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Aftermath, DGN night @ CC June 25

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So how was everyone's night at CC? Mine was quite nice, Master and I got to meet that prick Troy :D (Told you I would Troy) And loved the music being played tonight, Got to see a lot of DGNers again, tho not sure I could recognize many since I haven't been very active on the site lately.

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Had a fantastic time, which was very much needed! Work has been very stressful, so all I wanted to do was dance, dance, dance! DJ's did an awesome job! Thank you so much! I danced until I couldn't even "stand still" dance anymore, lol!

Saw a lot of people I knew, and had a wonderful time catching up a bit. Got a dance, and a near TeaBag from a naked man, hahahaha! Riku, sorry sweetie, but you were in the unfortunate position on that one! I love it when people feel free enough to dance in front of everyone with all their junk hanging out, but I really don't want it in my face, close enough to smell!! Ewwwwwww!!

One weird thing, I got there early, and noticed a funk in the air, possibly from the previous nights sweaty dancing that just never quite left. When a DJ triad including Riku, Pulse State, and Zachariah walked onto the floor to dance before it became crowded, I was taken to another world by how good they all smelled together!! Whatever oils they were wearing mixed very well together, and I know it was all of them together, because I didn't smell it again! Awesome!

There were a few jock-nuts, and dildos there last night, but I personally didn't see anyone bother anybody, and all the douchebags left me alone, which was great!

I missed my Nightgaunt, though, and can't wait until we can return together for some good fun with everyone!

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  On 6/26/2011 at 10:10 AM, scyko_kitty said:

So how was everyone's night at CC? Mine was quite nice, Master and I got to meet that prick Troy :D (Told you I would Troy) And loved the music being played tonight, Got to see a lot of DGNers again, tho not sure I could recognize many since I haven't been very active on the site lately.

Yay! SK.

Second time out of the house in any serious way in a long time. (at least before they added the no smoking rule to CC, however long that is) Everyone was really nice, managed to avoid any douche bags that might have been there yay. I'll post more once my sensory processing disorder induced exhaustion calms down a bit more. Just wanted to make sure this thread was up. *goes back to continue the faceplant*

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I don't even know how to explain last night.

Troy met the boyfriend and handed me his beer to hold for him, so I did what any decent person would, and I downed it.

And beforehand downed lots of jager. and four lokos.

eevee and I were in the bathroom and I had my foot on the chair and the security guy came in and told me to take my foot off of the chair and we burst out laughing.

because my boot is probaaaably cleaner than the chair. but you know.

aaw shaun, saw kat, saw the usuals, hung out with everyone.

Uhhhhh. I had an epic search for electrical tape which took up the first hour or two.

littlemissluckycunt was sick so she ended up leaving early. I am sick ish too but that didn't stop me. but i missed her.

i missed my counterpart, savagehart.

i don't remember much other than the aforementioned honestly. lots of drinking. lots. we left at 4;30, I didn't get to sleep until 7, I had two hours of sleep, and got up for work.


Edited by victoriavengeance
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  On 6/26/2011 at 8:46 PM, victoriavengeance said:

I don't even know how to explain last night.

Troy met the boyfriend and handed me his beer to hold for him, so I did what any decent person would, and I downed it.

And beforehand downed lots of jager. and four lokos.

eevee and I were in the bathroom and I had my foot on the chair and the security guy came in and told me to take my foot off of the chair and we burst out laughing.

because my boot is probaaaably cleaner than the chair. but you know.

aaw shaun, saw kat, saw the usuals, hung out with everyone.

Uhhhhh. I had an epic search for electrical tape which took up the first hour or two.

littlemissluckycunt was sick so she ended up leaving early. I am sick ish too but that didn't stop me. but i missed her.

i missed my counterpart, savagehart.

i don't remember much other than the aforementioned honestly. lots of drinking. lots. we left at 4;30, I didn't get to sleep until 7, I had two hours of sleep, and got up for work.


"what any decent person would, and I downed it." hah.

So much for that "I'm never drinking again" =D

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After a long debate with myself as to exactly how I was going to get down there (or if) I ended up hooking up with my pal shaun.

Right after we got there Jessica Rabbit er... I mean Kat came walking by and we kidnaped her, i mean asked if she wanted to help slam some uh.. spring water. Yeah that's it.

Once I got inside there people were very nice which was good since I was feeling mildly sick but had a great time anyhow. I keep telling myself I shouldn't dance as that can trigger some issues, but hell, I like it. I talked to several people whos names I really have no hope of remembering that I've never met before. Had much fun. Glad I went.

Lets search the memory banks(for people that there is at least a chance of actually reading this, and i actually "talked" to rather than just saw walk by):

Kat - After walking in the door you just seemed to go poof. I looked for you a few different times, not sure were you were hiding. :crybaby:

Shaun - Thanks for having my back.

Scyko_kitty - Nice seeing you. Glad you actually came and said hi, hopefully we can keep you around. (can't tell you how many people never show up that say they will)

Bishop - Twitter! Bah! =D

Pleasurekatzen - Very kind. Glad I got to talk to you for more than 15 seconds. Thanks very much for the liquid bubblegum and the various kind words. :cheers:

DJ Aaron - I'm trying to remember what you said something like "I'm not working I'm just here to hassle people." hah.

Shade Everdark - Holy Cripes he lives! Yay! And Congratulations.

Disenchanted - No seriously, when is this mytholgical DnD night... and I don't belive in the myth of the natural 20. Its a old wives tale!. Good to talk to ya again.=)

Black Jack - Good man as usual.

Saechalyn - *looks around*

Riku - Probably talked for 4 seconds but it was a QUALITY 4 seconds.

LittleMissLuckyC - First thing you say to me "Whats my name????". Reminded me of american pie. Sorry you werent feeling well. :grouphug

VictoriaV - :flower:

Former Red Headed Guy Who's DGN Name I cannot remember and dances like me (but much better) - Million dollars right here if you actually post.

Ok who am I missin?

I epicly failed at staying it the "DGN Area" but I'm realizing that DGN is in such a sad state activity wise that the old concept of having a DGN area is not as relevant (for me, as I need to be promoting apparently) we get more people back on the board. (Bare with me I've only really been "at it" for two weeks.) It took almost a year of me promoting (when I had a lot more energy and could go out like 3-4 nights a week) to get it the way it was "in the old days" , THEN once there was a sizable group , the DGN area made sense and worked well. But now, since i fell off the wagon, and thus the activity level has slowly dwindled due to not-much promotion, I'm thinking the DGN Area concept might be bust for a little while while we (hopefully "we" and not just "me" since I'm working on 25% power) get the activity level of DGN back up.

So the usual thing of talking to like 15 "new" people 14 of which tell you they will visit DGN but your lucky if 1-2 actually does (been that way since day one just have to keep at it) was in force. Really , there is no community if there is no promotion, despite it being "work" (for most people).

The idea is theoretically to get things to a critical mass, which almost happened three times now were its not "my" board, and if i fall off the beer truck it continues to grow without me, due to enough people being "invested / taking ownership" of the place (and even if people don't like "me" hopefully they like the community, and we continue to foster a friendly open place).

OMG that was along /stops typing.

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I was there, thanks for sharing the um, "spring water" to Troy and Shawn......I was ever so thirsty.

I walked around for awhile, talked to my gothdaugther- Victoriavengeance, met her boyfriend also...

I got to see Tzsura, who I haven't seen in months so that was awesomeness, also saw Eevee, a doll as usual:)

I met Riku too. DJ Aaron Hingst, DJ Pulse State, finally met Zachariah Mesiah officially:), Helion, nice too see you didn't get a chance to see you before I left:(

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It would have been a better night if I didn't feel like complete shit :[ Seen a lot of people, had a decent time after I came back with kissthemidget (troy I don't think you were there when I got back? I didn't see you)

And yes Troy, WHATS MY NAME!!! hahahahaha. <3

VictoriaVengeancee i love youuu haha even know we barely seen eachother :(

All in all it was a decent night ! Some guy even got hit with a car outside by his girlfriend lmaoo.

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Overall, it was a decent night, despite the fact that my laptop took a dump. :-/ Going to try to connect the hard drive to my other computer later in the week to recover my data as well as hopefully salvage pieces of the playlist. Looking on the bright side, at least this gives an excuse to get new gadgets, so kinda geeked about that. ;-)

- Spoke with many people throughout the evening. Great conversations all around.

- A couple of Tim's friends, Jay and Maria, were there and had a great time. Danced with both of them for a bit.

- Pleasure Kitten was a sweetheart and took over the decks briefly so I could dance to Lightbringer. <3 <3

- Had a nice conversation with Troy. It was nice to get to know him a bit better.

Thanks everyone who came out!

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  On 6/27/2011 at 1:12 AM, elektrosonik said:

Overall, it was a decent night, despite the fact that my laptop took a dump. :-/ Going to try to connect the hard drive to my other computer later in the week to recover my data as well as hopefully salvage pieces of the playlist. Looking on the bright side, at least this gives an excuse to get new gadgets, so kinda geeked about that. ;-)

- Spoke with many people throughout the evening. Great conversations all around.

- A couple of Tim's friends, Jay and Maria, were there and had a great time. Danced with both of them for a bit.

- Pleasure Kitten was a sweetheart and took over the decks briefly so I could dance to Lightbringer. <3 <3

- Had a nice conversation with Troy. It was nice to get to know him a bit better.

Thanks everyone who came out!

Yes. Holy crap how could i forget. /fails. Good to see you posting, glad we had a chance to talk. Hopefully both will be more regularly occurring events. Ugh.. laptop dumps are bad. *shakes fist at laptop* =)

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  On 6/26/2011 at 11:27 PM, kat said:

I was there, thanks for sharing the um, "spring water" to Troy and Shawn......I was ever so thirsty.

I walked around for awhile, talked to my gothdaugther- Victoriavengeance, met her boyfriend also...

I got to see Tzsura, who I haven't seen in months so that was awesomeness, also saw Eevee, a doll as usual:)

I met Riku too. DJ Aaron Hingst, DJ Pulse State, finally met Zachariah Mesiah officially:), Helion, nice too see you didn't get a chance to see you before I left:(


  On 6/27/2011 at 12:48 AM, LittleMissLuckyCunt said:

It would have been a better night if I didn't feel like complete shit :[ Seen a lot of people, had a decent time after I came back with kissthemidget (troy I don't think you were there when I got back? I didn't see you)

And yes Troy, WHATS MY NAME!!! hahahahaha. <3

VictoriaVengeancee i love youuu haha even know we barely seen eachother :(

All in all it was a decent night ! Some guy even got hit with a car outside by his girlfriend lmaoo.

WHAT SOME GUY GOT HIT WITH A CAR ???? love yew best friend

oh did anyone hear the drama about them try to make someone pay 12 bucks for parking and then reverting back to 5 [since apparently it got upped]

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  On 6/27/2011 at 9:02 PM, Kat Cyanide said:

Saturday was okay, honestly a bit boring for me aside from the nearly naked guy running around. I didn't feel up to dancing like I usually do, but for the most part it was okay.


You could, I don't recommend it but it might work: Start out (not just CC, anything) from the premise that its going to totally suck the worst things have ever in history sucked, then it can only go upward.

Myself i have a very hard time being bored, can put me in a room with just me, and I'd find something to do/think about / etc. Put me in a room with 100 people? Sheesh, more of an anxiety attack than anything close to boring.

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Had a fun night. Ran into Eevee during the night but I mostly either hung out on the dance floor or in the smoke room with my man and our group of friends. Was very pleased to hear "How Soon Is Now" by the Smiths. Kudos! Havent danced to that song in years!

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  On 6/28/2011 at 1:49 AM, FarrIL said:

Had a fun night. Ran into Eevee during the night but I mostly either hung out on the dance floor or in the smoke room with my man and our group of friends. Was very pleased to hear "How Soon Is Now" by the Smiths. Kudos! Havent danced to that song in years!

You where there, and I missed you?!?! :dry:

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  On 6/28/2011 at 1:49 AM, FarrIL said:

Had a fun night. Ran into Eevee during the night but I mostly either hung out on the dance floor or in the smoke room with my man and our group of friends. Was very pleased to hear "How Soon Is Now" by the Smiths. Kudos! Havent danced to that song in years!

  On 7/2/2011 at 1:02 AM, Tyger said:

You where there, and I missed you?!?! :dry:

Are you guys serious? you were both there? I'm feeling disturbance in the force....

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