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Trouble Making Friends

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Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum and if any of you have seen my posts and replies from other users, you're probably aware of the fact that I have been accused of being a troll. I'm not shocked, as I am quite used to the reactions; but it is an unhappy reminder to me of how lonely living on the fringe can be.

Does anyone here have any similar experiences either of not being taken seriously, or of having people express outright fear or hatred towards you?

I'm naturally an introvert, and have always had a very rich inner life, so being social and making friends was never top priority for me. But as I get older, I'm realizing that despite the positives that come with being true to yourself, the rejection from society can actually be quite hurtful--even to the most independent and disengaged individual.

I don't want this to read as though I am entirely alone in the world. That couldn't be further from the truth. My services and webcam shows are very popular and I am lucky to be in touch with many AB/DL's OTI and IRL. But I and other AB/DL's experience an alienation unknown to most others. We experience tremendous hatred and fear when we venture into the non-diaper world.

Why are people so upset with the Diaper Lifestyle? How does it hurt them? Of all the tragedies of the world, why do people direct so much negativity towards Adult Babies? They treat us like criminals when all we're doing is being more truthful and honest than they could ever hope to be.

When I bring up the idea of civil rights for AB's and DL's, people laugh at me. This is not something that should be laughed at. Do you want to live in a society that tries to shut down the free expression of its AB's? Do you support free speech?

If you were to take away all the social conditioning and domestication you have undergone, you might even realize some desire within you for the life in the Diaper/Adult Baby Community.

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Personally I never thought you were intentionally trolling. Granted, I thought it was possible, but you seemed far too well-worded, thought-out, and eloquent to be a troll. Also, the fact that you seem to only talk about your lifestyle obsessively indicates trolling to some. No matter how much people say they are open to other ideas, many times they're hypocritical about that. I don't think your lifestyle is anything to detest, you feel fufilled in what you do and you're not hurting anyone in the process of doing it. Not everyone thinks like I do though, it's human nature to ridicule and fear what we don't understand. Or people may have thought you were trolling because your lifestyle could be something other immature people could use to troll people with, and we do get a few troublemakers drift in here and there, so I guess some just wrongly assumed that you may have fell into that category. I personally think it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black because as goths we all have a lifestyle that is unsavory to the view of most other people in society, so maybe we should take that into consideration before we make assumptions of others.

Personally I never thought you were intentionally trolling. Granted, I thought it was possible, but you seemed far too well-worded, thought-out, and eloquent to be a troll. Also, the fact that you seem to only talk about your lifestyle obsessively indicates trolling to some. No matter how much people say they are open to other ideas, many times they're hypocritical about that. I don't think your lifestyle is anything to detest, you feel fufilled in what you do and you're not hurting anyone in the process of doing it. Not everyone thinks like I do though, it's human nature to ridicule and fear what we don't understand. Or people may have thought you were trolling because your lifestyle could be something other immature people could use to troll people with, and we do get a few troublemakers drift in here and there, so I guess some just wrongly assumed that you may have fell into that category. I personally think it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black because as goths we all have a lifestyle that is unsavory to the view of most other people in society, so maybe we should take that into consideration before we make assumptions of others.
Edited by Chernobyl
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I think Chernobyl is being way, WAY too nice here.

Your little sob story reminds me a lot of the NAMBLA episode of South Park (If anyone can find it, please post it)

The guy at the end makes this big mea culpa, and the whole town suddenly feels bad for him,

to which Stan replies "DUDE, you have SEX with CHILDREN"

Then he gets taken away in cuffs.

Funny that outside of all your DL stuff you put in your profile your association with NAMBLA

If you are real, then I hope someone plucks out each of your pubic hairs one by one with a rusty tweezers for professing an interest in fucking young boys.

Another reason for people thinking you're a troll is how you've made EVERYTHING about your lifestyle and your ridiculous plea for equal rights.

You have equal rights, dipshit!

Just like People into BDSM or swinging or any other sexual lifestyle outside the norm have

equal rights. No one's stopping you.

Unless you're fucking little boys, then, as in the South Park episode, you'll be hauled away by the cops.

Here's the difference. People into that don't make one aspect of their sexual lives the central focus in every post. You're into putting on diapers, big deal. That's your thing.

Honestly, I think most people don't give a shit.

But, with the creepy way a lot of your posts go, either you ARE a troll or are severely mentally ill that you think the world is somehow conspiring against you for engaging in sex with a diaper.

Two women can eat shit out of a cup and it becomes an internet sensation, but you want to put on a diaper and the world rises against you?


The awesome thing about this is, if you are a troll, my post just made your night for taking the bait.

If not, get a fucking life and learn to talk about something besides how everyone hates you for wearing a diaper.

You'll still be a sick fuck in my book for your belief in NAMBLA, but at least you'll be a slightly less dull sick fuck.

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I think Chernobyl is being way, WAY too nice here.

Your little sob story reminds me a lot of the NAMBLA episode of South Park (If anyone can find it, please post it)

The guy at the end makes this big mea culpa, and the whole town suddenly feels bad for him,

to which Stan replies "DUDE, you have SEX with CHILDREN"

Then he gets taken away in cuffs.

Funny that outside of all your DL stuff you put in your profile your association with NAMBLA

If you are real, then I hope someone plucks out each of your pubic hairs one by one with a rusty tweezers for professing an interest in fucking young boys.

Another reason for people thinking you're a troll is how you've made EVERYTHING about your lifestyle and your ridiculous plea for equal rights.

You have equal rights, dipshit!

Just like People into BDSM or swinging or any other sexual lifestyle outside the norm have

equal rights. No one's stopping you.

Unless you're fucking little boys, then, as in the South Park episode, you'll be hauled away by the cops.

Here's the difference. People into that don't make one aspect of their sexual lives the central focus in every post. You're into putting on diapers, big deal. That's your thing.

Honestly, I think most people don't give a shit.

But, with the creepy way a lot of your posts go, either you ARE a troll or are severely mentally ill that you think the world is somehow conspiring against you for engaging in sex with a diaper.

Two women can eat shit out of a cup and it becomes an internet sensation, but you want to put on a diaper and the world rises against you?


The awesome thing about this is, if you are a troll, my post just made your night for taking the bait.

If not, get a fucking life and learn to talk about something besides how everyone hates you for wearing a diaper.

You'll still be a sick fuck in my book for your belief in NAMBLA, but at least you'll be a slightly less dull sick fuck.

Don't flip your wig. I'm assuming you didn't read my response to the issue regarding NAMBLA in my intro post. I don't want to waste my time and write it all out again, so I urge you to go read my intro post and the comments within. I'll leave it at that as I'm not willing to put up with this humiliation and disrespect. If you think I'm a troll, then don't comment. If you don't like how important my lifestyle is and how much time I spend writing about it, then leave. I'm here for friendship and support and I think everyone else is as well. We're all gothics, aka misunderstood in some way and society's rejects need to band together. If my diaper-wearing bothers you that much, and you're that intolerant, then maybe you shouldn't be posting on a gothic board.

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Don't flip your wig. I'm assuming you didn't read my response to the issue regarding NAMBLA in my intro post. I don't want to waste my time and write it all out again, so I urge you to go read my intro post and the comments within. I'll leave it at that as I'm not willing to put up with this humiliation and disrespect. If you think I'm a troll, then don't comment. If you don't like how important my lifestyle is and how much time I spend writing about it, then leave. I'm here for friendship and support and I think everyone else is as well. We're all gothics, aka misunderstood in some way and society's rejects need to band together. If my diaper-wearing bothers you that much, and you're that intolerant, then maybe you shouldn't be posting on a gothic board.

We don't mind if you are obsessed with diapers.

However, it's been pointed out a few times now that everything you post is about that. Often in the wrong section of this board. By your admission, it's a subject that is touchy. So instead of discussing it in the appropriate area of this forum you cram it down peoples throats and get mad at them when they don't agree. To me, this seems like a purposeful incitement of drama.

I'm sure you read the code of conduct on DGN, because you have to click that you HAVE when you create the account. Therefor, I'm sure I don't have to explain the implications of the above statement of my opinion.

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