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DGN couples

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I thought this was covered somewhere but a quick search didn't reveal it to me, so I'll ask it.

Just how many couples out there can credit DGN in any way for them being together?

I could be mistaken but if memory serves there is quite the number of them...

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I know I can give DGN some credit.

When I had more free time, I would send a welcome PM to every new member after they made their first post. It was my way to try and make new people feel more welcome and at home here. Through the course of time, I developed some DGN/Facebook friends with people.

Well, when working Dirty Show a couple of Dirtys ago I met some of the DGN/FB friends. One of which was ~Siren~. We hit it off very well that night, then got together the next weekend, then it all started to just fall into place.

Without recognition off of DGN, we would have just been random unknown people in a crowd. With recognition off of DGN though, I have a partner in crime.

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There are a ton, but many (read most) of them meet and then go poof from the place. In a similar way to just the natural attrition that all social spheres have (you lose a percentage of the group every day, so the only way for it to grow is to overcome that somehow) A super conservative estimate would be lets say 2 a year since the board started so that's 20. But the number is much higher I'm sure. Since several have moved hundreds (or even thousands) of miles to be together after having met either directly or indirectly due to DGN. And that's just the ones I know about, a lot of stuff happens "under the radar" so to speak. Even though they tend to just forget about DGN after the fact, this is one of the few things that makes me want to keep working to grow dgn even when I feel like its useless.

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There are a ton, but many (read most) of them meet and then go poof from the place.... Even though they tend to just forget about DGN after the fact,

TaysteeWonderBunny and I definitely would not have the happy marriage we do if it weren't for DGN. But, rather than vanish to Facebook and bitch about how much DGN sucks, we still love and respect this place and I even became a Benefactor to thank the community for bringing my wife and I together.

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TaysteeWonderBunny and I definitely would not have the happy marriage we do if it weren't for DGN. But, rather than vanish to Facebook and bitch about how much DGN sucks, we still love and respect this place and I even became a Benefactor to thank the community for bringing my wife and I together.

People bitch on Facebook about DGN because they're insecure. Any bitching on FB, and I myself have been guilty, signifies even a momentary lapse in self-image because you're bitching to a specific audience of people you choose that are going to praise you and slob your knob no matter what.

But DetroitGothic.Net...? Sure you can't be a five year old and say "SPOOK YOU'RE A FESTERING WARTED BONER!" or anything of that nature, but at least it's a bit more community oriented than FB. Both the savory types and the moderate assholes :grouphug:.

So consider yourself a badass for your preferences :laugh:.

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I don't really techincally credit DGN with introducing me to my fiance, or my ex for that matter, but I guess that's a matter opinion.

See many years ago I was working in Lansing and I had never even heard of DGN or City Club. A coworker of mine, who I was on good terms with, but who I never really hung out with outside of work, told me she was driving down to DEMF (this was when DEMF was still free and fun) and asked me if I'd like to come with her. I was bored and thought, sure, I'll check it out. I got to meet her boyfriend, who she had met at City Club, and some of their friends from the Detroit area, and I had a good time. I kind of developed a crush on one of her friends, so I asked if I could come to Detroit again with her. This time we went to City Club, and I met more people, and just kind of felt "at home" in the atmosphere.

So I started coming down more regularly. Nothing really happened with my crush, but another friend of my friends' developed a crush on me, and as our mutual friends found out about, because I had pretty much no clue because he was too shy to talk to me other than "hi" and "bye," they started trying to set us up. Through a series of misadventures reminiscent of Ross and Rachel on Friends (yeah, I know, I just dated myself) we finally ended up going out and becoming a couple. We broke up a year later, but remained friends.

One night, I really wanted to go to City Club, but I didn't want to go alone, so I asked my ex if I could tag along with him. Things were still a little tense between us, and, to relax, I drank waaaayyy too many tequila shots, so I was majorly drunk already when I got to the club, and then someone bought me another drink. Sparing you all the usual club drama that filled the first half of my night, I was walking away from the bar toward the dance floor, when a guy, who I had locked eyes with earlier in the night, and who I had thought was quite attractive approached me and, with a grin that was both mischievous and sheepish at the same time, said (I was wearing a rather low-cut corset top) "I like your tits!" Had I been sober, I probably would have either kept walking, or smacked him upside the head, but I wasn't sober, and I found that both hilarious and oddly adorable and burst out laughing and said "How original." He said "No, I like your face, too!" and I replied with "Oh, so you stopped staring at my tits long enough to notice my face, why thank you." We started talking and laughing and the rest, as the expression goes, was history.

What, you ask, does all of this have to do with DGN? Well, the friend/coworker from Lansing who I originally went to DEMF with, had met her boyfriend though people she knew from City Club. He had moved to the Detroit area and started going to City Club because of friends he had met through DGN. I joined DGN at a much later date, and at the time I met my now fiance, I think I had a total of 3 posts, no PMs, no comments, and no friends that I hadn't met through my friend, her boyfriend, or my ex. So while I can't say that DGN played an active role in me meeting Morbid, I guess one could argue that it was, minimally involved. Would I have met him without DGN existing? It's possible. My friend was still going to City Club before she met her boyfriend, and it's possible I might have gone with her at some point anyway. Morbid was going to City Club before he joined DGN, so we might still have met under different circumstances...

What I do credit DGN for: after my fiance (then boyfriend) left for California for a year and a half, I was really lonely and started going to City Club myself, and I started introducing/reintroducing myself to people who I recognized online from DGN. So I can say I probably would not have a lot of the friends I have made in the last 3 years if not for DGN.

Edited by TygerLili
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The Hellion got Nightgaunt on DGN, and then introduced he and I. I recognized Nightgaunt from his DGN posts, and with our in person meetings, was drawn to him like a magnet! We were together about a year, and then got married. He proposed to me at City Club with lots of friends involved, and it was the absolute perfect proposal for us. We've been together almost three years, and I haven't eaten him yet! I loves him!! :wub:

Nightgaunt and I had been going to CC for years individually before we met. I wasn’t always as social as I am now, so I highly doubt I would have met him otherwise.

Like City Club, lots of people talk poo-poo about DGN, but still go have fun in all the 6 layers of filth, or get on the site. We may not always like or enjoy the people on DGN, or at CC, but I personally could and would never say anything bad about the site. I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever known because of DGN’s existence. Yaaaayyyz!

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I stumbled across this site many moons ago and posted some poetry. The eternal became friends with Pomba Gira, and she told him about this site. After many months and many dramas, he took an interest in my poetry and PM'd me about it. We chatted back and forth via here, then went on to phone conversations, then we eventually met. I've never connected with someone as quickly as I connected with him. I was all nervous and giggly, which NEVER happened with me.

He domesticated me (I think I kinda like it :p), and here we are, many moons later, and things are still awesome!

I'm thankful that I met him, and I'm thankful for all of the great friends I've made through here.

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