe as a whole thankfully. The same can't really be said of most of North America it would seem. If I may speculate, this longevity is helped in part by an adherence, to some degree, in tradition. If DJs spin more synthpop, the music and scene become more accessible, and people's fashion slips into the casual, all these factors help contribute to the decline and demise of the underground world we now see here in the USA.

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Generally, Goth/Industrial is still alive in Europe as a whole thankfully. The same can't really be said of most of North America it would seem. If I may speculate, this longevity is helped in part by an adherence, to some degree, in tradition. If DJs spin more synthpop, the music and scene become more accessible, and people's fashion slips into the casual, all these factors help contribute to the decline and demise of the underground world we now see here in the USA.

I could give a damn about the fashion. As for the music, most people prefer to dance to electronic than spooky, and most people go to the club to dance. Hence why synth/industrial/EBM/noize get more play these days.

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I think it has more to do with the longevity of the venue/night. Sooner or later word gets out to the "regular folk" and they start coming for a little "adventure." The Lab was around for a while but it was even more underground than City so maybe word never got out about it. Something Cold was too new and never really caught on with it's intended crowd so no surprise that others didn't show either.

Indeed! I actually said this to Nocker and Saint last year at the Corktown Festival, or something to the extent. I said it jokingly, but I was being honest. I used DEMF as an example I believe, I said something to the effect of (paraphrasing obviously): "I remember when DEMF was legit like this, but that happens with almost all events. When something like this starts, all the cool legit people who are big into whatever scene it is show up, and it is badass. It will generally stay badass for a few years maybe, but what happens is that uninteresting poser douchebags catch wind that interesting people are gathering at a certain event. After this happens it's all downhill, just like with DEMF, it was originally hardcore techno enthusiasts, it was free, and it was somewhat undergroundish. Now it's douche central, everyone knows about it, Pepsi owns it, and it's a heaping pile of mainstream shit. Then all of the people who were legitimately into whatever scene move on to something different, and the cycle begins anew."

Indeed! I actually said this to Nocker and Saint last year at the Corktown Festival, or something to the extent. I said it jokingly, but I was being honest. I used DEMF as an example I believe, I said something to the effect of (paraphrasing obviously): "I remember when DEMF was legit like this, but that happens with almost all events. When something like this starts, all the cool legit people who are big into whatever scene it is show up, and it is badass. It will generally stay badass for a few years maybe, but what happens is that uninteresting poser douchebags catch wind that interesting people are gathering at a certain event. After this happens it's all downhill, just like with DEMF, it was originally hardcore techno enthusiasts, it was free, and it was somewhat undergroundish. Now it's douche central, everyone knows about it, Pepsi owns it, and it's a heaping pile of mainstream shit. Then all of the people who were legitimately into whatever scene move on to something different, and the cycle begins anew."
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Indeed! I actually said this to Nocker and Saint last year at the Corktown Festival, or something to the extent. I said it jokingly, but I was being honest. I used DEMF as an example I believe, I said something to the effect of (paraphrasing obviously): "I remember when DEMF was legit like this, but that happens with almost all events. When something like this starts, all the cool legit people who are big into whatever scene it is show up, and it is badass. It will generally stay badass for a few years maybe, but what happens is that uninteresting poser douchebags catch wind that interesting people are gathering at a certain event. After this happens it's all downhill, just like with DEMF, it was originally hardcore techno enthusiasts, it was free, and it was somewhat undergroundish. Now it's douche central, everyone knows about it, Pepsi owns it, and it's a heaping pile of mainstream shit. Then all of the people who were legitimately into whatever scene move on to something different, and the cycle begins anew."

Eh, I still appreciate DEMF in some sense. The last time when I went, Anthony Rother closed and he blew the freaking place away, it was amazing. Although I have not been since. It would take a really sweet line up to go again.

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Eh, I still appreciate DEMF in some sense. The last time when I went, Anthony Rother closed and he blew the freaking place away, it was amazing. Although I have not been since. It would take a really sweet line up to go again.

Artists aside though, the original genuine feel of DEMF is almost all gone imo.

Artists aside though, the original genuine feel of DEMF is almost all gone imo.
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Most clubs that have a "dress code" don't specify what you have to wear, they just specify what they don't want you to wear, and it's usually a short list.

I think something like: no baseball caps, no tennis shoes, no flip flops, no baggy blue jeans, no sweat/athletic pants would be just fine. This is what a lot of mainstream clubs do, and really, it only requires you to at least put minimal effort into looking somewhat presentable when you go out.

Now if someone wants to come into the goth club wearing penny loafers, khakis, and a sweater vest, or a long tie-dyed dress and hippie braids, I really have no problem with that. Individual styles vary a lot, but sloppy and lazy is just that. There's no reason you can't put on a pair of black clean jeans and Doc Martens and comb your hair instead of throwing a baseball cap over your greasy hair and going to the club in the wife beater and sweat pants you lay around the frat house in.

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That's kinda the point I was also trying to make and I agree with you.

I could give a damn about the fashion. As for the music, most people prefer to dance to electronic than spooky, and most people go to the club to dance. Hence why synth/industrial/EBM/noize get more play these days.

People can't dance to it if DJs don't play it. Anyways, perhaps I misread the banner at the top of the page *shrug*. I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just frustrating you know? I don't mind synth/industrial/EBM/noize but I look for an outlet for at least vaguely "Goth" stuff and find none. I digress.

Edited by Ensanguine
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i think we're missing the point of "dress codes" at other clubs. its not about "looking the part" per se. its about dressing up. if you're going into a hip-hop club, they don't say "you must be wearing FUBU or Sean John." they specify no t-shirts, jeans, blah blah...they say "dress to impress". they want people to look hot and not scrubby. they want to have patrons that look like they tried...like they're classy...not like they came over straight from a 12 hour day of manual labor.

also, what makes us think that by making sure everyone is "goth"...we would get rid of the assholes? there are assholes EVERYWHERE. dress codes wont get rid of them. why is it that we can get mad at them because they make fun of us...but we're totally ok with ostracizing them because they're not wearing PVC and enough D-rings? "You're not wearing eyeliner so you can't hang out with us goths."

and does that mean that because im "gawth" im not allowed to listen to, say, Pink? or Journey? or TLC? or that i have to throw away my Les Miserables soundtrack?

personally...i just find it kinda judgmental.


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bacon bit, when you get mad it's sexy, but that's off topic ;D

I agree with the whole idea of how yes, nothing annoys me more than a frat boy in a pink popped collared shirt trying to grab at me or trying to fist pump to combicrap, however you do have to remember this is a business, as aforementioned. It's been said somewhere on here before that if City thought they'd make 8923572389578923 more dollars than they are now as a top 40 club, they'd do it in a heartbeat. City Club and Industrial/Goth/Alternative nights do not sit there bearing in mind 24/7 how goth they are, looking upon others in disdain- they sit there thinking "damn! hope we make money tonight." haha.

The club scene has evolved over time, and you don't see a lot of pure goth crowd hanging out. Everyone has a different style. I've worn jeans to city on rare occasion [twice now I think? maybe just once, bacon bit can remind me there] when I really just wasn't feeling up to gothing out/didn't really have the time. Sometimes you gotta scrub it, but I don't think that dressing completely down is right perse.

And let's face it, City isn't exactly the 'classiest' or 'upscale' place... I don't think they can really enforce a dress code that anyone would really take seriously.

In a perfect, beautiful, blackened goth world, yes, everyone would be dressing to their extent, gothin' it up, hangin' out. But it's not very practical.

Edited by victoriavengeance
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and does that mean that because im "gawth" ... i have to throw away my Les Miserables soundtrack?

I hope not. I have both the original Broadway cast and the full orchestral versions. Plus, the production is just so depressing, I find it pretty goth at times.

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The one problem I had was back in August of '07 when my then-boyfriend, his roommate and I all dolled ourselves up and carted ourselves to Frakenmuth. We ate pizza and promptly walked around downtown, eventually finding ourselves at the Bavarian Inn. We walked through the pool/arcade area and then rode the elevator to the second floor. I'm wearing a long black skirt, my scissor/heart striped shirt and boots. The boyfriend was wearing a suite with a spiked collar. His roommate was actually dressed rather normal but formal (nice pants, nice shirt, etc). We were just hanging out, walking around, having a few laughs and enjoying the weather. No real reason to dress up but we did it for the hell of it and werent causing problems with anybody.

However, when we got to the 2nd floor balcony, the roommate found a plastic chair and sat in it, leaning back against a window. We werent going to look through the curtains to see if the room was occupied but I figured even if we did, it wouldnt have helped. Soon, a hard rapping knock was heard and the door to the room opened (it had balcony access) and the tenant promptly berated us for not being elsewhere on the balcony. "I mean, it's a huge balcony! Cant you go someplace else?!" So we moved away from the door and just hung around and chatted, but the whole time the man is glaring at us, one nasty look directed at the three of us. I went over to him to apologize:


"You better not be talkin' to me."


"You better not be talkin' to me!"

"Sir please, we didnt know--"

"Go take a fuckin' hike."

"Sir, we didnt know that the room was taken--"

"Go take a fuckin' HIKE!"

"And we werent going to check the windows."

"Get the fuck out of here."

"Sir, there are children on this balcony."

"I dont give a fuckin' shit. Go take a fuckin' hike!"

At that point, I walked away but he made sure to let out a "Fucking FREAKS" as I walked away. I turned and said "Thank you." I went back to where the others had been standing and the man FOLLOWED, and promptly asked if we were guests in the hotel. We werent but again, we werent causing trouble for anyone. The roommate sticks up for me, yelling at the guy for disrespecting me. Then tells the guy a fake name and the guy leaves as he threatens to go to the front desk to report us.

We left shortly thereafter but I made the crack to the others that I was sorry the man's wife shoved a buttplug up his ass last night. We laughed it off but I remember being thoroughly pissed off and utterly shocked at this middle-aged man's behaviour. I know full well that men and women alike can be arrested for excessive foul language in the presence of children.... I'd have smacked the guy if I was a parent.

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People can't dance to it if DJs don't play it. Anyways, perhaps I misread the banner at the top of the page *shrug*. I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just frustrating you know? I don't mind synth/industrial/EBM/noize but I look for an outlet for at least vaguely "Goth" stuff and find none. I digress.

Dude, you are preaching to the choir, trust me...

Edited by DJ Nocker
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wow what a fucking dick O.O it sounds like his wife did more than just shove a big buttplug up his ass lol

Funny thing, the guy had to have been around my dad's age.

Now, whereas we have that "prime" example of a model citizen as mentioned in my above post *coughsarcasmcough*, we've got my dad who doesnt dress like I do, though understands I am who I am and the way I dress doesnt reflect me as a person... I'm just comfortable dressing that way.

HOWEVER: we've both acknowledged the very fact that we've found a gentle medium between "Family-function friendly" and "my terms" and thus far, every attempt I've made to "dress appropriately" (as my dad words it), I've done just fine. Some family members are surprised as to where I found the cute articles of clothing (sometimes they're shocked a shirt or shoes came from Hot Topic).

My dad doesnt go out of his way to ridicule me for my clothes or my piercings or tattoos (hell, my middle sister has 13 and she's a bus driver!) He doesnt partake, but wont waste his time to make someone feel bad about something that they probably dont feel bad about anyway.

And when it comes to his temper, my dad can be pretty intimidating when he's pissed but even he knows to watch his language! (He's a probation officer, so he deals with hellion children on a daily basis...)

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Hmm, lets see.

When I exposed myself to DGN at CC I was wearing... I'll give time to others to chime in on this one. BTW this was a rare night for me being I didn't have an issue at the door.

After that (when I was in a particularly good mood) I did my face B&W wore and a top hat with Joker cards poking out the band.

What did the door pussy with his tacky horns held to his head with rawhide say to me in his condescending tone? "I don't think you belong here." I got 3 inches from his face and told him "I belong where ever the fuck I decide to be at the time." If he hadn't refused the wife and my cover then given me 2 free passes I would have walked out and shit on the stairs.

The next time I came in, after having my hip purse searched and walking away the bastard who did the search and was decidedly norm called me a "Sick motherfucker."

Considering that was something like the 10th time I had entry issues, I've not been back since.

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