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DGN MANFAST Registration Thread

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Photo Countdown to MANFAST

Since there is hardly an outlet where past MANFAST photos are brought up and captioned, I figured a cool idea would be to choose 2 photos daily at random from a pool of 139 photos I have in my collection spanning the last three years. I will add into the caption what year it is from and who took the photo.


(Photo: SglGothMom) I love this first photo so much you'd think I picked it on purpose. Pest taking the toughest MANTESTANT of them all on a walk, Frank. Seriously, dog had everyone beat! For Frank fans: Not only is he coming back this year, but his pitbull girlfriend, Sammy, will be in attendance also! Both are ready to down seven times the amount of their body weight in MEAT.


(Photo: JessicaEffinRocks) Slogo all vikinged up and gettin' tank (don't worry, you'll be getting the sword to slay with again this year :evil:)

Tune in tomorrow and every day after that until MANFAST. You never know when your photo might pop up!

MANFAST KOMBAT: 53 Days :starwars:

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So, last year I addressed the chair combat with a poor strategy. My goal was to tire out my opponent and win using my endurance and ability to take a lot of punishment. Win via attrition.

It ended up with me having 3 broken ribs and a $6749.26 medical bill.

I'm not using that strategy again this year.

Edited by Raev
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So, last year I addressed the chair combat with a poor strategy. My goal was to tire out my opponent and win using my endurance and ability to take a lot of punishment. Win via attrition.

It ended up with me having 3 broken ribs and a $6749.26 medical bill.

I'm not using that strategy again this year.

And if we do All Your Chairs Are Belong to Us, I will re-engineer the design of the game and NOT use metal chairs.

And if we do All Your Chairs Are Belong to Us, I will re-engineer the design of the game and NOT use metal chairs.
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this whole thread had me laughing so hard. it looks like a lots of fun. may visit on one of the days to see all the activities and laugh :p. not sure if I would be into going due to I am a ball of socially awkward AHAH. maybe someday :)

You should come. We are all pretty friendly and it's an all around good time.

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this whole thread had me laughing so hard. it looks like a lots of fun. may visit on one of the days to see all the activities and laugh :p. not sure if I would be into going due to I am a ball of socially awkward AHAH. maybe someday :)

Says someone who goes to CC with tape over her nipples running around naked? :tongue: Sounds like you're fishing! And not the manly kind!

Nobody is going to pull your limbs off to drag you, but I will say that if you want to have a good drama-free time for a whole weekend and have memories you carry for a lifetime (okay...I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets anymore Hallmark...), then you should make a reservation for you and a buddy :happy:.

Says someone who goes to CC with tape over her nipples running around naked? :tongue: Sounds like you're fishing! And not the manly kind!

Nobody is going to pull your limbs off to drag you, but I will say that if you want to have a good drama-free time for a whole weekend and have memories you carry for a lifetime (okay...I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets anymore Hallmark...), then you should make a reservation for you and a buddy :happy:.

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PSH I caught a walleye once. Don't even get down on my manly self HAHA.

Nah, that's totally different hahaha.

And apparently boyfriend is going to make us go. :p I just get really socially awkward rahahaha, I'm like a little girl who hides behinds her mom's legs at the supermarket :p. ahaha. but boyfriend also said he'd make an account on dgn if I say yes to going. he's good.

and he really just wants to eat a crap ton of meat. and so do I. so we'll probably come. as long as we set the money aside in the next few weeks, I'll paypal it to ya shortleh.

and, edit for re-reading, HAHAHAHA CHERN I THINK YOU GREW A HEART FOR A SECOND THERE O.O make it stop :[[[

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Says someone who goes to CC with tape over her nipples running around naked? :tongue: Sounds like you're fishing! And not the manly kind!

Nobody is going to pull your limbs off to drag you, but I will say that if you want to have a good drama-free time for a whole weekend and have memories you carry for a lifetime (okay...I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets anymore Hallmark...), then you should make a reservation for you and a buddy :happy:.

She speaks truth.

First time I met a LOT of the DGN folk was at a Manfast. I didn't know Chernobyl yet, other than that she was a mod. Had never even spoke. I only knew of two people who would be there that I had ever met (neither are around on here really, anymore). I had a great time, formed a few friendships and it actually led to my becoming one of the mods on here myself in a roundabout way.

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I will at least come visit. (Hopefully without having the visit be interuppted by getting called into work.)

I'm considering staying a night or not.

If worse comes to worse and I want to stay but its too late, maybe someone can put up with me taking up a corner of their tent for a night. :p

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(Photo from Chernobyl) Pest looks confused in this photo. I think he was probably listening to someone ask a question, since he is holding the beer bong it was probably due to the beer bong contest.


(Photo from SglGothMom's FB) I love this photo because it is super ghetto fabulous to have a bottle of Arrow next to a bottle DiSarogno (or however the fuck it's spelled...I live in South Warren, the fanciest thing I can spell is "Hennessey").

MANFAST KOMBAT!: 52 days! :starwars:

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TFG rockin' it out as Silent Bob. I was completely surprised when she changed into costume because she completely immersed herself in the character and pulled it off very well. She got mad points for that costume and acting if I remember correctly. I'm sure TFG will be there in spirit from Cali :jamin.



:beer: MANFAST is in 50 DAYS :beer:

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:beer: MANFAST is in 52 DAYS :beer:

Running to!

If memory serves, that was when Tszura and NG showed up.

They had already COMPLETELY bowed out of the whole weekend, so when they showed up unexpected,

moments before this picture was taken,

I was the first one to notice and ran with manspeed to them as they drove up.

(Look in the picture--the naked man casually talking to NG? That would be me)

I MANgled their Pontiac Vibe permanently.

In my most spontaneous moment of the weekend (edging out when I had emerged from my tent with a full erection and baseball bat to confront a female heckler who had been commenting on our MANsex by telling her "Hey bitch You're on deck")

I zoomed to their Vibe in my loincloth, which was literally hanging on by a string,

ran straight up their car,

sat on the roof,

and then

slowly slid down their windshield with my manhood waving to the occupants inside.

It was my gift to them.

My ass made indentations in their roof that is there to this day.

Not that that was why people were running.

NG and Tszura are fucking rock stars! If you had been surprised by their presence, you'd run to them too.

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(Photo taken from Tszura) Spook and TWB enjoy a stogie and a huge jug of alcohol, mead if I remember right...?


Pest and Ricky wandering out into the forest.

49 days until the bloodshed! :jamin

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(Look in the picture--the naked man casually talking to NG? That would be me)

OMG! I didn't see that before! lol

I zoomed to their Vibe in my loincloth, which was literally hanging on by a string,

ran straight up their car,

sat on the roof,

and then

slowly slid down their windshield with my manhood waving to the occupants inside.

It was my gift to them.

And what a great gift it was! XD We celebrate Hanukkah now in your honor in memory of that very day!

NG and Tszura are fucking rock stars!

We WISH we had rock start status!! lol As it is now, we're both in bed by 8pm, and eat only soft foods to lessen the stomach pains, and to cut down on bowel issues. :laugh:

MANFAST!!! WE'RE READY TO ROCK!!!..........at least until about 11pm, lol

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Had Team Tits decide they want to take the MAN-up challenge! :jamin That's wtf I like to see! :starwars:

Had Team Tits decide they want to take the MAN-up challenge! :jamin That's wtf I like to see! :starwars:
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lmao "team tits" i love it

:rofl: I knew you would!

INCOMING MEMORIES IN A SECOND! :jamin Stay logged, you guys won't want to miss it.

:rofl: I knew you would!

INCOMING MEMORIES IN A SECOND! :jamin Stay logged, you guys won't want to miss it.

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(Photo taken from SglGothMom) I believe this was Friday night because I'm pretty sure that was the night that Jynxxxed and a few others made a surprise visit out of nowhere. Siren is also in this photo, clearly.


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HAHAHAH TEAM TITS. okay. manfast is officially on my summer bucket list, I'm dying laughing at this whole entire threaaad aaaah

DOOO IT! Anyone who is disappointed after being railed by MANFAST is given a box of tampons and cab fare home! If you're wanting to reserve either by yourself or with a friend, it's $12 a person. Lemme know! Either way, if you'd like to just come out and visit Friday or Saturday, you can also let me know.

DOOO IT! Anyone who is disappointed after being railed by MANFAST is given a box of tampons and cab fare home! If you're wanting to reserve either by yourself or with a friend, it's $12 a person. Lemme know! Either way, if you'd like to just come out and visit Friday or Saturday, you can also let me know.
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