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A few thoughts on RIP, the Ballroom, etc


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So CC wants the Collective to do a bi-weekly thing in the Ballroom. We tried RIP which maybe I ended too soon. I've decided on keeping the Ballroom area just a lounge area once a month to listen to old school goth, industrial, ambient, etc music, stuff like what we used to do during Resurrection and Oblivion nights at the Lab back in the day. We will continue having bands once a month providing people continue to show up and support what we do. Since the Lab will never reopen and Ascension UK has been done for a long time, I want to keep the Ballroom a sort of dark gothic lounge for people to get away from the crowdedness of CC. We were focusing too much on getting people to come into the Ballroom and now I just don't care. So we're gonna just light candles, keep it dark maybe minimal red lighting, and play old goth music at a not so loud volume so people can do whatever they wish. I'm also gonna try and get some couches to throw in there too make it more relaxing for people. We'll just play some old black and white horror movie clips on the walls or something to that effect. I guess I wanna know your thoughts on what to do. I'm only gonna set something up if I feel like people might enjoy it. So any feedback is appreciated and thanks again for all of you who have supported what we try to do at City Club.

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I like your idea about the old horror movies on the walls. I love the ballroom but whenever I go in there it's really loud and there's no where to just chill out. I would love to just sit back and have a drink in the dark.

I will work on putting some table, chairs, and couches in there, something cozy. We are also gonna keep the music area contained a little better, not so loud.

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I can dig it. Though it needs to maintain it's own identity and provide an alternative to what goes on in CC.

Thing was - based on many of the playlists posted here from previous events - that it seemed folks were still pandering to the CC scene/crowd. You're gonna want to completely break away from that and offer an atmosphere different from CC and with various styles of dark music that's never played there. Can't evoke that spirit of Ascension UK if folks are feeling more like they're at CC II or, great gosh almighty, Harpo's. Let CC be about beat-matching, and booty-shaking/grinding and The Ballroom about mood and atmosphere.

On the other hand, this is what probably would keep most folks away and, sadly, why this may end up having a shelf life - again. An event can only last so long on a cult following.

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I think it's a great idea. There is always once in a night that I say to myself "Damn I wish I could hear what this person is saying" at CC. It would be great just to sit around and relax when you need that break from dancing and yet still be able to hear some good stuff.

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I can't stand CC anymore, but this sounds awesome. It would definitely get me out of the house again. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the noise level, even in the bar area, at CC is almost intolerable for me. I miss being able to just sit and talk.

Edited by Nightgaunt
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I'd love it if the ballroom was more of a social lounge. Lots of small tables and chairs to chat with friends and such. Music wise, quiet enough so I don't need to raise my voice to chat with somebody at the table with me. I'd love trip-hop, shoegaze, dark ambient, and such. More atmospheric music than dancable.

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You people are full of shit! thats exactly what RIP was, and no one appreciated it...

Me, Justin, Deadcat, Scaryguy, Pulsestate played tons of great old AND new spooky stuff, and it had the projector, and it had places to sit.

Good luck with that...

Rob, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but most people just arent into it anymore, which sucks.

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You people are full of shit! thats exactly what RIP was, and no one appreciated it...

Me, Justin, Deadcat, Scaryguy, Pulsestate played tons of great old AND new spooky stuff, and it had the projector, and it had places to sit.

Good luck with that...

Rob, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but most people just arent into it anymore, which sucks.

I'm also confused by many of the posters in this thread...when I went to RIP they had more legit seating than anywhere else in the club (I don't count particle-board, splinter-ridden, barf-covered benches as legit seating) AND they had tables. The music was not loud at all, it was at a talkable level, they were playing all of the old-school stuff that many in this thread said they would love played, and it was everything old-school enthusiasts could have dreamed of EXCEPT....

...the fact that, much like in this thread, everyone was "excited" about going...but nobody bothered to check in the ballroom AT ALL hardly. Everything was PERFECT...where were all of you? :no: Pretty sad to see that nobody could be bothered to walk 50 yards from one end of the building they've been going to over and over and over again to check out something new in the SAME building.

I'm starting to understand the frustration of many area DJs because people complain and bitch about the mainstream aspect of CC all the TIME and talk about how much they would love to not go anymore and go someplace else with better music and a more sincere scene-feel to it. So these DJs go out of their way on a constant to set up perfect nights for people, trying to keep the scene alive and catering to their demands, only to have myself, MAYBE a FEW DGNers (prick, Riku, people I bring), and all of the DJs show up....

I am disappoint :no: :no: :no:. I would be pulling my hair out if I had to deal with that sort of event planning... :wallbash:. Oh well, myself and other die-hards will keep on attending and keep on waiting for everyone to put their money where their mouth is. Area DJs have been getting hassle for their growing negative attitude about the attendance in the scene, and personally, at this point I'm beginning to emphasize with them. They practically do everything besides show up at your door, drag you out of your house, take you there, and pay your cover. In a completely joking manner, it's like the final frontier of getting people to show up would be a free rub/tug job incentive from the DJ of your choice :rofl:!

I even had someone tell me that they go to CC every weekend to listen to their iPod, not talk to any of the "emos and juggalos", and keep to themselves because of how bad "city club sucks". WHY do you GO? Check out another night already! And if you don't? I will privately reprimand anyone talking shit about the "main" City Club area who won't do anything about it! :tongue: I've always been a strict believer that the only people who deserve relief in life are those willing to change what their situation.

I'm also confused by many of the posters in this thread...when I went to RIP they had more legit seating than anywhere else in the club (I don't count particle-board, splinter-ridden, barf-covered benches as legit seating) AND they had tables. The music was not loud at all, it was at a talkable level, they were playing all of the old-school stuff that many in this thread said they would love played, and it was everything old-school enthusiasts could have dreamed of EXCEPT....

...the fact that, much like in this thread, everyone was "excited" about going...but nobody bothered to check in the ballroom AT ALL hardly. Everything was PERFECT...where were all of you? :no: Pretty sad to see that nobody could be bothered to walk 50 yards from one end of the building they've been going to over and over and over again to check out something new in the SAME building.

I'm starting to understand the frustration of many area DJs because people complain and bitch about the mainstream aspect of CC all the TIME and talk about how much they would love to not go anymore and go someplace else with better music and a more sincere scene-feel to it. So these DJs go out of their way on a constant to set up perfect nights for people, trying to keep the scene alive and catering to their demands, only to have myself, MAYBE a FEW DGNers (prick, Riku, people I bring), and all of the DJs show up....

I am disappoint :no: :no: :no:. I would be pulling my hair out if I had to deal with that sort of event planning... :wallbash:. Oh well, myself and other die-hards will keep on attending and keep on waiting for everyone to put their money where their mouth is. Area DJs have been getting hassle for their growing negative attitude about the attendance in the scene, and personally, at this point I'm beginning to emphasize with them. They practically do everything besides show up at your door, drag you out of your house, take you there, and pay your cover. In a completely joking manner, it's like the final frontier of getting people to show up would be a free rub/tug job incentive from the DJ of your choice :rofl:!

I even had someone tell me that they go to CC every weekend to listen to their iPod, not talk to any of the "emos and juggalos", and keep to themselves because of how bad "city club sucks". WHY do you GO? Check out another night already! And if you don't? I will privately reprimand anyone talking shit about the "main" City Club area who won't do anything about it! :tongue: I've always been a strict believer that the only people who deserve relief in life are those willing to change what their situation.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Oh and preemptively, since I know SOMEONE will bring this up as an argument, as someone always does:

"I go to City Club because my friends go to City Club."

It's not a valid excuse. Let me explain. People are social animals, and we tend to travel in packs. We're heavily influenced by each other, we can pressure each other into different things, encourage each other in actions. The military can organize thousands of soldiers in a formation. One FB event invite can spark 100 people coming to a house party. At a football game, one person starts the wave and thousands follow; due to social engineering they know exactly what to do and follow suit.

So if ONE person says to me "I can't get five of my friends to go out to a club night" I will tell you that you are SO wrong. You can, you just haven't tried like you should have! Not even FIVE friends, hell, I usually only show up with myself, Pest, and maybe one other person. So three people. Get one or two buddies, maybe a boyfriend/girlfriend, ten bucks, and then get yourself out and support our scene!

Or if you're already at City Club on a Saturday, between songs on the main floor, get a few buddies and walk over to the ballroom and dance in there a bit. EASY! No excuses people, only results please :wink:.

We have a great family here in Detroit, I know everyone has their heart set on helping out but for some reason people keep talking the talk without doing the walk. I know we are better than that :grouphug:.

Oh and preemptively, since I know SOMEONE will bring this up as an argument, as someone always does:

"I go to City Club because my friends go to City Club."

It's not a valid excuse. Let me explain. People are social animals, and we tend to travel in packs. We're heavily influenced by each other, we can pressure each other into different things, encourage each other in actions. The military can organize thousands of soldiers in a formation. One FB event invite can spark 100 people coming to a house party. At a football game, one person starts the wave and thousands follow; due to social engineering they know exactly what to do and follow suit.

So if ONE person says to me "I can't get five of my friends to go out to a club night" I will tell you that you are SO wrong. You can, you just haven't tried like you should have! Not even FIVE friends, hell, I usually only show up with myself, Pest, and maybe one other person. So three people. Get one or two buddies, maybe a boyfriend/girlfriend, ten bucks, and then get yourself out and support our scene!

Or if you're already at City Club on a Saturday, between songs on the main floor, get a few buddies and walk over to the ballroom and dance in there a bit. EASY! No excuses people, only results please :wink:.

We have a great family here in Detroit, I know everyone has their heart set on helping out but for some reason people keep talking the talk without doing the walk. I know we are better than that :grouphug:.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Okay, there were posts about it. Never doubted it. That doesn't change the fact that I didn't hear or read about it. That was not intended to imply failure on the part of the promoters. I'm constantly inundated with club night promotions; so much so, that my gaze now just skips right over them. I learned early on that 99% of them were either something I just wasn't into or happening on a weeknight. The only way I learned about this was from a comment that you made on Facebook, Joey, that someone was planning something that was going to fall flat. I was intrigued, so I tracked it down here. Looking at the posts for RIP, I probably wouldn't have attended. The way it was worded, I would have just assumed it was yet another night of people packed shoulder to shoulder listening to music played at ear-splitting volume. This post implies a more intimate setting and specifically talks about keeping the volume low. Much more enticing for me. So, yeah, I said it sounded good.

And was told I was full of shit.

Boohoo! I was in on the ground floor back in the day *sniff* and nobody came. Waaaaah! Now I'm going to shit all over any *sniff* attempt to do anything similar in the future.


Poor, poor little DJ.

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Poor, poor little DJ.

wow, you really are misinformed, I was a part of RIP, im not bashing the night, im bashing people for not attending. LoL

Get your facts straight, I only shit on City Club. I go out of my way to promote and go to other stuff, unlike you apparently.

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wow, you really are misinformed, I was a part of RIP, im not bashing the night, im bashing people for not attending. LoL

Get your facts straight, I only shit on City Club. I go out of my way to promote and go to other stuff, unlike you apparently.

I understand that you were part of RIP. Kind of the whole point of what I said. You're bashing people for saying good things about this attempt. Or did you not say:


You people are full of shit! thats exactly what RIP was, and no one appreciated it...

Maybe I'm just not getting it, but you appear to be saying, in effect: "You people say this sounds good, but it was tried before and you didn't show up." Try, for a moment, to understand that some people may not enjoy being told that they're full of shit, just for innocently expressing an opinion. It's called "tact". You could have said, "My concern is that this will end up like the last time something similar was tried, like with RIP, when a lot of people said they liked the idea, but few actually showed up."

See the difference? The way you said it, it was insulting, puerile, and whiny.

I go out of my way to promote and go to other stuff, unlike you apparently.

I'm not a DJ. I'm not immersed in the "scene" 24/7. I have a wife, a child, and a billion other things going on in my life. So, no, I don't get out a lot.

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Maybe I'm just not getting it, but you appear to be saying, in effect: "You people say this sounds good, but it was tried before and you didn't show up."

I'm not a DJ. I'm not immersed in the "scene" 24/7. I have a wife, a child, and a billion other things going on in my life. So, no, I don't get out a lot.

Thats exactly what im saying... Im saying it with a bit of spite because it happens often.

I respect that you arent immersed in the scene, I dont expect everyone to be, read my PM and try and see where the other side is coming from.

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wow, you really are misinformed, I was a part of RIP, im not bashing the night, im bashing people for not attending. LoL

Get your facts straight, I only shit on City Club. I go out of my way to promote and go to other stuff, unlike you apparently.

negative reinforcement sucks. you're not going out of your way to help promote this, you're insulting everyone who was excited about it in this thread, and then pretty much told the original poster he was going to fail.

how about just shutting up if you have nothing nice to say, hmm? :dry:

regarding the topic at hand, i think it sounds amazing! that really would be ideal for me and what i look for when going out (if not a live band). of course, the fact that i live so far away is going to make nocker give me shit about how i'll never show up either, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, as the saying goes... :rolleyes:

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Just because something didn't go as planned in the past, doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried again. When I'm at CC, and there is something going on in the ballroom, I always check it out. When things began in there, one of the things that drove me away was the sound system. Music sounded muffled, and if I wanted to dance, I just couldn't get into it because it sounded like it was coming out of a paper bag. That issue has obviously been rectified, as the last time I was there just a few weeks ago when Servitor was playing, it sounded great! AND I was dancing to the music before the bands played. I was really enjoying myself, and would have danced more to the DJ'ing if they didn't have to stop for the bands. I loved the clips on the wall, and remember thinking how nice it all was to be able to dance at a club to old school again. I'm like Msterbeau~not only do I go to CC to hang out with my friends, I go to dance. If it is made into a lounge area, I will surely visit and enjoy it, but I need to be honest that I won't be spending the whole night there.

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Prick, as they say, "you rock!". You're always checking out the new nights that come up and are always keen on hearing different stuff out there. ;)

Its true, Prick, you are awesome, one of the few out there that try to go out and support! If I ever see you out and about, ill but you a drink.

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