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>> Industrial Wednesdays << @ Mars Bar, Hamtramck ::

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I figured out why I think so many people get lost, on Google Street View the building is the vacant one in the brick strip mall next to the DMC Cardiovascular center with the yellow and red "For Lease" sign in the window. Apparently it was taken before Mars Bar was even there.

Some of them "some people" would be me.

Although they also could just use a more visible sign up on the outside wall, that little neon sign is easy to miss, although thats more of a problem for just passers-by , if you are going out of your way to go there, you'll find it.

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Went was glad I did. (Although people pusing out at like 1:15 = *shakes fist*) =P Really well designed inside, totally different feel from how it looks on the outside. Wandered in first person I ran into was Saint, good to talk to you. Later on I hassled the poor cute bartender whose name I can't remember to go on DGN, i saw her try on her cell phone but, dang, using the internet (at least this type of website) on a cell phone has got to be a major pain in the ass. But apparently people do it.

Talked to people, attempted to dance but the combination of feeling mildly dizzy and the fact that no one danced there probably were good reasons not to. Ended up at cher's house afterward with Pestilince, Iris and Shawn... somehow , same thing that happened at CC saturday, eveee was apparently at the club, but I (somehow) didn't know about it until after the fact). Secret anti-troy cloak I'm thinking... obviously. :gathering:

DGN Peoples that I can think of (that have a chance in hell of actually reading this) was many more people there that I know but its quasi pointless to list them off if they aren't even gonna see this:


DJ Saint

DJ Nocker





couple people that told me they were on DGN but i've not seen a post by them in a long time and can't remembet their names *thinks*

Plus i'm sure i'm mising someone as always, but better to try than to not try for fear of missing out.

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Everyone was really jolly and casual last night for some reason. I think it was the presence of the Spiral :fear:. Nocker was also school-girl giddy, so that was entertaining in itself.

The conversations that took place at our house after...? OH LORD. I don't even want to go there :no:.

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Went was glad I did. (Although people pusing out at like 1:15 = *shakes fist*) =P Really well designed inside, totally different feel from how it looks on the outside. Wandered in first person I ran into was Saint, good to talk to you. Later on I hassled the poor cute bartender whose name I can't remember to go on DGN, i saw her try on her cell phone but, dang, using the internet (at least this type of website) on a cell phone has got to be a major pain in the ass. But apparently people do it.

Talked to people, attempted to dance but the combination of feeling mildly dizzy and the fact that no one danced there probably were good reasons not to. Ended up at cher's house afterward with Pestilince, Iris and Shawn... somehow , same thing that happened at CC saturday, eveee was apparently at the club, but I (somehow) didn't know about it until after the fact). Secret anti-troy cloak I'm thinking... obviously. :gathering:

DGN Peoples that I can think of (that have a chance in hell of actually reading this) was many more people there that I know but its quasi pointless to list them off if they aren't even gonna see this:


DJ Saint

DJ Nocker





couple people that told me they were on DGN but i've not seen a post by them in a long time and can't remembet their names *thinks*

Plus i'm sure i'm mising someone as always, but better to try than to not try for fear of missing out.

I was there!! I didn't realize you were there until you left though or I probably would have said hi lol

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googled real fast:

Kath uploaded the finished songs to the internet, including "Alice Practice," the results of the mic check, under the band name Crystal Castles, a tribute to a song featured in the cartoon She-Ra which featured the lyric "The fate of the world is safe in Crystal Castles".
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An EXCELLENT night with a TERRIFIC sized crowd. Thanks to all those who came out and thanks especially for the many wonderful comments throughout the night on the venue, music and more. w00t.gif

Hope to see plenty more of you in the coming weeks.

We've got some guest DJ's on tap and something REALLY exciting being planned now. More info on all this next week.

Playlist to be posted shortly in it's own thread.

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It's definitely a cool place with great music :). Though I did have more fun at Chernobyl's afterwards. Crazy convo's ftw.

Thanks for the good words and great to be re-introduced to you again last night. You guys did stay very close to closing time which was much appreciated.

Now I am very curious about the convo's at Chers (LOL)

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Thanks for the good words and great to be re-introduced to you again last night. You guys did stay very close to closing time which was much appreciated.

Now I am very curious about the convo's at Chers (LOL)

Troy taught us all that everyone is at least a little gay, among other insightful knowledge.

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Unexpectedly epic beyond definition. The gathering of so many familiar faces drove it to become thus. The music selection was mellow and "cold" for much of the night, but oh so appropriate for the evening.

For some strange reason, I had a feeling wormsinwombs would show; And lo, look who decided to show her face.

Kill Bill played on one screen, The Professional on another (how's that for a combination)

@Troy: As Marc mentioned, leaving around the 1:00 hour is by no means mitching out early; Most nights end before the bar closes, one night even ended at 1:00.

Thanks for playing a track from my delightfully shadey compilation Marc :) All most had to hide that from Nocker for a moment (I know it is epic, but it is also mine)...eh, I can let you borrow it, I suppose :yes

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Unexpectedly epic beyond definition. The gathering of so many familiar faces drove it to become thus. The music selection was mellow and "cold" for much of the night, but oh so appropriate for the evening.

For some strange reason, I had a feeling wormsinwombs would show; And lo, look who decided to show her face.

Kill Bill played on one screen, The Professional on another (how's that for a combination)

@Troy: As Marc mentioned, leaving around the 1:00 hour is by no means mitching out early; Most nights end before the bar closes, one night even ended at 1:00.

Thanks for playing a track from my delightfully shadey compilation Marc :) All most had to hide that from Nocker for a moment (I know it is epic, but it is also mine)...eh, I can let you borrow it, I suppose :yes

The Exploding Boy track was really cool. Know the band vaguely and really liked that track. You should post about that comp elsewhere here and clue people in to great new music on that comp! The mesmer eyes request was good too and hadn't played the band in a while either. Thanks for the suggestions.

Yeah, some nights we wind down just before 2 a.m. (at 1:45 usually), it happens, that's why we get to the new stuff + occasional request + no filler tracks quickly while people are there. That one night we closed at 1 was a fluke off-night of slowness - I think there was a movie opening or something. Crowds have been excellent lately and staying later, which is very nice. Weeknights are hard for people but there's a good amount of dedicated regulars who close the place down :)

Great to see you again last night as always!

Edited by DJ Saint
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The Exploding Boy track was really cool. Know the band vaguely and really liked that track. You should post about that comp elsewhere here and clue people in to great new music on that comp! The mesmer eyes request was good too and hadn't played the band in a while either. Thanks for the suggestions.

Yeah, some nights we wind down just before 2 a.m. (at 1:45 usually), it happens, that's why we get to the new stuff + occasional request + no filler tracks quickly while people are there. That one night we closed at 1 was a fluke off-night of slowness - I think there was a movie opening or something. Crowds have been excellent lately and staying later, which is very nice. Weeknights are hard for people but there's a good amount of dedicated regulars who close the place down :)

Great to see you again last night as always!

For those inquiring minds that did not see it in the recommendations thread (as, I quickly replied to one of the other posts, thus bumping my own post)

Death # Disco Compilation 1

So, the label/store is called "Big Cartel"...yeah, so very NOT shady!!! :fear:

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For those inquiring minds that did not see it in the recommendations thread (as, I quickly replied to one of the other posts, thus bumping my own post)

Death # Disco Compilation 1

So, the label/store is called "Big Cartel"...yeah, so very NOT shady!!! :fear:

Frank Just Frank (GREAT TRACK! I have the 12"!), Soviet Soviet (also have the 12"!) Tobias Bernstrup, Sixth June, Mueran Humanos, HOLY SHIT. That is a hell of a comp!

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@Troy: As Marc mentioned, leaving around the 1:00 hour is by no means mitching out early; Most nights end before the bar closes, one night even ended at 1:00.

Yeah i complained to whoever I could find that seemed like they worked there (non djs) about the early closing (poor bar tender) and a few patrons, if i somehow can manage to go more , that process will continue. :secret: (oh to not be broke and/or sick all the damn time grr) "mitching". hah. Yet another Iris-ism I'll have to use.

This is a comment on wanting to stay longer, due to the nice place (and for me the long drive and other hurdles i have to get over to go). If people stayed, they stay open to make more money, its the people leaving that causes early closing (common phenomenon at lower-traffic bars) hopefully something that will change over time as the night becomes more popular.

so you've got

1. Getting the word out

2. Getting people in the door

3. getting people to stick around

4. getting more people in the door

5. repeat.

That stage 3 there feeds on itself either in a positive or negativite direction. Given enough people not only will the place stay open (and thus make more money), they'll practically have to kick the people out (and then there'd be a crowd outside afterward) if all goes well, eventually. The lets call them "invested" folk will want to stay as a long as possible, or at least I hope they would. Belive it or not its 1 2 3 more than it is about the playlists (unforutnately) although of course good music helps. Sorry, longtime jaded guy around "new nights" over the years rambling. /ends rambling.

Anyhow was a nice night and a nice place. Hope to do it again.

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Yeah i complained to whoever I could find that seemed like they worked there (non djs) about the early closing (poor bar tender) and a few patrons, if i somehow can manage to go more , that process will continue. :secret: (oh to not be broke and/or sick all the damn time grr) "mitching". hah. Yet another Iris-ism I'll have to use.

This is a comment on wanting to stay longer, due to the nice place (and for me the long drive and other hurdles i have to get over to go). If people stayed, they stay open to make more money, its the people leaving that causes early closing (common phenomenon at lower-traffic bars) hopefully something that will change over time as the night becomes more popular.

so you've got

1. Getting the word out

2. Getting people in the door

3. getting people to stick around

4. getting more people in the door

5. repeat.

That stage 3 there feeds on itself either in a positive or negativite direction. Given enough people not only will the place stay open (and thus make more money), they'll practically have to kick the people out (and then there'd be a crowd outside afterward) if all goes well, eventually. The lets call them "invested" folk will want to stay as a long as possible, or at least I hope they would. Belive it or not its 1 2 3 more than it is about the playlists (unforutnately) although of course good music helps. Sorry, longtime jaded guy around "new nights" over the years rambling. /ends rambling.

Anyhow was a nice night and a nice place. Hope to do it again.

As mentioned earlier - Crowds have been excellent lately and staying later, which is very nice. Weeknights are hard for people but there's a good amount of dedicated regulars who close the place down.

Your comments above can be said of any night (save for maybe Necto and City)... new nights have never had the participation levels that those places have been fortunate to have. You can trace this back years to industrial nights at Luna, The Works, Mephistos, Labyrinth, New Way Bar, Fat Katz etc... It is what it is. A weekend scene perhaps? You can promote, promote, promote and do as much as you can (we all have), but in the end no one has control over people's decisions in where they go. You can suggest and recommend and continue to provide, yet in the end the choice is theirs. No worries, happy to be able to spin new music and offer another club option to people looking for a cutting-edge experience.

The word and buzz is continuing out there about Industrial Wednesdays @ Mars, we're still progressing forward and we have something lined up that will allow many who haven't been able to check Mars Bar out yet to do just that.

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As mentioned earlier - Crowds have been excellent lately and staying later, which is very nice. Weeknights are hard for people but there's a good amount of dedicated regulars who close the place down.

Your comments above can be said of any night (save for maybe Necto and City)... new nights have never had the participation levels that those places have been fortunate to have. You can trace this back years to industrial nights at Luna, The Works, Mephistos, Labyrinth, New Way Bar, Fat Katz etc... It is what it is. A weekend scene perhaps? You can promote, promote, promote and do as much as you can (we all have), but in the end no one has control over people's decisions in where they go. You can suggest and recommend and continue to provide, yet in the end the choice is theirs. No worries, happy to be able to spin new music and offer another club option to people looking for a cutting-edge experience.

The word and buzz is continuing out there about Industrial Wednesdays @ Mars, we're still progressing forward and we have something lined up that will allow many who haven't been able to check Mars Bar out yet to do just that.

I'm not really directing this at you Saint / Iris / other established people at least not really , I always have lurkers and "casual" readers in mind when I'm posting, so some of my comments might seem like "duh" to the more experienced, but many people (maybe even most) are hearing such things for the first time. Posts here are quasi "articles" to a point, not necessarily just conversations between the posters, especially in a persistant-ish topic.

All my commentary was meant in a positive way, and it is (mostly) true for any place. I was just trying to diswade anyone from thinking that leaving early has an upside in terms of keeping/growing a place. True some people just have no choice due to other priorities. But a push to keep whoever is able to stay, around, is a good thing. Especially when the average joe that I might send down there anywhere from the burbs can only really get there by midnight, after say a 30 minute drive, then have to leave an hour later then drive 30 minutes home. Its just a reality, not anything to be done about it other than deal with it as is.

I could go back over the years and probably just cut & paste similar comments to the one I made above, it is true across the board, which was what i was getting at. Also agreed a weeknight is a bit of a uphill battle compared to other nights , along with "new" being harder. Other places have various reasons why they are easier to get/keep people in the door but I just try to avoid comparisons as it tends to cause inter-club rancor which helps neither place usually, and hurts the smaller venues the worst as the larger ones are often have a large pool of potential customers that might go to both nights, given the right push/attitude. It turns people off that might be likely to be interested in whatever "other" places they might also go to, if they think the establishment is "against them" and were ever they go currently. When it starts to an "us vs them" way, it makes it harder and harder to promote in such a small community. People unfortunately tend to take things way too personally. Some of us that have fairly thick skin don't realize that many (maybe even most) do not. Many people like both the "regular" and the "cutting edge" but will be disinclined to go out of their way if alienated.

As an aside the switch to Wednesday I think was a very good one.

Random statement: Nocker did you get my PM?

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I'm not really directing this at you Saint / Iris / other established people at least not really , I always have lurkers and "casual" readers in mind when I'm posting, so some of my comments might seem like "duh" to the more experienced, but many people (maybe even most) are hearing such things for the first time. Posts here are quasi "articles" to a point, not necessarily just conversations between the posters, especially in a persistant-ish topic.

All my commentary was meant in a positive way, and it is (mostly) true for any place. I was just trying to diswade anyone from thinking that leaving early has an upside in terms of keeping/growing a place. True some people just have no choice due to other priorities. But a push to keep whoever is able to stay, around, is a good thing. Especially when the average joe that I might send down there anywhere from the burbs can only really get there by midnight, after say a 30 minute drive, then have to leave an hour later then drive 30 minutes home. Its just a reality, not anything to be done about it other than deal with it as is.

I could go back over the years and probably just cut & paste similar comments to the one I made above, it is true across the board, which was what i was getting at. Also agreed a weeknight is a bit of a uphill battle compared to other nights , along with "new" being harder. Other places have various reasons why they are easier to get/keep people in the door but I just try to avoid comparisons as it tends to cause inter-club rancor which helps neither place usually, and hurts the smaller venues the worst as the larger ones are often have a large pool of potential customers that might go to both nights, given the right push/attitude. It turns people off that might be likely to be interested in whatever "other" places they might also go to, if they think the establishment is "against them" and were ever they go currently. When it starts to an "us vs them" way, it makes it harder and harder to promote in such a small community. People unfortunately tend to take things way too personally. Some of us that have fairly thick skin don't realize that many (maybe even most) do not. Many people like both the "regular" and the "cutting edge" but will be disinclined to go out of their way if alienated.

As an aside the switch to Wednesday I think was a very good one.

Random statement: Nocker did you get my PM?

Oh I didn't read it as personal at me or Mars yes.gif... although having it in the thread here might have been better served in a new thread as it's own topic which could have warranted even more responses. I see your points and do agree with them plus you have a unique way of communicating them. What it stems down to really is patronage for the nights, events, shows, etc... People need to get out, have fun, try something new and throw their support at whatever they can.


EDIT: Oh and I just noticed the link in your sig to Wed nights. MAJOR thanks for that. I already distributed some cards for DGN. More events this weekend, so I will try to get more into peoples hands. Props!

Edited by DJ Saint
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Oh I didn't read it as personal at me or Mars yes.gif... although having it in the thread here might have been better served in a new thread as it's own topic which could have warranted even more responses. I see your points and do agree with them plus you have a unique way of communicating them. What it stems down to really is patronage for the nights, events, shows, etc... People need to get out, have fun, try something new and throw their support at whatever they can.


EDIT: Oh and I just noticed the link in your sig to Wed nights. MAJOR thanks for that. I already distributed some cards for DGN. More events this weekend, so I will try to get more into peoples hands. Props!

Promoters, the unsung heros of many scenes. It "annoys" some people, but its the lifes blood of most venues online or off its gotta be done, especially "real life" promotion which is the most effective but also the most likely to annoy people... WHATEVER. =P

Back to the Mars-Bar proper subject...

I'm going to try hard to get down there again this week, I know I cant do it every week but I wanted to come down there and see you guys and hopefully influence a few more people to come down.

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The place to be this week is Mars Bar on Wednesday.


Plenty of new music, your favorites and more.

Air Conditioning.

Strong drinks made by the lovely K.

FREE admission all night.

Drink specials galore.

Dancing. Socializing. Laughter.

Movies on the big screen.

DGN approved.




Did we mention FREE?

Who's coming out this week?

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The place to be this week is Mars Bar on Wednesday.


Plenty of new music, your favorites and more.

Air Conditioning.

Strong drinks made by the lovely K.

FREE admission all night.

Drink specials galore.

Dancing. Socializing. Laughter.

Movies on the big screen.

DGN approved.




Did we mention FREE?

Who's coming out this week?

I plan on sitting in my house and shittin' muh britches, due to MANFAST being two days after. But I encourage others to go because it is a SUPER solid night :jamin.

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