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Our Piercings

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I miss my piercings. I want dermals in my hips right now pretty badly, howeverrr I'm a pussy so it's probably a horrible idea.

I had my navel, anti-navel, and an orbital in each ear.

navel rejected, anti I got annoyed of having and it started getting sore, and orbitals I forgot to put them back in for like a year.... or four.

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

3 in each earlobe. One a little higher in the cartilage of my right ear.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

Nipples. Had them done around 2007-2008. A couple weeks into healing, I started noticing an ugly, dark green discharge from my right nipple. I consulted my piercer and she'd never seen anything like it. Fearing infection, I removed the piercing and then couldn't get it back in. So I removed both of them. I went through a battery of specialists and tests, and the most they can figure is I have something going on with my ducts. It's not an infection and it's not cancer, but the ductoscopy they recommend isn't going to happen while I don't have insurance. But the piercings won't happen again.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

Probably not.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

I love the variety of ear piercings, and would love to have several in both ears. But at this point in my life, my style has changed and I'm not all that concerned with adding piercings. It's not out of the question, however.

I like the look of eyebrow piercings. However I am loathe to do anything that would leave a permanent, visible scar should I decide to not wear the piercing in the future.

I like septum piercings, but I've seen too many people end up with uneven, non-straight holes that make the jewelry hang crooked.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

My first ear piercing was just mundane. My 2nd was because in high school, I had long hair and wore a lot of long earrings, so I got the 2nd holes to wear studs. The third ones were because I was bored. The upper one in my right ear was the most "punk" I could bring myself to get in the early 90's. The nipples were because I am turned on by pierced nipples, and planned to work on some leather tops that would allow me to wear shields & caps so my jewelry was outside the clothes but you wouldn't actually see any flesh.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

See above re: nipple piercings.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I keep sterling endless hoops in the top two holes in my lobes at all times, as well as in the upper piercing in my right ear. I change out the bottommost to whatever suits the occasion.

I have an adorable Helix cuff I purchased off Ebay not realizing how tiny it would be, intending to wear it in my upper hole. It's too small to go around my ear. If I get any more piercings, I'll start with a helix in which I can wear that cuff.

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I no longer have my lip piercing...I was forced to wear a clear retainer stud at work and it caused lots of rubbing on my gums and made them recede :/ A lot of people just deal with it but it was irritating to have such a sensitive tooth.

I'm currently aiming for two nose piercings on the same side, as well as an industrial and a few more ear piercings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I no longer have my lip piercing...I was forced to wear a clear retainer stud at work and it caused lots of rubbing on my gums and made them recede :/ A lot of people just deal with it but it was irritating to have such a sensitive tooth.

I'm currently aiming for two nose piercings on the same side, as well as an industrial and a few more ear piercings.

The same workplace that required the retainer? Hopefully they don't have a problem with that (not sure why they would just thinking out loud.)

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(Promotional Plug! :tongue:)

I'm going to be staffed here all day:

Crazy Wolf 8 Mile Tattoo

And my lovely boyfriend, Raven, is our staffed piercer all day also! This month we've got two specials running, either call or come in (we're open until 6pm today), so we can puncture you and then you can flood this thread with the results :wink:.

We of course also have two expert inkers staffed today in case holes aren't your forte. Address and number below:

Crazy Wolf 8 Mile Tattoo

7635 E. 8 Mile Road

WARREN, MI 48089

("Warren" in bold for those who are reluctant to go into "Tha D", as folk 'round here say)

Phone digits: (586) 486-4689

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Oh, silly me. Who would've thought I didn't think that one through.

I'm not sure how I seem to rub you the wrong way virtually every time i say something, its not intentional, really its not. Maybe its just somehow I said something a long time ago that I don't really remember that was negative, and everything since then is sort of interpreted as negative. I don't mean it that way. I go out of my way to NOT rub people the wrong way.

I'm not sure how to phrase it differently since I didn't mean to cause any friction the first time. "I'm wondering why they had a problem with it in the first place, and why they wouldn't have a problem with a different sort of piercing." Not that you wouldn't have thought about it, i just mean that I didn't understand what their thinking was, not that your thinking was flawed or some other negative implication.

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I'm not sure how I seem to rub you the wrong way virtually every time i say something, its not intentional, really its not. Maybe its just somehow I said something a long time ago that I don't really remember that was negative, and everything since then is sort of interpreted as negative. I don't mean it that way. I go out of my way to NOT rub people the wrong way.

I'm not sure how to phrase it differently since I didn't mean to cause any friction the first time. "I'm wondering why they had a problem with it in the first place, and why they wouldn't have a problem with a different sort of piercing." Not that you wouldn't have thought about it, i just mean that I didn't understand what their thinking was, not that your thinking was flawed or some other negative implication.

Ahem, sorry for snapping. But you did say something to me a while back that has caused for a bit of constant annoyance.


It seems that more customers are able to handle noserings over liprings. Its not as shocking.

Also, if I have to wear a retainer it won't be a big deal...its not like it will rub away at my nose or some shit.

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Ahem, sorry for snapping. But you did say something to me a while back that has caused for a bit of constant annoyance.


It seems that more customers are able to handle noserings over liprings. Its not as shocking.

Also, if I have to wear a retainer it won't be a big deal...its not like it will rub away at my nose or some shit.

Yeah I remember, somehow , even before that I had the impression you were angry / annoyed / bored by me "bothering" you, (the whole 3 sentences a weekend lol) and I thought i'd go straight at it rather than just let it become a problem that might not be a problem, somehow that made it worse. Wasnt intentional. I go out of my way to avoid (most) friction, having had to manage upwards of 100 techs at various places, not coming off rude is usually something I'm good at, although no matter what you say/do someone is going to take it a negative way. Can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. With being sick all the time, the "frustration" of that happening, not with you, just people in general, tends to make me more sick, thus the downward trend of DGN. (Me avoiding social stuff that might stress me out more and make everything harder to deal with)

Yeah the piercings are still an issue for some people, even though its not piercings, up until like, this month Disney employees werent allowed to have beards and such, seems like i SHOULD be shocked , it being 2012 and all, but somehow I'm not.

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

4 in my ears, nostril piercing and tongue piercing.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

I have all of mine.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I'm not sure.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

I'm not sure.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

My ears were all done young. My daughters had their second set's by the time they were 8 years old. My nostril, a friend of mine and I woke up one day and said "We're going to do this." We did and I kept mine, she didn't. My tongue, I just did one day.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

My nose hurt BAD, I almost cried and had made my friend go first ... my tongue, I couldn't even feel. Phee was freaking out standing across the room (2005) and I was sitting there calm as could be. It really wasn't too swollen or sore afterwards either.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

Nothing special in my ears.

Usually studs in my nose and simple colour and pattern balls for the steel rods in my tongue.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got double industrials, one in each ear.i also just got a labret(not sure if I spelled that right). The industrials hurt.i love being pierced!

Unless you sleep on your back or stomach I don't know how you are dealing with those industrials while you sleep!

I recently got my septum done and my 5th helix done.

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My piercer told me one thing you can do when sleeping is get a hemorrhoid donut so your ear(s) wont rest on the pillow.

Not that I need it, but that sounds like a good idea.

Somehow I'm picturing a situation comedy where the patient mishears that and gets hemorrhoid cream for their ears.. although now that I think about it...

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