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mom paints son's toenails in J. Crew ad

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I don't see what the big deal is.

The problem is that "guys don't want their son to be a fag!" :rolleyes: Fucking...America... :no:

The problem is that "guys don't want their son to be a fag!" :rolleyes: Fucking...America... :no:
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My 3 1/2 year old son LOVES pink and I never told him he shouldn't. My 6 year old son will put on his cousins princess dresses when he's playing with her at her house because that's what she had to dress up in. At home he has a firefighter costume but over there he's a princess.

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What's such a double-standard about it is the fact that if it was a little girl riding a tractor with her dad everyone would probably be like "aww cute" and not think anything of it. For awhile, women had the shorter end of the stick when it came to gender, but now we can be boys but boys are "fags" if they're girls, and we have almost complete reign legally and physically over reproductive rights. AND we can make the same money and be the boss at our jobs, so we have two things and men only have one now. I think the pendulum swung too far :no.

What's such a double-standard about it is the fact that if it was a little girl riding a tractor with her dad everyone would probably be like "aww cute" and not think anything of it. For awhile, women had the shorter end of the stick when it came to gender, but now we can be boys but boys are "fags" if they're girls, and we have almost complete reign legally and physically over reproductive rights. AND we can make the same money and be the boss at our jobs, so we have two things and men only have one now. I think the pendulum swung too far :no.
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The comments on the link were interesting. I liked some people's "reasoning" lol.

Me personally...fuck it. I don't care. I saw the ad and thought awww cute. They both look happy, it's not your little boy, and they're playing. Even if I had a kid who wanted to cross dress and call himself a girl and not just paint his toenails...I'd let him. I mean come on it's toenails! You hide them in your freaking shoes!!!!! Who cares if he loves pink?

Did you notice in the video when they asked a dad he said it was bad but the mom said it was cute. So yeah...I agree with J. Crew it shouldn't be a controversy in the first place. It's play! it's fun!

I mean damn people. Let's just say for a minute it does mean he is gender confused, which I believe is a bullshit claim, but even if I give them that...it's still harmless fun, that should not be made into controversy. The act of painting your toes does not make you gay for christ sake! In my opinion no act of anything MAKES you gay.

I am so sick of people's bullshit when it comes to things like this. Thus why I say fuck societal preferences in the first place. As a society we should be focusing on what makes us different and seeing how to get along with it, not expecting everyone to agree with us all the fucking time!

There are children starving to death right here in the U.S. and instead were all going to focus on a little boy who likes to paint his toes pink?!

I agree if it was a girl no one would care if she was cooking with mom or fishing with dad. But god forbid a boy not do a "boy" thing! Even when with his mother...really?

If you don't like the ad then don't shop at J. Crew! Delete it and be done! Why smear it all over everywhere just because you were *gasp* offended! Yes, because you...YOU person who hates the ad have been so horribly offended! You are the first ever to be offended ever! In history...oh wait that's right...no your not.

Amended to add that my ferocity and annoyance is aimed at comments on the link and not anyone who has posted here yet. Things like this get me rubbed the wrong way because it all stands for a much deeper and darker lack of understanding in mainstream stupidity that seems all too common.

Edited by EAF
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I love one of the comments from a southern poster: "You don't see males trying to attract other male birds out in wild with their feathers!"

Yeah dude, you do. I love reading comments from bible-belt conservative states, makes me realize the north is still WINNING (educationally, at least).

I love one of the comments from a southern poster: "You don't see males trying to attract other male birds out in wild with their feathers!"

Yeah dude, you do. I love reading comments from bible-belt conservative states, makes me realize the north is still WINNING (educationally, at least).

Edited by Chernobyl
Figured using the word "redneck" would be a little much...
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This comment was complete win, in reference to the fact that many people think the mother is FORCING (srsly? *sigh*) her boy into the torturous act of having his nails painted: "And if anything is being 'forced' I'm sure it was the intolerance you were taught as a child. Ignorance is learned, love is natural."

This comment was complete win, in reference to the fact that many people think the mother is FORCING (srsly? *sigh*) her boy into the torturous act of having his nails painted: "And if anything is being 'forced' I'm sure it was the intolerance you were taught as a child. Ignorance is learned, love is natural."
Edited by Chernobyl
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Technically, the boy's toenails were already painted. There was just a bottle of pink nail polish nearby.

Secondly, big-fucking-deal.

Just because little girls want to play cops and robbers doesnt make them a boy. And I've known many a straight guy who've painted their nails and worn eyeliner. Not to mention, I believe it was the Daily Show last night snarking on Fox's insistence that a cage fighter who paints his toenails has gender issues.

Riiiiiigght. People are making a big deal out of nothing. It's just mass media trying to make a big deal of something trivial, and most of the population is too stupid so they buy every little snippet. =_=

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I have a cousin that is without a question homosexual (I'm not a fan of the word "gay" - personal preference). When I was very young (he's 12 years older than me) he was going thru issues regarding understanding himself, married a woman, who actually helped him understand who he is and that he was born that way but forced into an expected life style. He is now very happy and they are still great friends.

He never painted his finger nails (I asked him)

I have another counsin who is without question very Heterosexual. he currently engaged to a very nice young lady. However before her he was quiet the ladies man. As children he played dress up, house, school, make over parties and all that with me and never had a problem or thought it odd to dress like a girl, wear nail polish or make up. He actually insisted that a picture we took on my aunt's camera of him in my summer dress and make up when we were 8 yrs old should be posted on his graduation party picture colage and I believe its on his facebook.

Our society as a whole is superficial, ignorant and close minded. Painting your finger nails or toe nails does not indicate you have gender issues or that you are homosexual. Wearing a dress, skirt or blouse does not indicate you have gender issues or that you are homosexual. Its of the mind and soul. Its how you are born. The true tragedy is that society and parents (like my aunt) are so intolerant of anything outside of social normality they condem their own children, the next generation, to a life of misery.

I only hope that by the time my grandchildren are born this society has learned that the pendulum needs to swing both ways to restore balance and peace.

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Indeed, Ryle.

And something else, but so many people who left comments about this on the news article also stated it is illogical because "it serves no purpose. Nail polish is for women because they're trying to attract the opposite sex." SRSLY? I never read anything in my biology class that specifies women having a mating advantage by wearing nail polish. Even other makeup subtly takes advantage of traditional gender roles (eye-makeup, blush, and lipstick come to mind)..but nail polish? And secondly, I find nail polish and make-up on guys to be girl-spooge inducing, so by their logic, since I find boys to be best when made-up, they're clearly attracting the opposite sex...no? Glad we can all agree! :grouphug: At last! :tongue:

Indeed, Ryle.

And something else, but so many people who left comments about this on the news article also stated it is illogical because "it serves no purpose. Nail polish is for women because they're trying to attract the opposite sex." SRSLY? I never read anything in my biology class that specifies women having a mating advantage by wearing nail polish. Even other makeup subtly takes advantage of traditional gender roles (eye-makeup, blush, and lipstick come to mind)..but nail polish? And secondly, I find nail polish and make-up on guys to be girl-spooge inducing, so by their logic, since I find boys to be best when made-up, they're clearly attracting the opposite sex...no? Glad we can all agree! :grouphug: At last! :tongue:

Edited by Chernobyl
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MstrBeau posted the Daily Show link on his Facebook page. Here was my response:

I had a bunch of coworkers talking about how men wearing high heels can be a really confusing environment to raise kids in. I asked if they thought our founding fathers, Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, et. ...al. were good fathers who instilled good values to their children. They all agreed that they thought so. Then I mentioned that heeled shoes were actually invented by men, for men, which my coworkers would not believe and insisted that any man who wore heels was just wrong. Then I Googled a picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and pointed out that not only were all the men wearing heels, but they were wearing tights and wigs, and many of them were wearing corsets (girdles) as well. I would say I think our country turned out well, but not based on the newscasts Stewart is making fun of.

By the way, I wore a skirt to my wedding. Which, skirts were invented by men, for men, and 60% of the men in the world wear skirts as a matter of course.

As for boys and the color pink, here's what Wikipedia has to say: "In Western culture, the practice of assigning pink to an individual gender began in the 1920s or earlier. From then until the 1940s, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color, or related to the Virgin Mary. Since the 1940s, the societal norm was inverted; pink became considered appropriate for girls and blue appropriate for boys, a practice that has continued into the 21st century."

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i don't see what the problem is. so the kid's toenails were pink. does it really matter? it's just another excuse for narrow minded people to pitch a fucking bitch fit. i mean as long as noone was beating on the kid or torturing him by forcing him to eat mystery meat it shouldn't be a scandal. so a heartfelt FUCK YOU to the narrow minded people of the world. I mean ever hear of freewill. geez

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I don't see the huge deal. A kid who looks his age has an idea of "what's for girls" and "what's for boys". I don't see the huge deal. Maybe explain to the kid that in the world, a lot of people don't think the same and some people think pink is a girls color and if he wears it, other kids might make fun of him, just so he's prepared, but also explain he can like what he wants and too just be himself. Just explain stuff. But all in all if I saw the ad, at first I might tilt my head and be like "huh"? But I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch about it. People like what they like.

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If pink is a girls' color, then why do they make shirts and ties for grown men in pink?

Most people I know, male or female, played around dressing as the opposite sex at some point as a child. My best male friend as a child once got all dressed up in my pink dress, lacy socks, easter shoes and bonnet and put lipstick and eye shadow on, while I put on his suit and drew on a fake mustache with an eyeliner pen. Today we are both heterosexual non-cross-dressers. What's the big deal?

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I find nail polish and make-up on guys to be girl-spooge inducing

about 12 years ago, the last band I was in was preparing for its 1st gig. I noticed the bandleader's gf painting her nails and, on a whim, asked her to paint mine. she literally vibrated with happiness while doing it. I never forgot her reaction, and I've since had a couple of gfs paint mine when I saw them painting theirs. each one of them attacked me as soon as my nails were dry.


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