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DGN , originally known as "the spiral board" in support of a Gothic/Industrial radio show I did on 89.3 FM. Originally hosted on EZ Board , which is actually still there OLD DGN (I still miss that black silk background). But I quickly decided it should be a community website rather than just about that show, as at that time I could find (try as I might for months) a "scene" website/email group that was active an/or didn't have its (few) members calling each other "fags" every 20th post.

DGN was started almost 10 years ago on July 27th 2001. Just realized that recently. Seems like it was maybe a few years ago, but not TEN.

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Wow! I checked my join date and didn't realize that I've been here for 6. I've never been on a forum for that long. Even the one for magic (illusion, prestidigitation, etc) that I helped moderate I was only on for about 4 years.

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It's crazy to think how many people's lives have changed because of it and how many of us would have never met (and in some cases gotten married) if we hadn't wandered in here one way or another. Not to slob your knob and shit...but DAMN. A super pat on the back is in order :unworthy:.

It's crazy to think how many people's lives have changed because of it and how many of us would have never met (and in some cases gotten married) if we hadn't wandered in here one way or another. Not to slob your knob and shit...but DAMN. A super pat on the back is in order :unworthy:.
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It's crazy to think how many people's lives have changed because of it and how many of us would have never met (and in some cases gotten married) if we hadn't wandered in here one way or another. Not to slob your knob and shit...but DAMN. A super pat on the back is in order :unworthy:.

I agree. But what really surprises me are all the people who have found really close friends, spouses, or other connections on DGN yet continue to slam it on Facebook.

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I agree. But what really surprises me are all the people who have found really close friends, spouses, or other connections on DGN yet continue to slam it on Facebook.

Spook.... you could not be more correct!

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I have been here what will be only my 2nd year in October, but DGN became an accidental emotional support network for me, like a family even......(not to be a sap, but it's true) Especially over the last, well almost 8 or 9 month's, this is a great community, it is a shame that people bash it, to quote a phrase my brother would use, "hater's be hatin'!!!


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I agree. But what really surprises me are all the people who have found really close friends, spouses, or other connections on DGN yet continue to slam it on Facebook.

This doesn't bother me directly, but just people not realizing that DGN has helped them far more than any complaints they have about it on ballance , and giving it no respect in general is what irritates me. "Half my social network exist directly or indirectly due to DGN... yet its not worth my time / effort / money / respect.."

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This place is has been more constant in my life than any girlfriend/wife/significant other I have ever had.... the fact that I met my wife through the site attests to that... it's sort of like my GOTHfather.

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**arcanely fades in**

Happy Anniversary, former Spiral Board.

**fades back out, equally arcanely**

Yay! A critter sighting. Was just thinking about you.

You'll notice she is one of the VERY few people with an "01" start date. DGN didn't really start to take shape until 02.

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**arcanely fades in**

Happy Anniversary, former Spiral Board.

**fades back out, equally arcanely**

Good to see you!

BTW, I went back to the old board to see the old peeps.


Marblez, Dynomiiite, Ginevra, Shade Everdark, Phee (Who the hell's that?), Onyx, Kitkatp, and of course Fierce Critter.

They were all there when I joined in 05.

Other members of the old guard I remember-- Paper Hearts, Game of Chance, and many others.

It was nice to see that Spook's been around since 05.

Every time I talk to someone about the old days (05/06) and the DGN corner where everyone would hang, they'll say

"But I joined in 08 or 09. I don't know what you're talking about."

They don't even remember this tough chick named penthesilea.


You know you're DGN-OLD, when you not only know the long standing members, you

know their original screen names before they got banned the first two times.

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Last I saw you, you were starting up a business selling stuff on eBay.

**Crawls out of her hole more than she intended, but what ho**

Dude is much confuzed. I started my Ebay business in 1999 prior to joining TSB. Quit doing it when we moved to NC between 2002 and 2005. Never really went back to it, except to flip the occasional good yard sale find once in a great while.

Now I'm a small sculpture artist in northern Michigan. *SNORT* (inside joke) Well, not quite yet. Working on it. In the middle of yet another move (our 14th or 15th in 13 years - I've lost count) from one side of Grand Traverse Bay to the other so everything's on hold.

Jon is working. But his real success has been with three Etsy shops. One making and selling Steampunk art. Ironically, he got disenchanted with steampunk and was letting his shop slowly die last year when a set dresser for the forthcoming film "Journey II - Mysterious Island" bought out most of his remaining stock to use in the film. And a new book on steampunk was just published which also features some of his creations. Shop is closed, but he doesn't discount re-opening it someday.

His real success has been with woodcarvings and selling rocks we find on the beach or snorkeling that he drills holes into and sells as jewelry findings. You'd be blown away what people will pay for the petoskey stones I've casually picked up my whole life up here.

Anyway, keeping busy, keeping off message boards for the most part. Whole different life up here, and we're really happy. Kinda miss the goth scene - my leather corsets, tutus and platform boots are all in storage and replaced with bohemian peasant tops, cutoff jean shorts and sandals.

Good to see you!

BTW, I went back to the old board to see the old peeps.


Marblez, Dynomiiite, Ginevra, Shade Everdark, Phee (Who the hell's that?), Onyx, Kitkatp, and of course Fierce Critter.

Thanks, Eternal.

But to me, the "old guard" consists of Spacin', Manic Queen, Bill Maddox, Luciferia, Kevo, myself, and of course - Fearless Leader himself, Troy. ;)

Anywayz, back to packing the house up.

By the way - Northport sucks. Never move here. Bunch of rich fucks who don't bother tipping the bag boys that carry their groceries out to their BMW's and Lexus'. Haven't seen fake friendliness this bad since North Carolina's BS "southern hospitality" myth. Hmm... NORTH Carolina. NORTHport... hmmm...

***crawls slowly back into hole***

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I agree. But what really surprises me are all the people who have found really close friends, spouses, or other connections on DGN yet continue to slam it on Facebook.

What it was and what it has evolved into are potentially two different things, depending on your point of view.

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