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I know most of you probably know about the shutdown already. The part that hasn't been getting much attention is the part where the military isn't getting paid. Nobody, that means absolutely nobody, in any military branch is getting paid for half this month and all of the next which started yesterday and has already screwed up the lives of a few people. Apartments have been lost because the owners heard the news and most of the people I know are down to just a few hundred dollars to take care of all their bills and feed their families.

I am rather unlucky because I am on a relief mission to the Dominican Republic where we will be stuck for a few extra months if they can't figure out our pay. Besides sporadic meals I have to pay for my own water because this local stuff is not good to drink. It is pretty sad when the poor country you can to help is actually helping you now. The list of other shit storms this is creating is too long to list and I don't want to sound like I am complaining.

We are still working and the bitching is less that I would have expected. We are not asking for money or handouts, although care packages kick ass, but we are asking for support in any way possible. Pressure congress, help out a family with a parent or significant other that is deployed, throw eggs at the senators...or pray if that is your thing.

I know that with the people on this board that at least some of you will show some support even if it is spiritual which works just fine. I'm sitting here sweating my ass off amongst a bunch of chickens and goats that can actually drink the local water so even a smiley face thing or some sort of congress joke would help.

Thanks in advance...

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Not from what we have been briefed on and what our pay records show. Either way some landlords and shit are already closing shop on people just in case.

Even if this bill does pass they are going to hamstring us pretty bad. We already can't afford basic services for our vehicles to keep them running...we have to choose which ones to fix and which to cannibalize. Alot of what we have is already falling apart and since they already cut spending on that, cut soldiers and are booting out others just to make room, and have already picked apart VA benefits our pay is next. We have seen all the options that they have laid out and it is pretty bleak. Out of everything that I pay I wind up with about $350 and month for gas and shit since I have to buy my own food like everyone else.

They are trying to make the Army a combat only thing...and this bill is signing more over to the contractors because they somehow think that civilians getting paid 4x what we do to do the same job is saving them money.

Maybe they did stop it for a little bit...not a good idea to piss off people with guns...but the people need to call for their military back because it is cheaper. You know all of those large figures you always saw connected to the current wars? 60% and more of that is spent on contractors, not the security guys just mechanics and shit, and their travel expenses...same reason I am not getting paid a dime extra for this overseas relief mission where I have to buy everything I need like food and parts and water...contractors are in an all expenses paid hotel with AC and they show up once a week but get paid for a full week.

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Even more reason for me to despise mercs.

Thats the problem it isn't even them. Our MP's are being replaced with rental cops and soon the MP MOS will be closed just like the firefighter. I am supposed to be a mechanic but we have a motorpool with hundreds of trained soldiers doing nothing because every day the civilians come and do the work...all we do is oil changes and basic maintenance. Medical and dental personnel are being replaced. Supply, clerks, and all of those MOS's that people make fun of but are actually vital to a mission are being replaced with civilians that don't seem to want to do the kind of job that a soldier did. The Engineers are even getting shut out of things like building the roads and building on bases like they used to...now its the companies that bid and out of the last 20 buildings they did on Ft. Gordon only 2 of the damn things passed inspection the SECOND time around.

Now add the mercs and we have a party. If people actually want the government to spend money wisely they need to call for their military back because honestly, if the shit hits the fan the contractors won't help worth shit and our "efficient" army will crumble.

Edited by candyman
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I've always been pro Governmental Military. Blackwater fucked things up worse than anybody, and the others over in the middle east are only obscure because they aren't AS BAD. Kinda like rape isn't as bad as murder, I guess the reasoning is...

But the Federal Government was only ever intended as a buffer to deal with foreign countries so that individual states could run things their own ways. That includes the ability to lightly tax the populace of the states to fund such things as a military powerful enough to dissuade potential aggressors as well as secure natural resources the nation needs to survive. Seems to me the Fed has overstepped its bounds, and in the process forgotten what it was meant to do in the first place, huh?

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Blackwater really isn't even part of it...their funding doesn't come from the military budget for some reason. Its part of the same reason that we cannot use their body armor which is far superior and cheaper than the stuff we have.

Seriously, the best example of the government wasting money is how they are currently running the military. Its cost alot to train each soldier. Basic teaches you the basic skill needed in the army and in combat and then your AIT will give you all you need to know with your job and then you work your way up the ladder. Now you have a fully qualified soldier ready to work and advance in his/her skills and rank. BUT WAIT! Lets keep paying him but have him do nothing and squander his skills...by having a civilian do all the work. On top of that we take whats left of the budget and waste it on small arms testing to get new weapons that are only new because they are slightly lighter versions of what we already have and what already works pretty damn well.

If people pressure the government into making the army the self-sufficient machine that it used to be they would not believe the money that would be saved. Seriously, look up every MOS that relates to a civilian job and then imagine all the troops getting paid for that and then add an equal number of civilians getting paid 4x more than that AND THEN add the cost of parts and supplies for both groups. Government fail...

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My pops got forced to retire cause of Clitorises shit. It took two people with books of sensitive info to replace him and what was in his head. He was also held onto as a "civilian specialist" for 4 years. So I guess you could say that after forced retirement over 10 pounds that he could not lose it took him and two others to do his job.

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This shit honestly doesn't make any sense.

It sounds like temp agancy for the military.

Pay more per hour for people less trained than give full due to the people that deserve it.

I'd be curious what companies are most commonly used.

Follow the money and you'll probably find companies that have lined the pockets of Dems and Republicans.

This would be an interesting documentary for an investigator with the strength to pursue it.

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This shit honestly doesn't make any sense.

It sounds like temp agancy for the military.

Pay more per hour for people less trained than give full due to the people that deserve it.

I'd be curious what companies are most commonly used.

Follow the money and you'll probably find companies that have lined the pockets of Dems and Republicans.

This would be an interesting documentary for an investigator with the strength to pursue it.

The companies being used are no secret at all...they are the ones that provide the equipment. The guys that build the trucks send their techs...the guys that build the Signal equipment send their techs...building and road construction is done locally.

At first it was done on a very small scale to aid the local economy by a base but it was more of a supplement to our forces since we were busy with large projects. Then politicians got involved with the military and POOF...this happened.

This link has a good list of where contractors can come from: Assholes

Yes they are great at providing products...but they should only come when called upon which wouldn't be too often if they let us do our jobs. Believe me with the condition of everything we have I am amazed at how the military budget is so bad until I remember the contractors...we could probably all have brand new equipment if it wasn't for them. For instance, nobody in my company has body armor plates...we need to borrow some if we deploy... :confused:

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No, I was going to say, we only got an 800 dollar deposit today. I was a little upset because I thought this was avoided, but after posting, I went on the MyPay website, and it explained that we're getting paid for the 1st through the 8th right now, and the 9th through 15th will be deposited on the 15th.. Whew! I was gunna say, 800 bucks that covers rent how the hell were we supposed to make car payment, insurance, pay loans, and have food for the month? But all was in vain, should be ok now :)

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