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Ummm...so human dna and cow dna mix apparently...

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Yeah I was reading cracked.com which is strangely a good place to collect weird, but on track, information when I stumbled upon some alarming experiments that actually happened and are still happening. Besides the super mice which would basically make HALO almost a damn reality, minus the alien thing, they had a thing about researchers in the Netherlands splicing human dna and cow dna...and it worked. Supposedly it has something to do with a protein that we naturally create but only in small amount...unless you add us to a cow in which case more is made and can be used for "good"...

If you want to know about something good that President Bush did....well, he fought against that pretty hard...making super corn is one thing but DAMN!

And then we have China...and because typing down Chinese stupidity would take ages you should just read THIS...

One of the reasons I bring this up is because of the many angles of debate around the subject. I mean...where the fuck do you start?!?! If the protein works then...that is good? The fact that we stress drinking cow milk really bugs me because it is from another animal meaning everything in it is meant for a cow and not a human...so drinking milk really doesn't do all of the things that they say it does. Sure it contains all of those things that they claim but they are in a form that we don't process...however cheese is the shit so I can't really bitch too much. Another thing that Cracked mentions is the fact that alot of people will not eat tuna simply because it might possibly contain a very tiny amount of dolphin...so what the hell are people going to do when their beef might contain a little bit of human dna? This could create something terrible...the super vegan...yes I made that up but I fear it.

This is almost as alarming as the fact that there are more world ending outcome possibilities from the LHC than helpful ones, zombie pigs, and jellyfish monkeys...and those flies that have giant sperm which I probably didn't need to add but I did anyways. Although I did mention the super mice I will let that one fly for a while because despite the horrific effects it would have on your body if would also make you a quickly regenerating stud when it comes to sex...worth it? Probably...

Holy shit...after typing all of that I realized that either this could be a good thread or these stupid 24 hour shifts the Army has me on are making me insane...

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Animals (including the human animal) that live close to each other for long periods of time usually develop a symbiotic or predatory relationship. Cows for instance, which haven't been around a long time in evolutionary time, are not native to the far east, (cows aren't "NATIVE" to anywhere, they are "genetically engineered" into existence by people... thus a large percentage of Asians are lactose intolerant as they didn't have them for for a very long time. Even in the west, we have lactose intolerance at a fairly high rate. This is "mixing" in a mild sense and is also 'accidental'. So to speak. Some of this mixing is catastrophic for populations and they go extinct.

The more time animals spend near each other the more time its likely that their DNA either 1. Combines or 2. Is already combined due to having common ancestry.

Were am I going with this?

Generally "genetic engineering" has a negative stigma attached to it. And its smart to want to be careful and do our homework before we start messing around with stuff. BUT, we have a much better chance than "random" does.

If we can SELECTIVELY mix things together, even though we are BOUND to fuck up, its more likely that we at least have a chance to do a better job at mixing things since we have the ability animals don't have (as much) of, and nature itself has ZERO of, that is , the ability to plan ahead. Nature has obliterated 99.9% of all species that have ever existed due to "genetic engineering" (randomly) even if we fuck up lets say 90% of the time we still are ahead of nature.

We do need to be careful, but I think people are overly sensitive to it.

We have been genetically engineering plants/animals since the dawn of mankind and probably before. Broccoli nor Cows nor Cabbages are naturally occurring.

The key problem is its SO easy to mislead / misunderstand and just plain SCARE people with one-liners "OMG YOUR PLAYING GOD" "OMG THEY MESSED SOMETHING UP" that it ignores all the lives that have been saved from starvation (crop changes) and sickness and all sorts of other benefits (medicines) that have come from this.

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Well I do understand that changing the milk in a genetic way is a good idea if we want to gain anything from drinking it...I am just concerned about beef containing human dna and then the smear campaign that the super vegans would run...

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Well I do understand that changing the milk in a genetic way is a good idea if we want to gain anything from drinking it...I am just concerned about beef containing human dna and then the smear campaign that the super vegans would run...

I'm by no means a vegan but if I'm eating people I want a smear campaign

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I'm by no means a vegan but if I'm eating people I want a smear campaign

Well I mean for a certain situation. Even if it is just a group for science some local "hero" will leak to the press that they bred with regular cows...which will start a frenzy. However, if it is only a very tiny percent of human dna...the best they have so far is 99.99 percent cow and 00.01 percent human...then I probably would have no problem eating it. But I see something going very wrong being a slight possibility...

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It's all lets call it "biomass Legos" just depends on what parts they use. The type of atoms in you and I are also in the sun, in trees, in rocks etc as an example. Its more about the details than the "OMFG" factor.

The "shock value" that such stories get depending on how they are reported that "creates the fear" of legitimate and often very helpful ideas.

"the dna" in regular cow milk is the same as something like 70-90% similar to human DNA already , so you have been "drinking people" already. Cows don't "naturally occur" to begin with , they were created by humans by forced interbreeding (old school genetic eginnering) for many, many generations of the docile and milk giving "real" animals.

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sorry, first thing i thoguht of when i saw this title was this:


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well, that would only happen if they mixed in the super mice thing...and maybe the jellyfish monkey just to top it off...hmmmm

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Well we do have Michael Moore...itsn't that the same thing?

Has Al Gore dedicated his entire existence to seeking him out and destroying him? If you've answered "no", then we need to keep looking.

Has Al Gore dedicated his entire existence to seeking him out and destroying him? If you've answered "no", then we need to keep looking.
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Has Al Gore dedicated his entire existence to seeking him out and destroying him? If you've answered "no", then we need to keep looking.

No...but he has a disguise that keeps his true identity hidden from Gore. It is like a Romulan cloaking device though...if you just scan for greenhouse gasses you will find him to be a large source...

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Dangit, was a decent conversation. /sniffles. lol

It could still be...but I am easily sidetracked on this deployment/mission. You see the Army takes away decent food in good portions, much needed sleep, and pretty much everything else including porn and women and your mind goes apeshit.

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well...wow...this is indeed a fuckered up thing to be reading ha..but..i'm sure we (people) have eaten "meat" from places and not all entirely sure what it was, i mean, people look at it as taboo, and i'm no pro-canibalistic, however some animals are, and some tribes across the world still are, i see it as if it came down it, and i had to eat someone to live, you best break out the farva beans and chianti. i love milk and i love cheese, most of us sucked on our moms teet to get milk for a while, so i guess a human-cow wouldnt bother me. i mean as long as there not milking a Bruce Valanch Cow i guess id be ok with drinkin that milk, but could ya imagine walkin into one of those factories and seein a Pauly Perette cow? oh man id loose my mind.

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