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I don't even know what to call this

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Okay, so I know now that their are others who feel like me, the world's gone to shit, and we've done nothing to stop it, well it's kinda hard to stand alone, as an individual to fight against the issues within our society, we need to get together and stand together if we give a damn, I have no idea right now what that is gonna look like and shit, so that's why I am posting this topic and looking for feedback and perhaps even interest as to whether or not anyone would want to get together regularly to discuss, plan, and whatever. (lol I'm exhausted atm more details will come, I am also asking for feedback from DGN interested parties.

I can host at my house if people don't mind driving to Detroit, I am near CC. I know a few people off the board who are interested also. Thanks

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I would wait for a little while to see what else happens...because if we do go ahead and deploy to Libya because apparently we quickly raised our hands when the UN asked who would send troops and money if they needed it...AGAIN! Or if we deploy to any of the other countries in turmoil...THEN you would have more to talk about and deal with because if Libya continues to do what it is doing the gas prices WILL drive up and more troops will be deployed so my buddies can go over to get killed by people that don't care and the rest of us can come home to people that don't care...

I am not kidding either...the middle east is holding alot of shit and so is the UN...if they decide to throw it then it is going to hit us...again...

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@ Candyman, but, you would possibly be interested?

Due to my current employer I really don't know if I should make a comment indicating either way.

However, I will say that changes are needed because that is a neutral statement. I just mentioned waiting because I can see a possible giant shit hitting the fan soon with would just add more problems to the ones we have.

And even if I was positively interested...I am at Ft. Gordon in Georgia for the next 3 years unless my OCS packet goes through, and then I will spend 6 years somewhere else...so am face to face meeting is...unlikely, but depending on the context and my status of employment in the future that could change...

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Agreed, no promoting the bean show and yammering on about bean. :rofl:

But, I'm bean and I do bean things. I'm part of the bean organization and that makes me super cool. Bean bean bean bean. Because I'm part of bean, I can only talk about neutral bean things. Bean bean bean. Bean.



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I think its a good idea, Kat. We all have problems of our own to work out, but helping others in worse situations is always a great topic to keep open for discussion. Not coming together enough to help each other out is one of humankinds issues in the first place. I'm open to discussion, and projects ;)

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