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Gif that puts things in perspective

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Yeah it looks like clicking on the link is the only way to see it.

when I click the link I get taken to the same.


I just went to gifbin.com front page then tried clicking the link and it worked.

Edited by Vater Araignee
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*wonders if other people can see it*

What do you think of the image?

They can see my posting, I'm hosting it on my site.

I think the image crushes self importance.

We mean no more to the grand scheme of the universe than some insignificant microbe means to us.

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They can see my posting, I'm hosting it on my site.

I think the image crushes self importance.

We mean no more to the grand scheme of the universe than some insignificant microbe means to us.

That is what I was feeling about it too (thanks btw)


And yes.... Slogo.... that is very very cool

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I don't believe so.... parasites have an effect on things... we have none

Nobody has ever been able to make that argument adequately.

They always run right out of the realm of the empirical and into the theoretical.

Scientific theory taken as fact can be just as much bull shit as religious fundamentalism.

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If that's the case, then I don't have to worry about climate change, recycling, pollution, overpopulation, deforestation, genocide ...

Only your on other things like you... not on the universe in general.

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If that's the case, then I don't have to worry about climate change, recycling, pollution, overpopulation, deforestation, genocide ...

You don't have to worry about climate change #1 the earth is self correcting baring extra atmospheric interference #2 increased sunspot activity increased temperature. Do you believe that mans pollution is causing every planet in the solar system to heat up like they are currently doing?

You don't have to worry about recycling any further than the law provides because, the earth is self correcting baring extra atmospheric interference. You could also take the road that recycling slows down cost increase.

Overpopulation isn't parasitic it is cannibalistic, the earth is self correcting. So if we don't stabilize the population at a sustainable level we have a mass die off.

Deforestation at some point will cause extinction possibly as absolutely nobody has been able to prove that the trees are needed. It has been shown that there is plenty of carbon dioxide absorbing oxygen releasing organisms on the earth to provide for our oxygen needs. It has also been proven that young trees absorb CO2 faster per pound than old trees so if deforestation is an issue just plant young trees and chop down the old. Better yet use industrial hemp. If I am wrong, it doesn't matter, the earth is self correcting.

Genocide isn't parasitic either it is evil but not parasitic.

Ultimately we could nuke the entire planet and it wont matter as far as the universe is concerned and life on this planet will continue.

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